Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, December 16, 1910, Image 4
IRWINTON BULLETIN OfUcial Organ Os Wilkinson County. PPBLISPPP JCVERY FRIDAY ÜBSußirriox SI.OO a year i. ADVANCE. SAM W. HATFIKLD, Editor, LEE P. ffATFIELD, Assistant, Advertising rates furnished on Ap plication. Entered at thp Irwinton n< stofflee a second-class mail matter It will soon be Christmas. Evei ii 'W we catch the Yuletide spirit. Tjie children rejoice '•o realize jhat J lie happiest days of the year are al pu-st here, after such a long, long tune. AH of us begin to feel th. jiiippiness which the season Orings, the tune of the family reunjon, the Christmas Tree and Santa Claus, jvicn the Lord and King of the / ’liristmas should reign supreme in exerj heart. The United States has shown enor growth in the past ten years, t Mpmrie, it is the greatest .country in the world, and Georgia is and will i \.-r be the Empire State of the S utli. The L°Fd of Christmas will frown mom the devotees of Bacchus. May tlu re be none to "disturb the peace .tun! good will of our little town dur ing the holidays. •The appointment by the President pf Hon. Jos. R. Lamar, of Augusta, to the United Slates Supreme Court bench is gratifying to the people oi Georgia, who feel sure that Judge Lamar is eminently qualified for this lijigh office. Whatever may be said of the ability of President Taft, it is .the universal opinion that he has used excellent judgment in the selec of Supreme Court Justices, which is perhaps the most serious task a Pres jdent ever has to perform. The movement to bring the Cipi ta\back into Georgiy is continqing to grow. Watch it land on Coleman Hill or Tatnall Square. Temperance Rally , There is going to be a big Tem* perance Rally at the Union Church here on Monday night at seven oclock Several short talk on Temperance will be made. Every one is cordially invited to attend and bring their friends and have your friend to bring their cou sins too. A Special program will be arrang ed and annouced by the Irwinton W. C. T. U. in next week’s iseue of this paper. Notice to Teachers Special examination for teachers li cense will be held in the office on Fri day Jan 6th 1911. Y’all are directed to suspend your schools as soon as forty days have been taught. If the forty days have not been taught by the 24th of Dec you will sus pend on the 23rd all schools will reopei on the first or second Monday in Ja . us patrons and teachers m»y ngfei- Regular teachers institute on the 3rd Saturday in Dec you are expected t< attend, Hope to haye your check sot November work ready on that day, J S Wood CSC. FOR SALE.OR RENT The McArthur place. Apply to Mr> Lucy McArthur,K Wesleyan College Macon Ga. Dr J II Duggan ar J T Du pree. PRESSING Cleaning and Pressing done on short notice. Work guaranteed. Near Cason’s store. jleed Babb Pressing Ciub, Toomsboro, Ga. Application Fur A Bank Charter GEORGIA, .ion County. To the Honorable Phil Cook. Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. The un lersigned, whose names, sig >• ed by each of them, and residences are hereto attached, bring this our petition . in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, ap- December 20th, 1893. and Acts amenda tory thereof, and respectful! v show : Ist. That we desire to form a cor poration for the purpose of carrying on the business of Banking. 2nd. The name and style of the pro posed corporation shall be I WINTON BANK, IRWINTON GA. 3rd. The location >.nd principal place of business shall he the town of Irwinton, County of Wilkinson and State oj Georgia. 