Irwinton bulletin. (Irwinton, Wilkinson County, Ga.) 1894-1911, August 18, 1911, Image 5
LOCAL BREVITIES Short and Various Kinds of News Items Picked up in Town, County, and Elsewhere E. C. Momand invites you to come and look over the new line of fall goods that he has just received. Do not allow your kidney and bladder trouble to develop beyond the roach of medicine. Tako Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick results aud stop irreg ularities with surprising promptness. For sale by all druggists. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Vanland ingham, of Cairo, are visiting in Irwinton this week. ❖ * 5 or 6 doses of 666 will cure any case of chills anti lever. 25 cents. Mrs. Nina Perry and Miss Sohnson, of Birmingham, Ala., are the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hatfield, at this alee. * We are glad to state that Mrs. J. E. Butler is able to be up af ter a short illness this week. * * * Mr. Waiter Todd, of Rich mond, Va., spent a short time last week with relatives here and at Mclntyre. * * * Mr. Sam Player, of Macon, spent last week-end with his parents, Sheriff and Mrs. W. J. Plaey, at this place. * * * Mr.J. L. Byington and daugh ter, Miss Rosa, spent, last Mon day in Atlanta. Dr. J. R. Kinney and family, of Gainesville, Fla., are spending some time with relatives at this place. * * * Mrs. Burney has returned to her home at this place after a lengthy visit to relatives at No na and Macon. * * * Mrs. Raines and little daugh ter, Edna Earle, of Montgomery are visiting relatives at this place. * * $ Col. G. H. Carswell and Mr. J, T. Hatfield were on the' sick list the early part of this week, but we are glad to state that they are able to be up again. * * * Mrs. E. T. Momand, of the Central City, is visiting friends and relatives here. * * * Misses Floy Lee and Myrtle Everett have returned home af ter a lengthy trip to Summit and Tennille, where they have been visiting relatives and friends. * * More people, men and women, are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, tnd each year more of them turn for quick relief and permanent benefit to Foley s Kidney Remedy, which has proven itself to be one of the most effective retiddies for kidney and bladder ailments, that med ical science has devised. For sale by all druggists. We have a complete line ol Fishing Tackle and Base Ball goods. And when । in the city we invite you to call and in spect our general line of Hardware. BALKCOM Hardware Co., Ine. 362 Third St., Macon Ga. I * * * Mr. Roy K. Cannon spent last - Monday in our neighboring city —Toomsboro. « * * The county convict gang is camping near here now, and are doing some fine work on the roads. The are at work on the Irwinton-Mclntyre road now. ❖ * * Just received a new line of “Aragon Brand” Shirts; all sizes. Call and inspect my line. E. C. Momand. * * $ 5 or 6 doses of 666 will cure any case of chills and fever. 25 | i cents. * .1: « i Who's Your Tailor? "1 have the Agency for the Ed A’ Price and Co line and would be pleas ed to have you call and look them over. E. C. MOMAND Many a Suffering Woman Drags herself painfully through her daily tasks, suffering from backache, I headache, nervousness, loss of appetite and poor sleep, not knowing her ills are due to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt re turn to health and strength. No wom an who so suffers can afford to over look Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by all druggists. Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay. Kidney troubles and the ills it breeds means lost time and lost pay to many a. w’orking man. M. Balent, 1214 Lit tle Penna St., Streator, 111., was so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that jhe could not work, but he says: ‘‘l j took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short jtime and got entirely well and was । soon able to go back to work, and am I feeling well and healthier than before.’’ I Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, I quick in results —a good friend to the working man or woman who suffers from kidney ills. For sale by all druggists. Special Notices. ’ <n ■ ■■■■— ■ ■ ■■■— । ■■ ' I __ I will ill Irwinton on Monday and Tuesday, of each week, for the pur pose of doing Dental work. First class I work at reasonable prices. All work gua ranteed. Dr. M. T. Godwin, Toomsboro, Ga. MEYSHONEWffi Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumc '’ r j i IS. S. PARMELEE CO.. Macon, El Horse Drawn Vehicles I of Every Description j OPEN BUGGIES $35 TO $l5O ' TOP BUGGIES ' 45 TO 200 a W OPEN SURRIE3 TO 200 | "" TOP SURRIES .. 75 TO 200 VyNPOvv- 7 / V\ylW S xZ fsXZ \> m ROAD CARTS 15 TO 75 '-J—- FARM WAGONS HARNESS SINGLE BUGGY $6.50 TO $45 00 One-Horse 330 to $45 double buggy 15.00 to 50.00 SINGLE WAGON 6.50 TO 15.00 Two-Horse SSO to 375 double wagon 10.00 to 25.00 [BICYCLES Crfl NATIONAL s+o.oo TO $75.00 ^*3^. A CLEVELAND 40.00 TO 75 00 7/V CRESCENT 30.00 TO 50.00 arWgf ya/il 'f A I ENDURANCE 25.00 TO 35.00 K CW GEORGIA 18.50 TO 26 00 Jk BUICK AUTOMOBILES ______2^^ ssss — — — INDIAN MOTORCYCLES, Ol OW 1 BABY CARRIAGES and CARTS I 53.50 to $50.00 SI 75,00 to $275.00 | TmRBELEnWAOacm VMMMMMaMMaKXWUMMEMBMBMSHNHHMHammnaMWaMRMIMRmBar “The NATIONAL SHOW I CASE COMPANY, Columbus, I Ga., are BUILDERS of DIS TINCTIVE SHOW CASES, I. BANK, STORE, DRUG and OFFICE FIXTURES and JOB BERS of PLATE and all kinds smnm HSJWfI famous for F*l iheirWinsome and —* ^3l Sterling Qualifies a A/lfouoas ££A7W£/t3*M>P*Tr&*a •mon BY ' ro *2.^ E. C. MomainD Legal Notices. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County: Whereas W. W. and Al. L Mc- Daniel, Executors of estate Wm. Mc- Daniel, represents to the court that they .have fully administered the) estate of Wm. McDaniel. This is| therefore to cite all persons concern ed to show cause why said Executors should not be discharged and receive letters of dismission on first monday in Sept. 1911. This Aug. 7th 1911. J. E. BUTLER, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W. rl. Branan, administrator of estate Mrs. Emily Branan, haing filed h's petition for dis charge as such administrator, notice is hereby given that said application xxill be heard at the regular term of the court of or dinary to be held on first Mon day in September, 1911. This August 1, 1911. J. E. Butler, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Wlkinson County. To all whom it may concern: J. C. Meadows having in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Mattie L. । Meadows, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Mattie L. Mead ows to be and appear at my of fice within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to J. C. Meadows on Mrs. Mattie L. Meadows’ estate. I Witness my hand and official i signature, this 7th oay of Au- I guest, 1911. J, Butler, Ordinary. KI! KLUX CLAN BUSY. Series of Daring Outrages Perpetrated in Cumberland Mountains. News comes from Spencer, Vanbu ren county, Tenn., situated in a re mete part of the Cumberland moun tains, of a series of outrages com roitted by moonshiners and develop ments of the past few w-eeks have proved that in spite of stern efforts to break up night riding, kuklux ma rauding in the mountains is still a thing to be dreaded. Following a recent raid by revenue officers near the little town of Spen i cer, in which a man named Sullivan I was killed, eight mountaineers organ- Led themselves into a band of white cap-, wpnt en horseback to the home of Dan tyhittenberg, who, it ft alleged, had given lodging to the revenue offi cers. The outlaws entered his house at 2 o’clock, took Whittenberg away from his wife and children, and car lying him out in his own yard, al most whipped him to death. Only a day or so before this Slato Morris, of the same vicinity, who had given lodg ing to the officers, was shot from ambush while plowing in the field. Part of a load of buckshot entered h:s body, one striking him In the face. Before arriving at the home of Whit tenberg the night riders visited Ills fa ther, Pete. Whittenberg, and threaten ed him. While they were beating him, Whit tenberg recognized the entire band, some of them by their voices, others by their horses. When he had suf ficiently recovered from his terrible experience, Whittenberg swore out warrants against the eight suspects. When the case was called for trial a few days ago Whittenberg failed to appear and it was alleged that he had been threatened by the night riders, so the cases were dismissed, but the criminal court, which meets in Octo ber will investigate the matter thor oughly. ■'"' l I - ■•• ’- '•i H Who 'SwaWscuits ? I soa a ;sis®» -v ■ \C'' I BeateiTßisMM I Raised I Baking Po»d<JfeMs. ,' 4 I ’■ * ■- > r>' 4wjMßiwPEHKSgjw ■ Il OLD l^hDMdsHSa .. I FLO | c ib ? I e ;■ V^wbukn-Grosby Co. -J 11 .1 g&ggj^^^sgggjjlggilgg For S 3 baly E. 0. 1> i -11 f - c ‘ Wilkinson Superior Court, April Term, 1911. 1 It appearing to the court by petition of Jones, Gunn & Jones J that W. N. Burney, on the 6th ■ Gunn & Jones a mortgage on i day of November, 1909, execut ;■ ed and deliered to said J ones, 5 certain lands in Wilkinson coun i ty, to-wit: Seventy-five (75) acres of land situated, lying and ’ being in Irwinton district, Wil -3 i kinson county, Georgia, and h bounded on north by lands of John Wright, on east by lands of i,'John McNeil, on south by lands ■ of Mamie Burney, and on west 3 by lands of John Wright, for the ■ purpose of securing the payment L of one certain promissory note, ’ due March 1,1910, and on which is due the principal sum of 0 $89.90, besides interest at^B per i- cent per annum since Nov. 1, 3 1910, and 10 per cent on amount ■■ due as attorney’s fees which said note the said defendant re fuses to pay; it is therefore or dered that the said W. N. Bur . ney pay into this court, on or be i, fore the first day of the next s I term, the principal and interest ’•jand attorneys’ fees due on said e । note, and the costs of suit; or in ■ f default thereof the court will' proceed as to justice shall apper- ; a tain. And it is further ordered j that this rule be published in the i . Irwinton Bulletin, a newspaper e published in Wilkinson county,! >• once a month for four months; or served on said defendant, W. N. Burney or his special agent. or attorney, three months pre vious to the next term of this court. A true extract from the minutes. JAS. B. PARK, Judge Superior Court. I. B. STINSON, C lo rk. F. Chambers & Son, attorneys for plaintiffs. Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer Colds. Must bo relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1031 Wolfram St., Chicago, writes: “I have been greatly trou bled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound I get great relief. ’ ’ Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart’s experience. For sale by all druggists. •. ’■KSMUR' Bitters , Ma^e a Kow Man Os Him. “I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back.” writes 11. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C... “and my liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. — . “"Foley Kidney Pills will cheek the pro- I gross of your kidney and bladder trou ble and heal by removing the cause. Try them. For sale by all druggists.