The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, March 23, 1888, Image 7
FORGET ME NOT. 1 v' Like the breath of the roses, sighing To slumber against your cheek— Like a heart pulse, softly dying, —By passion rendered weak— Like a whisper faintly heard, The recoil of a tiny word-. Into the distance flying— Dearest, I hear you speak: Forget me not—forget me nott ’Tis pleasant pain to part When love is not forgot: Forget me not—forget me nc Your words are in my heart; Forget me not— Not like an organ, pealing Down the cathedral aisle, To the black-robed figure, kneeling. With the more than earthly smile— • But an echo that no man knows, That lingers, and thrills, and goes— Into the distance stealing— I hear you all the while: Forget me not—forget me no Tis pleasant pain to part When love is not forgot; Forget me not—forget me not! Your words are in my heart; Forget me not! Like a Hymn of gladness, showing The strength of the holy spell— Like the tearful joy outflowing At the chime of the vesper tell— Like a prophecy, told anew, But ever and ever true— Into the distance going— ' I hear your sweet farewell: Forget me not—forget me not! ’Tis pleasant pain to part When love is not forgot; Forget me not—forget me not! Your words are in my heart; Forget me not! —Boston Pilot. PITH AND POINT. Always on top—The roof. ' The game of authors—Reed birds. Ofttimes it gives a man a cold chill to get “fired.” Was Noah’s celebrated vessel lighted by an arc lamp? house Cleaning and upsets two things badly—a a wateh. It's a warm day for a man when he makes a cool thousand.— Life. The unlucky man declared if it should rain soup he’d just about be out in the field with a hay-fork/ There are some people who don’t want the earth. They belong to cremation so¬ cieties. —Rochester Po t-Expres i. “Fire!” she yelled in his slumbering ear At the morning hour bewitchin’, With a sudden spring he was out: “Where's Where!” She replied: “Make one in the kitchen!” —Detroit Free Press. Hole-in-the-Snow According to a Tucson hankers paper “ Chief after mote scalps.” Up, noble wipe champions of Yankee Doodle! Let ns the ground with this red hanker-chief. — Birmingham, Re pnblimn. Mrs. Casirfdy—“Why don’t you come down and see me, Mrs. McGinnis?” Mrs. McGinnis—“And it’s you that’s talkin’, Mrs. Cassidy; and not a sight did I see of ye since last Aister! Sure, if I lived as near to you as you do to me, I’d be droppin’ in every week.”— Graphic. In Washington: Katharine—“ Well, Charlotte, l hear you are to be married?” Charlotte—“Yes; it takes place very soon now. ” Katharine—“Will you elope? ” Charlotte—“ Of course I won’t, I’m not in the chestnut business. I shall get married in the regular way and startle society.” - Washington Critic. In the low ceilinged root of a strange hotel, When a man is changing his shirt, And jabs his tumb in the plaster above, He growls, hustling but the is collar not much for hurt; train But in on a That’s mad nearly he due by when the clock, button How gets the goes down. Deep down, ’way down in his sock. —Oil City Blizzard. A tall Missourian called at the distric school, and, eyeing the teacher sternly, said: “My boy Henry tells me you whipped him last evening.” “Yes,” assented the teacher, deserved edging toward the door, “ but he it, I assure you.” “And he says you used a rawhide on him.” “ Yes, sir, but-” “And you slapped him with your hands as well.” “I did, but I assure you-” “Assure nothin’ Let me give you a pointer: When you have to punish that boy use a club; he doesn’t care for rawhides.”— Nebraska State Journal. A New Wkiin. Nearly all the fashionable of the fair sex in London, now wear wiist watches! They are constructed in every form, from the plaiu leather strap to the magnificent bracelet, where the face of the watch is encircled by precious stones. The same device is also applied to purses, pocket books, canes, and even umbrellas, which are made up with diminutive watches at¬ tached. Blood Will Tell. There is no question about It—blood will tell —especially eruptions, pimples if it be an impure blood. Blotches, find boils, are all symptoms °J of the impure liver. blood, When due this to important the improper action fails to properly perform its function