4th. The amount of Capitol Stock I’wenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25, 000.00), divided into 250 sh res of SIOO each, .4&SGZXSS3 Bsth The nature of |t.he*’proposed corporation shall be that of of a Bank, with eontinous si ecession for the term of thirty years, with the right of re newal for a like term. To sue and be sued. To have and use a Common Seal, and at pleasure to alter the same. To appoint such Officers and Agents as the business of the corporation requires., prescribe theirduties, tlx their compen sation, and remove tligm nt pleasure. To make such by-laws as may he neces sary or proper for the management of its property and regulation of its af fairs. To'hold. purchase, dispose of and convey such real and personal * pro perty as.may bejne.cessary for its uses and business. To discount bills, notes or other evidences of debt; to receive and pay out deposits, with or without interest; to receive on special deposit, money or bullion or foreign coin, or stocks or bonds of other securities; to buy or sell foreign or domestic ex change, or other negotiable paper; to lend money upon personal security, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks or nego tiable securities; to take and receive security by mortgage, or otherwise, on property, real or personal; and gener ally, to do and rerform all such other matters and things not hereinbefore enumerated as are or may be incident to the business of Banking. We herewith enolose the Charter fee of $50.00 and pray to be ineorported un the laws of this.state. Signed,: J. T. Dupree, Mclntyre, Ga. Geo. 11. Carswell. Irwinton, Ga. J. F. Lingo, Mclntyre, Ga. J. S. Wood, Irwinton, Ga. I. B. Stinson, Irwinton, Ga. Joseph O. Snow, Ivey, Ga C. M. Hitchcock, Toomsboro, Ga. J. R. Hudson. Mclntyre, Ga. J. L. Byington, Irwinton, Ga, J. W. Lindsey, Irwintcn, Ga. Petitioners. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. Before me, personally appeared the undersigned petitioners, who on oath depose and say that $15,000 of the Cap ital subscribed to the IRWINTON BANK, IRWINTON, GA., for which Bank deponents are now seeking incor poration by the Secretary of State, has actually been paid in cash by the sub scribers, and that the same is in fact held and is to be used solely forth. business and purposes of the said cor poration. J. T. Dupree, Geo. 11, Carswell, J. F. Lingo, J. S. Wood. I. B- Stinsop. Joseph O. Snow, C. M. Hitchcock. J. R. Hudson, J. L, Byington. J. W. Lindsey. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of November 1910. J E But’er, Ordinary. Wilkinson Counly. SEAL) State of Georgia, Office of Secretary of State. I Philip Cook. Seendary of State ot 'be State of Georgia, do hereby certify I'hiit the attached two sheets of printed •md written matter is a true copy of the .pplication for a charter of the Irwin on Bank, the original ot which is this lav filed in my office. In Testimony Whereof. I have here uptq set my hand and affixed the Seal if iny Office, at the Capitol, in the City •f Atlanta, this 28th day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten and of the In. dependence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Thirty five, Philip Cook, Secretary of State. FORRENT Two horse farm, Newby place about two apd one half miles frorp Gordon. Good land, splendid water and nice orchard. Uncultivated this year. «°od crops next year. Rent very reason able. Apply to Hugh Chambers, ■ t Jfaeon, Ga. Application For A Charter. St^te of Gen gia, Tw ggs Jn iuty. To the llommible P. ilip Cook, Sec retary of the State of Georgia Tl.e Petition of the undersigned whose names and residences are hereinaftei fully set forth, respect fully sh-ws Ist. That they desire to be iiicorpnted under ilje la«s of Georgia as provided in the nets of 1892 and the acts of 189.’ amemlitorv thereof, pages 60 and 61 2nd. They desire for themselves, their successors and associates to he incorpo rated under the name and style of the Danville and Carv Smith and North Railway Company. 3rd I'he Railway contemplated ii rhis petition for a charter, is to be about 50 miles in lei ght. beginning ator neat Danville ip the county of Twiggs anil the state Georgia, and running inti -outheriv diieetion through Twiggs n cary Pulaski county on. and from thence to Hawkinsville Pulaski eountj via of cochran or Coley station and in a north rly ■luectnm through Wilkin son to Gordon in state of Georgia. 