Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011-15
Worship Services
Prayer Bible Study Tun pm ... Thntsdays
Sunday Sclratf 11:00 sJH-.. 1st. 3jji & 4tb Sundays
Sunday WorsJup . 1st. 2itd&4[li Sundj>i
Youth Service ] 2:00 p.m 1st ft Si It Sundays
Holy Comniuuua ... 12 nil p.m 2nd Sundays
Hope for Today
Radio Ministry
With Fwngdist
Dr. Gloria G. Brown
Every 1st.
3rd and 5th Saturday
"Reaching the Masses
Ihrociqh the Airwaves"
W2) nM-am
S.1VJ nruihvfrai(wl
Youth Sunday Tremont Temple Missionary Baptist Church
On Sunday. February I 3. 2UII Tremor l Ttmplc MiiSLUrtpiy Bjptist Church cdtbraiod (heir Youth Ministry. The Sunday
School held their promotion ceremony Several Sunday School student!! on different tirade levels were promoted lo higher
grade levels. Pictured above arc I rout row: Kayah Branifey. Ash lee Moon, Nathaniel Moon
Hack row Jasmine Goldwire. Kulsei Barnes. Kyra Harris, Ahria Spring fie I, LaVita Williams and Victoria Varner
Mrs, Jeffrcnta Tatum ami Mrs. Mary I hompkins are the Sunday School Superintendents and Minister Essie Johnson is the
Christian hduealion Ministry Director lite Sunday schtHil instructors arc: Mrs. Wanda Hopkins. Mrs. Jackie Bush. Mrs
Dorothy Boutigny, Ms. Ferric 11 arris, Mrs. Anita Parker.
Also participating in the Youth Program were !>y Ian Carter- Scripture with a Point of Praise: Victor Pinckney. Devotional
Prayer: Najee Williams, Responsive Reading, Frivcieaiiun, Liiy-ah Bimdcy: Greetings- Tyjuau Miivnor and special guest.
Gospel Music Workshop Choir South Division and Kelsey Uamcs. presomation rtf gifts and prayer rtf 1 hanksgn mg. Sakcrra
Love performed a solo Entitled -Because of who You Are" Minister Essie Johnson brought the message of die day Every
one in attendance were very encouraged wiih her WORDS and Ltok forward to our next meeting.
Central Missionary Baptist Church
Our Family and Friends arc cordially invited lu come
prepared to have an awesome lime in the l ord. On Saturday
19th fpm in concert the SSL Wesleyan Gospel choir Free
and open to all crtnir icadv to slump and shout and have
your spiril lifted. On Sunday Feb. 2Qih llant special Pre
sentation Youth Church “Livings Life I "spec-ration Worship
Service 5pm. Come Ivors It ip the Lord. PasiuT Lurry James
Stott, Youth Minister Kcv. Barbara E. Simmons For more
in form mum contact ditvchoffice Fas (9121 232-3511
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church is hosting us annual
Black History Program on Saturday. February IV. 2011 at
4:00 pm. Pleas? come our slid support our youth as they give
tribuLe to our African American culture Shiloh Mission my
Baptist Church is hosting its 10th annual !2 Irihes of Is
rael program on Sunday, February 27. 2011 at 4:00pm. We
would Ite blessed by your presence. We arc located at 125
Canebrakc Road Savannah, GA 3141V- Please direel any
questions lo Sis. Brownlee :i! d 12.927-31(>9.
