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6 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011
To Place Your Classified Ad in The Savannah Tribune
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* Sponsor of the Community Events |
Alfred E. Beach High School Class
of 1971
will be hosting a planning meeting at the Bull Street Library
on Sunday, February 20th at 4 pm. The purpose of the meet
ing is to make plans for the upcoming 40th class reunion. If
you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Marshall at
912-232-1302. Thank you for your support and we look for
ward to seeing you there!
♦Personal injury * wrongful death*
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^ Armstrong Atlantic State Unwersit?
Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Georgia
invites applications for the following position:
Director of the Liberty Center
Senior Secretary of Mathematics
Please visit our website,, for
position details and application instructions.
Georgia is an open records law state. AA/EOE
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Director of Sales
Raycom Media, one of the nation’s largest broadcasting
groups, is currently recruiting for a Director of Sales position
at WTOC-TV. The ideal candidate will be an aggressive
leader with 5+ years successful GSM/DOS experience, the
ability to budget, forecast, manage inventory, recruit talented
sales people and generate new revenue. Your strong work
ethic will help to lead and develop a seasoned sales staff at a
market leading station. We offer an outstanding challenge
coupled with a great opportunity. If you are ready for that
next step, send your resume and salary requirement to: direc- WTOC-TV is an equal
opportunity employer. Women and minorities are strongly
encouraged to apply. EOE-M/F/D/V
nCLje QCribune
l80S Martin Luther King. Jr. Bird
Savannah, Georgia 3!401
ph. (912) 233.6J 2 ft Fax (912) 233-6140
k’ tv ha v <? vannahtrih uite. com
Published By
Savannah Tribune, Inc.
Tanya V, Milton
Vjet President/Advertising Director
For Advertising K;dcs Please Call
Tanya Milton (912)658-2813
or E-mail tattyo a savannah tribune, con i
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Every Step Counts
Survivors Walk
9 a.m., Saturday, February
26, Every Step Counts enthu
siastically invites all cancer
patients, survivors, and care
givers to join us on our
monthly walk. The walk is
free and open to everybody.
For more information or to
register, call DeDe Cargill at
Building and
The Georgia Center for
Nonprofits will host a work
shop for nonprofits to learn
the basics of how to design
and implement a strategic
plan. The program will be
presented on Tuesday, March
29 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. at the United Way
Building, 428 Bull Street,
Savannah. The fee is $90 for
GCN members; $130 for
non-members; limited schol
arships are available.
Advance registration is
required; no walks-ins per
mitted. Contact the Georgia
Center for Nonprofits at
(912) 234-9688 for more
information or to register.
. A-Town Get Down
On Saturday, February 26 at
7:30 p.m. A-Town Get
Downwill be held at
Savannah Station, 601 Cohen
Street. A-Town Get Down is
a music festival to celebrate
the life of Alex Townsend, a
junior at Savannah College of
Art and Design who passed
away in a car accident last
Valentine’s Day. With a mis
sion to celebrate the city and
music that Townsend loved
so much, A-Town Get Down
will feature live performanc
es by regional bands includ
ing The Malah, Word of
Mouth and Walter Parks &
Swamptronics. The event
will also feature stencil graf
fiti artist Peat Wollaeger who,
during the event, will create a
large work of art across a
canvas hanging in Savannah
Station. All net proceeds of
the event will go to America’s
Second Harvest of Coastal
Georgia in Townsend’s name.
Tickets/cost: $10 in advance,
$ 15 at the door. Contact tele
phone number / Website:
Rise and Shine
With the St. Joseph's/Candler
African-American Health
Center On Wednesday,
February 23, 2011. Join the
African American Health
Center for their monthly The
series open to women and
men from 9:30 a.m. -10:30
a.m. This month's discussion
will be on "Sleep Disorders".
The speaker will be Carolyn
Guilford. Please come and
enjoy fresh bagels, hot cof
fee, and tea as you settle
down to hear live testimonies
from folks like you who have
faced similar challenges and-
have triumphed. 1910
Abercom Street (Corner of
36th & Abercom) Please call
447-6605 to RSVP.
Nonprofit Program
The Georgia Center for
Nonprofits will host a work
shop on the essential ele
ments of program manage
ment to help improve your
nonprofit’s ability to manage
programs, maintain accounta
bility, and obtain funding.
The class will be held
Thursday, March 10 from
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the
United Way Building, 428
Bull Street, Savannah. The
fee is $90 for GCN members;
$130 for non-members; limit
ed scholarships are available.
Advance registration is
required; no walks-ins per
mitted. Contact the Georgia
Center for Nonprofits at
(912) 234-9688 for more
information or to register.