4th The Capital stock of said Railway Company s’ all be One Hundred Thons and Dollars ($100,000,00) and the bond ed imlebtedress limited to fen Thous and Dollars per mile ($lO 000.00) ol actiuilly constucted railway m opperr lion. sth. They desire the charter of san Railway to continue for and dun the period of One Hun Ired and O- Years. (101), as allowed by law, 6th The principal office of said Rail way Company shall be in Danvil Georgia. 7th Your petitioner declares that tin do intend m good faith to go forwa> without delay to secure subset iption to the capital stock and to const met equip, maintain, and operate said Rai) wav. Bth Your petitioner father show that they have given four weeks nptiee of their intention to apply for a chart er by the publication of this petition n the news papers, in which the Sheriff advertisements are published in eaen of the counties through which said Rail way shall run once a weak for four weeks before the tiling of this petition Wherefore your petitioners prays that they may be incorporated under the provisions of the laws and the con sti tttion of the State of Geoagia, with all the powers and i riviledges incident to such corporations under and by lir-" tne of the laws and the Said eonstjtu-' tion of the said State of Georgia, Etou Sta Co. Evereit Shoo Co Best Place in Macon for SHOES 458 THIRD ST. For Ladies, at $1.50 Pair "SOUTHLAND BELLE”--CHAP ELY, DURABLE AND FULL VALUf FOR PRICE, For Ladies, at $2.00 Pair “SOUTHERN GIRL’’—NOT “AS GOOD,” BUT THE BEST SOLD FOR $2.00. For Ladies, at $2.50 and $3.00 Pair “THE AUTOGRAPH”—SOLD AT ABOVE PRICES, COMPARES MOST FAVORABLY WITH MANY SHOES SOLD FOR SI.OO PER PAIR HIGHER. Famous Regal Shoes. KNOWN THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR SUPERIORITY OF FIT, COMFORT, STYLE AND WEAR—THE PERFECTION OF FOOTWEAR. "REGALS” FOR MEN $4.00 TO $5.00 “REGALS” FOR LADIES ~,, ~. $3.50 TO $4.00—Craddock’s for Men-$3 00 THE “CRADDOCK" FOK MEN HAS EVERY QUALIFICATION OF MOST $4.00 §HOES; BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR THE MAN “FROM MISSOURI;” HE'LL “KNOW” ONCE HE BUYS AND WEARS A CRAD DOCK. Boys, Girls and ChiJdren OUR LARGE STOCK OF SHOES FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS IS CARE FULLY CHOSEN FROM MAKERS WHO SPECIALIZE ON THIS LINE AND WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY INSTANCE, A Come -to 458 THIRD ST. Everett Shoe Co. 9ih Your pctitoners attach hereto their names and residences respective ly as follows, to wit. W L Jameson, Pulaski Co. I r n. . - <.um. pula ,ki Co. .1 i • g. I'nlaski (.'<>. Frank Wade, Pulaski Co. (1 G Porter, Pulaski C >. G il Wad*, Pulaski Co. B F Abm-t, Pulaski Co. J 11 Prite’iett, Pulaski Co, D B Dunn, I i b Co Herbert R Brown, Bibb Co. Legal Notices, GEORGIA.— WilKinson County.- Bv virtue of an order iroin the court of ordinary of said county will be sold •it public outcry to the highest bidder 'or cash on first Tuesday in Jan 1911 between usual sale hours at the court muse town of Irwinton the following real estate. Oue acre land more or less on wtiieh is situated a two room house Known as the Francis Washi igton mme bounded bj’ lands of Martha Al en, J S Wood nd Irwinton and Mcln tyre public road sold for dirts!blition. Martha Allen, Admr. estate Francis Washington. GLOB* I a a i; -on Comity. N 'tier is lieia by given that the un. der.-igned has aiqdiid to the Ordinary ■ d said ci'iinty for leave to sell all the lami being -ix lnimjred acre- more or •ss belonging to the estate of Jolin 11 T.••elnall for the purpose of distribution s .id application wil[ be heard at the egular term of the court of Ordinary ir said county to be held on the first iio.>day in January 1911, i'liis Dee sth 1910, II B Freeman adm^. estate of John H Freeman, . org.a Wilkinson County. By virtue of an order frormthe court d' ordinary of said County will be sold > the highest bldtier for cat’ll on first, ‘uesday in January 1911 before the -ourt house door in the town of Irwili on between the usual hours of sale the oilowing real estate one Hundred and iftj' acres land more or less Known as :e Mrs Phoebe Johns place iii Bb>od voth district adjoining landsdfCC Io .ns, I L Johns Sain Johns and A Y 7 Patterson Sold for payment of debts and lisrribution. <, I’liis Dee 4 1910. I H Stinson adm’r. estate Mrs Plmebe Jolins. tKOßGiA— Wilkinson CorsTy G B Sanders, W C Fmii ta n and J F ’iiu ain having apphe I td be ap;i i .