Newspaper Page Text
4 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Having Cereal For Breakfast?
Actually I like cereal as a
snack, also. Any time of the
day. Especially if I had some
thing else for breakfast.
Nothing could be quicker
or easier. Even on the go, pour
some cereal into a plastic bag
gie, or better a wide mouth jar
with a top, take rice milk or
almond milk in a travel pack
and you’re off.
The trouble is finding a cereal
that is actually healthy. The
number of boxes on the shelves
is mind boggling. And, no mat
ter how many times I say ‘read
the labels’ I will encounter a
client who says “ It said it’s
good for the heart”. Marketing
is marketing and not necessari
ly fact. Read the labels, there is
no getting around it.
If you have diabetes,
heart disease, any chronic dis
ease, or you want to make good
Carolyn Guilford, CNC
choices to prevent health prob
lems, you want to find a cereal
that is good for you. The easi
est way is to shop in the
‘healthy’ isles, of the grocery
store. But even there you have
to read the labels.
The healthiest breakfast is
one of a whole grain cereal,
with Suit and a vegetable, or
vegetable juice. (The carrot
juice is good. ) If you are want
ing to control weight, choles
terol or diabetes, or want a lot
of energy, a hot cooked cereal
of whole grains, such as brown
rice, wheat berries, oatmeal, or
barley, cooked as you would
Flavor it with dried fruit
or raisins, adding your favorite
flavors such as cinnamon or
ginger and some walnuts or
pecans. Personally, I like the
cold cereals. But which ever
you choose, please read the
ingredients label.
You want to look for
100% whole grains, such as
wheat, quinoa, millet or ama
ranth. If you like oatmeal, look
for steel cut it makes a wonder
ful cooked meal, even for folk
who don’t like oatmeal. Look
for Ezekiel bread and cereal,
really good.
Lower your intake of
sugar, and cut out the artificial
sweeteners altogether.
Sucralose is another name for
Having a great breakfast
everyday will get you ready for
great living. You’ll feel good,
look good and have the energy
to do great things.
You’ll feel like exercis
ing, and exercising will make
you want to drink more water,
and then you’ll sleep better
than a baby. And you’re on
your way. Read the Labels.
Start with this small change.
For More Information
about creating a healthy
lifestyle, call or write:
Health Restoration 101 P.O.
Box 2814, Savannah, GA
31402 (912) 236-8987.
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Attention M/WBE firms. Construction
Contractors, and Local Small Businesses
Join us for an informational session luyarttinj! contract
iug opportunities for local minority and female owned
businesses (M/WBL), s]secia!ty euntraetors lor all build
ing trades, and local small businesses with I he
Chatham County
Detention^Correctional Center Expansion Project
Wednesday, February 17,2010
('{tastal Georgia Center
30A Knhni Slrecl
Savannah. GA 31401
S:U0|>m 8:00pm
RS VP to; sootheaii.reginn#-darkcoitsmciion.dgrii
11 os ted by: Clark Construction Group and
lbe I'oioic Corporation
Are You Looking for A Career In
Join AWWIN Inc and THA
Group Friday, February 19 at
5:30PM at the Savannah
Center in the Ballroom on
the third floor. AWWIN, Inc
is a 501(c)(3), publicly sup
ported organzation designed
to assist single working
women and their children.
AWWIN’s primary career
development services
include: occupational train
ing, job-readiness, job reten
tion and life-skills training
and asset management.
These career development
services are enhanced by
monetary support for living
necessities such as assistance
with utility bills and child
care. AWWIN has assisted
well over 450 families.
AWWIN will host their first
annual AWWIN Healthcare
Career Expo. There will be a
networking mixer from
5:30PM until 6:00PM to
make sure you are comfort
able before entering the
The Expo is designed to help
you explore career options in
healthcare. “ I believe
AWWIN is a tool to assist
our community in finding the
right career paths along with
providing the right roads of
travel, that is why we have
designed this Expo.” said
Sarahlyn U. Argrow-
Founder of AWWIN.
As you may or may not
know there is a shortage of
health care workers, from
doctors, nurses, nursing
assistants, therapists, therapy
assistants and many more.
The need is expected to rise
as baby boomers age and
seek more health services.
There will be a roundtable
discussion to answer ques
tions about the healthcare
industry and how you can get
a start in this industry or
what steps it takes to move
up in the industry.
Some of the Sponsors of this
event and some of the
Companies that will be rep
resented at the Expo THA
Group (Island Healthcare,
Island Hospice, etc) Georgia
Regional, Savannah Jobs,
Dominion Healthcare
Solutions, Ardyss
International, Magnolia
Coastland Area Health
Education Center.
Groups of five or more are
asked to call for reservations.
This event is FREE and
opened to the public.
Men are welcomed to attend
the Expo also. Parents if your
child or children are looking
to enter
healthcare AWWIN encour
ages you to attend the expo
with your child or children.
Make sure you mark your
calendars for Friday,
February 19, 5:30pm.
For information please call
Unmask The Violence
Unmaskerade, a bene
fit for the Rape Crisis
Center Saturday, February
27,2010,6:30 p.m. to 10:30
p.m. at the Savannah
International Convention
and Trade Center Tickets
are $75 per person or $500
per table for 8 Cost covers
the heavy hors d’oeuvres
and more!
Entertainment will be
provided by Ben Tucker
Jazz Trio.
Silent Auction and live auc
tion with host Mark
Robertson of 98.7 The
River Saturn of Savannah
has donated a 1985
Mercedes 230
to be raffled off and tickets
are only $5 each!!
You can choose the car or
$1500 in cash!
Call the Rape Crisis
Center for tickets for both
the gala and the car raffle at
233-3000 or visit us online
tinue the Legacy
Georgia Power celebrates the legacy of a man '.vhdse belief in our inherent goodness anrf vision ol a better tomorrow ga:e os all someth;ng to hops (Of May
Ihe power of his words and ideas continue to inspire future generations We re on so you tan be J
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