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The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011-11
Fannin is the Superintendent’s
Student of the Month
Shauna Fannin
Soignee Civic and Social Club
News Update
The Superintendent’s
Student of the Month is
Shauna Fannin, a senior at
Savannah Arts Academy.
An honor student with a 4.0
grade point average,
Shauna has maintained high
grades throughout her high
school career. In addition to
her classroom achieve
ments, this student exhibits
a strong entrepreneurial
spirit. Shauna has main
tained a website for her art
work and is working on
commissioned projects as
well. Her achievements in
the arts include Best of
Show in her school’s 12th
Annual Winter Student Art
Exhibition for her scratch-
board, “Summer Magic”.
The piece later went on to
receive the “Gold Key” for
the Georgia Scholastic Art
Awards and was selected by
the College Board out of
39,000 entries, to be on the
cover of the 2010 AP Studio
Art poster. According to
her teacher Steve Schetski,
“Shauna is one of the best
students I have taught in my
20 year teaching career.”
When asked what moti
vates her to strive for aca
demic success Shauna
replied, “My faith in God
and the promise that the
hard work will pay off in
amazing ways I could not
possibly imagine.” Shauna
plans to attend the
Savannah College of Art
and Design and become a
free lance illustrator.
The Superintendent’s
Student of the Month pro
gram recognizes individual
students who have excelled
in the area of academics,
leadership, and community
service. Shauna Fannin was
recognized by the
Superintendent of Schools,
Thomas B. Lockamy, Jr.
Ed.D., at the regular Board
meeting. She was present
ed with an award plaque
and a $100 savings bond.
The Soignee Civic and
Social Club continues to
progress as it approaches over
thirty-five (35) years of exis
The group was formed
by several ladies with the
desire to bond in friendship
and pursue excellence in the
community. Civic obligations
are the priority and very
important in keeping with the
established mission of the
organization. Individual
members are active in several
community organizations and
Collectively, club mem
bers have pledged to increase
contributions to worthwhile
community initiatives. Past
projects have included
Savannah State University,
Greenbriar Children’s Center,
West Broad Street YMCA,
Goodwill Industries, Ralph
Mark Gilbert Civil Rights
Museum, American Red
Cross, Union Mission,
Muscular Dystrophy
Association, and the Sickle
Cell Foundation.
Members also partici
pated in the Holiday Gift Wrap
for Greenbriar Children’s
The out-going president,
Sheren Ervin and a proficient
slate of officers led the group
for the past 2 years. Marva
Harris, as the current presi
dent, leads the seventeen (17)
members who meet regularly
to strengthen the bonds of
camaraderie and purpose.
Throughout the year,
various social occasions are
planned for the enjoyment of
the Soignee sisters, their
spouses known as the Soigne
Gents, their families, and
To kick off the New
Year, on January 22, the
Soignees held a “Pre-Super
Bowl” gathering which was
held at the Southbridge Golf
Club. Several guests in atten
dance traveled from out of
state to attend this highly
anticipated event of the foot
ball season. The “Pre-Super
Bowl” theme was carried out
with extensive sports memo
rabilia that showcased many
football teams and an appetiz
ing feast.
Members of the Soignee
Civic Social Club are Ethel
(Raymond) Bradshaw, Janie
(Joseph) Bruen, Jacquelyn
(David) Carter, Sheren Ervin,
Betty (Comer) Flynn,
Marilyn (James) Franklin,
Marva (Daniel) Harris, Nova
Jean (Carl) Hayes, Josie
(Henry) Hayes, Margaret
(Charles) Johnson, Carolyn
(Alexander) Luten, Charlie
Mae (James) Reid, Juanita
(Lennox) Seales, Mary
(Roger) Shank, Julia (Lonnie)
Sheffield, Bernice (Willie)
Tate and Rosalyn (Ray) Truitt.
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