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8- The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, November 21, 2012
SCCPSS Students Excel at
High Q Competition
Savannah-Chatham their academic skills.
Public School students took The Educational
home first place honors in a Talent Search High Q Team
competition that showcased of Savannah State University,
U li
July 27,1974
November 24,2010
It has b een two yea rs since you
■ changed residences,
r miss von calling my name "Hama".
It day doesn i pass that you are not in
my hean and mind.
AE limes it lakes my breath away.
One thing makes meleel alright is the
fact, to he absent Irem the body is In
be present with the lord if you are in
Waller yon know the lord, He heard
veur prayers. He heard your cry.
I heard you pray, it is weft in my soul.
I tove you my son, until we meet again.
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love forever. Mom a. Dad. Aunts, Unde. Cousin, and Friends
made up of students from SC
CPSS, competed in the state
High Q competition at the
Student Initiative Leadership
Conference in Atlanta, Geor
gia on Saturday, November
The Georgia Asso
ciation of Special Programs
Personnel (GASPP) sponsors
this event each year and for
the second year in a row, Sa
vannah State’s High Q team
captured the first place tro
phy! The High Q Team will
now move on to participate in
the Regional Southeast Com
petition. The Savannah-Cha
tham County Public School
student participants include:
Erica Lewis of the School of
Liberal Studies at Savannah
High; Jamir Gardner of Jen
kins High School; Destiny
Craig-Mojica of Savannah
Early College; Taylor Jordan
of Jenkins High School; Jas-
myne Hester of Johnson High
School; and Trevion John
son of Windsor Forest High
Educational Talent
Search is a federally funded,
college preparatory program
administered by the U.S. De
partment of Education. En
rollment is open to middle
and high school students at
targeted schools throughout
SCCPSS including: Bartlett
Middle; DeRenne Middle;
Hubert Middle; Mercer
Middle, Myers Middle; West
Chatham Middle, Beach High
School; Groves High School;
Savannah Early College; Jen
kins High School; Johnson
High School and the School
of Liberal Studies at Savan
nah High.
Jenkins High School Hosts
Thanksgiving Classic
H.V. Jenkins High
School presents the Thanks
giving Classic: Coaches vs.
Cancer at the Savannah Civic
center on Friday, November
23 and Saturday, November
24, 2012.
The event is in
honor of Coach Gregory W.
Oliver, 51, who passed away
on April 16, 2011. Oliver was
employed with the Savan
nah Chatham County Board
of Education as a Physical
Education Teacher and Head
Basketball Coach at Jenkins
High School. Coach Oliver
was named Boys Basketball
Coach of the Year for 2011
in Region 3 AAAAA and
All Greater Savannah Boys
Basketball Coach of the Year
2011 by the Savannah Morn
ing News.
Oliver was a retir
ee of The United States Air
Force, prior to becoming a
basketball coach, Oliver re
ceived his Associate’s Degree
from St. Leo’s University.
He returned to college and
completed his Bachelor of
Science in Physical Educa
tion from Armstrong Atlantic
State University in December
He received his
Masters Degree in Education
from Cambridge College.
Oliver led the Jenkins Boys
Basketball team to a “Sweet
Sixteen’’ win with an 18-0 in
regular season.
Tickets are $6.00
advanced and $8.00 at the
door. Advanced tickets can be
purchased at the Main Office
at H.V. Jenkins High School
on 1800 E. DeRenne Avenue,
Savannah, GA.
AT&T Held Texting While
Driving Simulator at Tompkins
The AT&T texting
while driving chair simulator
arrived at Woodville Tomp
kins Technical and Career
High School on Monday,
November 19, 2012.
The chair produces
a 3-D driving simulation for
students that re-create the
eyes-off-the-road and hands-
off-the-wheel experience of
texting while driving.
The simulator is a
video game driving setup
that houses a chair, steering
wheel, pedals, and monitor
for the driver.
AT&T continues its mission
to educate and inform youth
around the country about tex
ting while driving.
As part of the “It
Can Wait’’ movement, AT&T
is taking the virtual texting
while driving chair simula
tor on a van tour around the
country through December 4,
The “It Can Wait’’
movement has one simple
message: No text is worth dy
ing for...It Can Wait. Since
the beginning of the cam
paign, more than one million
pledges have been logged.
Three AT&T repre
sentatives will be on-site-
one managing the simulator
experience and two captur
ing pledges.
Student participants
will be given branded It Can
Wait sunglasses, a No Text
on Board window cling, and/
or a thumb band to remind
them not to text while driv
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