Resurrection Pentecostal Temple
Evangelists Ministry
Evangelist Roberta A hr i hull mil be our guest speaker ui
resurrection Pentecostal lemplc On Saturday, lebujuiy- iVib
2()ll at 7.00pm located at 797 Joe St tioe ami Paulson -
tieross from the Htfltbcn Middle School i Evangelist Abri-
hall is j member of Christian Revival Center, where the
Rim Feddie L. Hebron is in the Pastor. Evangelisl Abrihull
life mission is to id I of the goodness of the lord She lias a
great passion for God’s word. Come and hear ihu woman
of God’s, expand oil the word of God. where prop hates
Maxell Scott is the pastor for more information 4j8-l360or
356-S3 90
The Church of Christ
Holiness Unto (he Lord, Inc,
The Church of Christ Holiness Unto the Lord. Inc, cordially
invites you to the 32nd Episcopal Anniversary for Bishop Mo
ses and Elect Lady Essie Lewis convening fuesday, February
55 through Friday, February 18 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, Feb
ruary 20, 2011 at IT:00 am ai the Greater Emmanuel Taber
nacle, 11 0| Stiles. Avenue in Savannah, GA, Bishop Moses
Lewis lias served as llie General Overseer and Chief Execu
tive Officer of the C hurch of Christ Holiness Unto the Lord,
hie Since June of 1979 He is I lie fourth presiding bishop of
denomination which was founded by ihe late Bishop M Sol
omon Bennett in the Yamaeravi CoinmumLy- of Savannah in
1926. Guest Episcopates for ibis year"s celebration are: I ues-
dny, Bishop Christopher C. Singleton of New 1 inter Greater
Faith Ministries: Wednesday, Bishop Willie Ferrell of the
Royal Church of Christ; Ihursday. Bishop Julian A. Jones of
the Ml. Carmel Deliverance Center, nnd Friday. Bishop Ben
jamin Payne ( ollins of Bread of Life < hutch ofGod In Christ
The Official Closing message will be delivered by Bishop] dd
\\ 11 unit as. Ass imam I Yes i dir a Prelate of the Northern Juris
diction of the Church of Christ Holiness Unto the Lord. Lie.
Anointed praise and worship through the ministry of song will
be ministered in each serv ice. For more information call ibis-
tor Errol Roach at 9122GL,3$i&
The Berean Missionary Baptist
Association of Georgia
Uie Bereait Missionary Baptist Association of Georgia first
planning meeting for the year 2t)( L the 4 2nd Session of Con
gress of Christian Ed neat ion. will be held on Saturday. Febru
ary 26. 2011 at die l-irs! I mon Missionary Baptist Church,
535 Berrien Street. Savannah. Georgia, at 12 noon.
God’s Temple of Praise Church
Pastor & Lady l.ovve 2nd Pastoral Anniversary . Anniver
sary event held Wednesday February 16. 2011 til 7;3tl pm.
Apostle Jefferson - Greater Owens iemple 4011 Rockdale
ave. Savannah GA, Thurday, February 17. 2011 a. 7:30 pm,
Pastor Tony Reddick from New Shiloh Baptist church, 6dJ L.
Broughton Street, Savannah GE,, Friday February Ik, at 7:30
pin Bishop 1 htnnus silk ■ Sweet field of Eden Uaplist church
9630 1 chigh Ave. Savannah, GA . Saturday February 19. at
b:U0pm Banquet Honoring Pastor & Lady Lowe at Ruthlem
baptist Church fellowship Nall 1003 May Street. Savannah,
GA Pastor Michael Young God’s Deliverance Burton South
Carolinamud Sunday February 2p Dr. Eric D, Mason from
jesus First CCFE 011 56-17 Ogvcdiue Road Savannah. GA.
First African Baptist Church
Of Last Savannah
first African Baptist Church of lias! Savannah will cel
ebrate Black llistop. Month hv Honoring the Memory or’
"Slave Praise Houses My Chains fell OfT" ON Sunday,
February 20th 21)11. 11A.M a( First Africa it Baptist Church
of East Savannah 502 I real Street, Please job. us in our uld
fashioned ; Praise I louse" Service. You will hear he prayers,
songs and sec lire praise dance done ihe way of our fore I’a-
l hers as l be sir ime led for freedom nnd tq worship God as I hey
desired. For more informal ion contact church office (Sil2)
True Love Missionary Baptist Church
Due Love Missionary Baptist Ouireh Hhe House of
l ove) 777 Lasi Gwionctl Street invites you to Ihe Pastoral
Apprecia!idit Service Honoring Bishop Sturdy B. Puslia, Sr.
