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2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Abends African Dance Spectacle
Returns to Black Box at S.P.A.C.E.
In conjunction with the
22nd annual Savannah Black
Heritage Festival, the City of
Savannah’s Department of
Cultural Affairs will be host
ing three free dance perform
ances by Abeni Cultural Arts
on Feb. 25, 26 & 27 at the
Black Box at S.P.A.C.E.,
Abeni Cultural Arts
located at 9 W. Henry St.
The Savannah-based
cultural dance group will be
presenting encore perform
ances of their production enti
tled, Visions: An Odyssey in
Black Dance. The show pres
ents a journey through history
with African, Modern,
Contemporary, Jazz and Hip-
Hop dance.
Abeni Cultural Arts was
founded in 2006 by Darowe
McMillon, who is the group’s
manager, Muriel Miller who
is the Artistic Director and
Stephanie Sykes-Davis.
Their intention is to create
engaging cultural programs in
the areas of dance, drama,
music, visual arts and voice.
The performances are free
and open to the public with
limited seating. Doors will
open at 6 p.m. on Friday &
Saturday for the performance
at 7 p.m. and 2 p.m. on
Sunday for the performance
at 3 p.m. Seating will be tick
eted on a first-come, first-
served basis. S.P.A.C.E. is
located at 9 W. Henry St.
Free off-street parking is
available. For information,
contact 912-651-6783 or visit .
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Black History Month Administration
Profiles: Celebrating Black History by
Winning the Future
During Black History
Month, the White House will
feature African Americans
from agencies throughout the
Administration that contribute
to the President’s vision of
winning the future. This profile
features Christopher Smith,
DAS for Oil and Natural Gas.
Christopher Smith is
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Oil and Natural Gas in the
Office of Fossil Energy of the
U.S. Department of Energy.
In this position, Smith is
responsible for administering
domestic and international oil
and gas programs, including
research and development,
policy analysis, and natural gas
import and export licensing.
The Oil and Natural Gas
Office leads the Department of
Energy's LNG program which
involves the analysis of safety
and other technical issues.
Prior to his appointment
in October of 2009, Smith
served in managerial and ana
lytical positions of increasing
responsibility in the private
sector. Most recently he spent
eleven years with two major
international oil companies
focused primarily on upstream
business development and
LNG trading, including three
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Christopher Smith
years negotiating production
and transportation agreements
in Bogota, Colombia.
Smith began his career as
an officer in the U. S. Army
and served tours in Korea and
Hawaii. He subsequently
worked for Citibank and
JPMorgan in New York City
and London in the area of
emerging markets and curren
cy derivatives.
Smith holds a bachelor's
degree in Engineering
Management from the United
States Military Academy at
West Point and an MBA from
Cambridge University.
Smith is married to Dr.
Patricia Smith. They reside in
Alexandria with their two chil
Calling All Men on Deck
You are invited to have February 26, 2011 at 8 a.m. the Boys and Men of
breakfast with Bishop Willie at the Moses Jackson Integrity.
Ferrell and the Shadows of Community Center. For more information,
Men Ministry on Saturday, Come and hook up with call (912) 667-8660.
To be granted the highest civilian honor, is not only a testament to his work, but proof that his struggles were not in
vain, Georgia Power is proud to congratulate Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient) Civil Rights leader ami
Congressman, Representative John Lewis.