Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - 3
Ribbon Cutting Held for
Accessories and More
The Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra
Presents “Firebird”
The Savannah
Philharmonic Orchestra
presents an evening of the
most hauntingly beautiful
melodies music February 20,
2010 at 8:00 at the Cathedral
of St. John the Baptist.
Beginning with the
sprightly, flashy Russian &
Ludmilla Overture by Glinka
the concert gets off to a fly
ing start. The warm, dramat
ic melodies of Borodin’s
Polovtsian Dances & In the
Steppes of Central Asia will
bring the first half to an emo
tional conclusion.
Artistic Director &
Conductor, Peter Shannon,
describes the title piece,
Firebird Suite as “full of
decadence and drama but
with honest intensity, which
makes it a huge favorite with
the players themselves. It
will be a musical highlight of
2010. Guaranteed”.
Tickets for “Firebird” are
$35 General Admission or
$100 for limited Reserved
Seating. Call 912.525.5050
or order online at
m. For more information
about the Savannah
Philharmonic, visit us online
at www.thesavphilharmon-
The Savannah
Philharmonic Orchestra is a
professional per-service
symphony orchestra. The
Savannah Philharmonic
Chorus is a community -
based auditioned ensemble
that work regularly with the
orchestra in an oratorio and
opera setting, as well as per
forming a wide range of
music from acapella Baroque
to rock and pop standards.
Our purpose is to perform
and promote the appreciation
of music in the greater
Savannah community.
Our organization is sus
tained by ticket sales, mem
bers dues and the generosity
of our patrons & sponsors.
As a 501(c)3 all contribu
tions are tax-deductible and
we encourage community
members to support our
effort to bring the finest
music to Savannah.
All Copy Due Friday,
4 p.m.
Public Notice
CHATHAM COUNTY Because of tie (hull in tJu; payroeni
of ihe indebtedness, secured by a Sccunij Deed executed
t>> Anaisa Derwald to Meaningful Signs LLC. dated
[JeccmbcT 7, 201 in I lie amount of S337.477.fK), and
lucwifod in Devil Bonk 59J 124, < Chatham County, Georgia
Records; us nominee for Meaningful Signs LLC pursuant to
said deed and die noie thereby secured. Inis declared the
entire arooiihl nf said indebtedness due and payable and
pmMuml to the power oi sale contained in said deed, will On
(lie second Wednesday in March, 2010 , during the legal
hours of sale, ;ti lire Courthouse dixir in Chatham County,
sell at public outcry lo the liighest bidder lor cash, ihc
property described in said deed |n-wfi: Ml tluii certain lot,
tract or pared ot laud silUjiC, lying and luring in Comity of
Chatham, Stale of Georgia, and Being known as Lot 1231,
Sont!ibridge ,u Berwick Plantation, Phase Jl-U as shown
and designated on s Map prepared lor Siuiihbridgc I Devel
opment liy rhomas mid I in Mini Fuginceting (\> r (bid V
Carpenter. K1 ,S 72979. dated June 24. 20U5. Iieing known
;ls a Sninth Irina Plat cf-Soulhbndge at Berwick Plantation,
Phase 11 B, Lots 1191 !27t, containing portions of Tracts
]■ 2B and li portion ol Iraei h t (shown :is i-ulurt Develop
meM #3 on Phase ! A) of the C and S Duct known as
Berwick Plantation, 7th (I.M1L rucinxkd in Suhdivirinti
Map 33-S. Pages 9 a. B. C.. D mid | : „ Chatham County,
Georgia reeoids Reference: is hereby made to said Stilxiivi
sion Map Book for better sk tern lining the Metes. Bounds
anil Dimensions oil (he properly herein conveyed. Which
has lire properly address of !2 Uluegrass I ane. Savannah,
Georgia , Mgclher with ..II fixtures Lind other personal
property conveyed hy saitl deed. 11 le sale will he held
subject to any unpaid laves. iLSsessmeois. iighis-ol-way,
eti semen Is, protective eoventmls or res Iricl ions, liens, and
other superior matters nl record which may a fleet said
property 7 - I be sale will le eunducted subject (l) to ennfir-
tttHlioD dial llic sale is not prohibited under the L r ,S Biiuk-
ruptcy C Title and (2) to final confirmation and and it of the
Slants of the loan with [lie bolder of the security deed.
Notice has been given oi intention to collect attorneys' fees
In .tceordrinee with I he renm of the Hole secured hy said
deed Niiirl proiierty will l>e sold us Lite property of Anaisa
Gerwnld und [he ptfbCccds of said sale will !m.‘ applied to ihe
payment ol stud indebtedness, the expense of said sale, all
as pros ided ill said diced, and die undersigned will execute
a deed to ihe purchaser as provided in the aforementioned
Security Deed, Meaningful Signs LLC (843X47-11111
City leaders
The Savannah
Development and Renewal
Authority (SDRA) hosted a
ribbon cutting ceremony for
Accessories & More on
Wednesday, January 27,
2010, 3:00 p.m. at 1216
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mayor Pro-Tem Edna
Jackson, 1st District
Alderman Van Johnson, and
Alderman Jeff Felser, joined
officials from SDRA, the
MLK-Montgomery Business
Association and the
Savannah Entrepreneurial
Center to welcome proprietor
Ms. Michelle Perkins.
Accessories & More
provides department store
quality without department
store prices: this includes
specialized cell phones, hair
care products, gift items,
clothing and accessories for
men and women.
Ms. Perkins has always
wanted to open a business in
an area that was family-based
and community oriented. Her
vision is to connect the busi-
and proprietors participate in ribbon cutting
ness community with local
residents in effort to build an
economically strong commu
nity and to provide customers
with high quality items, rea
sonable prices, and pleasant
customer service.
Accessories & More is
here to serve the community
of Savannah with great pric
ing and a friendly atmos
phere. The hours of operation
are Monday - Thursday
10:00am - 7:00pm, and
Friday - Saturday 10:00am -
Accessories & More
represents a growing number
of new businesses that have
ributed to the revitaliza
tion of this important corri
dor. Since 2000, the corridor
Redevelopment and
Revitalization Areas have
experienced a gain of almost
184 net new businesses creat
ing over 867 net new jobs and
private investment of more
than $347 million in acquisi
tions and improvements.
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