Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, September 02, 1910, Image 5
LOCAL BREVITIES. Short and Various Kinds of . News Items Picked up in Town, Comity, and Elsewhere Mr W L Williams and wife of Dublin are spending this week with relatives here. Dr R I Butler asked us toannoun ce that he would fill his regular ap pointment here next Tuesday. Dr W H Parker and wife and Mr W L Williams and wife spent Wed nesday in Milledgeville. Mr Lee Carswell of Abbeville vis ited relatives and friends—-Mostly friends—here this week, Mr Jim Hatfield of Macon is vis iting his parents here this week. Mrs Speir and son of the Central City is the guests of ralatives at this place. Mrs E T Motnand of Macon visit ed friends and relatives here the first of this week. The light showers which fell in this vicinity this week was Very much welcomed. Mr L P Hatfield spent last Satur day with friends near Jeffersonville. The many friends of Mrs J E But ler are glad to learn that she is im proving very much from her recent serious illness. Messrs C H Parke? and Lee Hat field made a business trip to the Cen tral City this week. Col Hugh Chambers of Macon was in this town on Professional business this week. - Mr I E Burkett spent last Sunday with his family here. Mrs Dan McCook returned home from a lengthly visit to her daughter near Danville Sunday. Cold Drinks and Ice for sale at J. T. Hatfield’s store all the time. sor 6 doses “666” will cure any case of Chills and fever. Price 25c. Judge Callaway, representative of the Macon Daily Telegraph spent part of this week in and around Irwinton in interest of the above named paper. Col. G. H. Carswell went to At lanta Wednesday’ as a delegate from this county’ to attend the convention which convened Thursday for the purpose of dominating state house officers, I have in stock a full line of furni ture, such as beds, dressers, wash stands and center tables. Also a full line of harness, robes, raincoats, dry goods and groceries.—E. Johnson, FOR S/\LE The Fossett farm of 600 acres at Toomsboro, Ga, at SIO.OO per acre. Splendid land, plenty of woods and water. Terms to right party. Geo. W. Duncan, Mgr., Macon, Ga. Sutton Bros. JEWELERS । HIGH GRADE REPAIRING. WORK DELIVERED PROMPTLY | ’ 509 Fourth Street, MACON, GEORGIA. KAISER IS RAPPED BY GERMAN EDITORS Bitter Criticism of Press on “Divine Right” Speech. AN ALL-ABSORBING TOPIC : Every Shade of Disapproval is Voiced By Press, From Mild Regret to Mockery es the Emperor’s Alleged Absolutist Pretensions. The now famous speech of Emperor William at Koenlgsberg, With its openly'-expressed belief in the divine j j right of the Prussian king and his [ I choice, not by people's assemblies, but I 1 by God, Continues to be the theme of ; the most excited discussion in the newspapers. The monarchist organs are divided in their views of the em peror’s utterances, some of them tak ing a stand in opposition to his view, so that quite four-fifths of the German press are united in criticism of the sovereign. ■ Bguagw.-vwjuiuui'mra "■» ii m'ii.v—< EMPEROR WILLIAM. Every shade as disapproval Is voiced from mild regret to mockery j of the alleged absolutist pretensions 1 of the emperor. The inquiry is everywhere raised, ■whether the imperial chancellor, Dr. Von Bethmann-Hailweg, knew in ad vance of the emperor's purpose to de liver a speech of such a nature. The chancellor maintains unbroken si . lence. The press generally comments also on the necessity of the German parliament’s taking some action on the subject when it meets. The emperor reviewed an army corps at Danzig and was cheered by enormous crowds there. 'JLiijr DUEL TO DEATH. Fatal Affray on Market Street at Chat tanooga, Tenn. Boyd Thompson, a prominent young court reporter, was shot and fatally wounded at Chattanooga, and William Snyder, the other participant in the duel, probably will die, as a result of his injuries. The shooting occurred on Market street, the main business thorough fare of the city, while it was crowded. Charles Hensley, a lawyer of Dayton. who was across the street, received a slight wound by a stray bullet. The trouble Is the result of an old grudge. Ten days ago Thompson fired three shots at Snyder within a block of the scene of the late tragedy. All the shots w’ent wild. The two men have been anticipat ing further trouble since that time. In the affray ten shots were fired and a panic ensued among the crowd on the street. After Snyder had emptied his pistol at. Thompson the latter staggered to a drug store a hundred yards away. Snyder follow ed, reloading his pistol as he