Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011-5
Fairlawn to Celebrate
Black History Month
Fairlawn Baptist
Church will be celebrating
Black Flistory February 20,
2011 at 11am.
Our guest speaker will
be Mr. John Finney,
Executive Director of E.O.A.
Come out and join us in
the celebration.
Earlyn Simmons,
President Education Ministry
Rev. Harold Edwards,
Sr., Pastor.
“From Travail to Triumph”
Jonesville Baptist
Church of the Pentecostal
Assemblies of the World,
Inc. 5201 Montgomery
Street presents our annual
Black History Service "From
Travail to Triumph", Sunday,
Feb. 27th, 2011 at 7:00pm.
For more information
call 912.351.0423 or log on
Senior Pastor Suff.
Bishop James G. Rodges
Deacon and Deaconess
Appreciation at Jerusalem
The members of
Jerusalem Missionary
Baptist Church 904 Staley
Avenue, are cordially invit
ing the public to attend their
annual Deacons and
Deaconess Appreciation
program on Sunday
February 20, 2011 at 5:00
Rev. Allen J. Banks,
Sr. Pastor.
St. Paul Ushers to Celebrate
99th Anniversary
The Senior Usher
Ministry of St. Paul CME
Church will celebrate its 99th
Anniversary on Sunday,
February 20, 2011 at
The guest preacher for
the occasion will be the Rev.
Dr. George P. Lee, III, pastor
of St. John Baptist Church
"The Mighty Fortress".
St. Paul is located at
1601 Barnard Street and Rev.
Da'Henri R. Thurmond,
Sr. is the pastor.
Genesis Celebrates
21st Choir Anniversary
Genesis New Life
Apostolic Faith Churches,
Inc. (Mother Church) 1900 E.
Broad &35th, invites you to
come and join them in cele
brating the 21 st Choir
Anniversary, Saturday
February 19, 2011, at 7:30
pm. We're looking forward
to a high time praising, hear
ing the word and singing
glory to the Lord.
The speaker for the
occasion is Missionary
Christina Snipe of Genesis
New Life Headquarter
Church, Tennille, Ga. One
Church two locations. Again,
come and be blessed in this
great celebration. Bishop
Myles A. Latimer, Founder
AME Founder’s Day 2011
Rev. George A. Moore,
Host Pastor
The AME Church 6TH
Episcopal District returns to
Savannah to Celebrate
Founder’s Day. The celebration
opens Thursday February 17th
at 6:30 pm with a welcome pro
gram followed by the Opening
Worship Celebration.
Friday morning begins
with Bible Study, Plenary
Session - Legal Matters and
Church; Noonday worship,
Lunch and Sexual Misconduct
Training session. Friday
evening at 6:30 we will recog
nize and honor Living
Legacies. 8:00 pm until - the
youth and young adult will
music, gospel rap, liturgical
dance, spoken word and much
more. Saturday it’s the Parade-
of Parade on the streets of
downtown Savannah.
The parade steps off at
10:00 am from Anderson Street
and MLK Blvd. The preachers
are the Rev. Dr. Calvin H.
Sydnor, III Editor of the AME
Christian Recorder and the
Rev. Jonetta Prater, Pastor of
St. Peter’s AME Church 626
Staley Ave, Savannah.
The presenters are the
Rev. John E. Morse, Pastor of
Pleasant Grove, AME Church
in Hinesville and the Rev. Dr.
Dee Dawkins-Haigler of
Atlanta . The Rev. Kenneth
Marcus, Pastor of Turner
Chapel AME Church Marietta,
is the Bible Study teacher.
The opening and noon
day worship services are held at
St. Phillip Monumental AME
Church located at 1112
Jefferson Street ; The Living
Legacies and JAM for Jesus
will be held at Calvary Baptist
Church located at 4625 Waters
Parade Grand Marshals
Bishop William Phillips
DeVeaux - Presiding Bishop of
the 6th Episcopal District
Dr. Pam DeVeaux -Supervisor
of 6th Episcopal District.
Parade Marshals-John Young -
SED Young People
Department (YPD) President
Monica Bryant - SED Director
Rev. George Moore Jr. -
Host Pastor
Honorable John E. Morse
Jr. - Judge Superior Court
The Rev. George A.
Moore, Jr. and St. Phillip
Monumental AME Church
1112 Jefferson Street is the host
pastor and Church. The Rev.
Dr. John Foster and St. Phillips
AME Church on MLK Blvd is
co-host. The Rev. James E.
Taylor is host Presiding Elder.
The Rev. R. Nathaniel and Dr.
Dan Stevenson are co-host
Presiding Elders.
For additional details call
912-233-8547 Extension 21.
