Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, April 21, 1911, Image 5

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Short and Various Kinds of News Items
Picked up in Town, County, and
Mr. Roy K. Cannon made a
business trip to Macon on last
♦ ♦ *
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lindsey,
Miss Rosa and Mr. Fred Bying
ton visited relatives and friends
at Milledgeville on last Tuesday.
♦ * *
We are glad to report that
Mrs. F. C. Manson is rapidly im
proving from an operation for
appendicitis in Atlanta last Mon
♦ * *
Large assortment Ladies’
Ready-Made Lingerie Shirt
Waists, beautifully trimmed
and embroidered; $1 to $2 at
G. E. Price’s, Mclntyre, Ga.
* * *
Koley Kidney Pills contain in concen
trated form ingredients of established
therapeutic value for the relief and
eure of all kidney and bladder ailments.
Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic
and restorative. Refuse substitutes.
For sale by Evans & Owens.
♦ * *
Dr. H. C. Wood spent the first
of the week in Atlanta on busi
* * *
Mr. S. A. Hatfield was called
to Macon on last Saturday on
account of the serious illness of
her little son, Joe Sam Burkett,
at that place.
* * *
Mr. Sam Hatfield, of the Cen
tral City, spent last week-end
with home folks at this place.
♦ * *
Dr. P. A. Jesup filled his reg
ular appointment at the Union
church here last Saturday and
Sunday and preached two very
impressive and uplifting ser
♦ * *
The W. 0. W. lodge will hold
a regular meeting next Monday
night at 8 o’clock. All members
are requested to be present.
* * *
Mr. Horace Lindsey visited
his sister, Mrs. H. A. Smith, at
Milledgeville last Friday.
* * *
Ladies’ and Children’s Spring
and Summer Hats. Just re
ceived full line trimmed and un
trimmed Hats; Flowers, all
kinds and prices; large assort
ment Ribbons. G. E. Price, Mc-
Intyre, Ga.
* * »
Good results always follow tho use of
Foley’s Kidney Pills. They give
prompt relief in all cases of kidney and
bladder disorders. Try them.
For sale by Evans & Owens.
» * ♦
G. E. Price, at Mclntyre, will
save you money on all Groceries,
Hardware and Shoes.
Milledgeville, Ga.
Being centrally located in the . -
sonic Hall Building, we are convenient to
all classes of trade. We are proud of the
record we have made and are anxious to
have you for a depositor. Our resources
have increased since January, 1904, to
the present time from $40,000.00 to
$200,000.00. We pay our depositors
Most of the schools of the
county will close today. Some
will not, however, as they have
some time to make up that was
not taught.
* * *
The regular teachers’ institute
of this county will not meet this
Saturday, but will meet Satur
day before the fifth Sunday in
* * *
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound is
a safe and effective medicine for child
' ren as it does not contain opiates or
; harmful drugs. The genuine Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound is in a yel
' low package.
For sale by Evans & Owens.
* * *
Mrs. W. H. Parker and little son,
■ Dupree, visited relatives in Macon
' this week.
* * *
Sheriff W. J. Player made a busi
ness trip to Americus on Thursday
of his week.
* * *
Mr. Ira B. Stinson was among
the many visitors from here to
the Central City this week.
.>* * *
Mrs. R. E. Spears returned
home Sunday from Macon,
where she spent last week at the
bedside of her brother, Harry
W. Taylor, and we are glad to
learn that he is rapidly improv
* * *
Board of directors of Irwinton
bank held regular meeting Mon
day and familiarized themselves
as to what the bank had been
doing since its organization. The
bank is now two months old and
made an excellent showing, and
all the directors were well pleas
* * *
For Dress Goods, the love J
liest of Wash Materials, Silks
a specialty, Laces, Braids and
; Embroidery in the loveliest pat
ters, go to G. E. Price, Mclntyre,
Ga. ’
* * *
. CASE COMPANY, Columbus,
[ Ga., are BUILDERS of DIS
BERS of PLATE and all kinds
of glass. Write to us for prices.”
,* * *
’ Who’s Your Tailor?
I have the Agency for the Ed V
Price and Co line and would be pleas
ed to have you call and look them
S. S. PARMELEE CO., Macon, Ga.
Horse Drawn Vehicles
of Every Description
.... .
OPEN BUGGIE3 535 T 0 1150
Top bu rr|e s 75 To 200 x/nyl'v
SINGLE BUGGY $0.50 TO $45 00
One-Horse 830 to $45 double buggy 15.00 to 50.00
SINGLE WAGON 6.50 TO 15.00
Two.Horse SSO to $75 double wagon 10.00 to 25.00
bicycles [BICYCLES
» NATIONAL $40.00 TO $75.00 a&rsx. j/VF fll
CLEVELAND 40.00 TO 75 00 j/fU
CRESCENT 30.00 TO 50.00 Staff /fA
ENDURANCE 25.00 TO bo.oo V 1 12
GEORGIA 18.50 TO 26 00 / WIW O
s3^otoss>o3 3 1 75,00 to 327D.00 h
8.8. PARMELEE COMPANY, Macon,la.
T ^gal Notices.
GEORGlA—Wilkinson County:
T. J. Morgan, et al, having
applied for the opening and es
tablishment of a new public
road, commencing at T. J. Mor
gan’s, on the Irwinton and Jef
fersonville road^ in the 253<J
militia district of said county,
running thence in a northerly
direction, through the lands of
T. J. Morgan and Ira King, Jr.,
and terminating at Bethel and
Jeffersonville road, at or near
the house of Ira King, Jr., the
total proposed length of said
road being two miles, and the
width thereof twenty feet.
Notice is hereby given that
said application will be finally
granted on the 2nd day of May,
1911, next, if no sufficient cause
is shown to the contrary.
