Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, April 02, 1909, Image 4

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FOK CHII.I.H Chronic Malaria. Typhoid and
Uric Acid poisons. excellent Tonic, Appetizer, Liver
Stimulant, Laxative and Howel Antiseptic. You are
under the careuf docto^vh^discouered Anti-ChUUne.
Send SymptorM 5 treatment sent prepaid
for SiUttlK -AKcntjrwanted. Address
▲ntl-Cumlne Chemical Co., Richmond,Va.
The thing that is attracting people of
California. A good field for small invest
ors. Writeforprospectusand particulars.
Central California Eucalyptus Company,
198 Forsythe Building, Fresno, Calif.
BPer Balser’s catslag, page 129, HKHBB
st growers of onion and vegetable I
In the world. Big catalog free) or, B
.0c In stamps and receive catalog and M
cruets eaeli of onions, carrots, celery, E
ee, 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tor- ■
00 parsley, 100 tomatoes, 100 melons, u
tanning flower seeds, in all 'IOXOO ker- ■
asily worth SI of any man’s money. I
id 20c. and we will add one package K
llest Peep O'Day Sweat Corn.
I SEED CO.. BoxA. C., U Crowe, Wit.
r\ I
r ।
The Beason I Make and Sell More Men’s $3.00
&, $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
is because I give the wearer the benefit of the most
complete organization of trained experts and skilled
shoemakers in the country.
The selection of the leathers for each part of the shoe,
and every detail of the making in every department, is
looked after by the best shoemakers in the shoe industry.
If I could show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand why they hold their
shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make.
My Method of Tanning the Soles makes them More
Flexible and Longer Wearing than any others.
Shoe** for Every Member of the Family,
Meu, Hoys, Women, M iaaea and Children.
For sale by shoe dealers everywhere.
CAI IT! HU I None genuine without W. L. Douglas
vnUIIUn • name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. Catalog mailed free.
W. L. DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton. Mass.
A kind of heart works best when
propelled by well-balanced machinery.
Only Ono “Bromo Quinine”
That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look
tor the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the
World ov*- to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
Some people are too modest to look
the naked truth in the face.
Wise people use Hamlins Wizard Oil te
stop pain because they know it always
makes good. Foolish people try . experi
ments. Ask your druggists about it.
The prize for the longest sentence
ever written may fairly be awarded
to the elder Dumas, who probably
holds a further record for fertility
of production. In the seventh of the
twenfy-nine volumes which compose
the “Impressions de Voyage,” notes
the London Chronicle, there is a sen
tence describing Benvenuto Cellini
which fills three pages, or 108 lines,
averaging forty-five letters apiece. The
sentence is 'broken iby sixty-eight com
mas and sixty semicolons; but as it
contains 195 verbs and 122 proper
names, the reader is somewhat be
wildered before the end is reached.
Says the Providence Journal: It
is idle to argue further as to the
pressing demand for the preservation
of the forests. While Congress hest- •
tates the spoliation is going on. Al
ready much injury that is well-nigh
irreparable has been done.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s V egeta*
ble Compound Cured Her.
Willimantic, Conn.—“For five years
I suffered untold agony from female
troubles, causing backache, irregulari
ties, dizziness and nervous prostra
tion. It was impossible for me to
walk upstairs
without stopping
on the way. I
tried three differ
ent . doctors and
each told me some
thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf
fer more. The last
doctor said noth
ing would restore
my health. I began
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to see what it would do,
and I am restored to my natural
health.”—Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box
289, Willimantic, Conn.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herb^s unparalleled. It may be
used witir^erfectomfidence by women
who suffer fi*m dWfrWements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
rogularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
vestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial.
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not cure you?
For Cramp, in the Stomach of Six Year.’
“I Was troubled with cramps in the
stomach for six years. I tried many
kinds of medicine, also was treated
by three doctors.
“They said that I had nervous dys
pepsia. I took the medicine for two
years, then I got sick again and gave
up all hopes of getting cured.
“I saw a testimonial of a man whose
case was similar to mine, being cured
by Peruna, so thought I would give it
a trial. I procured a bottle at once,
and commenced taking it.
“I have taken nineteen bottles, ana
am entirely cured. I believe Peruna
is all that is claimed for it.”—Mrs. J.
C. Jamison, 6! Marchant St., Watson
ville, Cal.
A Little Matter of Franking.
“What can il do for you today, Sen
ator?” inquired the urbane Bing City
"Oh, nothing much,” answered iSen
ator Pluribus, easily. “I merely de
sire to have my coal house, my sec
tional book cases, my blue ribbon Jer
sey cow, my wife’s kitchen cabinet,
my daughter’s upright piano, my lit
tle son’s Shetland Sony, miy mother
in-law’s Morris chair and my secre
tary's winter supply of cordwood
franked to Washington. Thank you,
very kindly.”—'Puck.
