Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, April 02, 1909, Image 2
“a Little Better For a Little Less Why Not Now? We Want To Show You We want you to see this store we have full of New, Clean, Stylish and Up-To-Date Wearing Apparel. The firm of McCraw & Myrick have ‘'W believed in selling the best. We don’t buy a Second; we don’t buy Shop-worn' or off Colors. We want to please you. We wait you to feel when you buy it here you buy it right; that you are gelling 100 cents w >rth forovery dollar you spend. COME UP TO SEE US. f " 1 ~ """"1 SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE And look us ove from tpto o it! »m. (, c ■ i more iliaj pi >ls d •>. uu pui- our full line of ^oods 3 wKscHaww m chases lor tLe coming x ® <*ua***a»» r*A\ A* wl 1 Wo are willing to have you e oupar ir n> - S _-^m\ I ' .i > . .;Ih . n.,-. ■ 0... -■ e with others. Never before have we b -en > g fl fortunate as to bring together swell lines as w H ~B„ this I ' b ' m IBJIiiO tM ■ Wk » M tty Nik W y^e want vou to come and see this line of ours. Come and see. Youi Priends, "'» ' " ,IW " ' McCRAW & MYRICK, Milledgeville, Georgia. IRWINTON BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAr SUBSCRIPTION SLOO A YEAR IN I, ADVANCE. I; Official Organ Wilkinson County. HARRIS WATERS, Editor. |1 Advertising rates furnished on Ap-, plication 1 ■ — ~ ’ I Entered nt the Irwinton p< stoffice as second-class mail matter IRWINTON, GA. MAR. 19, 1909. It being customary with most of our subscribers, who live in the rn ral districts of the county to pay their subscriptions to the county pa- | per during the week of Superior .Court, and the time being near at hand-n-the first week in April—we shall expect those who are arrears to ' pome forward and pay. A newspaper cannot live on the good and bad things people say about it, but it ( must have the financial backing of .the entire county in order to make ।। it a success. • ■ — । While in Gordon a few days since i wo were very agreeably pleased to ■ note the wonderful improvements ■ jecently made on the new Gordon । Hotel opposithe the depot. It is ‘ pow one of the most commodious an ‘ ; best fitted up hotels to be foi d on this division of the Central ■ ■ Macon and Savannah. With -the ek pepticn of a little interior work am: which will be finished 1 at once, the lie tel is unsurpassed in this sec-ion . thiTgorßon HOTEL. MM3. G. S. Powell, Prop's. PATES: $2,00 Per Day. Spe ial Rates by rhe Wed, Spscial Attention Given the Travelifg Public. JORDON. GA Mr Editor:—Please announce through your paper that Mrs Walter B. Hill will address the citizens of our cou"tv on Education at Gordon on Thursday at 8 p m April Bth. and at Toomsboro on April 9'h at 8 p m and again at Irwinton on Saturday at 10 o’clock ain April 10th, The public is cordially invited to attend and hear something of interest to all. It is very important that all teac ers be present at the meeting m Irwin ton on Saturday 10th. J. S. Wood, C. S. C GORDON NEWS. Miss Ethel Powell spent Sunday with iiomefolks at the hotel. Mr J W Hooks was in Atlanta last week on business. Air J T Hatfield, of Mclntyre, was here Monday. The J 11 Boyer show exhibited here Tuesday night. Mr Hunter Johnson ami wife, o Jef tersonville, visit'd his mothei and brothers here the first of th.-* week W. J. Parker, Jr of the V J Parei Medicine Co, o Baltimore, -pent a few days ii Gordon this week. Mis< Janie Elam is visiting in Eaton ton til is week A Special isplay. I desire to Announce that I will have a Special DISPLAY of SPRING MILLINERY for the next two weeks. I have the MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE this Season I have EVRE CARRIED. fcE. Mb UH W W fS SlO 153233835E53 My friends and customers one of the most complete lines of Spring Millinery I have ever cut ed before; ,Jso a pretty line of dress goods. shopß.j-tj:. Lei rdutlJi invite all customer- ami fro nds to come and -ee t y to- bes re b« ing e!-e.vh rm it PM MM i , | Mr C !•’Gibson has begun work on I iiis new residence at this place. Mrs C A Hodges wis in Macon Mon day of tins week. Miss Marty e Gat romlinson has re । turne l from a vi-it to 31 i'*on. • Mrs i G Pearson visited her parents । in J eIL r-mi \ iI Ie । i-t w eek . ‘I Mrs G A Ruhrt-on and daughter. , Mrs Daisy Fox, vi-iied friends in Ma : eon itiis week. 1 Ou. geniald E liter, M r II V Walers, was here rm-sda) looking | alter the imeres s ot his paper. I .Messrs JT < lem mts a।IC R, e at | ten cd the I h-l ri Cl m-et mg ol I•) O F i Lodge at Ma is Ii al, 11 Ie M e<hn*sda \ ( M r George Johnson nf Tw iggs mini Ity siymt several, lai s ii re vi-lti ,g his । hroihers and prospeeiing for a wHe : Gordon has quite a number ol imirriag- I able ladies, so it is easily umlei s|. oil | whv lie should spend so in ch Hine I visiting his trie,uls here. Rev Freeman Stokes of Wrightsville visited liis brother II F Stokes this week. । 1 Tlie base ball season has opened tip ii Gordon. Success to I bl' Bullet th. VISITOR Dr Bn ini' wih b< here lining emir' j "ext week. I KF 50 »f 7 VZ. —■■ - ■ ... - ~~ Now that Prof Marvin Williams has decided :o hold bis grea' tent meeting in the town of I w nton, I wise to express my very । rent pleas ure at the prospi-erof his being wi 11 us; and again I earnesly request ihat ail Christians in the county join me in prayer for the success of the meet ing. Geo, W. Childress, Pastor in chaige Irwinton Circuit. Kldnovn anc. Bli’Ot’s ft. otos»e covujh aaxd Steals lud<s Ur. Milos Anti-Pain Fills relieve pein. Kurfrees and Piedmont ready m;x^d Paint as good as anything on the market for 51.35 and 51.50 a Gallon. Balltown Hardware Co. (Successors to M. C. Bnlkcom.) M. C. Ballcom, Sr. R- H. Plant. Jr. M. C. Balkcom, Jr. 362 THIRD ST. (Near Cherry) MACON. GA. BOOKS SCOT The Franklin-Turner Co., Atlanta. Ga. For headache Dr, Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills ’ p J Sores, Itching Piles, A ' ? SLe. j; f ?; Siße t iiBKMIT SALtVE. 3 US A?JD BQ GCHT3 A UOS. S Sold by a l l Druwlsts. Tako do other. OLI Family Remedy 25 years.