and livang. Gwinnette A. Fuslia. Co-Pastor Theme; A Labor
of Love Scripture: Jeremiah 3; 15 And I will give you Shop-
herds according to my heart, who will feed you wiih knowl
edge and understanding Dates are every l-Tiday flight in the
month of Februarj at 7piti, culminating on Sunday, Febru
ary 21. 291 t at 5pm. February IS. Paitor Kenneth Rouehe’-
Branded Goans Ministries February 25. Bishop Thomas J
Silk. Swoeilicld of Eden Buptki Church Culmination Ser
vice February 27. Pastor 'Nathaniel Small-New Salem Com
munity Church 'May the blessings of the 1 ord. Ciod be upon
you is our sincere prayer! I be J tousr? of Love thanks you in
Word of Faith Christian Family Center
Word of !-’ai(h Christian Family Center, 2415 Whitaker
Si rent, have High Noon Praise Service, every- Wednesday
ut 12:00 pm through I Jstsprn sponsored by PhsIof Lee E.
Wright Sr. and tbe 1st 1 ady Anrionette Wright Atfer viqrds.a
I i525 Highway 144 3 nsl, P.O. J5oy JUS Kidpuid Hill. (.<A 51121
1 9121 727-2l('3 hnmineekiiiK I SjMjmujggjW
1 A Listing of The Coastal Empire's Local Churches
Bryan Neck
Missionary G^ptist Church
2110 East Bread Street, Savannah. Ga 31401
<$12)236-1986 loll Free 1-877-736-1980
5863 Ogeechee Road-Savanna!), G A 31419
(912) 927-8044
Brtlsr DfSerecE
4206 Faiiene Street Savannah, GA 31405
(9 1 2) 231-350 1
St**?* Cliljr Utiw h»I
fjufikd Since 161^
flev, Henrietta B.Lovett, i- r ■ 'j r 1 ^-.-
Rev. Vivian C Ha rt r toqdurt P«t«
Rev. Pete Eroxtoo, Jr^, ■■. n Ew
Deacoti James Harrii, L^",™
Ortttrel Service
SuliinLo ivrlKu'l ofU istium IU All AM
N'.vct*. I * 1 Saltifiiiv of catli mnrahl
Slmdiy Stivu c I ft: 30 rtM
Weducstiny tiiNe SluJy 7 IJ I'M
Television scneiiuit
CuttkJSt Liible CluiLiikr] 244
Sulurdiiv ii 4.00 PM
Sunday a T ih) PM
Ronald Crime "IheLORD wk«i- iiridnuvt., "
t’i&'-w -Pwltw 115; 14
Victory Bible
Fel lowshi p
Missionary ll^ptist t'iiLti't:H
New Beginning Full Gospel
Church In Christ, luc,
Orilff JIS9 mifB
Hitler Joseph T- Lmurn
hr D L,4 Y
J'aird.i J.ylviii
"Fajthrtt Action"
■J-'iif uni ha mo air., ^ir norJit U
ooitmin r.h,- Hiirfii, Air Dir nnldllrm^fi
Him " -Jofmj.r
Jriok William HiL.T
Ifoi Lully f lc*i ILL i
Sunday S<iKx4
t ini Sumtti
ll.On AM
Hub CaumHHO (2 1 S«i ■
Wlxu3 Httialrf hJ k Wiii.i
\ 1 uD AM
I'.iuiIi MirBtn i'4 t Sup i
IV nii.AM
Mellon Mmuiri i' t Sim .
11 MAM
Frayir Swvict'BftSe Study (Tnot.)
(, uu I'M
Sunday Sdwcl
Suniby Wfodiip
11:30 f J M
WfctiKfoy Nsgiii JiibltiSiHb'
frjD PM
ruiiiumniixiiTSun. 1
VfflNi i
Pi-t-ocul [by it-Stin ^
Rtjuhi Stftji* i