Black History Mass Choir
The National Collegiate
Music Conference will host a
black history Month Concert
on Sunday, February 27,
This concert will con
sist of songs from the 80's &
90's. We are seeking persons
that would like to sing with
this mass choir as we com
memorate such artist as
Bishop Hezekiah Walker,
Rev. Milton Brunson,
O'landa Draper and many
If you are interested in
participating please call 912
The National Collegiate
Music Conference is under
the leadership of Desi L.
Campbell and has served
over 3000 students from over
100 high schools, colleges
and universities throughout
the county.
Followers of Christ Celebrate
55th Anniversary
The officers and mem
bers of Followers of Christ
Baptist Church, 103
Scarborough St., extend an
invitation to the community
to come out and worship
with us on our 55 th Church
anniversary celebration.
Worship service will
begin Wednesday Feb. 16th
thru Feb. 18th at 7:30 p.m.
Service will culminate on
Sunday Feb. 20th at 11:30
We're looking forward
for you to come magnify the
Lord with us.
Samuel Kizer Jr.,
Union Skidaway Baptist
Church to Celebrate
Pastor’s 12th Anniversary
The members of Union
Skidaway Baptist Church
extend an invitation to the
public to attend the obser
vance of the 12th anniver
sary of our Pastor, Alan
Dwayne O'Neal and his
lovely wife, Sandra O'Neal,
starting Febmary 23, 2011
through February 25, 2011
at 7:30 p.m. nightly.
The Rev. Joseph Fields
and congregation of the
Friendship Baptist Church
will start the celebration on
Wednesday February 23rd.
Pastor Tony Reddick and
congregation of the New
Shiloh Baptist Church will
be in charge of the celebra
tion on Thursday February
24th. These services will be
held at Union Skidaway
Baptist Church located 2227
Norwood Avenue. (Sandfly)
The banquet honoring
our Pastor and his wife will
be held Friday, February
25th at the Fellowship Hall
Second Arnold Baptist
Church located 1427 E. 37th
Street. Our guest speaker
for this grand occasion will
be Rev. Richard Hall, Sr.
Tickets for this occa
sion are $10.00 ages 5-12
years old and $20.00 ages
13-up. For further
information about tickets,
please contact Sis. Patricia
Ann Bellinger at 912-631-
February is Strengthening Our
Family Month at
St. Paul CME Church
Rev. Matthew Southall
Rev. Charles Hames
Rev. Dr. W. Clyde
Joshua 24:15... As
for me and my house we
will serve the Lord.
February is “Family
Month at St. Paul!!! The
way we strengthen our
church, community, and
country is with strong fam
We will place special
emphasis on our family
with the following events:
1st Sunday/February 6th
we will be celebrating
Holy Communion as fami
lies, 2nd Sunday/February
13th we will be celebrating
our Senior Saints with two
guest preachers the Rev.
Matthew Southall Brown
at 8 am and the Rev. Dr. W.
Clyde Williams at 11am.
On the 3rd
Sunday/February 20th, we
will celebrate our new
members with a Ministry
Fair immediately follow
ing the 11 am worship serv
To culminate Family
Month, Friday, February
25th we will have our
Family Fun Night,
Saturday, February 26th
we will have our
“Strengthening our
Families” Seminar both
events will be held at the
Woodsville Tompkins
Technical Career Institute.
There is a regis
tration fee of $25.00 per
family or $15.00 per indi
vidual to attend the
Saturday “Strengthening
Our Family” Seminar. On
the 4th Sunday/February
27th, we will have our cul
minating Worship Service
with the Rev. Dr. Charley
Hames of Beebe Memorial
CME Church in California
as the guest preacher at
both services.
For more information
you may contact the
church office at (912) 233-
2849 or email us at
Rev. Da’Henri Thurmond,
Sr., Pastor.
Living Hope Community
Fellowship Hosts Heritage
Fashion Show
Rending, Writing, and
Arithmetic Tutorial Service
h(is been approved by the
Georgia Department of Education to offer
r ■ L’ 1 a ■
Pastor Joyce C. Hall
and the Living Hope
Community Fellowship
Women's Ministry invites
women of all ages to come
out and enjoy the showcasing
of Afro-centric fashions and
designs on Friday, Febmary
18,2011, at 7:00p.m., in the
main sanctuary. The fashion
show in honor of Black
Heritage Month will feature
fashions from locally owned
and operated, Touch of
Ladies will be able to
experience the richness of
heritage designs in brilliant
colors and fabrics.
Created for today's
modem women, these ethnic
inspired prints can transition
into day or evening and will
give guests an opportunity to
express their cultural roots
throughout the month of
February or anytime during
the year. Light refreshments
will be served immediately
following the event.
Living Hope
Community Fellowship is
located at 5008 Augusta Rd
(Hwy. 21) in Garden City,
next to Dairy Queen.
For more information
on this event or on Living
Hope Community
Fellowship, please contact
the church office at
912.965.0406 or visit us at
www. li vinghop e s a v. org.
Service times include
Thursdays at 7:00pm and
Sundays at 8 am and 11 am.
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