Newspaper Page Text
16- The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Black History Month Presentation
That All Will Enjoy
Black History Month
is a time of celebration for
the achievements of African
American's throughout our
Everyone has their
own traditions that they use
to celebrate and we at the
J.C. Coleman Foundation
have our way to celebrate as
This year in honor of
Black History Month, The
J.C. Coleman Foundation
After-School Program is
putting on a presentation.
This presentation will
be held at Williams Court
Apartments which is locat
ed at 1900 Lincoln Street in
downtown Savannah.
It’s right across from
The John S. Delaware
Center, which is where we
hold our After-school pro
gram. The presentation will
be from 4:00 p.m.- 4:45
p.m. We will possibly host
the production at The John
S. Delaware Center on
February 25th.
The presentation will
include biographies of
famous African American's
that will be recited by the
kids. A few of the biogra
phies they will be reciting
are Bessie Coleman, Martin
Luther King Jr., Louis
Armstrong, and Rosa
Parks. Then after
the biographies, the kids
will be singing a few of the
old African American spiri
tual songs. A few of the
songs they will be singing
are "Free at Last," "Wade in
the Water," "Swing Low
Sweet Chariot," and
"Nobody Knows the
Trouble I've Seen."
Once they finish the
songs, we will have a few
Sports with
Walter Moore
Community .continued from page 7
Many of us are willing
and able to do this work. I
extend an open invitation
to the City of Savannah for
20 religious, civic and
business leaders to join me
and form a work group to
engage interested citizens
in a dialogue on race and
other matter that enhances
both our social capital and
community development.
Let us gather on
Monday, February 28 at 6
pm at St. Matthew's
Church, 1401 Martin
Luther King Blvd,
912.233.5965. The overall
goal is to move us graceful
ly into the conversations
words from Pastor Reese
and the presentation will
The kids can't wait to
get started on the biogra
phies and songs. They are
really excited because
some of the famous
African-American's biogra
phies they will be reciting,
they have never heard of
They also look for
ward to singing because
just like the biographies,
most of them have never
heard the songs either.
After the Christmas pro
duction, they were eager to
start something new.
This is the perfect
opportunity for them to
learn something important
in their history while hav
ing fun at the very same
that we have around and
through the walls that are
dividing us.
With Respect and
Rev. Cheryl A.E. Parris,
St. Matthew's Church
Walter Moore
SSU Tennis Wins
The Savannah State women's
tennis team won their season
opener on February 11 with a
5-2 road win over Albany
State. Lauren Daniels, Denisa
Vanca, Shannon Howard, and
Sandra Kristjansdottir all
won their singles match while
Davita Washington-
Kristjansdottir and Vanca-
Daniels won in doubles.
SSU Softball Falls
In Tournament
The Savannah State softball
team participated in the 4th
annual Tiny Laster HBCU
Fast Pitch Leadoff Classic
held in Conyers, GA. The
Lady Tigers lost all four
games they played. SSU fell
to Florida A&M (9-0) and
Alcorn State (8-4) on
February 12. On Feb. 13, the
Lady Tigers lost to North
Carolina A&T (6-5) and
Hampton (8-1).
Tigers Crush
Morris College
Savannah State shot 63.2
percent from the floor in a
102-47 win over Morris
College in Tiger Arena on
February 10. Jovonni Shuler
led the way with 27 points
and 7 assists. Joshua
Montgomery added 16 points
and 8 rebounds for SSU.
Stephen Wilson came off the
bench to score 13 points and
get 4 steals while Cedric
Smith had 10 points and
Jyles Smith had 12 rebounds,
9 points and 6 blocks. SSU
defeated Texas A&M-Corpus
Christi 63-57 in overtime on
Feb. 7 on the road. Wilson
and Preston Blackmon had
16 points each while Shuler
scored 12. The Tigers (7-18)
lost to Longwood 75-56 at
Tiger Arena on Feb. 12.