of organ and cleansing the blood,impurities purifying carried to all parts of the are above referred system, and the symptoms to are merely evidences of the struggle Unless of Nature to throw off the poisonous germs. her warning be heeded in time, serious results are certa in--to follow, culminate sumption. ingin liver or Dr. kidney disorders,or even iii cop Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis¬ covery will prevent and cure these diseases,by restoring the liver to a healthy condition. Mrs. W. H. Vanderbilt’s expenses are said to aggregate $100,000 a year. Many People refuse to tf*ke Cod Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste. This difficulty has been overcome in Scott’s Emulsion cf Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos phites. valuable It being remedy as palatable as milk,’ and the most known for the treatment of Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis,Gen¬ eral Debility, Wasting Diseases of Children, i hronic Coughs and Colds, has caused physi¬ cians in all parts of the world to use it. Physi¬ cians report our little patients take it with pleasure. vinced. Try Scott’s Emulsion and be con¬ Never ask a crust of a crusty man. Ask him for meat, for he’ll give you a cold shoulder. J>Iy Little Girl Had a dreadful and a very alarming cough, that at one time after trying every prescrip¬ tion we feared from her not receiving any benefit that serious results would follow. I was advised to try Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. A permanent cure was the result. T. B. Cox, Big Island, Ya. French “soldier dogs” are shown men in German uniforms, and taught to fly at them. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. ‘ Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the problem debilitated, of the lengr needed medicine for the ner. vo us, and the ogred, by combining the best nerve tonics, Celery and Coca, with other effeo tive remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease, restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is mrs eiery .• irBlls a place heretofore unoccupied, and msrbs a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has Bhown that tho usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous system. Recommended by professional and business men. Send for circulars. Price St.00. Sold by druggists, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON, *VT. Don’t buy until you ^ find out the new B ilk Improve- 1 b. ments. Save the. W Middleman’s Profits. tfrrSencl for Catalogue. J.P. STEVENS &BR0., 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. “OSGOOD” a U. S. Standard Scabs. ■a uf Sent on trial. Freigld paid. FullyWarranted. 3 TON $35. Other size- proportion¬ ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated Catalogue free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD Ss THOMPSON, Binghamton, M. Y. MfANTED-A U»from 81100 f« MAN! S200 Can fflonth! Earn n We Salary want a a Bl live, energetic man, who is not afraid of work, in every town in the Southern States. Such a man can make the amount, handling our goods. No capital required. Work the year round. II. C. HUDGINS «fc CO.. Publisher*, ATLANTA. GA. § VhbUW III* OS Floral Flower Seeds Guide, (SX1 all kinds),witt? for 2 stamps. Park’s New flowers, Everybody new delighted. engravings, teems with floral hints. G. W. Tell all your friends. Seud now. Park, Fannettsburg, Pa. m m Mil* V Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar ._ S WELLS’ BALSAM HAIR iariJc restores Graf )3 uum. satin Hair 40 °*W*' If »«1 color. An [fUll# irilM elegantdress- in softens ilMil* K' sad beautifies if UniSaj sfllsl oil. eroase A Tonic nor " # 3 Restorative. Prevents hair ,4a coming out; raj strengthens, cleanses and heals scalp. SOc. Druggists E. S. WELLS, ^ Jcritj City, II. 1, ROU@H°®0ATARRH chronic Unequaled for Catarrhal gagsttss throat worst cases. affections, diphtheria, foul breath, tho offensive head. Ask odors, for “Rough sore throat, cold in oh Catarbh.” 