The Savannah tribune. (Savannah, Ga.) 1973-current, February 16, 2011, Image 9
The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 16, 2011-9 ^J^XGoirTOn AROUND President Holds Meeting with the National Policy Alliance President Barack Obama meets with the National Policy Alliance in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Feb. 8, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza). Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc/s to hold 103rd Founders’ Day Observance Luncheon Alisha Thomas Morgan On February 8 in the Roosevelt Room of the West Wing, the President met with members of the National Policy Alliance (NPA) to discuss a variety of issues including his vision for America to win the future by out-innovat ing, out-educating, and out building global competitors while balancing our nation’s budget and reforming our government. The President and the participants at the meeting agreed that the federal government should adopt policies that will make our budget leaner and smarter while accelerating economic growth and by the recession while protect ing the core services that support communities and African American families hardest hit by the current recession. The President reaffirmed that we cannot go back to the kind of economy that led us into this recession, acknowledging that many of the choices we will have to make in our national budget will be tough, but will lead to a better more robust economy that works for all American families. While noting the posi tive news that 1.1 million jobs were created in 2010 and that private sector job growth has continued for twelve consecutive months, the President expressed his concern about the unem ployment rate, which is particularly high among African Americans. He also spoke about clean energy investments, economic prosperity through access to educa tion, public-private part nerships created by the Minority Business Development Agency, pro tecting affordable health care for all Americans, and SBA loan programs devel oped during this Administration to support small businesses and entre preneurs in order to spur job creation in communi ties nationwide. The President also laid out the need to build a 21st century infrastructure to help businesses and incentivize them to invest in America, which includes everything from repairing and modernizing roads and bridges to strategic invest ments in broadband. The National Policy Alliance is an 11-member coalition of African American local elected officials and policy-related organizations. This is the President’s second meeting with the National Policy Alliance. The Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is proud to announce the 103rd Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Founders' Day Observance Luncheon on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront Hotel at Noon. An upcoming national phenomenon and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Mrs. Alisha Thomas Morgan will serve as the speaker for the Founders' Day Observance Luncheon. In 2002, she made headlines as the first African American elected to serve in the Georgia House of Representatives from Cobb County. Morgan's represen tative career is now in its fifth term and she motivates with a powerful message on "overcoming obstacles and achieving the impossible". Ebony Magazine listed Morgan as one of the nation’s leaders under 30 and Essence Magazine praised her as “One of Fifteen Women of the New Power Generation," in addition to her feature in Marie Claire Magazine as one of the women who has “Made it by 30 and You Can Too!” Her book, No Apologies: Powerful Lessons in Life, Love & Politics, presents practical and honest insights for women leaders, young pro fessionals and the African- American community. A graduate of the prestigious Spelman College, Alisha Thomas Morgan is married to David L. Morgan and they have a daughter, Lailah, and a son, Rashaan. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 15, 1908 on the historic campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. For the last 103 years, the sorority has worked internationally to support service, scholarship, and sis terhood. The Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter implements the current Global Leadership through Timeless Service vision of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. program initiative in the Savannah area. Mrs. Zena E. McClain, Esq. serves as the chapter president. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 103rd Founders' Day Observance Luncheon is open to the pub lic. Members of the sorority are asked to wear uninter rupted black (no pants please). Tickets for this momen tous event are $30.00 and may be purchased from members of the Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter and/or Mrs. Carol H. Bell and the membership commit tee. For more information, please contact the Chapter President, Mrs. Zena E. McClain, Esq. at or 912.447.5082. * « * ^hiTTTTT Its what? mitk that iTuunts. Live in a lakeside Paradise filled with amenities in the heart of Savannah *s thriving So nth side. §weet\Vatcr Station is absoUiteh filled with natural beaut} and features a wide variety of ways to get out and have fun. 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