Newspaper Page Text
Empire Mail Bag
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Photo, Copyright, by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y.
1 O up-to-date costume is consider
ed complete without the inev
itable hand-bag, which must har
monize with, if not match, the
costume. This bag is suspended from
the shouMer —either side —and made of
If the Bisected Skirt Is to Be Gen
erally Worn Let It Have Femi
nine Appellation.
It is thought by some in Germany
that the name “harem skirt” or more
horrible still “trouser skirt” is the
only thing that prevents the spread
and general use of this much talked of
article of wearing apparel. So these
same people have offered a prize for
the best names and have hit up “Ama
zon” and “cavalier” skirt as a result,
and hope by keeping these more allur
ing titles before the feminine public to
popularize the garment. Not that it
needs so much to be popularized, they
say. The leading German shops ad
vertise it in bewildering variety, and
privately claim that orders are pour
ing in to a degree which shows that,
like other extreme modes gone be
fore, the trousers —er, that is, the
cavalier skirt —is sure to conquer in
the end. But if the more timid fol
lower of fashion buys one, and keeps
it hanging in her closet to gaze upon
with awe and admiration, yet is afraid
to wear a “trouser” skirt upon the
street, by all means let us christen it
Iwith something softer and more femi
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/ This pretty frock is of gray blue
cashmere embroidered in the same
shade. The waist is finished across the
front with a band of maderia embroid
ery on linen, of which the shoulder
collar is also made.
This last is placed over a collar
of black satin, bands of which finish
the silk cord matching the gown forms
the girdle.
embroidered moire—three Persian
palm leaves bordered with pearls being
the chief decoration. The fringe—and
fringe is the mode at present —is
made of pearl and wood beads, in
brown to match the cloth suit.
Slight Cha ;in Styles Will Be Noted
in the Coming Season’s
An unusually decollete neck finish,
extremely short sleeves and an irregu
lar-shaped train inclined to shortness
are features having a bearing on the
new evening gowns for fall and win
ter. Lace plays a large part, both as
a foundation material and for trim
ming purposes, every variety being
used, no matter what the texture or
pattern. Allover designs or robe
gowns are used as an underbody, in
which case the filmy draperies par
also used for draping over soft fin
tially conceal the pattern. They are
ished silks, crepes and satins, and in
these instances usually are cut in one
with the waist. Some of the newest
models show the allover lace exten
sion below the waist line in cutawaj’
coat effect, Citoyenne frill or peplum.
In some instances the pointed effect
is made in the front, with tapering
lines cutting off to the waist in the
back. —Dry Goods Economist.
Detachable Flower.
It must have been the girl of small
allowance who invented the detach
able flower for her hat. Trimming
the winter’s chapeaux is so simple
that it is an easy matter to whisk
off one flower and put on another to
match the next costume worn.
Velvet poinsettias are a favorite
flow'er on winter hats for those who
can stand the vivid red so close to the
Another popular flower is huge vel
vet roses in rich dull tones. A new
idea is to outline the edges of these
roses with tiny beads to correspond
to the color of the costume worn.
Instead of sewing on the detach
able roses each time, they are pro
vided with tiny safety pins on the
under side, which are quickly adjusted
to the trimming.
Making a Pillow Cover Fit.
The cover of a sofa pillow can be
made to fit well by the following little
trick: After sewing up three sides
but before turning the cover right side
out, tack the two finished corners of
the case securely to two corners of
the pillow. Turn the case over the
pillow. Sew up the fourth side for an
inch or two at each end. Tack these
two corners to the corresponding cor
ners of the cushion. Finish as usual.
This keeps the pillow from pulling
and sagging away from the cover.—
Large Revers Popular.
The use of the large collar is no
doubt responsible for the popularity
of the large revers. Some are lang
and narrow, coming down below the
waist line. Others are square and a
few round.