50c. Drug- & S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. mm LOOK YOUNG s long tendency as you can, wrin» pre¬ rent to Ides or ageing of tho tv* skin by using f *J SSlt youthful, preserves fresh a condition « plump, of the features; rem¬ mo- oves pimples, clews tho complexion, known the only will substance and that arrest pre¬ vent tondoney to wrinkle# $1. Druggists or Rxp. K. Jeraey 8. WEI.I.S, City, Ch.mUt, H. J _ CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use _in time. Sold by druggists. I CONSUMPTION' I bolieve Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved my life.—A. H., Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. IPISOI Tho best Cough Medi¬ cine is Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 26c. HS CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough in time. Syrup. Sold by Tastes druggists. good. Use Hi r hfc& sst/w* u UU JsntieyftSrahamSun lfll CJ Wriit^OT C*'rA*Oe 6•.,%!!&& > ’?K. Ci:S ‘ PATENTS 1 ington, I). C. Sendforour book of instructions, HEBBRAHO FIFTH WHEEL. Improvement. UERBRAND CO., Fremont, O. WaterpotGwt . Is Tie Best None genuine unless _____ ___Era FISH BRAND Bait. SLICKER tamped with the above Don’t waste your money on a gum or rubber coat The trade bare. is absolutely water and wind proof, and will keep you dry in the hardest storm Ask for the “FISH BRAND” take mo other. If your storekeeper docf ot have the "fish brand” send for d e3cr iptive pataloguetoA^LTO WE R. 2^i rtnnonsSt. Bfts ton Mass 100 Doses Thl~ not catch Is a One line only but Is original with and Dollar true only of Hood’s Sar¬ saparilla, which Is the very best spring medi¬ cine ajid blood purifier. Now, reader, prove It. Take a bottle home and measure its contents. You will find It to hold 100 teaspoonfuls. Now read the directions and you will find thit the average dose for persons of different ages Is less than a teaspoon tul. Thus the evidence of the peculiar strength and economy of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is conclusive and unanswerable. “Feeling languid and dizzy, having ro appetite and no ambition to work, I took Hood’s Karsaparilla, with the best results. As a health invigorator and medicine for general debility I think it superior to anythin# else.”—A. A. Rxker, Utica,N. Y. “My wife and myself were both generally run¬ down. Hood’s Sarsaparilla brought us out of that tired feeling aad made us feel like young people again. It has done more for us than all other medi¬ cines together.”— Richard ELawkhuhst, Amity villa, Long Is and, N. Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, gl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowel], Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar im m i; § I ... m . ■. S SHOE • GENTLEMEN. ■ LAS FOR The only fine calf $3 Seamless Shoe ia t :e world made without i tacks or nails. As stylish and durabl e at those costing $5 or $(!, and hiving no tacks or nails to wear the stocking or h<irt-the feet, make s them os comfortable and well fitting as a hand sewed shoe. Buy the best. None genuine un less warranted.” siamped on bjtcom “W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe, XV. hanl If. DOUGLAS welt J?4 SHOE» which the original and only made shoes sewed costing from $4 shoe, $9. equa:» custom to W. Ii. DOUGLAS 82.50 SHOE ia unex¬ celled for heavy wear. W. L. DOUGLAS *2 SHOE is worn by all Boys, and La the beat school shoe in the world.. AU the above goods are made In Congress, Button and Lace, aud if not sol l by your dealer, write W. h. DOrtiiiA8. Brockton. Ilass. gl/PERJORI YS.T4S. rQjjAltlTY IBpia mkmm FHIMDEH^HIA^Seno - stamp for Catalogue. I CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them lor a time and then have them return again. I mean » radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPIL« EPSY or FALLING SICKNESS the worst a life-long study. Because I Warrant my failed remedy is to cure for not cases. receiving, ethers hare no reason tTO&tise and now Free Bottle a cure. Send at enco lor a and a Office. of hTg. my infallible remedy. d, 183 Give Pcurl Express St. New Post 1 ork. HOOT* M, 25 Choice 10c. Cigars, FREE! Address G. E. BRYSON, Publisher, Key West, Fla, Biair’s Pills ■ Great Rheumatic English Remedy. Gout and Oval Mox.ati round, 14 PilU. Vjk 50S^S8S2aS®£SJf&. p to SS o day. Samples worth 22S8?*«c. $1.50, FREE cularsfres. HOME SSiattSrgCa KitfA.M s college, IjJ 2iain si., Buffalo, a. r. j A. N. U. Eleven, ’SS.