Newspaper Page Text
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Corn and beans are the staple ar
ticles of diet of the working classes
of Mexico.
. After the fruits, flowers and vege
. tables of Algiers, the .first to reach
the French, English and German mar
kets are those from the sheltered
corners of old Provence; they are
sent as fast freight, without refriger
ator cars. This makes care in pack
ing so important a feature that at a
recent exposition in Marseilles there
was a department devoted entirely
to packing and shipping devices.
Americans prefer the great English
hotels to the mansion either in the
city or the country.
S »
Hannibal was born 247 B. C. and
died 183 B. C., and was therefore
sixty-four years old at the time of
his death. Hannibal was never taken
prisoner. He died near the present
city of Constantinople from a self-ad
ministered dose of*poison, which he
had for many years carried about
with him in a ring.
Coco is Spanish for bogie, and it is
said the cocoanut was thus named
for its resemblance to a distorted hu«
man face.
Ou est la Femme? (Where is the
Woman?) -Buchmann considers this
saying to be derived from Juvenal
(Sat. VI, 242): Nulla sere cause
est, in pua non femina litem mover
it. ~ (There is hardly any litigation
of which a woman is not the cause.)
The Erzberg, Austria’s iron moun
tain, will furnish ore for 1000 more
The name of Michael Scott is the
earliest on record among the Scotch
poets, but the oldest fragments of
Scottish poetry now known to exist,
consist of a few lines of lamentation
on the death of Alexander lil. of
Scotland, which took place in 1268.
The ancients were of the opinion
that the plants, in their movements
~ through space, produced severally the
. seven notes of the gamut. This mu
sle, it was contended, was impercepti
ble to human ears on account of the
fact that it was too powerful for our
hearing. Others held that men did
.» not hear it simply because they were
so used to it, just as we do not notice
the roar of the city from our constant
familiarity with it. The real ‘“Music
of the Spheres” is purely intellectual,
lying in the great and splendid fact
of the universe of law and order.
Nervousness That Displays Itself in
the Tapping of Eight Busy Fingers,
Nervousness that displays itself in
constantly tapping the fingers is said
to be exhibited to some extent by
typewriter. girls. Expert typewriting
operators use eight fingers at their
The steady concentration and ex
treme speed in some cases, seem to
produce a digital numbness that occa
sionally becomes so pronounced as to
interfere with the ability of the type
writers. In some cases impatient em
ployers failing to comprehend the
cause of their stenographers’ trouble,
have discharged them.
: If the girl aflicted with this finger
tapping trouble manages to do her
work properly and speedily she pays
for her grit. The bothersome numb
ness leaves her fingers soon after
the day’s grind at the typewriter
is ended, and is succeeded by the
nervousness that many of the victims
consider far more objectionable.
All that is required by the type
writer girl suffering from this dis
order is a table, the arm of a chair,
a book or bag in her lap, or any other
object upon which she may rest her
wrist and begin the ceageless tap
“pypewriteritis” might describe
the malady. The eight fingers of
the victim thrum idly the moment
she sits down to dinner. A stranger
noting the movement watches for it
to cease, but there is not letup.
Any one may feel a desire to drum
with the fingers for a few moments
without considering himself nervous,
pbut it is the design of the typewriter
girl to continue it indefinitely that
marks her as a victim and generally
makes her friends equally fidgety.
Girls with shapely, well-manicured
fingers sometimes simulate the symp
toms of the disease, but none of the
immunes, however vain, cail ;g%%@
the nervous tapping of a real victim. .
- Seventeen éafiygéérfinm_in. the
Park Row Building a"% asked if they ‘
ey nOti%?q‘ the %ervousne_sg in them-
Seives. llve sald yes. The twelve‘
others nggegi- ggqyg_l‘ gr amused, or
incredulous, but said no. prw
" Twelve of thée Zame profession in
the Tlatiron Building were put on‘
the witness stand, and all but five
disclaimed having any symptoms otl
the disease. One of the five treated
the matter frivolously and asked the
questioner what he wanted her to
say,,,agreeing to give the right.answer
regardless of the facts.
Typewriters who operate the keys
slowly need have no fear eof the
trouble.—New York Sun, = ...
How a Murderer Was Safely Landed
A in Dodge City Jail.
