Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, March 08, 1907, Image 10
W. A. JONES & COMPANY, 1 COTTON FACTORS. Gordon, Ga., Wilkerson Co. ' * * * ■ ~ Has just received a car of Kentucky Mules. We also handle the Best Brands of Fertilizers. And will i lend you Money at 8 per cent, interest. It is our purpose to supply the trade with all necessaries in the Agricultural pursuits. Your Credit is good. Come to see us or write for any information you want. I । Our Motto is fair dealings on business principles. PINE GROVE DOTS. We are having some fine weather ■and the farmers ^re preparing their land for planting.^ Quite a large crowd attended preaching at Asbury Sunday, the ser mon being conducted by Rev. W. S. Johnson of Gordon. Misses Kate, Maebelle and Emma Wood, Miss Arvilla Fountain and Miss Mattie Sanders were the guests of Miss Lillie Stinson Sunday. Miss Bertha Sapjt and Mr. Dewell McNeal attended preaching Sunday and took dinner with Miss Irene San ders. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gibbs returned Sunday after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends near Cary. Miss Lummie Leslie of Macon visited friends and relatives in this commun ity Sunday and Monday. Mr. K. M. Sanders made a busi ness trip to Macon last week. We regret to say that .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dykes of this community have moved to Macon the past week. We are Jose little Miss Mae .Johnse^^^^V our school. Mr. J. D^lßens has keen on the sick list the pa^bweek. Mr. F. M. Butler visitel^Kme folks . near Danville last fourt^ urday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Obie WoiW^nteAded preaching at Asbury Sunday and Xis ited Mr. and Mrs. H T. Stinson. / Mr. F. M. Butler called on Miss Lillie Stinson Sunday afternoon. EXETER. POPLAR HEAD NEWS. The school here is progressing nice ly with Miss Eddie Stanley as teach er. For the past two months the echoed has made an average ot twen ty-seven and twenty-six, respectively. Good many in the community have sown their gardens, despite the cold ; rainy weather. -Mrs. Celia Freeman of Dublin visit-' rd her son, Mr. J. L. Freeman and family hist week. Mr. F. 1. Lord accompanied his daughter. Miss Nettie, up to Macon' last. Saturday. We learn Miss Nettie will spend several days in the city.. That looks rather significant, eh? Miss i _Nettie. Miss Annie Bragg, of Jones County, was a welcome guest at the home; of Mr. and -Mrs James L. Freeman last week. Miss Bragg was a teacher, of the school at this place a few years ago, and by her winsome ways and genial, sunny nature won for herself many friends, who were glad io welcome her in their midst. The ladies of Ebenezer Baptist Church have organized a missionary society, witli Mrs. Oscar Wright, pres ident; Miss Mary Miller, secretary, and Mrs. Rufus Davis,- treasurer. That is a movement in the right di- Tection. May- the good Lord guide and direct them, and give them unity of purpose. Now. if ‘Uncle Zeke” does not criti cise too severely, you may hear again from ntmporte. A man may be born with ability, hut he has to hustle for experience. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Os the United States for the Western Division of the Southern Dis trict of Georgia. In the matter of D. B. Baum, Bank rupt —In Bankruptcy. Under and by virtue of an order passed by the Honorable Alexander Proudfit, referee in bankruptcy in the above stated case and district, the undersigned will sell to the high est bidder for easli on the 9th day of March, 190", before the stere house doot ot said bankrupt, at Irwinton, [’Georgia, all of the following property, I to-wit; I All that stock of dry goods, shoes, clothing an 1 notions, groceries and hardware, etc., contained in the store house of the said bankrupt st Irwin ton, Georgia, and also ‘all the notes and accounts due the said bankrupt, a complete inventory of said stock and notes and accounts can be seen on application to the undersigned: Said property will first be offered in parcels and then in bulk and which ever manner of sale realizes the most will be reported to the court for con firmation; ten per cent (10 per cent) j of the successful bid must be deposit led when made. Said property is sold freed from all ; | liens amt subject to the confirmation lof the court. This 12 day- of Febtuary, 1907. GEORGE 11 CARSWELL, | ts Trustee. GEORGlA—Wilkinson County. By virtue of an order granted by the ordinary of said county, 1 will sell before the court house door in ‘lrwinton on first Tuesday in April next, dining legal sale hours, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property: , All of the land embraced in lot 1, l lock “G,” of survey- made by Cen tral of Georgia Railway Company at Mclntyre, except that corner having a front of 80 feet and running back 85 feet now owned by W. E. Scott and N. B. Price. The whole of said lot being 184 feet by 171 feet. Sold for the purpose of support, maintenance and education of John W. and Lov ick P. Lingo. This March sth, 1907. Its J. F. LINGO, Trustee. ' GEORGIA —Wilkinson County. | 1 have levied on and will sell be fore the court house door in Irwinton |on the first Tuesday in April next, I during legal sale, hours, to the high ! est bidder, for cash, the following property: One-ninth undivided interest in I 202 1.-2 acres of land in said county, ' bounded on southeast by G. W. Kin : ney old place, northwest William Carr old place, southwest by A. Pennington old place, northeast by Rains oid I place, known as Deason old home i place, now occupied by Andrew-J. Dea i son. Levied on as property of John | Deason, under ft. fa. in favor of I Southern Fertilizer Company vs. John Deason. Tenant in possession notified ;in writing. I This March sth, 1907. j if J. L. BYINGTON, Sheriff. UNION ASKS TWO CENT RATE. Petition is Finally Filed With Georgia Railroad Commission. Through various of its representa tives in Georgia the Fenners’ Un ion is making an effort to have the present passenger rate of three cents a mile reduced to two cents a mile. The railroad commission Monday received a letter signed by President Charles S.‘ Barrett, of the national union, and a number of officers of the Georgia branch, asking that the rate be reduced. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County, Notice is hereby given that th<> un dersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Martin Hatcher for pay ment of debts and' dis tribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary lor said county to be held on first Monday in Mairch, 1807. This February 4th, 1907.. ' S. P. HORNSBY,, Administrator Upon Estate Makin Hatcher. | ts GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. By virtue of an order of the cojurt of ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on first Tips day in April, 1907. at the court hc^se in said county’ between the usual hours of sale, the following real les late situated in Jones county; Four hundred acres land, more or less, ad joining lands of A. J. Lavender, Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Wm. Daniel, Lewis Ste phens, Wm. Wilkinson and Joel Wal ker, and better known as the Mis souri Whitehurst place. Sold as rhe property of Miss Missouri White hurst for distribution. Terms cash. J. P. BLOODWORTH, Administrator Estate Miss Missouri Whitehurst.. it GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. Mrs. M. E. Cannon and W. F. Can non, Jr., executors upon the estate of W. F. Cannon, late of said county, deceased, having filed their petition lor discharge, this is to cite all per sons concerned to show cause against the granting of thfe discharge at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on first Monday in March, 1907. tt J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. D. J. Bateman, administrator upon( the estate of J. H. Bateman, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge, j at the regular term of the court of ■ ordinary for said county to be held on ' first Monday in March, 1907. ts J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary- of said county will be sold at public outcry on first Tues day in March, 1907, at the court house in said county, between the | usual hours of sale, the following I real estate situated in said county, to- I wit: Lot numbers 350, 353 and 354 of the third district of said Wilkin son county, Georgia. This February’ 4th, 1907. E. M. BLALOCK, ts Administrator of John Scott. FOR SALE —] saw mill and fixtures complete; one thirty-five-horsepower boiler, Mallory and Taylor’s make ; one engine, Schofield’s make; two yoke of oxen; two log carts; one pair of mules. For information apply to The Bulletin. ts CURES BLOOD, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER, GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood is impure, thin, dis eased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, cattarrh, rheuma tism or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. 8.1. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists, or by express $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. tj The Union Dry Goods- Company. i * We cordially invite everybody to visit our newly arranged £/ ‘ 1 store, now the largest in Central Georgia. fy FINE SILK AND DRESS GOODS* 1 . ELEGANT READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. fl Special Sale on Wash Goods. White Goods, Linens every day./ WE U/WEBSELL A/Ny O/N -DOMESTIC AMD HEAVy GOOdT^^ One Price to Everybody. Macon, Ga., 523 Ciierr® TAX NOTICE—FIRST ROUND. I will be at the following places on the dates specified below between the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. for the purpose of receiving tax re turns of Wilkinson county, for the year 1907: Irwinton, April the first, second and third, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. High Hill, Thursday, April the fourth, from 2 to 4 p. m. Turkey Creek at B. C. Arnold's Store, on Saturday, April the sixth, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Griffin, on Friday, April the fifth, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. nt. Lords & Passmore at Toomsboro, on Monday, April the eighth, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Bloodworth District, Tuesday, April the ninth, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Ivey, Wednesday, April tenth, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. nt. Gordon, on Thursday, April 11th, from Ki a. m. to 2 p. m. Bethel, on Friday, April twelfth, from 8 to 11 a. m. This March 6, 1907. C. W. BELL, Tax Receiver of Wilkinson County. ts GEORGlA—Wilkinson County. 1 have levied on and will sell be fore the court, house door in Irwinton on the first Tuesday in April next, during legal hours of sale, to the high '?st bidder, for cash, the following property; One-half undivided interest in 270 acres of land, more or less, lying in said county, and bounded on east by T. H. Walters, on north and west by Joe Youngblood and J. E. Kemp and on the south by Big Sandy Swamp and known as the Alcy Pickle place. Levied on as the property of H. F. Freeman to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of E M. Boone & Co. vs. H. F. Free man. This March sth, 1907. ts .1. L. BYINGTON, Sheriff. MORE WARSHIPS NEEDED To Protect American Interests in War Zone of Central America. Developments in the war in Central America, with the indications that at least four of the republics have be come involved, has led the state and navy department officials to consider the expediency of increasing the American naval force in those waters am. it is probable that within a few days several other ships will be or dered to reinforce the Marietta and Chicago in protecting American inter ests', there. HRS. BEDINGFIELD PRIVATE SCHOOL OF Shorthand and Typewriting. HACON, GA. 820 FIRST ST. PHONE 3089. Union Sample Shoe Store “We Save You Money’’ OUR SPRING STOCK OF SHOES ARE ARRIVING DAILY, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE YOU SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN LOW QUARTER SHOES. COME TO SEE US. Union Sample Shoe Store, 408 MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. j LASTS THE LONGEST, COOKS THE BEST; ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. PRiCES LOW. R, W. HATCHER, Milledgeville, Ga. JOB PRINTING^ We do all kinds of Printing at Reasonable Prices* The Famous Grand Oak Cook Stove.