ran. Thompson'fell to the sidewalk, when Snyder leveled his gun at the pros trate form. Bystanders interfered and wrested the pistol from Snyder’s hand. All three of the wounded men were hurried to a hospital far treatment, but there is no hope for the recovery of either Snyder or Thompson. The former received three bullets and the latter four. S. S. PARMELEE COMPAN I, E f’ _ _ * Horse Drawn Vehicles IBSSISS Os Every Description ... OPEN BUGG,EB 835 T 0 8150 TOP BUGGIES 45 TO 203 OPEN SURRIES 65 TO 200 TOP SURRIES 75 TO 250 XLyi \ Y xWlj/ 1 ROAD CARTS 15 TO 75 FARM WAGONS 7 HARNESS | f » SINGLE BUGGY $6.50 TO $45.00® I One-Horse 830 to $45 double buggy 15.00 to 50.00 SINGLE WAGON 6.50 TO 15.00 Two Horse SSO to $75 double wagon 10.00 to 25.00 BICYOLiES IBIOT.ES Cg&¥ NATIONAL ?40.00 TO $75.0f CLEVELAND 40.00 TO 75.0 C l/M CRESCENT 30.00 TO 50:00 ® ENDURANCE 25.00 TO 35.00 X /\\A O GEORGIA 18.50 TO 26.0? Buick Automobiles JUVEN "- E • ’ 7M T 0 SI,OOO to $1,750 INDIAN MOTORCYCLES, MpL WW I Baby Carriages and Carts rm $3,50 to $50.00 S 1 75.00 to 5275.00 __ 8. 8. PARMELEE COMPANY, Mwijk Hod. Oswell R. Eve Issues Card of Appreciation to Citizens To the Citizens of the Tenth Congres- ■DESHMMHBHSRSB9HEBHnE!9HHB sional District: My abiding regard for the splendid citizens of the Tenth district, and my deep concern in their every interest, is greater today, if that be possible, than when the congressional, contest first ।coamienced. The results of tiie pri [ mary, whatever they might be, I was prepared from the beginning to accept in good grace. I Today, as in the past, lam r«ady to perform my part in the great work be fore ns of up-bnilding and developing litis portico of onr common country— willing to fill to the very best of my , ability and energy any part in that great work ohieh may he assigned me. I take this opportunity of stating to my numerous friends throughout the district that I am unable to express in words my grateful appreciation of their loyal and untiring support. I shall never forget the man}' evidences of heir friendship, so willingly and graciously accorded me throughout a long and ardons contest. I cannot be forced to the. conclusion that all who cast their ballots against me. in Ihe race just concluded, are unfriendly in their regard for me; for I am convinced that I have won the friendship Os miry, in each of the respective counties of the district, who felt impelled to withhold their support during the present cam paign, but who under different circum stances and in another campaign, would grant me thei r aid. Again I extend to my many friends this humble expression of my deep and lasting appreciation of their loyalty and support—and I wish them, as I do all the. citizens of the district, God speed in their every undertaking, Very Respectfully, Oswei.l R. Fve. MERRY WIDOW is a rich man’s tobacco but you get it ata poor man’s price from the Gordon Mercan tile Co. 4,000.000 PIECES MAIL MATTER. Atlanta Postoffice Was Kept Busy During Late Campaign. About 100,000 pieces of political lit erature passed daily through the At lanta postpffice during the last six I weeks of the state and county cam paign. In all, over 4,000,000 letters, postcards, and other sorts of mail were cent out from the headquarters I of the various candidates. I As the day for the election drew near, the clerks and carriers at the postoffice were aimcat overwhelmed with work. Especially was the vol ume of mail on Saturday enormous.. Many candidates had waited until the last minute to mall some of their most I persuasive literature, and this mall ! piled up Saturday until it was only by ; the most unremitting effort that it was handled. By Saturday night all; of it had been delivered. The past week at the postoffice was remindful ’ Os Christmas week. ■ It takes lots of traia to play ball Boys, you have played ball, and you kilow that a man cannot get into the National League unless lie lias hml thorough trainii g. Then is it not Just as essential that he get a thorough prac tical training to enter successful!> into the great business enterprises of this country? If yon were ab mt to lose an eve, would von employ some one to treat it who had never made a specialty of the eve and hadn’t a certificate from a relible college? If you had an im portant case in court, would you em ploy a man as your attorney who had never been admitted to the bar and had never made a special study of law. Why then, young man. could you think for a moment of entering the business world without first taking a thorough business training in some, first-class school and obtaining a certificate of proficiency? We are living in a com mercial age and tn one of the greatest commercial countries on the globe. Competition is close, and only those who are thorough!yjprepared may hope to succeed in thisday.and time in build ing for themselves a satisfactory busi ness. a business that will produce the profits that will enable them to own pleasant homes and enjoy life as the}’ should. Write us for large beautifully illu^- trat°d fr m catalog. ATHENS BI SINESS COLLEGE.