The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, February 24, 2010, Image 2
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 24, 2010 SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY NEWS Hungry Club Forum to Explore Local Training Opportunities for Jobs Shevon Carr On Saturday March 6, 2010, at 9:30 AM, in the Multipurpose Annex of the West Broad Street YMCA, located at 1110 May Street. The Hungry Club Forum of Savannah, Inc. (HCFS), will delve into an issue of great concern in the local community and the nation. As the economy rebounds, “What Can Adults and Youths Do to Position Themselves for the Traditional and New Jobs that Will Become Available?” To present and facilitate this roundtable exploration, HCFS has tapped the expert ise one of its own members Shevon Carr, M.B.A., owner of SheCarr Professional Services. Economic experts continue to assert that the economy is slowly moving on the upswing, but that employment and jobs growth is moving at a slower pace. Studies show that many unemployed and underem ployed people are taking advantage of the unique opportunities out there to upgrade and advance their knowledge and training for the jobs that are projected to be available once the econo my rebounds. Through Stimulus funding and other workforce development initiatives, there continues to be opportunities for education, training and retraining for those willing to invest the effort to avail themselves of these opportu nities. Over the last thirty years, Carr, a past member of the Board of Directors of the Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA) and a 1992 graduate of Leadership Savannah, has served in numerous financial, administrative and teaching positions in the administra tions of Savannah State University and Savannah Technical College. She recently retired as Vice President of Student Services at Savannah Tech. The HCFS first- Saturday breakfast forums are open to the general pub lic. For more information, please contact Julia Wright at 233-0855 or Diana Harvey Johnson at 927- 8425. ^Yedififlg Announcement Mr Ji Mr' Wrimt’iiF- MHviii.ll, Jr. announces the iiulliiulv ul I heir daughter Diana Niccfc Mitchell uj tameim Ikmla Simmon* f ebruary fi, 2t.l|[i 1'he ucridut? Wit | vp tin lin'd kit I he llllbriissy Suite ih ('ullage ftirk, Gvornin with die rexpikm following tilt ceremony The wedJniy Was officiated by Rns flit fur; Vinyl in Eaton of Ehg HetliEil \ ME Church. GA- VianaMicok Mitcfielf fintf Dameon Vcntt Simmom llialin t-k the granddsughter of Mr* Jesuit k|n*' Milelie 11 ;nW the late Mr Warmi Milchcll. Sr. of kin? Hand, GA. Also the lute Mr benjamin Ih-rneie und Mix. Muygit' I illicit ill Savannah, GY Datlloufl it Lbv -wr|i of Mr & Mrc i 'nrfit Kenlon «r liainbridie.GA He is die grunt!sort of Mr Lucille Kniton of llfti nlm (IgiC, fi,\ It KU a fleatiliful and icvepLiorl enjoytJ ht'illof the (j nests, t he wedding part) traveled finm various |ntils of the country tn attend The enlnr scheme 1V:k Very Ic-rt c!> and col orf ill consisti 11y of chocolate, i vary and tangerine, 'llna lards saiiipte will |in- in College Park, GA ffar in YanKeas Ciir.lmn Humsp.LUI Small Business Assistance Corporation 111 L. Liberty Street Suite ION Savannah, GA 31401 912-232 4700 WAYW.shncsin .coni 24022 & 24110 Whyte Hardeefi lira 29927 843-704 5006 l h i! I In- hit V 1 turn Pnij;rani Mill \Uu1ic ( ullinililliLt listnh lor- the putehuu 1 of hind .tnd renmjlhi]! of building, m l nil ..11U -111 - !l 5 litre BU ■etunneat il triuatiftii "Fijjiil 1 J rih»a Mr, Adriniii Call us with CoiifiGcn 510 Stephenson Avenue - Savannah, Georgia 31405 Office: ■ 54f626( Fax: ri.2)854-§261 Family Owned & Operated Mr M Bruce AdftfflM f JtvnGT/Mort.iitian Mr. Amu i "'IVi pie A" Ada ms, O^ner/ftpprenfit. Mr. Alfred Mullicc, (icnornl Miirafger Mrs: Laura Sm^Ittl.oii. Office Manager Best Honored for Leadership to Consumer Credit Counseling Service Incoming board chair Judson Hendry presents outgoing chair Sandra McCord Best with a plaque in recognition of her serv ice as John Willis, CCCS President looks on. Dr. Sandra McCord Best recently was honored for her leadership and guid ance of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Savannah Area. On January 27th, Judson Hendry, the incom ing board chairman and vice president of Operations at Hospice Savannah, present ed Dr. Best with a plaque honoring her service as board chair and her commit ment to community needs. Dr. Best, Director of Human Resources at Savannah State University, served as chair for a two year period, with her term ending December, 2009. Under her direc tion and that of Consumer Credit Counseling president, John Wills, the counsel ing service provided important services, such as foreclosure preven tion counseling, and financial education to the community. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Savannah Area is an accredited nonprofit budget, credit and hous ing counseling agency and a member of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Its mission is to provide professional and confidential counseling, debt management, hous ing counseling and con sumer credit education to the community. tritKct dt Culim^CLtrifL dt itj Hi Jet M-th ANNUAL ton Head Island Gillian Celebration ^ruartj jjjst - 23th, 2010 * SiputHj Carolina Friday FeCruary 26 SuutayFiiOruaty 2B Gospel Extravaganza Marsh Tacky Run "!• !,» Donation IV ViMjdl & FerFomimq Ait j Center Milton Head High School 70 WHbocn Road. Featuring: World Renowned LeeWiPlianva & th* Spiritual QCs In an encore engagement pie sen ling an evening of pop u I j r and traditional gospel music. Coiigny Beach Park, l North Forest fleach Drive The event showcases the Marsh Tacky Horses, which played an integral part of the survival of the Gullah people on Hilton Head Island,They were I he workhorses and were used lot pfowrng and tullivdtTng the field*, transportation and Spurts. At Christmas time, the Gullah men would have a horse race to jatafrfay Fe&rttaty 17 The Guitah Celebration in Sea Pines Resort 7pm. $-1-0, Plantation Club A variety show celebrating the GuHah Culture. Show wHl include music,drama,and FamFly style determine who had bragging rights for enl errai nment; hosted and produced by local ttlc bar ss on t he Is Ian ± It is with th is entertainer La von Stevens. Traditional OuHah spirit, that we have reinstated the Marsh Food and artwork wtl I tu> available tnr purchase Tacky Hun and E* hi hi iron F vent Fun for the whole family Sponsored by -*■ (d Ti «W| “ -b6t ■ LLJ ' I I J ^3«r*KryjH IH si JL- www, A Niitve ftland .Binine&iAnd CommuMy Affair* Asuxiatiaa tat. Evem ■ CkjlldhtjtebfAtrtwi HoUifi^S77i650-D676