R, G. Cook, of Dodge City, who
visited friends in Garden City this
week, first went to Dodge City thirty
four years ago and for several years
hunted buffalo on the plains. He was.
also justice of the peace and Coroner
for several years in the early days
and these official positions, says the
Garden City Telegram, gave him fre
quent opportunities to see some of |
the thrilling events that happened in !
the west. Mr. Cook relates ond inci- }
dent of the palmy days of Dodge City
that was not unusual at the time. 1
“Mysteorious Dave” had been arrest
ed for a murder which had been com
mitted in the town and was brought
before Judge G& to have his pre
liminary hearing. Dave had & num
ber of friends in the town and it had
tieen rumorad that it made no differ
ence if he was bound over; that they
would release him as soon as ths pre
liminary was over. “I had heard this
talk,” said Mr. Cook, “and when 1
tock my place in the court room I
laid two revolver downwmon the table
before me, within easy reach of eith
ed hand. Both were cocked and both
ready for action. The court room was
full and a great many of Dave’s
friends were thera, We heard the evl
dence and just before I gave my de
cision 1 saild, ‘Every one will keep
his seat until this court is dismissed.
« iPhe ghariffs are instructed to
shoot any ope that disobeys this or
der” Then I bound the prisoner over
to the district court for first degree
murder, without bail. The sheriff
took the prisoner to jail and returned
before a person left his chair. There
were three or four deputy sheriffs in
the crowd and the order would have
been carrled out if any one had at.
tempted to disobey it.”
“What, a dollar-a pound for tea!”
‘exclaimed the customer. “Isn’t that
too steep?”
Lo Yes, ma’am,” answered the hon
'est groceryman, “all tea is too steep.”
; ~—Chicago News.
i The south outranks New England
in steam horse-power, but New Eng:
‘land is far ahead in water horse
' Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing SByrup for Children
teething,softens thegums, reducesinflamma
tion, allays pdg,_clir_gl_ yv_ind colic, 25ca bottle
} Everything comes to the man who
iudvertisxeas while he waits.
! Ttch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s
‘ Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
l Clothes don't make the man, argues
the Dallas News, but in some longi
tudes they make a pretty effective
\ Symp of f'g
‘ X7 oenna
- Cl?( the %{y’sfiem Effiict
| un{‘)'; lspels lds and ad
aches due t({ Consttllm‘ion:
A%ts natura ‘l):, acls tru lly as
a axafivov 2
Best forMen! omei\ and Child-
I;E- oungfimd O d
To get its emfi-ftcm‘ Efiecfs
elw%? 'lnq the Genuine which
as eju I name of the Com
e Srrup Co.
Eby whom it is manufactured, printed on the
: gyfllfl o?cvor ackage.
.one size only, regular price 50¢pe-| le.
Board at Harvard.
Something more than 2,000 Har
vard students board In commons,
That {8 to say, two-thirds of all the
uhiversity students resident in Cam
bridge, and a number equal subse
quently to the entire undergraduate
body, take their meals in two dining
associations which are conducted on
the co-operative principle, the cost of
board a week ranging from $4 to §5,
One of the associations Is run on the
European and the other on the Amer
fcan plan. Thers is much to be sald
in commendation of such a condition
of things at a great university which
{s sometimes erronsously reckonsd
an expensive place to get an educa
tion. It is not only cheap board, con
sidering its quality, but it 18 an ar
rangement that heips to bring all the
students together at leagt three fimes
a day, enabling them all to touch el
bows with each other. Besides, it is
popular, in all senses.—Boston Her
New Uss For Cigar Ashes,
“The pshes of a cigar make the fin
est kind of tosth wash,” said Henry
K';;l:r. of Littta Rock, at the Utopta,
¢ next time you & ea good
Ti B S 5 R
moruing, takd a pinch of cigar ash,
rub % om your fiomt teeth, and thedl
Pegin work With the brush. The
teeth will immediately take on 8
splendid polish. The cigar ash will
keap them in the best of oondidom,
and wiil prevent the gums from be
coming sore or swollen. I hays been
using the ash for five years and
know it to be good—Nashyills Texn
nessean, ? L
Don't borrow trouble; any of your
friends will gladly give it to you.
