Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, April 02, 1909, Image 3
« w# A . PADDING , CLARENCE H. CUBBEDGE Cubbedga-Reddhg Hardware Companey CALL AND EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK Hardware and Household Specialties. 361 Third Street, Macon, Ga. Pllone No ’ 227 Every Blbm Sliould Have A BANK ACCOUNT. ' This Bank receives accounts of Cor porations,Firms and individuals and extends to all its customers every courtesy consistent with sound bank ing. Every account whether large or small is appreciated and receives our care ful attention. PEOPLES' BiK Os GORDOK, GEORGIA. W, A. .TONES, President, J. W. BROOKS, Vice-President, J. E. BELL, Cashier. J. W. BROOKS & SON GORDON, GEORGIA The Leaders in Low Prices on Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats Notions, Hardware, Farm Supplies and Groceries. It wdl be to your interest to call and in spect out 5c and 6c tines of Ginghams and Calicos. We have accepted the Agency for brik and are pre pared to make you Close Prices on any Quntity or Quality you may want. J. W BROOKS & SON GORDON, GEORGIA. OUR SPRING LINE OF SHOES HAVE ARRIVED AND THEY ARE BEAUTIES. We are exclusive CRABSTOCK-TKRY CCS agents for the Fam Eou.i Craddock-Ter 17 Shoes, and when \ou buy a pair them you know what you’re getting. Every pair of them is guar anteed. The Bell on the Sole is your proof. We want you to see them. thisslyiish, easy fitlir.g shoe Our Spring and Summer is unexcelled Di v Goods are Comig in an ® they cap the Climax. H.F. STOKES GORDON, GA. H. Wright, Seedsman 30G THIRD ST. MACON. GA. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. OUR SPECIALTIES: Seed Corn. Amber and O.ange Cine Seed, Cliufas, Peanuts, Cotton Seed, Melon Seed, Velvet Reai s, Katler C >rn, Millet Seal—Corns: Tennessee Red Cob, Improved Gohlen Dent, Blounts & Cookes Proline, Snow Flak-, Columbian Beauty Red Cob, Blardy Butcher Very Fiue, Impr. v.-d A lams Early large ears; and all other seed carried in an up-to-d;ve seed house, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. jg^Senuinc Becky Ford Cantaloupe Seed—Rocky Ford Grown. | LOCAL ITEMS. | Go to St< kes for your shoes. Mr B. I . Simpson, of Macon spent last Sunday in Irwinton the guest of his pare' ts. Mr and Mrs J. 11. Simpson Try Stokes of Gordon for your next pair of shoes. M r Ed. Miller of Gordon, was here Sunday visiting ‘•friends” Read Stokes’ new adv in this is sue of the Bulletin, John D G ace left this we< k for Sanford, Fla., where he has accepted a position on a steamboat as an elec trician. You should read the a v. of Mrs Gr E Price, of Mclntyre, in another column >f of this issue. She has an xcellen showing of fine millinarv. H F Stokes of Gordon has receiv 'd a beautiful line of ready-to-W'ar ats. You should see his line. The co; victs to be used on the midic roads h ive arrived iml are a' work n ihe Mel ’\ rr road. Stokes nt Gordon w II sell ,ou In t er s. oes for less money. It f call the attention of the Bulk'll nd i- o .the new Adv. of R I. neek J' Co ,of Macon I, this issm Yon shmihl inspect the 5c lines el .Inghams ami calicoes nt J W. Bi'ook- JcSon’s, Gordon. Bro Ch.ldress delivered two ver iu ■ ■re~iiug sermons last Sunday morning nd evening at the Methodist chine Both services were well aliened. The ladies of the western part of the County can timl evey I hiug in ladies’, misses’ and children’s mil- at Mis- Tcrtrude McCoy’s, Jeffersonville, Ga. L ices are astonishingly ow. We invite vour atti tiou to the ad rilsement of .1 \\ Hooks of Gordon. Uris issue. lie carries ai np-to ,e line । I Gry goods, shoes, hardware d grocel ies, ami he most respect full \ Jo its a part of your patronage. Honor Roll Talmage Institute for 'larch—Seventh grade, Jimmmie Hai field, Eilr a Nesbitt, Gertrude Speais. zetta Davis—Nilh grade, Lee Hat ield. Rub' Culpepper, Lola Hatfield, ■ertha Stinson, Rosa Byington. Those .aking 950 r over only, appear on this dl. We are delighted to announce that ie mist has been cleared away and logs seem to be working on a har । minus basis again in our school, i' is. to our certain knowledge, has "<•11 one of the most successful term t old Talm ge hi many year*. There • Ver was a man who seemed to be iore thor uglily interestei in (lie uise of education than Prof Stokes, nd it goes without saving that he has lone double his p irt in tutoring the mpils of his