■<l p.-rinimiil aduriii-nat.jrs upo . r i estate of William Met’arfv; Sr lit' ' said county deceased. N dice is Imr by given thai »aid .ipplmaiuni will be heard at the regular term of the el.i. t of Oidmarv to be held on first Mond in January 1911 Witness my hum' and official signatu e. fills Dec si' 19'0 J K Butler, Ordinary. tEORG I A —Wilkinson C. iinty. No ice is hereby given that the itn b r igtied lia- applied to the < rdinari ■f said ounty for le i et ■ -ell all tin ind belonging to the estate of Joe A vin tor the |>:.h men' of debts all 1 di tri ution nr ng iH-iis, Said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the C 'lirt of Ordinary for said coun ty to be held on the flrsr Monday in January 1911. This Dec sth 1910. J W’ Alvin, H D Alvin, Mark Jefferson, Executors of Joe Alvin, Gkokgia — iViikinson County. N ■ c• i in reby given that the undersigned lias applied to the Oi ji-. nary of sain County for le i.y. to all real estate belonging to B.rl .. Jones, di-cea-'d. Sal l phe r will r heard it 'he ngol . i ' < C dirt of Ol I' ■ iIA 0 I Vlon lay in J u । 1911 W. A. J o A . • B -I MEYSHONEWAI Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumoria Stop Pain _ . (HEADACHE Take NEURALGIA ONE n Dr. Mlle,' And of the Little P * ,D P,H * h * ve be,n used by me for rheu* Tablets and pain in back and sides, and in every and the CIM thcy gavc pcrfec( P satisfaction.” r aUI IS Henry Courier, Boonton. N. Y. Gone AND THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA , f / 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain, Pills and be is authorized to return the price of the first package (only) if It fails to benefit you. UR. J. L DUPREE, DENTIST First-cl ass Work At Reasonable h’ices. 362 1-2 Secoud St, Macon. Sa. TAYLOR Sff " HEAD tn Simplicity, Capacity, Dura bl ivy, None Better ‘ Mecca Made .■ ' dimry R'vofd \ CX-oerHive Vrej^kis an.' ? wait® for Repairs IW-- EnGIKES S :2S Boilers ■ ■ ■ -■' a.i« Shiagie 0^ '---r . Trwers.f: f lyl-.c bob >»o Fl»l« ^4O- ;; ■ k ! ;: ' 1 Was s’tIES # ip*? j f r ” • rrny a-CIU MU. j * | WILLINGHAM’S WAREHOUSE COTTON FACTORS ■ । । . 1 1,1 । UY HONORABLE METHODS AND A LIBERAL POLICY ■ ? we HAVE BtJILT UP THE BEST COTTON COMMISSION 6DWNESS IN MACON, GA. SHIP US YOUR COTTON AND GE^THE BEST RETURNS. , . . • WILLINGHAM’S WAREHOUSE. NOTICE I will sell before the Court house door in Ir»n~.on on theflrst Tuesday in January next, during the side hours, the following described property to twit One hundred nn< ! Eighty acres of land more or less in the 26th land District of Wilkinson Co. bounded as follows, on North East, Jo|m Brooks and estate of Peter Veal, on North West bv J W Brooks and W A Jones, South East. J W Biooksand J F Nelson south west J W Brooks, and better known as the pro perty of "Jes-’e - . ’ Deceased, pro- perty sold for distribution among heirs terms cash. . This Nov 30, 1910. Charlie Sapp. Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You . They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength, Refuse substitutes. A. do L vs, Gordon. RlsisjSl I—lJ A Tonic For The Whole Family This splendid tonic will keep every member of your family in good health. Adults suffer ing from dyspepsia, or indi gestion, general exhaustion or breakdown will find in this natural tonic renewed health and strength. Delicate, rapid ly growing children will find in this tonic the assistance their digestive organs t® '» get the proper nourishment and strength from their food. DR. D. JAYNE’S tonicvermifuge acts directly on the stomach and other digestive organs, toning them pp and enabling them to do their work properly. In this way it brings about permanent health and strength. On the other hand, ordinary tonics, which give ar tificial strength by stimulation and by supply ingfood material, are only effective as long as they are taken. Sold bv .911 Drugglste^a glres, SOc, and 35c, Take Dr. D. Jayne’i Erpeeterant If you want to get rid of your Couth cr Cold.