FITB,St. Vitus'Dance:Nervoas Diseases
peeadyosetiy B i et o
! a
D, 5. . Rling, 11,001 Aroh Bt hita., ba |
Little Girl (crying)—Oh, mister;
I'm lost. Please take me home, won
Old Gentleman—l'd like to, sissy,
but I don’t dare. The frenzied mob
might lynch me.—Puck, :
StATE or Omio, Crry or TOLEDO, z o |
Lucas CounTy, >
KRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of I.J.CHENEY &
Co., doing business 1n the City of Toledo
County and State aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay thesum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-~
LARS for each and every case of CATARRI
that cannot be cured by the use of HaLv's
Sworn to betorc me and subscribed in my
%segence, this 6th day of December, A. D.,
fiEA,L.&. : Notary Public,
all’s Catarrh Cureistakeninternally,and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces ot the system. Send for testimonials,
free. I, j . CHENEY & Co., T'oledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Famfiy Pills for constipation.
“John, what was that awful noise
{n the bathroom just now?”
_ “Don’t worry, my dear,” replied
John sleepily. “It was merely a
crash towel falling.”—Milwaukee Sen
Sinks, drains, eating and eooking
utensils, sick room linen and clothing
frequently carry the dreaded disease
germ unnoticed by the househola.
Thorough and hygienic cleansing is
the best safeguard against infection,
and such a safeguard is found in
the universal household necessity—
This simple preventive carries in it
gelf, disinfecting qualities which en
ter the fabx:ic or act upon the article
to be clearsed in a hygienic manner,
eliminating every unwholesome prop
erty, rendering it contagion-proof,
while at the same time Borax is of
itself as harmless as salt.
Unlike most disinfectants which de
pend upon their strength of odor or
harmful-to-the-system qualities,to ar
rest or prevent contagion, Borax sis
Nature’s remedy, being easy to ob
tain and easy to apply, a simple solu
tion in hot water being all the appli
cation necessary .and requiring no
preseription, it can be obtained from
any grocer or druggist in convenient,
economical household packages. ;
1n addition to its disinfecting quall
ties, Borax is especially a household
necessity, and can be used for soften
| ing water, cleansing and whitening
1 clothes, clearing the skin, whitening
‘ hands, makes an execllent dandruft
| remover and can be used on the finest
| laces ur most delicate fabrics without
I injury, while as an adjunct to the
bath it removes all odor of perspira
tion and leaves the skin soft and vel
The Great Antiseptic Catarrh Rem.dMy..
A bo‘llnf antiseptio for the membran
A reliob romn?y for all oonpllnt?;‘nl arising
hfi'fii:hv:'ihm: iof thenasel assages
is goothing, healing and affective {n it fflm. ;s ol
A signed Guarantes Bond to rs?un?! ¢! rice, 5
cents, x&n does not satisfy. Abiol\lto}y humfen. bu!
i oy b B L
The Hightower Drug Co., - Drlton, Ga.
It removes the cause,
cu R Es soothes the nerves snd
relieves the aches and
cures sll
headaches and Neuralgia also. No bad
effects. 10c, 85 and 50c bottles. (Liquip.)
Lots of men are lenient with them
gelves because of their belief that char
ity begins at home.
Whole Head and Neck Covered—Hair ]
All Came Out—Suffered 6 Months
—Cured in 8 Wéeks by Cuticura.
“After having the measles my whole
head g%'} neck were covered with scaly
Sores about as large as a penny. They
were just as thick as they could % My
hair all came out. I let the trouble run
along, taking the doctor’s blood remedies
and rubbin% on salve, but it did not seem
to get any better. It stayed that way for
about six months; then I got a set of the
Cuticura I}emg:k’es, and in about a week 1
noticed a big difference in{‘i in three weeks
it wgs well entirely qné have not had the
trouble any %fiéfé’,'in as this ?éa: evep
years ago. I consider myself cured. Mrs.
Henry Porter, Albion, Neb., Aug. 25, '06,”
b gl i
Some men arg born liars and the
rest speak the truth occasionally.
1t You Suffer With Your Kidneys and
Back Write to Thk Man,
G. W. Winney, Medina, N, Y., in
vites kidney luflel-era to write to him,
To all who enclose
postage he will re
ply, telling how
Doan’s Kidney Pills
cured him after he
had doctored end
had been in two dife
ferent hospitals for
eighteen months,
. suffering intense
pain in the back,
lameness, twinges
when stooping or‘
lifting, lunguor, dizzy spells and rheu- 1
matism. “Before I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills,” says Mr, Winney, “I
weighed 143. After taking 10 or 12
boxes 1 weighed 162 and was com
pletely cured.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
" Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
Patience—Hava they an age limit
in that Woman’s club?
Patrice—Oh, year. No member
must confess to more than twenty:
eight years!—Yonkers Statesman,
2et S L e e S R R
$150.00 BUYS
| The most complete Saw Mill
buiit in the Southern States.
