Newspaper Page Text
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The State of African American Youth:
A Town Hall Meeting
Roland Martin
Movement presents The State
of African American Youth: A
Town Hall Meeting fea
turing Mr. Roland S. Martin on
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at
7:00pm. in Savannah State
University’s Tiger Arena.
The event is sponsored by
the SSU Office of the
President, CLASS, COBA,
COST, and Student
Government Association. It is
meant to discuss the POSI
TIVE as well as challenging
realities of African American
The town hall meeting is
free to all Savannah State
University administrators, fac
ulty, staff, and students with a
valid identification card.
General admission is $10.00
per ticket (general student tick
ets are $5.00 with a valid iden
tification card). Tickets are on
sale in the Savannah State
University Bookstore.
Proceeds from this event
will go towards sponsoring
future events and educational
activities to promote the
#BlockParty’s mission to raise
social, educational, civic,
and/or environmental aware
Martin is a nationally
award-winning journalist. He
is the author of Listening to the
Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives
on Faith, and Speak, Brother!
A Black Man’s View of
America, as well as his newest
book, The First: President
Barack Obama’s Road to the
White House as originally
reported by Roland S. Martin.
Currently, he is an acclaimed
commentator for TV One
Cable Network and host of
“Washington Watch with
Roland Martin,” a one-hour
Sunday morning news broad
cast. In addition to his work
there, he is also a CNN Analyst
and a Senior Analyst on the
nationally syndicated Tom
Joyner Morning Show radio
broadcast. Mr. Martin is a 20
year member of the National
Association of Black
Journalists and a life member
of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
Inc. Education is important to
him as he is a graduate of both
Texas A&M University and
Louisiana Baptist University.
He is married to the Rev.
Jacquie Hood Martin, and they
reside in Chicago.
The #BlockParty
Movement was established in
2010 to foster voter registra
tion, education, mobilization,
and activism.
In Fall 2010, the
#BlockParty Movement, in
partnership with a coalition of
campus organizations regis
tered over 300 students and
community members to vote
and were recognized locally
for their work with voter edu
cation in the community.
Questions and/or com
ments for Mr. Martin related to
the State of African American
Youth may be submitted to
.com. All questions are subject
to review and approval before
use in the Town Hall Meeting.
Please contact Ms.
Taqwaa F. Saleem, M.A. at
912.358.3327 for more infor
h Annual Hilton Island
ullah Celebration
First African Raplisl Chufdi Presents,
Friends and Family Night. 7 p.m. Free Will
Offering* 70 Reach City [load. Mill. SC
29926 “
£ ft
Traditional Gospel Praise and Shout
7:00 p.m. Free Will Offering, C eiilral Oak
Grove Baptist Church, 16! Malhews Drive,
HHI. SC 29926
Noon 4p.m. SlOfMcal). Arts Center of
Coastal Carolina. 14 Shelter Cove Lane,
HHI, SC 29928
Dramatic Reading, HUc: "Malcolm.
Martin, MedjjaiC Hampton Hall Commu
nity Clubhouse, 2 Hampton Mall Blvd.
Bluffion, SC 29910
The Gull ah Celebration in Sea Pines
5-7 p.rti. $10. Sea Pines Resort. Conference
Fish Creek 5k Walk/Run & fl«fih Soften
ing. 7 a.m. Registration £20. includes T-
Shin St. James Baptist Church Annex. 20$
Dillon Road 7:30 a.m. Health Screening 8 Walk-run
f fre/awny J H
Dc Gullah Youth Musical.
