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The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, December 26, 2018 7
City Designates Honorary Street for
Windsor Forest Neighborhood President
—The City of Savannah
honored long time Wind
sor Forest President and
Neighborhood Association
founder, Jackie Habennan,
by dedicating Windsor Road
between White Bluff Road
and Juniper Circle as Jackie
Habennan Way today.
More than 40 com
munity members, elected
officials and City staff gath
ered to celebrate the legacy
of Jackie Habennan, who
has been the Windsor Forest
Neighborhood Association
President since she helped
found the organization in
1997. The first Fiber Arts
graduate of Savannah Col
lege Arts Design in 1984,
Habennan has also served
on the board of the Wind
sor Forest Garden Club, the
Keep Savannah Beautiful
Board and the Savannah
Cultural Affairs Commis
sion since the 1990’s.
“There is no great
er person in the world that
I have ever worked with,
worked for or been associ
ated with than Jackie Haber-
man,” said District 6 Aider-
man Tony Thomas. “I will
never forget the things she
has done for the Windsor
Forest community.”
An honorary street
designation recognizes an
individual who has made
significant contributions to
the City. The honorary street
designation is a temporary
five year period. Habennan
has been a resident of Sa
vannah since 1966. She is
Alderman Tony Thonas shown with the
Haberman Family
originally from LaCrosse,
“Jackie and her
family have always been
there not only for me but for
the Windsor Forest commu
nity and for Savannah,” said
fonner Mayor Edna Jack-
The ceremony was
attended by Mayor Eddie
DeLoach, District 6 Aider-
man Tony Thomas, Fonner
Mayor Edna Jackson, Chief
Infrastructure and Develop
ment Officer Heath Lloyd,
Police Chief Roy Minter,
Police Major Rick Zapal and
Southside Precinct Captain
Michelle Halford.
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City Celebrates Improvements to
Cloverdale Park
The City of Savan
nah held a ribbon cutting
ceremony for improvements
to Cloverdale Park Tuesday.
Dozens of com
munity members and City
staff gathered in the west
Savannah neighborhood off
of Stiles Avenue to cele
brate a new playground and
re-surfacing of the basket
ball court. These were both
possible through the Spe
cial Purpose Local Options
Sales Tax (SPLOST 6).
“Through the part
nerships across the First Dis
trict and in Cloverdale, we
made our SPLOST dollars
work.” said District 1 Al
derman Van Johnson. “This
is a project we knew we
could make happen quickly
because we had those funds
Cloverdale Park is
5 acres situated adjacent to
the Forest City Library. The
improvements to the play
ground and basketball court
provide recreational activi
ties for the neighborhoods of
Cloverdale, Carver Village
and Laurel Grove.
“The advantage of
tills park is with the library
here, parents can bring their
kids to the park to play, then
take them inside to cool off
and rest,” said Parks and
Recreation Director Barry
The improve
ments to Cloverdale Park
align with the priority of
Neighborhood Revitaliza
tion within the Savannah
Forward strategic plan. The
improvements to the park
were made possible by vot
er-approved SPLOST funds.
“The penny does
work, these are SPLOST
projects that are brought
right here in your commu
nity,” said Mayor Pro Tern
Carol Bell. “Cloverdale is
a tightknit community and
you show you love your
community dearly.”
The ceremony was
also attended by Cloverdale
neighborhood President
Curtis Cooper.
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