Shuler had 26 points and 10
rebounds while Wilson
added 10 points.
Lady Tigers Down
Ezinne Kalu had 26 points, 6
rebounds and 6 steals to lead
Savannah State to a 60-34
victory over Longwood on
February 13 in Tiger Arena.
SSU (13-10) broke open a
close game with a 14-4 run to
close the first half. On Feb.
10, Kalu's free throw with
four seconds left proved to
be the difference in SSU's
75-74 win over Morris in
Tiger Arena. Kalu finished
with 34 points and 7 steals
while Rikiah Gatlin added 12
points and 13 rebounds.
Shaniqua Campbell and
Jamecia Ready combined for
10 points and 7 rebounds for
the Hornets. The former
Groves standouts had a large
cheering section behind the
Morris bench.
McGriff Joins
Vanderbilt Staff
Wesley McGriff has joined
the coaching staff at
Vanderbilt. The former
Savannah State football play
er and coach comes to Vandy
from Miami (FL). McGriff,
42, will coach the
Commodore defensive backs
as well as serve as defensive
recruiting coordinator. The
Tifton, GA native is married
to the former Karen Butler of
Thunderbolt. Both are SSU
Mission ....continued from page 3
Education at the Tift
College of Education at
Mercer University in
Macon, Ga. She received
her M.S. in Psychology
from Georgia College &
State University in
Milledgeville, Ga.
“By any measure,
Dr. Carter has the skills,
vision and experience to
take Union Mission to an
even higher level of suc
cess,” said Tatum. “We
congratulate her on this
appointment and look for
ward to her continued con
tribution to Union Mission
and to reducing homeless
ness in our community.”
Union Mission is a
non-profit 501 (c)3 corpora
tion focused on reducing
and eliminating homeless
ness in the greater
Savannah area. Through
strategic residential, educa
tional and counseling pro
grams, Union Mission
seeks to create an environ
ment where individuals can
thrive and lives can be
Union Mission, Inc.,
began in 1936 as a part of
Savannah’s response to the
Great Depression of the
Today, Union Mission
provides shelter for men,
women and families, short
and long term housing
assistance, behavioral
counseling, substance
abuse programs, life skills
training, job training and
employment assistance
throughout the greater
Savannah area.
For more information
about Union Mission,
please call 912.236.7423 or
Intelligence .continued from page 4
nutrition during this period may
encourage optimal brain
growth," they suggest, advocat
ing further research to determine
the extent of the effect early diet
has on intelligence.
Feed young children
foods which will provide mega
nutrients for the fast growth,
such as fresh cut fruit, green
veggies and salads, pasta and
sandwiches on whole wheat,
fish (take out the bones), sweet
potatoes, zucchini, carrots and
beans, peas. No sugar until age
8, or later.
Suggestions for kids
snacks include:
Frozen fruit bars, made from left
over smoothies, frozen in small
paper cups with little sticks.
Fresh fruit (peeled and cut up),
fruit juice, no sugar added.
Individual servings of
applesauce, Raisins, dried
pineapple rings, cut-up vegeta
bles with low-fat salad dressing,
baby carrots, pretzels, half of a
grilled cheese sandwich, on
whole-wheat bread, and lots of
water. No sodas. No chips,
cookies, or other junk foods.
Remember, Health is a Choice.
Carolyn Guilford is a former
Critical Care Nurse, certified in
Cardiology’ and Hematology’.
She consults on Diabetes and
Cancer Nutrition, having
matriculated the NBCCF’s
Project LEAD, AASU, GSU,
University of Kansas, NIH, and
has earned National
Certification in Nutrition con
sulting and wellness. Carolyn
can be contacted via:
Health Restoration
P.O. Box 2814, Savannah,
GA 31402
or call (912) 236-8987
Check us out on the World Wide
Web! Visit us at:
Click on
“Photo Gallery”
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