Gainesville Iron Works,
Gainesvilie, Ga.
In Habersham county, Ga. Healthiest county
in the United Btates. Can raisg anything thet
rows on lagd. Large and drmo,ll farms at from
EO.OO to 810.03 peracre. Write for list and folder.
J. H, HICKS, Clarksville, Ga.
3 It you have ft,
or know of a
suffersr, write
for parficulars
| of oug valuablé
remedy, which
is guaranteed.
Eagle Remedy Co.,
is so distressing, yet so :
Easily Cured :
if you use regularly
“Parsons’ Pill
§ rFarsons s
- Miid but sure In effect.
Put up in giass vials. ;
25 cents. Sold by ail dealers. E
1. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass.
! ; (At49-'O7)
boas Taraished e poeition pusceatocd for BI | @SoF amth: Warmil boued Jor SSO por monh.” | month. T 3 pewriing rea, Boord BEte ) o
I gave up,”’ writes Mrs. Flossie F. Walea, of Leander, Tex., “‘the idea of ever
Eetting well. | suffered for months from female troubles, and tried several doctors,
ut thefi did me no good. At last I took Cardui and now | am stout and well.”” Other
ladies should learn from this, that : :
Wine of Cardui
is THE medicine for their ills and troubles. Thousands have written testifying to its
powerfully curative effects, in all such disorders, and their letters are surely proof of
the true merit of the medicine. Try it. At druggists, in SI.OO bottles.
Write today for a free copy of valuable 64~ Mustrated Book for Women. If M 4
; wnlrm US :A Lm flm y&u;:r_}l::ogcgsufing lw n:?éiv&l\l. be segt ‘:‘T::i;? sealed uv&mudregd m
| ymccxuou TO y
81.58 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga.
‘."*"s! e
L adiies T )
Se R G i il
Rellable Frick Englnes. Bollers, ali
Sizes. Wheat Separatora.
St Sa N . GhUR LB
| Y e b L A3 "
Large Engines and Bellers supplled
premptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mlllo,i
Clrcular Baws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs,
Bteam Governers, Full line Engines &
Mill Supplles, §end for free Catalogue
. > N .-
“How did you come out in that crap ;
game last night?” ;
“The back winder. The rest of the
bunch was caught.”—Chicago Journal, I
Ob! Papa don’t forget to buy @
RANT for your little girl.
You can buy it at esy Drug
Store and you know it never fails
tq cure my Croup end Cough..
o eLRRyaO LR
e AL i \
Sy S 388 If so, you nodoubtreceived free, one of these buttons from
b ;&%3 = the §.C, exhibit, given gon by the N. H. Blitch Co., the
AN ) largest Vegetable and Plant farm combined in the world.
|aß Tf:e (Ve R < Wowinboflqd to have your orders for cabbage and garden
R ‘&'\\\i\ A~ plants of all kinds, raised in the openair. Special express
L O N VRS [l rates. Prices as follows:—1,000 to 5,000 at $1.50 per 1,000; 5,000 & *
% Xs N ] to 10,000 at il .25 per 1,000; over 10 000 at SI.OO per 1,000,1.0. b,
o~ Dl e o A reents 41 ol pasobased v o mart 1§
SN : iable § 5 . G R 3
e" Lo Gl it eoTR s A
T H begeplants. Sendsilordersto N H,BLITCH CO., Meggeit, B.C. .
R e e e B
are the finess
The Ferguson Colleges wm =
ness colleges in
- Amerieca. A
Bmith Premier typewriter .é‘d fine roll-top desk for each pupil. FE.RGUQON sflog-r.
Al’p 18 100 per cent ahead of any of the old systems, and it can iearned in one-haif
Eé time. F%ERY GRADUATE IN A GOOD PO?lTION. Send us the names and
dresses of those interested in a business education and we will'send you a nice present.
