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8- The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, September 12, 2012
DCH Receives Grant for Enhanced
Fingerprint Background Checks
The Georgia Depart- workers and providers. The
ment of Community Health grant will be used to develop
has received a $2.6 million a more robust fingerprinting
three-year grant to enhance system for conducting back-
background checks for health ground checks of providers,
Ciui l t Et J i« i t! i-in u. in; SiifSaifS 1191 .filiSO . ik
I ■ Ik Ml Jl'.l lip IKI^I'HIMIIIA.
Bishop Moses Ai.fhhj Lewis
\SD Till.
Cm Kt it or Christ Holiness
I nto i nk Lord
i\mh von io
Tuesday, Sept IS - i ritlay* Sept, 21 - 7;Jt) p,m,
Saturday, Sept, 22 -10:00 - 3:00p.m,
i'*f/unrunity itulrruth * Llotfie* O/iy-. I**"u;i: untf f'cMfit ffkwiJ Pnrs-Mmn' tiicvk
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. Iritiitifrit 'Pfttsfhmj; " tow/mV tfrinw# N vrihip
owners of health care facili
ties and employees. It will be
developed and administered
by the DCH Office of the In
spector General.
The system will
connect with the Georgia Bu
reau of Investigation and the
Federal Bureau of Investiga
tion to verify identities and
research criminal histories.
It will reduce time for back
ground checks and provide
access to more comprehen
sive data.
Currently, Georgia
law requires a fingerprint
based criminal background
check of owners of private
home care providers and com
munity living arrangements
as well as owners and direc
tors of personal care homes
and assisted living communi
The grant includes
developing a state-of-the-art
computer system that will
consolidate records. It will
save time and money by pro
viding a more comprehensive
database for criminal and oth
er background checks. Its use
will also simplify background
checks for facilities as they
hire new employees.
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Duncan Recognizes National Blue
Ribbon Schools
U.S. Secretary of
Education Arne Duncan
recognized 269 schools as
2012 National Blue Ribbon
Schools based on their over
all academic excellence, or
for making progress in im
proving student academic
achievement levels. Secre
tary Duncan was joined by
Arlington Public Schools Su
perintendent Patrick Murphy
for the announcement at Ar
lington Traditional Elemen
tary School in Arlington, Va.
The Department
will honor approximately 219
public and 50 private schools
at a recognition ceremony on
Nov. 12-13 in Washington,
D.C. In its 30-year history,
the National Blue Ribbon
Schools Program has be
stowed this coveted award
on nearly 7,000 of America’s
Arne Duncan
“Our nation has no
greater responsibility than
helping all children realize
their full potential,’’ Duncan
To select National Blue Rib
bon Schools, the Department
requests nominations from
the top education official
in every state, the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
the Department of Defense
Education Activity, and the
Bureau of Indian Education.
The Council for American
Private Education nominates
private schools. A total of 417
schools nationwide may be
nominated, with allocations
determined by the numbers
of K-12 students and schools
in each jurisdiction. The Sec
retary of Education invites
nominated schools to submit
an application for possible
recognition as a National
Blue Ribbon School.
Suit Filed Against Dunkin Donuts
Special to the NNPA from
The Call & Post
Rev. Dr. E. T. Cavi-
ness, board chair National
Action Network Greater
Cleveland Chapter & presi
dent and CEO of the Southern
Christian Leadership Confer
ence (Cleveland Chapter),
spearheaded the push to make
this an all inclusive effort by
all the civil rights organiza
Civil rights leaders
joined in support of a suit
filed against Dunkin’ Donuts.
The lawsuit accuses
Dunkin’ Donuts of franchise
discrimination against an In
dian American Woman and
The complaint filed
Monday, August 20 at 10:45
a.m. in the New Jersey Supe
rior Court, by Marks & Klein
LLP of Red Bank, New Jersey,
alleges that Dunkin’ Donuts
engages in discriminatory
franchise practices that de
prive both African-American
and female Indian-American
franchisees the economically
advantageous opportunities
afforded to White male fran
In the Amended
Complaint and Jury De
mand titled Priti Shetty, Amy
Pretto, and Reggie Pretto,
Plaintiffs, vs. Dunkin Donuts
Franchised Restaurants, LLC,
a Delaware Limited Liability
Company, Baskin-Robbins
Franchised Shops, LLC, a
Delaware Limited Liability
Company and Wayne Miller,
individually, defendants filed
in the Superior Court of New
Jersey, Middlesex County,
Marks & Klein contends that
a female Indian American
franchisee named Priti Shetty
was berated, insulted, and de
nied a third store because of
her race and gender.
The lawsuit also al
leges that Dunkin’ Donuts
discriminated against an Afri
can American couple and that
Dunkin’ steers its few African
American franchisees to trou
bled and lower potential eth
nic neighborhoods, reserving
socioeconomically advanta
geous markets for non-minor
ity franchisees.
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