Munvon’s Cold Remedy Relieves the
head, throat and lungs almost Immediate
ly. Checks Fevers, .tops Discharges of
the nose, takes away all aches and pains
caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob
stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia.
Price 25c.
Have you stiff or swollen joints, no mat
ter how chronic? Ask your druggist for
Munyon’s Rheumatism Remedy and see
how quickly you will be cured.
If you have any kidney or bladder trou
ble get Munyon’s Kidney Remedy.
Munyon’s Vltallzer makes weak men
strong and restores lost powers.
If a man were to do nothing else
than to study himself, he'd find plenty
to keep him busy,
Os Painting Requirements Will Save
Much Expense.
When one sees the surface of a
house or other building scaling, or
peeling, or spotted or blistered, or
showing other symptoms of paint
“disease,” it is evident that a poor
painter has been on the job, or that
poor paint was used —or possibly that
a good painter has been dominated by I
a property-owner who knew nothing ;
about paint.
It is an easy matter to be informed
on paint and painting. A complete
painting guide, including a book of
color schemes, either for exterior or
interior —specifications for all kinds
of painting,—and an instrument for
detecting adulteration in paint ma
terial, with directions for using it,
may be had free by writing National
Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Bldg., j
New York City, and asking for House- 1
owner’s Painting Outfit No. 49.
Then, every houseowner should
make it a point to get only well
known reliable brands in buying his
materials. Pure white lead is espe
cially important, or the paint will
not prove satisfactory. The famous
“Dutch Boy Painter” trademark of
National Lead Company, the largest
makers of pure white lead. Is an ab
solute guarantee of the purity and
quality of the white lead sold under
it. That trademark is a safeguard
against paint trouble.
Most people are liberal with their
sympathy because it doesn’t cost any
Piles Cured In « to 14 Days.
Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching, Bbnd, Bleedmgor Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14-davs or money refunded. 50c
The man who can make light of
trouble may yet illuminate the world.
Here’s Relief.
If we must be afflicted with weak,
sore and inflamed eyes, it is consoling
to know there is such a ready relief
within our reach as Doctor Mitchell’s
Eye Salve. One bottle usually effects,
complete cure, Have you ever tried
this wonderful remedy? All stores.
Price 25 cents.
When~a man lays down on his job
it is because he will not stand for it.
Hick's Capudinb Is the best remedy—
relieves the aching and feverishness cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. Its
liquid-effects Immediately. 10c., 25c. and
Wc„ at drug stores. _________
Sometimes when- a man is caught
napping he is merely playing possum.
Every - Woman Will Be Interested.
If you havepains in the back, Urinary,
Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a
pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try
Mother Gray’s Australian Leaf. It is a re
liable regulator. All Druggists 50 ets. Sam
pleFßKX. TheMotherGrayCo.,Leßoy,N.Y.
Every man has a sense of duty, but
not every man has sense enough to
utilize it.
You Look Prematurely Old
Beef Omelet—This is a very nice
dish for the tea table, it makes such
a delicious relish and is also a
■handy way to use up steak that 1s
a little tough. Chop fine 1 1-2
pounds of raw Ibeef, add pepper, salt
and summer savory, 2 spoonfuls of
butter. Mix with 2 well 'beaten eggs,
press into a pan and bake one hour.
When cold cut in thin slices and
serve ,! ke tongue.
Luncheon Stars—Chop very fine 1
cup seeded raisins, rind of 1 lemon,
1-2 common cracker, rolled fine, 1 1-2
cups sugar, juice of 1 lemon, 1 egg
well beaten. Use rich pie crust cut
out with a star cookie cutter, —12 or
more of them on six of them; put
a tablespoon of the filling next, put
on the covers and priok the tops
with a fork. Glace over the top with
milk, and bake about 15 minutes.
Hermits —One and one-half cup
brown sugar, 1 cup butter, 1-2 tea
spoon soda dissolved in 2 tablespoons
■hot water, 3 eggs, a little nutmeg,
pinch of salt, 1 1-2 cups seeded rais
ins floured, 1 teaspoon of cream of
tartar, 1-4 cup buttermilk. Flour to
thicken so as to roll out and cut a?
cookies. *
White Cookies—One cup butter, 2
cuips sugar, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls
boiling water, 1-2 teaspoonful soda, 1
teaspoonful cream tartar, flavor. Mix
stiff. Put in <Vld place a while be
fore rolling out. Roll thin.