adl ‘\\ 1
: . PO et & e AP
Egn LN . SR, v R AN
S ,"f"».;&'x :\'( SRS sA % TP
de S et el
BR R R P AN AR a LR SA N e |OPst Ie T
BERe St 5w AU T gl hrd S X s % A
Re AR e a::fi‘ ¢ 872 /"\ A L e
S SR e R e
Far'y Jerzey Charleston Large Henderson’s Eerl Early
Wn’mfiold Type Wakefleld Succession Winning ghtdt Summer
I am located on one of the Sea Islands of South Carolina, our climate is mild,
just sufficient cold to harden and cause plants to stand severe freezing after
Betting out in the colder sections. /guarartee satisfaction or ma(;lo? refunded. Express rates to all
points very low. BEF= Pricex: 1,000 to 5,000 2t $1.50; 5,000 to 9,000 at $1.25; m.ufi’ and over at $1 00,
Special prices on largs lots, Send your orders to
@ =, X7, TOW ILEIS, Ploneer Plant Grower
Telegraph Office, Yosng's letand, 8. €. Martin’s Point, S.C. Leag Bistasce Phono, Mertin's Peiat, 5. €.
: ‘!’-“ .“" ‘
: ' \ £ S\
,o 2 Y — s
Ny B =1 %
9 g} shors AT ALL § Eas. 7 ¥
W. s and sells R AN N A
0 L Dentiae et andselisnees -wn \NRE /B |
| than ’n.v other manufacturer fn RN Ay
R&F™ world, because they hold “thele "8 X/ \N)/ &2y ron
SR st v than o othes 2P
269 & 2 ol
RB&™ glocs I the world so-day. 8 0 hdg;dfl:
W.L.Douglas $4 and $5 Qilt Edge Shoes cannot be equalled as any price.
5™ CAUTION, —W. L. Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Sub
stitute. Sold by the “vest shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part
of the world. Iflustrated catalog free. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
: Seomen Early Jersty SRS Charleston Mem Sumsslan:
ol SRR B _:.n e :/,"?7, O
Sl PO MTRE The Earllest L\\.}(jfl', <> WAKEHHD tPP Flat
{BT =2 AT Lsl e B 3 R S Head
SRy Csbbage QRN Second AN\ O i
e @rown. |9 RS Earliest. | Eaenememnegy Vaczisty. )
I AM ON MY ANNUAL TOUR around the world with any of the best known vari
\ eties of Upen Air Grown Cabbage Plants at the following prices, viz: 1,000 to
% 4000 at 3150 per thousand; 5,000 to 9,000 at $1.25; 10,000 ormore at 0, F. 0.8.
Meggett, 8. C. All orders promptly filled and sntisfqotion guaranteed. Ask for
4 prices on 50,000 or 100,000. Cash.accompanying all orders or they will go C. O. D.
4 Address B. L. GOX, Ethe! S. G, Box 8.
Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allays Inflammation and stops
pain from any cause. As strong as carboelic acid and as harmless as
sweet milk. éura burns instantly; cures old and chronic sores;
curis sores and inflammation from any cause on man or beast. For
fowls—cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively.
guaranteed. :
Por Sale by all First-Ciass Dealers. Mfgd. by CRESCENT cnxmng&&qo.. Ft. Worth, Texas
. gum
: ollef.
£ meex? all lwclllng in Bto %0
! deys; effects a pegn nent cure
4,\ - in3o 1?60 days. T xlwtfl
N ¢ Wi given free. Nothingcan bes!
;@:“Q\, : write Dr. .H. Greens Sonys
% S “Graispeciatists, Box B Atlanta, Gb
To convine¢e any
V woman that Pax.
tine Antiseptic will
lxngrove her health
and do all we clalm
for it, We wlll
send her absolute}z free 8 lar%g trial
box of Paxtine with book of lastrue
tions and genuina testimonials. Bend
your name and address on a postal card.
and heals
m e m-«
brane af
fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvie
catarrh and inflammation caused f){ semi-
E‘ine ills ; sore eyes, sore throat and
outh, by direct locai treatment. Its cup
ative power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives immediate ™ elief.
Thousands of women are using and ree
ommending it every day. 050 cents at
druggsts orby mail. Remember, howerver,
THE R. PAXTON CO., Boston, Mass.
We are again ready
to fill your Orders
for CABBAGE and
, Cur Plants are all GROWN FROM THE SAME GRADE
OF SEED WE SET OUR CROP FROM. We have all of the
Leading Varietiee—EAßLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD, very early,
CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD, about tea days later. In flat
varieties we have Buccession, a Medium Early, and Short-Btem
Late Flat Dutch. Prices as follows: 1,000 t 0 5,000, $1.50;
5,000 to 9,000, $1.25; 10,000 ard upwards sl. 00 These
plants are all grown near salt water and will stapd severe eoid
without injury, TiIE CARR-CARLTON €O, Meggeti, 8.0