|J ATHENS, CA. The Gordon Mercantile Co. will sell you a regular 15c. plug of tobacco for 10. it is called MERRY WID OW. For Rheumatism and all Blood Eruptions and Liver Complaints Sold by IT. F. Stokes, Gordon. Ga. Why do you spend your money for infeiior tobacco । when you can buy MER RY WIDOW from the Gor don Mercantile Co. at the same price that you have to pay for the common kind elsewhere? NOTICE! I WILL BE IN IRWINTON EVERY TUESDAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DOING DENTAL WORK. THOSE DESIRING WORK PLEASE REMEMBER THE DATE ANi> MEET ME PROMPTLY. R. I. BUTLER, Dentist. — BALKCOM Hardware Co., Ine. HARDWARE, ROOFING faints,oils & class 362 Third St., Macon Ga. Pose As A. Capitalist. For ONE DOLLAR we will sen.l yon three handsomely lithographed, but worthless, stock certificates, which you can fill on’ yourself for any amount, 1 and have lots of fun showing to your friends at. proof that you lire wealthy. These certificates appear to represent rail wav. gold mining and insurance en ’ terprises and look just like the “real thing”, but must not be used to realize ' inorey on. ONE SAMPLE FOR FIFTY CENTS. 'send two cent stamp f r illustrated circular) A INDEPENDENT PRINTING COMPANIES. WASHINGTON, D. C asking money fast. W'ritcfx-f^ particulars and sfectal offer-at <”<“• w NO MONEY REQUIRED until you receive ana approve of your bicycle- wesM, to anyone, anvwhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit tn advance,/re/ayAxxrM. an-, allow TliH DAYS’ FREE TRIAI. during which time you .rear nue the bu S c.e am put it to any test you wish. Il you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish tt keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and ymsa id noti c out oeee cent. EKATADV DPiNK We banish the highest grace bicycies it is posable to m . FACIvnY rulLtS at one small profit above actual factory cost. You sat to fiat middlemen’s profits bv buying direct of us and have toe manufacturer s antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT RUY a bicycle or a pair oi ares from at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard ot our beautiful cattle end yOJ WILL BE ASTORISHhU study our superb models at rhe ny z low Prices we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade, bicycles for less mew than any other factory. We are satisfied with ji.oo pront above fasten o’ .. HtCYCii DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your own name plat. . nr prices. Orders filled the day received. M-vrle, b," D HYND BICYCLES. We do not regularly handle second hand bicyclen - a number on bind taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. 1 h ewe clear ... rices Sating from 63 to SS or 610. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. single wheels, imported roller chains and pedals, pans, repairs -a ' w 0/151equipment of all kinds at half ths usuac retail /rices, WO HEDBE7HBRH PHWCTORE-PRSOF *IO SELF-HEALERS TIRES TO The regular retail price of these tires is Q, , Ji. 0 perpair. hut to introduce ue will ^“s4^ I fel’.youasamplepairforlPPc.■vashwii/iorderftJ.'). R 0 MORE TROUBLE FROM P3RCTURES NAILS Taoka or Glass will not let tho V air onu ’sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Overtwo hundred thousand pairs now m use. DESORIPTION: Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy ridißg.veryduiableand lined inside with /V a inocial Quality of rubber, which never becomes , w OJJ 1014^ A porous and which closes up small punctures without allow. Ml Notice the thick rubber trejj :nr the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from sati» ■« „ A „ and puncture strips "B" fiAcustbmersstatingthattheirtiresliaveonlybeenpumped Blld ~D , - al9o rim strip UDonceortwieeinawholescason. They weigh nomoretlian to prevent rim cutting. IMS I an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given Wre wlu oa tln«s snv o. ha b? smeral layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the W nmke--; FT. iiXASXIC tread TheresularpriceoftliesetiresisJS.yoperpair.butfor g EASY RIDING. J. L HEAD CYCLE COMPAHY, CHICAGO. ILL