In a certain number of cases the
coats are made with a single revei
on one side and double revers are
seen in some instances. The long
shawl collars are again meeting wit*
Stretchy, Drowsy,
stupid, tired, head-achy
—“not sick, but don’t
feel good.”
Just a few signs that
you need that most ef
fective tonic, liver-stirr
ing Spring Remedy—
—a bottle proves.
The Specific for Malaria, Chills and
Fever, and a reliable remedy for
all diseases due to a torpid
liver and sluggish bowels
and kidneys.
50c. At Your Druggists
Waco, Texas.
Doubtful and Humiliated Hubby Now
Probably Believes Wife Can
Keep a Secret.
“The late William Rotch Wister,
the father 'of American cricket, might
also be sai'd to have been a godfather
of the feminist movement,” said a
woman writer at the Acorn club in
“Mr. Wister,” she continued,” abomi
nated that type of husband who treats
his wife like a child, refusing to take
her into his confidence. I once heard
Mr. Wister tell a story about a Ger
mantown man of that sort.
"The man came back from a busi
ness meeting wherein the future wel
fare of himself and his family was
vitally involved, but he declined to
tell his wife what had been the meet
ing’s outcome.
“ ‘Oh, no,’ he sneered, 'I can’t tell
you anything. You’d repeat it if I did.
You, being a woman, are constitution
ally unable to keep a secret.’
“But the wife, w-ith a quiet smile,
retorted: ‘George, did I ever tell the
secret of how you were led astray
that summer the church conference
met in Chicago and got arrested in a
saloon for biting off the bartender’s
ear?’ ”
Gu v
The Hospital Doctor —What did the
farmer say when you fell out of his
barn and broke your arm?
Tramp—Didn’t say nothin’. He
wuz too busy a-laughin’.
Arms, Limbs and Abdomen Swollen
to Abnormal Size.
James H. Pitts, 218 East avenue
Cedartown, Ga., says: “My feet swell
ed so I could not wear my shoes. My
arms and abdomen were badly bloated
and large, watery
pouches hung be
neath my eyes. I
grew worse every
day and it seemed I
would be better dead
than in my condition.
I used three boxes of
Doan’s Kidney Pills
and from a man that
was slowly dying, I was restored to
perfect health. I really feel that
Doan’s Kidney Pills saved my life.”
“When Your Back Is Lame, Re
member the Name —DOAN’S.” 50c. a
box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
A Bad Sign.
She —If I were you, dear, I would
not send for that plumber again who
came today. He’s too inexperienced.
He —Didn’t he do the work right?
She —Yes, he did the work all right,
but he brought all the tools he needed
with him.
Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS
CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking.
The formula Is plainly printed on every bottle,
showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless
form, and the most effectual form. For grown
people and children. 60 cents.
It sometimes happens that a man
who never even saw an airship flies
just as high and falls just as hard.
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You Look Prematurely Old
Photographer—Say! Pardon me!
But that’s the third time you’ve cov
ered your face with a handkerchief
just as I was ready.
Subject—l know, but I can’t help
it. I’ve been indicted a good deal
lately, and I got the habit trying to
dodge newspaper photographers. —
Colds and La Grippe take Elixir Babek,
a preventative against Miasmatic Fe
vers and a remedy for all Malarial Fe
"I have used ‘Elixir Babek’ for four
years for Malaria, and found it all that
is claimed for it. Without it I would |
be obliged to change my residence, as
I can not take quinine in any of its
forms. —J. Middleton. Four-Mile Run,
Va. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all drug
gists or Kloczewski & Co., Washington,
D. C.
Ruskin Pitied Americans.