7 pan,. Admission; Adults SiO. Children
(School £5, Children 5 & under free,
Boys and Girls Club. 151 Gum tree Road
V 20
Arts. Grafts Hi Food J-Npo. 11a.m.-5:00
pm; Admission: $5 Adults-S3 Children
15 - 12) FREE Children 4 and under,
Coastal Discovery Museum at I Ionov
I lorn, 70 Hotter Horn Drive. Hill, SC
3rd Annual March Litky Run arid Exhibi
tion USt4n. 3 p.m. Donation $5. Coligny
IJvadi Park I'Ik event showcases (Me Marsh
“Mash" Tacky Morses, which played an
inlcgrat role in the survival olThc Gulkih
people on I lihipn Head Island, r hey were
used lor Cultivating the fields, transporta
tion and sports. At Christmas time, the
CruJtali men would have a horse race 10
determine who had bragging rights for the
fattest horse on the Island, |i is with Ibis
spirit, i ha i wc have re in scaled the Marsh
Tacky Run and Exhibition I:!vent, Food
vendors on site.
iDif £iilbaiH1<lh tribune
znsnm 1
— gay
,0 - c - Wi ] i H THE ISLAND PACKET
urtsuttmt irttoknart 11 a htele brat io«
V NhJwM.nml rtx^nAtk*, Inc, I ton (ildlill ('iii-lY-Hhiii lli'itifii:
Esperanza Spalding Wins Grammy for
Best New Artist
Esperanza Spalding
won the Grammy for Best
New Artist at Sunday’s
Grammy Awards.
Spalding comes as a
breath of fresh air among this
year's pop talent. Primarily
known as a jazz bassist, the
Portland, Ore., native has
been a professor at Berklee
College of Music.
Last March, The
Savannah Children's Choir
presented Esperanza
Spalding as their 2010 Artist-
in-Residence. She performed
a public concert as well as
worked with the Savannah
Children Choir in an open
rehearsal. While in Savannah
she also visited area public
and private schools, meeting
with choral and band stu
Spalding's most recent
Esperanza Spalding
album, 'Chamber Music 2011 is already looking
Society,' was recorded in great for the young singer
2010 and features Spalding's and we wish her continued
vocals and upright bass play- success,
What Is the Tricentennial Plan?
The Metropolitan
Planning Commission is
launching a community
wide evaluation of the
Tricentennial Plan.
Throughout the Spring,
citizen committees will meet
to determine whether the
current Plan (adopted in
2006) adequately addresses
the issues of community
health, climate change,
childhood obesity and ener
gy sustainability.
Please join MPC Chairman
Shedrick Coleman, Chatham
County Commission
Chairman Pete Liakakis,
Mayor Otis Johnson, School
Board Vice-Chairman Greg
Sapp, and Coastal Health
Director Douglas Skelton in
a discussion of these issues
Tuesday evening, February
22 at 6:00 p.m. at the Coastal
Georgia Center, 305 Fahm
For more information,
contact Thomas L. Thomson,
MPC Executive Director, at
Abfercom *
Family Dentist
HbiI tuiiBci fin. flu Dined
Senloi ciiliwsDIsrounis
Emsy Flniiclng Available
lawr Riwlsmr Avail abli
GDI A frit : i iMIUathm
Partial*, OentartE Crane i
BtiHwHmilsms HttmH
"Wa arc hare li sen* all your
denial needs In a friendly and
rtlaxad aim as n here "
Dr. Ann Lint 1
1310 Abercorn St (At Henry St)
Monday-Thursday 9am-5:30pm
Savannah Regional
Central Labor Council
A historical account of Civil Rights and
organized labor working together lor
social j ustice focusing on the two months
leading to Marlin Luther King Jr.'s death
in 1968, coinciding with the 65-da} strike
or 1,300 Memphis saniiation workers.
Sped:iL V-I.P fjoesls in conjunction wIBi the showing of ibo documentary whl In- htJd on:
Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 11;00AM and 2;30PM
Siih unnuh Slide l niier^l} \ Jordan building Amlrtoriom
Saturday, February 19, 2013 at 7:00PM
The Caudal (tenrppD Center'
305 Fahm st.
Savannah, CA
(912) 651-2005
A IAbcL IS-rriapr l olmiri B _ t#
Fret 1 and open to the public
For mt>re btformotioti contact Stn a/utoh RegtonaJ Central Labor Council m 17
Experience The Gentle Touch
of Dr. Ann Linton