EDGAR ADAM, Chairman.
GEORGIA —Wilkinson County:
Mrs. Esther L. Pierce, guar
dian Sallie Stanley, having ap
plied for dismission as such
guardian, notice is hereby given
that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
court of ordinary of said county,
to be held on first Monday in
May, 1911.
J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Wilkinson County:
H. M. Bloodworth having ap
plied to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of
M. M. Bloodworth, Sr., deceased,
notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of or
dinary to be held on first Mon
day in May, 1911.
J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Wilkinson County:
Mrs. Pauline Pearson having
in due form made application to
become permanent administra
trix on the estate of J. G. Pear
son, late of said county, deceas
ed, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
regular term of the court of or
dinary on the first Monday in
May, 1911, and if no good cause
be shown to the contrary, letters
will be granted as phayed for.
This April 3, 1911.
J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary.
A Reliable Medicine —NOT A NARCO
Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe. Mich., says:
“Our little boy contracted a severe
bronchial trouble and as the doctor's
medicine did not cure him. I gave him
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound in
which I have great faith. It cured the
eough as well as the choking and gag
ging spells, and he got well in a short
time. Foley’s Honey and Tar Com
pound has many times saved us much
trouble and we are never without if in
the house. 0
For sale by Evans & Owens.
Several Persons Killed and Much
Damage to Prosperity.
A terrific wind, hail and thunder
storm, accompanied by a heavy down
pour of rain, swept over St. Louis,
causing many thousands of dollars of
damage and indirectly three deaths.
The dead include a driver of a team
of mules, who, with his mules, was
electrocuted by running into a live
wire; a woman who succumbed to
fright, and another woman, who was
killed in a runaway. The horse she
was driving took fright during the
Houses were blown down in the out
skirts of the city, and in the extreme
north end an eight-story elevator con
taining one million bushels of wheat
valued at $750,000, was blown into the
Mississippi river.
Four Killed at Valley Mines.
Four negroes are known to be dead,
a number injured, one seriously, and
three missing, following a tornado
which wrecked the town of Valley
Mines, 40 miles soutnwest of St. Louis,
at 2 o’clock p. m.
Fatalities at Cadet, Mo.
Five persons are reported dead and
a score injured at Cadet, Mo., a town
of 30 inhabitants, as the result of a
tornado, which practically demolished
One Conductor Helped Back to Work.
Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, and
he writes: “I was confined io my
bed v.’ith chronic jbenmatism and u-d
two bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy
with good effect. The third bottle put
me on my feet and I resumed work as
conductor on the Lexington, Ky., street
railway. It will do all you claim in
eases of rheumatism.” It clears the
blood of urie acid.
For sale by Evans & Owens.
E. C. Momand will appreciate
your order for a spring suit,
made to order by Ed. V. Price .
& Co. Price, quality and fit
'ey :
■ ’Wh Bi scuits ? 'j X
Sod®:- wfw* W ,A i'.
B eaten
Raised Bisc^#s
Baking- ■'
41' H
■ • v iu । mntaa
- - --^ t. . \ ftCTynUoMWa
For Sale by E. C. Momand, Irwinton, Georgia.
$1,500,000 FOR RAILWAY.
Road From St. Marys to Atlanta Pro
jected —Big Bond Issue Voted.
Stockholders have voted an issue of
bonds in the sum of $4,800,000 and
stock to the amount of $1,500,000 to
build and equip the Atlantic, Way
cross and Northern railroad, projected
from St. Marys, on the Atlantic,
through Nichols, Broxton and Abbe
ville, to either Perry or Fort Valley,
thence to Atlanta.
The estimated cost of the line ex
clusive of the mileage already con
structed, is $5,000,000 The prospects
are favorable to the early completion
of the line, as strong backing has
been assured the promoters through
out the territory to be traversed.
The attorneys of the railroad will
appear before the railroad commission
within a short time to petition for the
sanction of the issue of bonds and
Waycross has been made headquar
ters of the new line, and offices arc
already opened.
Disgruntled Congregation Baid to
Have Egged Pastor.
Four women and two men are under
arrest at Chicago, it is said, as a re
sult of a riot in the Church of St.
Michael the Archangel, at West For
ty-fourth street and South Paulina
street, during which scores of rotten
eggs were hurled at the new pastor
Rev. Sergius Bazilevitch.
The eggs, symbolical of Easter
were the outw’ard manifestations ot
the congregation’s disapproval ot
Archbishop Platon’s removal of Rev.
Father Pazdrey, the church’s well be
loved pastor, who was sent to the
Greek church at Simpson, la.
Since the removal the congregation
has had a feud with the archbishop
and it threatens to result in forcing
the new pastor to leave the city.
Cures. Colds: Prevent*’ 0.-H
' ■ IAW fin “
No matter whether the
registers 105 above er 2 r
Amalgamated An.
can’t be a feet de
No matter the
your roof—you r
them, for Ama'.gu.-
ING is very pliabl
Roofing, and tl e
higher than wht.
We authorizeou’’ agf
if our Rc fing l is not
Send for samples anc
first Nat'l Bank Bldg. — *
F r 5 He By J U. S le herd,
1 . ■> I- , G-..
The Sound Sleep of Good Health.
Can not be over estimated and any
Parent that prevents it is a menace
health. J. L. Southers, Eau Claire,.
Wis., says: “I have been unable to
sleep soundly nights, because of pains
across my back and soreness of my kid
neys. My appetite was very poor and
my general condition was much run
down. I have been taking Foley Kid
ney Pills but a short time and now
sleep as sound as a rock, my general
condition is greatly improved, and I
know that Foley Kidney- Pills have
cured me.’’
For sale by Evans & Owens.