It is not only the half million
bricks of Tattershall that have been
numbered for trans-shipment across
the Atlantic. Ruskin, when he was a
boy, pitied the Americans for being
so unhappy as to live in a country
that has no castles. They will have a !
castle now, and no nation likes to I
be pitied. But the other importation,
made by Mrs. Gardner as an addition
to her Italian villa near Boston, was
that of an entire chapel as it stands,
with all its interior furnishings, even
to the half-burned candles in the al
tar. The monks who served the
chapel had been scattered by the
strong hand of the law, and the
building was to be devoted to the
pick ax. The courageous American
lady had it packed up in a Venetian
hill country, where it stood, and car
ried down piecemeal and embarked. —
London Chronicle.
| “When my baby was six months old,
’ his body was completely covered with
1 large sores that seemed to itch and
burn, and cause terrible suffering.
The eruption began in pimples which
would open and run, making large
sores. His hair came out and finger
nails fell off, and the sores were over
the entire body, causing little or no
sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs
would come off when I removed his
“We tried a great many remedies,
but nothing would help him, till a
friend Induced me to try the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. I used the Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment but a short
time before I could see that he was
Improving, and in six<weeks’ time he
was entirely cured. He had suffered
about six weeks before we tried the
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, although
we had tried several other things, and
doctors, too. I think the Cuticura Rem
edies will do all that is claimed for
them, and a great deal more.”
(Signed) Mrs. Noble Tubman, Dodson,
Mont., Jan. 28, 1911. Although Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment are sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere, a
sample of each, with 32-page book,
will be mailed free on application to
“Cuticura,” Dept. 18 K, Boston.
Toasting the Teachers.
There was a meeting of the new
teachers and the old. It was a sort of
love feast, reception or whatever you
call it. Anyhow, all the teachers got
together and pretended they didn't
have a care in the world. After the
eats were et the symposiarch proposed
a toast:
“Long Live Our Teachers!”
It was drank enthusiastically. One
of the new teachers was called on to
respond. He modestly accepted. His
answer was:
"What on?”
“I wonder how Tantalus felt,” said
the student of the classics.
"Probably,” replied Colonel Stilwell,
“like a thirsty Maine man listening
to the election returns.”
Thousands of country people know the
value of Hamlins Wizard Oil, the best
family medicine in case of accident or
sudden illness. For the safety of your
family buy a bottle now.
All the world may be a stage, but
unfortunately we can't always hear
the prompter.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You can
dye any ganuent without ripping apart. Write for free booklet—How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, HL
Obeyed Orders.
Percy—What are you doing about
your doctor’s advice to take physical
exercise, dear boy?
Cholly —I’m carrying a heavier walk
ing stick, and I wear a larger button
hole bouquet.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles, Capudiue will reliev you.
It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi
ately. Try it. 10e., 25c., and 50 cents at drug
Too many homes have all the mod
ern inconveniences.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first put
up 40 years ago. They regulate and invig
orate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar
coated tiny granules.
Some men are so small that a five
cent cigar looks big to them.
Mrs. Whislow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
Where there’s a will there’s away
for the lawyers to fool the heirs.
Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Vee “LA CREOLE** HAIR 9RESSINCL > PRICE, 91.00, retail
Literary Criticism.
They were discussing a certain au
thoress at dinner, and a well-known
critic raised a laugh by remarking:
“Well, her hair’s red, even if her
books are not.”
The mild young man in the corner
made a mental note of the sally for fu
ture use, and at another party shortly
afterward he carefully guided the con
versation into literary channels, Tit-
Bits informs its readers. Fortunately,
some one mentioned the desired name,
and he triumphantly cried out: “Well,
she’s got red hair, even if her books
Hicks’ Capudine is the best remedy—re
lieves the aching and feverishness —cures the
Cold and restores normal conditions. It’s
liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c.
At drug stores.
It’s what a woman doesn’t know
that worries her.
We alway respect the opinions of a
man who keeps them to himself.
The Ingredients, M attested under oath, are Stone root (Coillnsonla Canaden
sis'), Bloodroot (Sangulnarla Canadensis), Golden Seall root (HydrastisCanaden
sis), Queen’s root (.Stilllngia Sytvatka), Black Cherrybark (Prunus Virginians),
Mandrake root (.Podophyllum Peltatum), with triple refined glycerine, prepared
in a scientific laboratory in away that no druggist could imitate.
