Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 3
Exchange Club Recognizes Savannah-
Chatham Metropolitan Police
Pictured left to right: George Gundich, Joey Warenzak, Diane Ernst, Interim Chief
Willie Lovett, and Terrance Jackson.
Chatham County Awarded $156,880 in
Federal Funds under the Emergency
Food and Shelter Programs
The Exchange Club of
Savannah took some time
this afternoon to recognize
some officers and civilians
of the Savannah-Chatham
Metro Police Department
(SCMPD) for their hard
The exchange club is a
group of involved men and
women who recognize their
civic responsibilities and
join together in thought and
action to serve their com
They wanted to recog
nize the Police Department
and what they do to serve
the public!
The recipients
received a plaque and a
“bonus” from the Exchange
club, every year for as long
as anyone can remember
the Exchange Club has
awarded deserving officers
and civilians.
This year’s awards
include: Terrance Jackson-
Officer of the Year; Joey
Warenzak-Investigator of
the Year; George Gundich-
Supervisor of the Year;
Diane Ernst-Civilian of the
Chatham County has
been awarded $156,880 in fed
eral funds under the
Emergency Food and Shelter
National Board Program. The
funds, which will be used to
supplement emergency food
and shelter programs in this
area, will be distributed in
2010 (Phase 28) to the qualify
ing organizations selected by
the Local Board. United Way
of the Coastal Empire serves as
the administrator of the Local
The selection was made
by a National Board made up
of affiliates of national volun
tary organizations chaired by
the Federal Emergency
Management Agency
(FEMA). The Board was
charged to distribute funds
appropriated by Congress to
help expand the capacity of
food and shelter programs in
high-need areas around the
Under the terms of the
National Board, local govern
mental or private voluntary
organizations chosen to
receive funds must: (1) be non
profit, (2) have an accounting
system and conduct an annual
audit, (3) practice nondiscrimi
nation, (4) have demonstrated
the capability to deliver emer
gency food and/or shelter pro
grams, and (5) if they are a pri
vate voluntary organization,
they must have a voluntary
A local board made up of
representatives from local
emergency services agencies,
United Way of the Coastal
Empire, City and County gov
ernments, Catholic Charities,
American Red Cross, Jewish
Federation, the Salvation
Army, other organizations and
community volunteers will
determine how the funds are to
be distributed among emer
gency food and shelter pro
grams run by local service
The Local Board is
responsible for recommending
agencies to receive these funds
and any additional funds avail
able under this phase of the
Qualifying organizations
are urged to apply. Application
for funding deadline is Friday,
March 12, 2010 by 5 p.m. For
further information, please
contact Richard Edwards at the
United Way office at
912.651.7727 or
The Local Emergency
Food and Shelter Board for
Chatham County distributed
$165,157 in 2009 with 17 area
non-profit organizations par
ticipating. Also in 2009,
Chatham County received
$80,243 in Stimulus Funds
under the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of2009.
These funds were also
distributed to local non-profit
organizations selected by the
Local Board.
These organizations were
responsible for providing:
nights of shelter, meals, emer
gency utility assistance and
bills paid for rent/mortgages.
BRAVO Music Company Camp 2010
Tiny Tots Consignment Sale set for
March 5 & 6.
The Tiny Tots
Consignment Sale will be
held Friday and Saturday,
March 5 & 6 from 9 a.m. to 6
p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to
noon on Saturday at St.
Michael's Episcopal Church
on the comer of Washington
and Waters Avenues across
from Daffin Park.
There is no admission,
and the sale is open to the
public. A portion of pro
ceeds benefits the Savannah
Children's Choir.
Shoppers will find very
gently used trunk-show and
designer name brand boys
and girls clothing in sizes 0-
8, as well as shoes, equip
ment and toys, all at consign
ment store prices.
For more information,
go to
ClirmDphcr M.D^FACC
iPtuii-i. 'Join TA ' Wtlcombuj
Dr. Christopher Leggett
East Gfjj,i:i Li. m'm.■ I Ml'iIh ,i| (jmLnrli proud Ui
annuiind* that E)r. CfliLHlDphur Ltnjggtt has. loimrd
our mudbr jl stull. Dr. L«!£j;clt fEttfyed hiy lsii/dn ,i|
degree from ihc Cj-v Western Reserve sdnioL ul
MC'dldflt Id CJevtOUidl, Oil. He completed Ills
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The Annual
Fundraising Luncheon for
the twelfth summer music
camp will be at the Marriott
Savannah Riverfront,
Saturday, March 27, 2010,
100 General McIntosh
Boulevard, at 12 noon.
To purchase a table, the
cost is $400. To purchase a
ticket, the cost is $40. Please
call Rose M. Smith, Music
Director, 912-236-6681 or
Johnye Gillans, 912-236-
1934 for tickets. The music
camp will be held July 6-16,
2010 at DeRenne Middle
School, 1009 Clinch Street,
Savannah, GA. Visit the
website: www.bravomusic-
Your generous donation
will assist in providing not
only the means for a success-
fill camp but also financial
assistance to students who
have demonstrated an inter
est in music but lack the
funds to attend. BRAVO
Music Company is a 501 (c)
(3 ), non- profit organization.
Please secure tickets by
March 15, 2010.
The Savannah Children’s Choir presents their 2010
Artist-in-Reside nee, jazz vocalist & bassist Esperanza Spalding
In Concert
Tuesday, March 9
7:00 p.m.
Lucas Theatre
Tickets $5-575, available at SCAD Box Office
SCAD Box Office: (912) 525-5050
Co or call (912) 22^-4756 for more information.