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6 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 17, 2010
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BLMBURK ft fURIll 4412} 232-213*
244) Hi SI MWKfllS ST. Rwnarilattlitiri s Ml.rum
tffc Armstrong Atlantic State University
Armstrong Atlantic State University is accepting
applications for the following position(s)
Vice President for Advancement
Assistant Director of Residence Life
for First Year Experience
Accountant III
Please visit our website at
for more information.
AA/EOE. No phone calls please.
WTOC Studio/ Computer Engineer
Candidate should possess strong computer skills for news
oriented systems, Bit Central, ENPS, and editing systems.
Proficiency in LAN networks and the ability to troubleshoot
systems in a 200+ PC environment. Provide support to TV
station personnel in computer and software issues. Audio
and Video skills to be used in studio repair and outside
broadcast remote engineering and DSNG operation for
sports venues. Also fill in for master control when needed.
Send cover letter and resume to; Neil Pedersen, Chief
Engineer, WTOC-TV, 11 The News Place, Savannah, GA
31405 or e-mail: or fax to 334-223-
1859. Final candidates will be asked to submit to a drug
screen. No phone calls please. WTOC-TV is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and encourages qualified women and
minorities to apply.
1805 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Savannah, Georgia 31401
Ph. (912) 233-6128 Fax (912) 233-6140
Published By
Savannah Tribune, Inc.
Tanya Y. Milton
Vice President/Advertising Director
Marius L. Davis
Managing Editor
sharon@ savannahtribune .com
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Graphic Designer
A. Camille James Rachelle J. Gregory
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Zyon D. Smiley Frederick D.Gregory
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Walter Moore
Sports Writer
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Fridays 4pm
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Wanisd Pe*o!a lo lcs-: Wei-ghl
Ard Mata U-vay jijirm
A FREE feMle Of
ha rteigtu Loss Miracle
ivttryo'ie<s isuing A&oul
Yfw-w vrnrs^l li EsmagiGdief!’ coir
Marilyn Shapprd
Room of Faith
You are cordially invited to
attend the family and friends
celebration at Room of Faith
Church of Deliverance on
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at
6:30 p.m. The Bishop Milton
Benjamin, Pastor of Shield of
Faith Deliverance, will be in
charge of the service. Room
of Faith Church of
Deliverance is located at
1910 West Bay Street. Elder
Lee Terry Miller, Sr., is the
host Pastor and Evangelist
Marsha Miller is co-pastor.
You are invited to attend a
management seminar spon
sored by the 2010SP1 MGT
301 students of St. Leo
University. Thursday, March
4, 2010 from: 12-2 p.m.
Location: The First City Club
$15 A reservation is required.
Please RSVP by the COB on
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Sol. C.
Johnson High
School Foreign
is having its annual Culture
Festival on February 19,
2010 at 6:30 pm. The year’s
festival promises to emphasis
Asian and Latin American
food, dancing, and clothing.
All activities will be held in
the Johnson High cafeteria.
For more information, please
contact Mrs. Yun-Ching Lin
at (912) 303-6400, extension
Armstrong Atlantic
University’s (AASU) Office
of Multicultural Affairs is
hosting the following event in
observance of African-
American History Month.
February 18, Ashmore Hall
Auditorium, 7 p.m. Dr. Carl
Cunningham discusses film
maker Margaret Brown's
Order of Myths. For more
information, visit www.arm-
IliC 'Snvanniih Airport LonUOltSkn is Seeking letters of
iniercsi and quatiHeatioAs front Tunis hiicnisutd in ™n-
dticlinj- :t property appmlstil of certain parcels nr limJ
located on die Savannah.''Hilton Mead Ijhemotional
Airport Sava min h Georgia All Appraisers tin is I lime
MAI Designation Leiiers of lineKsl should be submit
ted Tin later than of hustuess (5 ml PM Lit. 1 cm
Friday, rebrutiry 26 2<i|fi Send letters lo:
Mr. Patrick S. Graham
Fjctulivc Director
5avahii[kh AirpurL UOmiirik>n
A fl(l Airways Avc.
Savannah. Georgia 3t4fliS-SOGO
Scaled bids/pnJpcsaN will be received by |he Board pi'
Education for the City of Savannah and County of
Chatham ai The Purchasing Dtpartmcni.
208 Bull Street, Room 2 J 3.
Savannah. Georgia 311.