Spanish String Beans—String and
cut in small pieces three cupfuls
string beans. Chop a medium sized
onion fine and fry In a tablespoon
ful olive oil or lard. Add a half
can tomatoes; cook a little and sea
son with chili, peper, salt and a lit
tle sugar to counteract the acidity
of the tomato. Put in the beans and
toss and cook about fifteen minutes,
then add enough boiling water to al
low the beans to boil. Cook until
the beans are tender and the water
boiled down.
Spanish Salad—Four large cucum
bers, one bunch celery, three large
Spanish onions, four tomatoes, two
heads of lettuce and three green pep
pers form the basis of a popular
Spanish salad. Chop separately all
these ingredients, mix together and
dress with vinegar; lemon juice, olive
oil and salt and pepper to taste.
A durable handbag for shoppers is
made from, cowhide lined with leath
er and fitted with an extra purse.
lit comes in three sizes, 10 inch, 11
inch and 12 inches, at $3, $3.25 and
IFor business women or those who
are compelled to do much shopping
such a bag will be an excellent in
vestment, as it wears splendidly.
The shopping bag of India goat,
closing with a drawstring, will also
give good service. These models cost
from $1 tsp. —New York Telegram.
To Aid Country's Industries.
The Japanese government has de
cided to import and lease machinery
for small manufacturing so as to di
versify and increase the various in
Four Year Case of Eczema Cured.
5639 Vernon St., St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah. Ga.
Dear Sir:—My sister, Mrs. Elton, has
sent to you for vour Tetterine for my
use. I have had eczema for four years,
and have tried everything possible to
cure it, without success until I tried Tet
terine. I even went to a noted specialist
and got no relief. Am glad to say that
I your medicine has cured me after six
months’ trial. Miss A. B. King.
Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Ground Itch. Itching Piles, In
fant's Sore Head, Pimples. Boils, Rough
I Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching
I Sores, Dandruff, Cankered Scalp, Bnu
-1 ions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of
। Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c; Tetterine
Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mail from
| the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co.,
Savannah, Ga.
Mendelssohn lives In his wedding
march, chirps the Atlanta ConstitU'
tion, and makes the benedicts of the
world step lively to live up to it.
A Domestic Eye Remedy
Compounde'd by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug
gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine.
Right here it seems appropriate for
the Chicago Tribune to mention as
an interesting fact that this country
consumed $14,000,000 worth of pea
nuts last year.
■Worn Out and Prostrated With a
Treacherous Trouble.
Miss Emma Shirley, Kill Buck, N.
Y., says: “Under my doctor’s treat-
ment for general de
bility and stomach
■ trouble I failed to
improve, and had to
take to my bed. I
was terribly ner
vous; headache and
dizzy spells and aw
ful spells of pain in
the back racked me.
The kidney secre-
tions were much disordered. I con
sulted specialists, but without relief,
and sank lower and lower until given
up to die. Kidney trouble was the
cause all the time, and when I began
using Doan’s Kidney Pills I began to
Improve right away. In good time I
was cured, and gained every bit I
had lost.”
Sold by all dealers. 5 0 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
No matter how high may be man’s
so-called scientific attainments, some
where in nature he can find it dupli
President Taft’s White Steamer
When the announcement was made
several months ago that Mr. Taft
would use an automobile. Instead of
carriages, during his term as Presi
dent, much rivalry developed among
the leading manufacturers for the
honor of selling him a car, and the
public watched with interest to see
what Mr. Taft’s choice would be. The
knowing ones predicted thattheWhite
Steamer would be selected, and they
pointed out that President Roosevelt
had used White Steamers for two
years at his summer home at Oyster
Bay, and had recommended-this make
to Mr. Taft as the most desirable.
This prediction proved correct, al
though Mr. Taft did not rely solely
on Mr. Roosevelt’s recommendation,
but with his usual thoroughness, de
termined to have an investigation
made of all the principal makes. Ac
cordingly, he asked several officers of
the War Department to look into the
matter for him, and they tested many
makes of cars, visited a number of
factories, so that they might see what
marerials were used, and, finally, they
investigated the records of the differ
ent types of cars in public contests
and in private service.
When their labors were completed,
On Rainy Days
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And give you full value in
comfort and long wear
Sold by first-class Retailers the country
over. Send for our Tree Catalogue
Toroht4. Canada fjsfj BRfJw
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
paint materials.
4 * s an absolute
guarantee of pur
F° r your own
protection, see
that it is on the
side of every keg
°i white lead you
NARONAI LEAD COBMNY.WM Trinity Building, New York
National W” 1 Institute
This Institute Treat. Deformities of
the Spine, Limbs and Feet and CHRONIC
DISEASES. Send for literature.
