Newspaper Page Text
2 - The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mrs. Sadie D. Steele -
“A Celebration Fit for a Queen”
Mrs. Sadie D. Steele Celebrates her 100th Birthday
Few of us ever dream of
reaching 100 years old, but
Mrs. Sadie D. Steele sur
passed that mark on
September 10,2011 and cele
brated in style at the EOA
Career Fair
AW WIN, INC will sponsor
Professional Development
Career Fair at Aldersgate
Community Center 2021
Tennessee Ave. Savannah,
Georgia Thursday, September
29, 2011 Time 4:00PM
Address: 2021 Tennessee
Ave, Savannah, Georgia. Our
Guest Employer is
Gulfstream Aerospace Men
and Women Are Welcome.
Phone: 912-659-0241
AWWIN, Inc is a tax exempt
501 (c) (3) organization
Aaron L. Buchsbaum
Learning Center. Arriving
by limousine, Mrs. Steele
was escorted into a magnifi
cently decorated room and
greeted with a standing ova
tion by a capacity crowed of
over 300 guests.
One could actually feel
the love among the huge
crowd of family, friends,
neighbors, sorority sisters,
church members, former stu
dents, educators, elected
officials, etc. The gathering
transcended every ethnic,
economic, educational, and
religious background.
Guests came from as far
away as Darien, Georgia;
Brunswick, Georgia;
Jacksonville, Florida, New
York; Denver, Colorado;
Washington State; and
Elected officials who
gave greetings, presented
proclamations, resolutions,
congratulatory letters, etc.
included: the Honorable
Mayor Otis S. Johnson;
Chairman Pete Liakakis;
State Senator (District 2)
Lester G. Jackson, III;
School Board member
(District 5) Irene Hines.
elected officials present were
Mayor Pro Tem Edna
Jackson, Alderman Jeff
Felser, Alderman Clifton
Jones, School Board member
Ruby Jones, District Attorney
Larry Chisholm, and a host
of mayoral and other political
Mistress of Ceremonies,
Dawn Baker -WTOC-TV
Anchor/Reporter, acknowl
edged letters, proclamations
and resolutions from
President Barack Obama and
Michelle Obama; US
Congressman (District 12)
John Barrow; US
Congressman (District 1)
Jack Kingston; Governor
Nathan Deal; Secretary of the
State of GA - Brian Kemp;
GA Speaker of the House -
David Ralston; and GA State
Representative (District 161)
Edward “Mickey” Stephens
and others.
Mrs. Steele’s legacy of
service and commitment to
education, the community,
church, and civic organiza
tions was evident in the many
organizations that paid trib
ute to her at the event. Some
of these were: Bunn
Memorial Baptist Church;
Davis Ark Baptist Church;
Haven Home School Alumni
See Celebration, pg. 14
Ernest L. Brown, Jr. Attends London
School of Economics and
Political Science
Ernest L. Brown, Jr.
of Lithonia, Georgia will
be attending the prestigious
London School of
Economics and Political
Science for the 2011-2012
academic year.
He was one of 300
college university students
around the world selected
to participate in the
General Course at the
school. The General
Course is a 101 year old
Study Abroad program that
provides the opportunity to
study social sciences with a
focus of helping students
understand the causes of
Brown is a 3rd year
Robert W. Woodruff
Scholar at Emory
University with a Major in
Political Science and
Economics and a Minor in
Arabic. The Woodruff
Scholarship is a full
tuition, room and board
scholarship provided by
Emory University. He is
also the recipient of the
Robert C. Byrd
Scholarship which is a fed
eral award to a student
from each Congressional
He has studied Arabic
at A1 Akhawayn University
in Ifrane, Morocco. He
participated in the Arabic
and North Africa Studies
Program which was an
intensive Summer Arabic
Program during the 2010
Brown is a 2009 grad
uate of Southwest DeKalb
High School, where he was
the salutatorian of the
Magnet for High Achievers
program. He participated
in many activities in High
School including the
Marching Band that played
in the 2007 Rose Bowl,
Basketball starter, Debate
Team president and Quiz
Bowl captain. Other activ
ities included the Beta
Club, National Honor
Society and the Spanish
Honor Society. He was
also a 2008 participant in
the Governor’s Honors
Brown received the
distinction of being the
“Best Intern” from the
Atlanta Bar Association
Summer Law Internship
Program in 2009 after serv
ing in the DeKalb County
District Attorney’s office.
Brown’s grandparents,
Mrs. Gloria S. Brown and
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest S.
Brown, always reminded
him to “study, work hard
and apply yourself and you
will have many opportuni
ties in life.” He bought
into this message and is
realizing the truth of these
Annual Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Lecture Series
African American Visual Artists and
the Blues and Jazz of Harlem
by Dr. Alvia Wardlaw
6:30pm October 4, Jepson Center / FREE and open to the public
Tiie lecture j's sponsored by the
Jacob find Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation
fidCobandqwerdawrer r e orq, 1
& Telfair Museums" Friends of
African American Arts