Portable Classroom Skirling (Annual Contract)
Non Mandatory Pro hid Cntiferente to be held
on February 23, 2CMG fri- 1 9 AM tit Thunderbolt
Flemenliiry School, 3314 Louis Si.. Savannah,
Georgia JM04
Closing Date: 03/04/2010 <4? 2 PM
l()-7i Re-Roofing Twof2) Portable Qassroom Omits
Non Mandatory Pre-bid Conference in bo held
On February 23. 2010 tfv 10 AM at Thunderbolt
Elementary School, 3314 Louis St., Savannah
Georgia 31404
Closing Date: 03/04/2010 @ 3 PM
If)-StI Used textbooks
Closing Date: 03/f 1/2010 «v 11 AM
EB ^Emergency Bid***
10-08 Tl 83 Graphing Calculators
Closing- Date: 02/23/201(1 «t> 2 PM
RFP M u l(i mod in Cl assnoom Prcsesi cation System
lh-78 Mandatory I he-hid Conference to Ik- held on
Fefaftinry 24.2010 @ 10 AM at Savannah Arts
Academy, Room 121, Located :u 500 Washing
ton Avemit'. Savannah Georgia 3 J 405
Closing DateiOJ/JA201 Ort 2PM
10-84 Tl 84 Plus Silver Edition LZ Spol Graphing
Closing Date: 03/022010 @ fl AM
At the time and place noted above. bids si ill he publicly
ripened. No extension of the bidding period will he
qiwk unless indicated by written addendum. The
Board reservei ihe right reject any and all bids and to
waive any irregularities or technicalities in proposals
received whenever swell rejection or waiver is m the
best Interest of the Board, The Board has the righl to
disqualify a hid of any bidder deemed nOta-rcsponsive
to the Board. Hie Savannah-Chatham County Board ctl
Public Education does utrt discriminate in educational
programs, neliiities; or employment on the his is of
race, color, national origin, sex or disability Bidding
driesttnenis may lie. obtained from the Purchasing De
panment, 2(18 Bull Sneer, Room 213, Savannah, Geor
gia 31401 nr they may be downloaded from the
District’s web site,
Blood Pressure
St. Joseph's/Candler African-
American Health
Information and Resource
Center, located at 1910
Abercom St., will conduct
free blood pressure screen
ings every Monday through
Thursday from 8:30 AM to
7:00 PM, and every Friday
from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.
Call 447-6605 for informa
Golden Age Program
Seeks Seniors
All seniors are encouraged to
participate in the Golden Age
Program at the beautiful
Tatemville Lake and
Community Center,
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. at 333 Coleman St.
Enjoy good fellowship, hot
meals daily, crafts, shopping
trips, computer class garden
ing & more. For more info
call 691-6289.
Kidney Support
Piedmont now provides an
educational and support
group for pre & post kidney
transplant patients in the
Savannah area.The group
will meet every 2nd Tuesday
of each month. 5:00 p.m. at
Memorial University
Hospital Georgia Ear
Building 2nd Floor 4700
Waters Ave. Savannah, GA
31404.The group sessions
will feature: Information on
different Transplant topics,
speakers, video & audio
material random door prizes,
light refreshments. Please
feel free to bring a friend or
family member with you.
Southeast Family
History Expo
The Ralph Mark Gilbert
Civil Rights Museum is join
ing with The Heritage
Library Foundation of HHI,
The Savannah Georgia Stake
of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints,
Savannah Area Genealogical
Association, and the Live
Oak Public Libraries to pres
ent a valuable public pro
gram at The Armstrong
Center 13040 Abercom
Street. This event will be
held Saturday, February 20,
2010 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. We look forward to see
ing you there!
Yoga for Cancer
Patients and
12:10 p.m., Thursdays,
February 18 and 25, at
FitnessOne, 3rd floor of the
Center for Advanced
Medicine on the campus of
Memorial University
Medical Center
This yoga class is free for
people with cancer and can
cer survivors. For more
information, call (912) 350-
Volunteers Needed
Become a volunteer with
First Steps and provide sup
port, education, and commu
nity resources to help parents
of newborns establish healthy
and positive relationships
with their babies. For more
information, call 819-6910.
Health Information
& Resource Center
will present, "Movie Night
for Women” on February 25
from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at the
Center, 1910 Abercom Street.
The movie will start at 5 PM
and end at 7 PM, followed by
a brief thirty-minute discus
sion. Refreshments are pro
vided. For more information,
call 447-6605
Every Step Counts
Survivors Walk
9 a.m., Saturday, February 27
Every Step Counts enthusias
tically invites all cancer
patients, survivors, and care
givers to join us for our
monthly walk. The walk is
free and open to all cancer
survivors and their loved
ones. For more information
about this month's walk and
to register, please call DeDe
Cargill at (912) 398-6554.
One of the many challenges
facing nonprofit leaders
today is translating financial
information into an effective
decision making process.
This course is designed for
leaders who are responsible
for decision-making and who
are seeking to understand the
fundamentals of financial
management. This workshop
will be held Thursday,
February 18 from 12:00pm to
3:00pm at the United Way
Building, 428 Bull Street,
Savannah. Advance registra
tion is required and atten
dance fees apply. For more
information, contact the
Georgia Center for
Nonprofits at (912) 234-
Wednesday Series 6:30 p.m.
- 8.30 p.m., Wednesdays,
February, 17, and 24,
Women's Health Institute
Conference Room located in
the Center for Advanced
Medicine at Memorial
University Medical Center
This course gives an
overview of reproductive
anatomy and physiology and
explains the process of labor
and delivery in simple, easy-
to-understand terms. This
four week course includes a
tour of the labor and delivery
unit. This class is popular, so
please register early. The cost
is $75 per couple. For more
information, call (912) 350-
BORN (2676)