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10-The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011
H.V. Jenkins Students Serve
Teachers Lunch
Students serve teachers during a Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at
H.V. Jenkins High School
By Malissa Smith,
Tribune Intern, Jenkins
High School
On Friday February 11,
2011 Herschel V. Jenkins
High School students par
ticipated in a Teacher
Appreciation Day. The
event allowed students the
opportunity to show their
teachers how much they are
The teachers lined up
in the school’s auditorium
while the students served up
their lunch. The lunch con
sisted of their choice of
baked or fried chicken,
green beans or corn, maca
roni and cheese, salad, cake,
and lemonade to drink.
H V Jenkins senior,
Brianna Quarterman stated,
“I felt really good giving
back to my teachers because
they have done so much for
I appreciate all of my
teachers for trying to edu
cate me everyday, preparing
me for my future. This was
just my way of telling them
thank you for all that they
have done for me.” The fac
ulty and staff really enjoyed
themselves as they ate,
laughed, and talk with one
They were really
impressed that the students
had done this for them. Mrs.
Linda Graham, Work-Based
Learning/Computer teacher
said, “I would have to say
this was a very successful
event. Last year was the
first time that the students
gathered together to present
the luncheon to the faculty.
I am so happy that more stu
dents participated this year
than last year. This was just
what the teachers needed,
time to sit down and actual
ly enjoy a great lunch. I
look forward to seeing even
more students next year.”
The Jenkins students
agree that this would be
something that they will
like to be involved with
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Johnson High School Students
Celebrate the Chinese New Year
Photos & Story by Zyon D.
Staff Writer
Johnson High School
International Baccalaureate
(IB) students held their 2nd
Annual Chinese New Year
celebration on Saturday,
February 5, 2011 in the
school auditorium.
Mrs. Lin, who is an IB
Foreign Language Teacher at
Johnson High, began putting
on this celebration with her
IB Chinese classes last school
year. This hour long program
featured Chinese songs,
dance, piano playing, and
spoken poetry.
Mrs. Lin spoke highly
of the way her students per
formed. She was very happy
for the way they got involved.
“I’m very, very proud of
them,” Lin said. “They are so
organized, very helpful, and
very motivated.”
Students in Mrs.Yun-
Ching Lin’s IB Chinese class
were key organizers of this
year’s celebration.
Her students performed
a Chinese Kung Fu Dance
called Kung Fu Fan and an
aerobic dance to the popular
animated movie Kung Fu
Panda. In addition, the
Johnson IB students sang two
popular, contemporary songs
from China in Chinese.
“I enjoyed participating
in it, because it was an enrich
ing experience,” said Felicia
Singleton, a senior IB student
in Mrs. Lin’s IB Chinese
Another student’s
comments echoed the senti
ments of her fellow classmate
when reflecting back on this
year’s celebration.
“I think it was very, very
exhilarating,” said Meagan
Dyer, who is also a Senior IB
Other students from
local schools joined with
Johnson High students to cel
ebrate on this festive occa
Students from Savannah
Country Day School, Calvary
Day School, Coastal Middle
School, and Savannah
College of Art & Design
(SCAD) participated.
Members from the local
Savannah Chinese
Community and students
from the Chinese School of
Savannah also performed at
this event.
Adding a little some
thing different to this years
celebration, two traditional
Panamanian dances were per
formed by Mr. Casar Pitty
and Mrs. Yolanda Cook, who
is also a teacher at Johnson
High School and originally
from Panama.
In addition, the
American popular song
Terrified was performed by
Savannah Country Day
School’s own Chloe Dunston
and Michael Stein. Dunston
performed lead vocals, while
Stein sung backup vocals and
played the acoustic guitar.
The animal sign theme of this
year’s Chinese New Year is
the year of the rabbit.
NCNW Harambee Breakfast
Set for February 26th
The theme for this
year’s Harambee Breakfast,
sponsored by the Savannah
Section of the National
Council of Negro Women
(NCNW), is “Women United
- Activate the Legacy.” The
speaker for this event,
Attorney Bess L. Walthour, is
a Savannah native who
serves as an Assistant District
Attorney with the Chatham
County Juvenile Court. Ms.
Walthour is also the mother
of two grown sons and lists
successful mothering as her
greatest achievement.
The catered breakfast
begins at 9am on Saturday,
February 26th at Memorial
Hospital’s Hoskins Center
Auditorium, 66th and Ranger
Streets, east of Waters.
Those wishing to purchase
tickets for this festive,
African-themed event should
call the NCNW at 401-5925.
Tickets are $25.00.
The Savannah Section
of the NCNW, now in its 17th
year is one of over 240 sec
tions in the national organiza
tion founded by Dr. Mary
McLeod Bethune in 1935.
It’s mission is to lead,
develop and advocate for
women of African descent as
they support their families
and communities, addressing
local needs while impacting
communities nationwide.
The Savannah Section
meets at 6:00pm the 2nd
Tuesday of each month,
September through June.
New members are always
For more information
about programs or member
ship in this organization,
including the Youth Section,
contact the NCNW at the
number mentioned above, or
send an email to ncnwsavsec-
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