school. Let us all rail' o bis support and make the la-t days f his term the best ones. SPRING 1909. New Goods ARE APR VING AND BEING OPENED EVERY DAY. -Suh’oss Made irousers,” Brandegee, Kincaid & os. Clothing. Ihe Celebrat ed ‘ Emerson” and “No Name” Hatr. “Faultless Shirts” and a Correct line of Furnishings Wil! Dress You Correctly at the Most Reasonable Prices. R. L CHEEK & CO 406 Third Street MACON, GA. WANTED. ‘•Manager: —We want a man who calculates to earn what he gets, to manage a branch office for us. No thing but a hustler n°ed apply. W. M. G iddens, Tifton, Ga. “Salesman:—We want a go, d salespiah either on salary or commis ion at once- Gan offer the right man a good contrac . Address P. 0. Box No 74 Valdosta, Ga. “Wanted:—A good salesman to represent a good real estate concern with exclusive territory. Can offer < contract that has sou e future in it. Address P. 0. Box No 197 Tifton, Georgia,” A most enjoyable meeting of the Sewing Circle was that held at Mrs Ira Burkett’s on Ifist Thursday after noon. Th. home was unusually at tractive, ami Mrs Burkett, who has entertained the Circle several times, proved herself a more efficient hos tess each time. Several hours were spent m clm.tii g and sewing; inter which cbatting(?) and sewing were lain aside for dainty refreshme..ts, which consisted of delicious cream and cake de.ightlully prepared by the Sanitary Dory Co., of Macon. The next meeting will be held with Mm Geo Carswell on Thursday after noon April 8 h. Mr H IT Bass, of Atlanta, Ga., representing Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., of Raleigh, N C., is offering our good citizens a splendid op] ortunity in selling Southern In surance to Southern people. Too rnui'li good money goes North for Life Insurance. All interested should write him at 312 English-American Building, Atlanta, Ga. •VQ ^UPO JluudmoQ pinirjiaSjoef) qiuug eqj. •uoijciujojut jo; aji.t jno.C qins 04 tpauo aq4 quo '°l KS JO J P U,< l UUI! J jo sajuu (JOOSS Loao opeui eq TO 9;uui aqq 04 1104400 Jo sapiq A;.ltq; WOqM I'oqoos eq; 04 sdlJ4 oojj saiS 04 fiuiofi a.iv (( ’sn ouo juo aqvj,. ‘vixfjoa£) qjnog qtslA 04 jubm uoA jj GEORGlA—Wilkinson County : J N Holloway, administrator upon the estate of W J Holloway, late of said county, deceased, having filed bis petition for discharge. This is to cite all persons eoneerned to show cause again-t the granting of this discharge, nt the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on first Monday in April 1909. J. E. BUTLER, Ordtnarv. Stylish Millinery. I have just returned from Atlanta where I have been study ing the Spring and Summer styles, and have bought a full line of everything pertining to Fancy and Stylish Millinery. The ladies are invited to call and inspect my line, MRS. C. H. PALKER Georgia. Over J. W Rutland’s Store. Tax Receiver’s Notice. FIRST ROUND. I will be al the following places at the times specified, for the purpose of receiving state and county taxes for the year 1909: High Hill Thursdav April 1, from 2 to 4 p m Turkey Creek (B C Arnold’s store) Friday Anri' 2, from 2 to 4 p in . Irwinton Monday. Tuesday a.d Wednesday April 5. 6 and 7 each day from 10 a m to 3 p m. Toomsboro (for Lord’s ami Pass more) on Monday April 12. from 10 u. tn to 3 p tn. Bloodworth (at Bonner's store) Tues day April 13, from 10 a tn to 3 p in Ivey Wednesday April 14. from 10 a m to 2 p m Gordon (Ramah) 'Thursday April 15. from 10 11 m t<> 3 p in Bethel Friday April 16, from 8 to 11 a. m. Griffin Tuesday April 19, from 10 a in to 2 p in. This March 9.1909. J. B. BUTLER. Tax Reeriver, W. C. GEORGI A — Wilkinson County : Notice is hereby given that the tin iler-igned has applied to the Ordinary of saul county for leave to sell certain wild lands, to-wit: Lots 378, 379 and 380 in orginally Appling but now Ware county, Georgia, belonging to the estate of Augustus C. Brown, for dis tribution of said estate among heirs. Said application is made to -ell said lands either publicly or privately, ami the same will be heard at the April term 1909 of said court. This March 11th, 1909. Mrs. S. N. Bootlie, Administratrix of the estate of Augustus C. Brown, deceased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA —Laurens County : Notice is hereby given to all credit ors of the estate of GEORGE E. CARLTON, late of said county, de ceased. to render in an aceoimt of their demands to me within the time pre scribed by law, properly made out. Ami all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd <!ay of March. 