Maude —I wouldn’t, for a million
dollars, have a lot of men staring at
me the way they stare at Edythe in
her bathing suit.
Frances (sweetly, of course) —lsn t
it nice that they all respect your
wishes In the matter—New York
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for Children
teething, softens thegums, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain,cures wind colic,2sc a hottie
A woman’s interest in a divorced
man, thinks the Indianapolis News,
never lets up until she discovers why
he was divorced.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you.
It’s liquid—pleasant to take-act. immedi
ately. Try it, 10c.. 25c. and 50c. at drug
"Everybody says confidence is re
stored,” reflected Uncle Allen Sparks,
in the Chicago Tribune, “and I sup
pose it is; but I notice that the man
ufacture of cash registers still keeps
a whole town busy.”
the officials reported unanimously to
Mr. Taft In favor of the White, and
accordingly a car of this make was
immediately ordered from the manu
facturers, The White Company, of
The new car was delivered to Mr.
Taft in Washington a few days be
fore his inauguration, and since that
time it has been in almost constant
use. There has not been a day when
the President or some members of his
family have not been seen riding
around the National Capital in the
new car. It is hinted that Mr. Taft
likes fast traveling, and that when he
rides out into the open country, he
does not always insist that the speed
of the car be kept within the legal
E. W. Gans, manager of the
southern branch of the White Com
pany, 1.26 Marietta street, Atlanta,
Ga., said recently to a corre
spondent of this paper: “We are re
ceiving many inquiries each day ask
ing for full details regarding the con
struction of Mr. Taft’s car, and In re
ply we are sending copies of our cat
alog. Mr. Taft’s car is exactly like
any other Model ‘M’ 40 horse-power
White Steamer except that his car
No More Pain
“Before I took Cardui,” writes Mrs. Martha I
Hown, of Sevierville, Tenn., “I would take smother- 1
ing spells, and suffered at my periods till I wanted I
to die. I took doctor’s medicine, but it did me no I
good, so my husband got me a bottle of Cardui. 1 1
have taken two bottles and I can do my cooking now, I
and all my work, and look better and stouter than 1 1
have for 12 months and have no more pain.”
Take rADnill
GH 144 I
It Will Help You I
With such enthusiastic, truthful, unbiased testi I
mony before you, how can you still hesitate to buy I
and try Cardui, for your female troubles?
Your suffering cannot be worse, I
tthan that so graphically depicted by I
Mrs. Hown. Go, then, today, to the!
store and get a bottle of Cardui. It has I
helped thousands of women. Why not I
Give Cardui a fair and thorough I
test and it will surely help you.
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any age are i
infected or “exposed.” Liquid, given on the tongue; acts on the Blood and.' 1
Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs
and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy. Cures
La Grippe among human beings and is a fine Kidney remedy. 50c. and >1 a.
bottle; $5 and $lO a dozen. Cut this out. Keep Lt. Show to your druggist,
who will get it for you. Free Booklet, “Distemper, Causes and Cures.’*
Special agents wanted.
When a man steals a watch and a
lawyer takes the case, puns the Phil
adelphia Record, the latter isn’t nec
essarily a receiver of stolen goods.
“Dyspepsia and constipation are avoidable
miseries—take Garfield Tea, Nature’s Herb
Most men get good after they be
come too weak to take a whirl witn
the boys.
has the United States coat-of-arms
painted on either door. In other
words, when we make a car for the
President of the United States there
is no way in which we can make it
any better than the car which you,
or anybody else, can purchase from
“Some of those writing to me about
Mr. Taft’s car say that, although they
are very desirous of having a car like
Mr. Taft’s, they are afraid that such
a car is somewhat larger and more
expensive than they desire. In reply
to these letters I point out that our
Model ‘O’ 20 horse-power car is ex
actly like our 40 horse-power model,
except as regards the size of the dif
ferent parts. The principle of con
struction is exactly the same and the
smaller car possesses all the desirable
qualities of our larger model. In
other words, I point out that they can
secure an exact duplicate of Mr. Taft’s
car for S4OOO, or a car of the same
qualities, but of smaller dimensions,
for only S2OOO. Judging by the de
mand for White cars, a good propor
tion of those desiring to purchase au
tomobiles are quite content to trust
President Taft’s judgment as to the
best and most desirable make.”
Presence of mind sometimes saves
absence of life. .
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
No road is a good road that makes
men swear words.
A safe and sure pre-
WlffiWk ventive and positive cun
for all form# of Distem
per. Influenza, Pinkeye,
Coughs and Colds in
Horses. Sheep and Dogs,
an d $ 1.06 a t Dru ggh ts
or prepaid. Write for free
/ booklet “Dr. Grist's Adrie*.
4 y 09)