6:30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.,
Tuesday, February 22,
Women's Services
Conference Room, Center
for Advanced Medicine at
Memorial University
Medical Center. This two-
hour session is designed to
educate and support the
mother planning to breast
feed. Topics include infor
mation on preparing to
breastfeed, basic breastfeed
ing concepts, nutrition, and
a discussion of common
concerns. Issues such as
family support for the
breastfeeding mother, the
father’s role in feeding, and
how to breastfeed and con
tinue to work are also cov
ered. Your support person is
encouraged to attend. The
cost is $20 per couple. The
class fills quickly so register
early. If you have questions,
please call 912-350-BORN
(2676). Register online at
Steam Coffin
Thursday, February 24, at
6pm under the garden tent at
Ships of the Sea Museum. A
free talk by John Busch on
his new book “STEAM COF
FIN: Captain Moses Rogers
and the Steamship Savannah
Break the Barrier.” Books
will be available for sale
before and after the talk for
the author to sign.
Pancreatic Cancer
Action Network
6 p.m., Tuesday, February
22, at Sticky Fingers at
White Bluff and Abercorn,
Savannah, Ga. The
Pancreatic Cancer Action
Network is a group of indi
viduals with a strong desire
to help raise awareness
about pancreatic cancer.
The group also provides
support for families coping
with this illness. For more
information, please call
Jennifer Currin-McCulloch
at 912-350-7845.
Immortal City
Thursday, March 10, at 6pm
under the garden tent at
Ships of the Sea Museum. A
free talk by Barry Sheehy
on his new book “Civil War
Savannah “, the first in his
four volume series
“Savannah - Immortal
City.” Books will be avail
able for sale before and
after the talk for the author
to sign.
Calling All Poetry
If you like original, inspira
tional poetry, a new poetry
book entitled Esther’s
Book of Original
Inspirational Poetry is
available now. The book
has full illustrations and
passages that will touch
your heart. To order the
book please contact EGS
and Associates, EEC, P.O.
Box 14097 Savannah, Ga
31416 or call (912) 355-
0553 or(912) 655-0707.
After School
The City of Savannah 2011
After School Program
began on January 4 and
will operate through June 2,
2011. This program accepts
students needing assistance
in completing daily home
work and special projects.
Register today, space is lim
ited. For cost information
and more go to or
call (912)351-3842.
Financial Aid
On Saturday, February 22
from 12 noon to 1pm the
West Broad Street YMCA
will be holding a free finan
cial aid workshop for parents
and high school students.
Topics include Hope
Scholarship, Pell Grants,
FSFA, and other topics.
Experts from South
University will be on hand to
answer questions and cover
topics related to applying for
financial aid for college. For
more information call
Christopher Nunnery at 912
233 1951
Research on
Carnegie Library
Good day! My name is Aisha
Johnson. I am looking for
three to four African
Americans ( 60+ years of age)
who grew up in Savannah,
GA and have experienced the
libraries when they were not
accessible to blacks and later
when the library became
accessible to blacks. These
stories are golden and I wish
to share/preserve them. I
would like to document these
stories as oral histories for
research purposes. I wish to
be in Savannah, GA with the
intentions of recording the
historical stories during the
month of February. Please
contact me at 561-889-5231
or I appre
ciate your assistance in my
growing process.
The Retired and
Senior Volunteer
Program of EOA
Needs Volunteers
Share your time and special
talents with others, join the
Retired and Senior Volunteer
Program of EOA, we need
your help to help others.
RSVP seniors 55 and older
serve in various community
organizations from 1 to 40
hours per week.
Qualifications are to be 55,
want to enjoy life and have
the desire to share your per
sonal talents with others.
“Volunteers are the Heart of
America” For further excit
ing information please call
Finda Fields at 238-2960
ext. 123.
Free Community
Child Car Seat
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday,
February 19, Backus
Children’s Hospital
Outpatient Parking Fot.
Everyone is invited to bring
their child safety car seats to
the free event. Certified Child
Passenger Safety Technicians
will be available to examine
your child safety seats for
recalls and to insure correct
EOA Headstart
The EOA Head Start
Preschool Program is now
accepting applications for
children ages 3-5 ( 5 year
olds are eligible if birthday
is after September 1st ).
Services are provided at no
cost to those families who
qualify. Children with dis
abilities are welcome. For
more information call (912)
238-2965 ext 100
Tompkins Class of
‘64 Big Apple Tour
The Sophronia M. Tompkins
High School Class of '64 has
finalized plans for their tour
of the Big Apple in 2011. The
group departs Savannah via
luxury motor coach on
August 17, and returns on
August 21, 2011. The tour
itinerary is packed with cul
turally enhancing and fun
activities. For complete
details on this fabulous tour,
contact: Eugenia Clark (912)
233-0642, Shirley Gamble
(912) 925-3924 or Phyllis
Loyd (912) 665-0523.
All Copy Due Friday by 4 p.m.