1909. MRS. LUCY C. GILBERT, Administratrix Geo. E. Carlton, de ceased . GEORGlA—Wilkinson County: Under and by virtue of an execution issued from the office of the tax collec tor of said eo'intv, I have levied upon and will sell before the court house door m the town of Irwinton, said county, on the first Tuesday in April 1909, during legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the Mlewing described propertv. to-wit: Eight (8) acres land, more or less, lying and be ing in the 4th land district of said county, bounded on the North and East by Dry Branch, on the South by Cof fee Creek, and on the West by the pub lic road leading from Lord’s Mill to Liberty church. Levied on and will be sold as the property of E. W. Gould to satisfy said fifa which was issued against him for state and eou .ty taxes for the year 1908. Sani E. " . Gould notified of lew in writing. This MaJeli 2ml. 1909. C. H. PARKER, Deputy Sheriff. GEORG I A —Wilkinson County : Will be sold before the court house door in said eountv, on the first Tues day in April next, during legal sale hmirs, to the highest bidder for cash. Fifty acres land, more or less, the same being the North half of the old J F Colson home place, in said county, bounded as follows: On the North and East by B Wynn. South by line separating land levied upon from the other half of said J F Colson lands, and on the West by W C Thompson. Levieil upon ami sold as the property of Mrs Elizabeth Colson to satisfy a justice e-rnrt fifa against Mrs Elizabeth Colson in favor of .1 W Poe. Levy made by .1 E Meadows, constable. This March 10th 1969. ; C. H. PARKEK. Deputy Sheriff* Legal Notices. PETITION FOR ROAD. GEORGI A—Wilkinson County : io All Whom it May Concern :— Take notice that W. M. Lavender, G T. Waters, J. M. Shepherd, J. J. Shep herd, J. T. DuPree and W. T. Shep herd, have applied for an order seek ing the establishment of a new road, which has been laid out and marked conformably to law by commissioners iluly appointed, ami a report thereof made on oath, said road commencing at, or near, the Lavenper school house, situated on the land of E. B. Laven der, and running in u noithernly di rection along the land line of W. M. Lavender aad B. F. Pate, Jr., thence across lands of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MeCullar. G T Waters. W T Shepherd, J J Shepherd, J M Shepherd and John I' DnPree’s "Lindsey place, intersect ing with she Irwinton and Macon pub lic road near the residence of John T Hatfield; now if no good cause be shown to ti.e contrarv by persons in terested in th:s matter, the order will be granted bv the undersigned at the office of County Commissioners in said county on the 6th day of April 1909, establishing said new road. This the 2nd dav of March. 1909. R. E. Spears, Chairman, F. I. Lord. R. J. Stuckey, D. E. Tindall, J. R. Barfield. County Commissioners, J. S. Davis. Clerk. GEORGI A —Wilkinson County : Under and bv virtue of a mortgage given by J R Benford to Gonlon Mer ea'itile Com any. to secure payment of n»le for $175 due March Ist, 1909. we will sell before the court house door in the town of Irwinton on the first Tuesday in April next ilurii.g legal sale hours the following property: Forty acres of laud more or less, in said eountv, Ivey district, hounded on the North by laud* of Stevens Broth ers. East by the John Bateman lands, West by lands of J. P. Blood worth and Smith bv lands of B Bateman. Proceeds of said sale to be appled to payment of said note, interest, cost and ten per cent, attorney’s fees. Said deed being executed on Dec 28, 1908, and recorded Dee 30, 1908, in Book 5 folio 540 office Clerk Superior Court Wilkinson county. This Match Utb, 1909. Gordon Me eantile Co. Lindsey <& Carswell. Att’v’s. J. W. HO' KS GORDON. QA. I invite the people of the county to visit my store ond 1 enn assure them the very best values on Drv Goods, Groceries, Hard vare, and No ions. I want you tn give me one call and I believe this will make us friends Ido not handle any shoddy goods. If you get it here it’s all right. You should see my Spring and Sum mer lines of Dress Goods, Luces, Em broideries and Novelties. J. 1 Hooks GORDON, GEORGU. FOLEYSnONEY*™TAR far tMMrtnt taf*, *»r«> optatee .