Kind words for the Sunday school children. (Macon, Georgia) 1872-1886, July 15, 1877, Image 3

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WEEKLY EDITION. S. BOYKIN, Editor. TERMS PER ANNUM, INCLUDING POSTAGE: Weekly— Single copy $ 1 oo dubs of ten or more, each .63 cts Semi-Monthly— Single copy 75 cts Clubs of ten or more, each 33 cts Monthly — Single copy gp cts Clubs of ten or more, each J 6 cts Payments may be made by installments, but in advance. Monthlv Issue contains no Lessons; the Weekly and Semi-Monthly Issues do contain them. #3“ XX e do not write names on papers sent at club rates. Address simply KIND WORDS, Macon, Ga. WEEKLY LESSON PAPERS, the Lessons and nothing more, will be furnished at the following rates, which include postage: 100 copies, one year. jqg qq $ „ .. .. 780 % :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520 10 . “ " " 165 For six months one-half the above rates, and for three months one-fourth the above rates. