The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, September 07, 1888, Image 5
GENERAL NEWS. An effort is being made to get up a sham battle to take place during the Northeast ' Georgia fair. The BronwoOd Reporter has been sold to stock company in Shellinan and will be published in that place. A gentleman living near Lexington has an 18-months- old child 'that weighs one third as much as he. Charles Maddox of IroriSprings district, Butts county, has one fourth of an acre ip sngar cane that will make lUO gallons of ' syrup. J, P. Echols of Bellton' has a' pair of spectacles that have been in constant use in his family for over seventy five years. They are rough and crude looking, the ’ frames are heavy and tho glasses small and thick A negro man created considerable amusement at 'Greenesbbro on Saturday last by' Tiding through tewnori'a monster ox • The' a nim al was bridled'atkl - saddled ■ and moted through the‘'city at arapid pace. t>r. Kendrick of Crawford villc says that ■there was a quantity of fodder at his far ther'a at. the time of his death that was made by slaves during the first yoar of the war, about 27-years ago. He says it looks iis bright as this year’s fodder. Hon. H. N. CarltoD, representative in -congress, has addressed an open letter to ’the’Athens Banner-Watchman, in which 'he advises farmers not to buy bagging at present prices, as it can and will sobn be • imported at-eheaper prices. Two boys, Horace Bishop and Charles Appleby, of Branford, Conn., took soda whter at a drug store in that town, yester¬ day, and wei immediately taken sick, dying within aa hour. An investigation revealed tho fact that tincture of acohite -had been ‘mixed with the soda insfead of syrup. Robert J. Lotta, the clerk who made the ■ fatal error, has been ai rested. ’The cotton buyers of Athens- have issued ‘ a circular' to the farmers, complaining of the common practice of using an unneces¬ sary amount- of bagging on 1 their bales, and •stating that they will hereafter make de -ductions on this'-overplas. Many planters nee twice as many yards • of -bagging on their cotton bales as necessary. • About twelve days ago a"registered let¬ ter pouch, which had been made up in the Atlanta postoffice to be dispatched to Rome ivaa found by the postal clerk with a hole cut in the side. -An examination of the qnVuch showed that five or six registered letters were missing from the pouch. It : has been learned since then that there was very little money in the letters, probably not mere than five dol.ars. There is no clew to the robbery, but it is supposed to have been committed by burglars. The cotton factories in and around Athens have sold the last yard of second¬ hand baggiDg they had atid farmers are clamorous for more. This bagging was sold at 4 cents per pound less than the new and answered every purpose. Planters are only .purchasing enough bagging to answer present and prestin demands, and threaten to permit their cotton to remain unginned before submitting to the extoftion of the trust. A citizen of Halatka'hurried down to prominent business man’s office, Friday, and said a girlhad come into the city with¬ out a certificate. The business tnan'be •came excited, rushed around and blew'the quarantine officers sky high for not per¬ forming their duty. Then the health board was informed, and that body repri¬ manded the officers in severe terms. While the pot was bdilidg and'indiguaiion 'ran high, it was discovered that a baby girl had only been born to the wife of that citizen Then the excitement died out, Huid a universal smile came over the troubled %*ter.~ A very aemarkable duck is owned T. Bally of Kingston. It has four legs, four wings, two tails and one head. It wil be exhibited at the 'North Georgia and Alabama exposition. The negro, Dr. Pomell, who was arrest¬ ed at Amcricus Tuesday for assault and attempt tojmurder, was given a preliminary rial Wednesday, and sent to jail in default of a $600 bond. The negroes living in the settlement be¬ tween St. Paul’s church ahd Tattnal at Macon are greatly worked up by a negro man without a vestige of clothing-stalking about apparently aimlessly in that section. According to the account given of him, he has been shot at by those who wanted pnta stop'to such'antics. DO YOU WANT A FARM? If so you can be suited with what offered here. A Well Impressed Faztn Of 70 Acres. *Oood Dwelling, all 7 Tenant'Hrivrses, "Large Barn, new. Nice Orchard and Vineyard, Plenty Splendid Water and of it. Also Plantation of 320 - Acres Fifty acres of well drained Bottom Lands in this tract, and Fifty acres covered with Original Timber. Good Bam on the place, -ALSOA- FABM 6? m ACRES. On thhi place are a-gin ‘house and a tenant house. • ^ands aro producing good crops. ’'Fbffces Extra Good. First Class Buyers will Find TEIiMS EASY. Apply to B.H.BA Y, Macon, ©a. E. VAN WINKLE & CO. ATLANTA f (jrA, , _ . *n a A -VrTTTn A * -r r> r^ i COTTON KRilll C!K3 ■* Gotten Oil M1118 and Oil Machinery SAW MILLS, WIND MILLS, TANKS, SHAFTING ETG ATT, KINDS OF FOUNDRY WORK. Write to us foi prices. to Headquarters We can save you what money You by want— purchasing direrLgg| “Come r Atlanta G wBw E. Van WmMe ft? 00 Vr, 1 ju22-3 .r'Okt ■" B; •: S?‘ The DsLoach. VariaHs Friction Feed. A New and Valuble Device, Simple and Effective. ' Capacity — - from ,6000 to 60,000 Feet per Day.—— rH i i ft V,T .....myp ,.... SSSBS 22211 m Sli Ms if •V 'JT'- " •- - *». ' <N.vw&aa? s Has only feaep on the market one year.Tjut has become so popular that shipments are With being'made mill to aU'parts feed of IHe United States and inquiries coming from abroad this the- cap bo under Eaghand Perfect Control* It Is uow the most Popular as well as the most Saleable milt in tho market Saw Mi 1, Portable Com Mills and DeLoach Water Wheels Etc Deljoach Mill Mf’g Co., Atbmta,G 11 bOME ‘1 SiRUMx ’11 ' (Y A POJNTB. " r ‘ TEAL Tho may strongyyoifnts her ooued of down the intome Umot} CEN- fob . lowing to paste dozen in éentencos hat which It “21“ pay you ,It has thc your ‘ * LOWEST DEATH RATE. It realizes the ' IiinHES’l‘ INTEREST RATE on its investments. It pays the LARG-Ffi'l‘ DIVIDENDS _to policy MOST hnlrfiers, Ré‘PID and PROGRESS has made the " of any company id the United States "' ' ‘11: issues endowment insurance at LIFE RATES. :It makes it; policies incontestablo N ON EORFEITAB LE. out surrender, It continues by la" the policies application in force, With— the of entire reserve thgrexh. It dues not own dollar in ‘ " "' a ELUCI‘UATING.,.STGCKS & BONDS. I It imposes ,{zo restrictions on reai- 1 denc‘c travel, ‘Spd ‘ j or PAYS LQSSES Promptly. 1 ,VKKDXVILLE. \V. P. G‘Li BLASINGAME, Aamm _ l '■A K sr- r m IHP: it ■ m I m i K 1 :• & i^p Cotton Presges. 1541101 Seed. Cleaners