This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles; but, oa
the other hand, it increases their number and they become round and healthy.
It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It
helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, beart-burn and many uncom
fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers;
for the run-down, anaemic, thin-blooded people, the “ Discovery .is refreshing
and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all “ just as good ’
medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing
but Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will do you half as much good.
ri i a r. i r and au n ° se
Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. liquid given na
thetongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy ;S0
cents and tI.CO a bottle; 85.00 and 810.00 the dozen. Sold by all d rue gist,
and horse goods houses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturer,.
See your dealer now, before he
contracts for his goods, and urge
him to get good up-to-date brands,
containing 6 to 10 per cent, potash,
and to carry POTASH SALTS
in stock.
There is profit in such goods
both for you and your dealer.
You get more plant food ror
your money, your fertilizer is
Continental Building, Baltimore .Monadnock Block, Chicada
Whitney Central Bank Building, New Orleans
Special Offer to Printers
This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by
the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO.. Savannah, Ga. Price Scents
per pound, F. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited.
•2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES /
Men and Women wear WJLDougla* shoes
because they are the best shoes produced in
this country for the price. Insist upon hav-
ing them. Take no other make.
The assurance that goes with an estab
lished reputation is your assurance in buying
W. L. Douglas shoes. .
If I could take you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefully \V.L.Douglas shoes are made, you
would then understand why they are war
ranted to hold their shape, fit better and g
wear longer than any other make for the price I
CAllTinN Th ® genuine hav. W. L. Douglas!
wnw i ion name and price stamped on bottomg
>lf you cannot obtain W. L Douglas shoes in
your town, write for catalog. Shoes sent direct
from factory to wearer, all charges prepaid. W.L.
DOUGLAS. 143 Spark St.. Brockton, Mau.
Loss of Appetite
Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and la
often a forerunner of prostrating dis
It is serious and especially so to peo
pie that must keep up and doing or gat
The best medicine to take for it is th*
great constitutional remedy
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Which purifies and enriches the blood
and builds up the whole system.
Get it today in usual liquid form of
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs*
DEI IA DI E Agents to sell Silk Hosiery ana Neda*
lILLIABLb wear. We manufacture men's and
women’s silk hosiery, neckwear, dress silks, etc. and
sell direct. Agents making 810 to f 25 weekly. Write
today Electric Utj Silk Ce., Dep’l S. 11. Hain Ave., Scranton, Fk
' you want your home county, write us at once*
ROYAL JIAMTACTLKIAG CO„ 417 E. 18lb St., Kaa*** Qty, Ma.
I W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 44-1911.
Weak Heart
’ Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experi
ence shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart,
or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their
eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong
to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hand*
and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply
to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken
which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce’s Golden
1 Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotic*
nor alcohol.
Smokeless Odorless Clean Convenient
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater warms up a room
in next to no time. Always ready for use. Can be carried
easily to any room where extra warmth is needed.
A special automatic device makes it impossible to turn the
wick too high or too low. Safe in the hands of a child.
The Perfection burns nine hours on one filling—glowing
heat from the minute it is lighted. Handsomely finished;
drums of blue enamel or plain steel, with tuckel trimmings.
Ask your dealer or write for descriptive circular to any agency of
Standard Oil Company
(Incorporated) f
better balanced, your soil fertility
is conserved, and your crops aro
larger and of better quality.
Potash Pays.
We will sell you or your dealer
Potash in any amount from 200 lbs.
up. Write now for prices and for
free pamphlets giving just the facts
you are looking for about improving
crops and soils.
I V •• I
ONE PAIR of my BOYS’ •2,92.30 or
•3.00 SHOES will positively outwear
TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys* sheet
Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively*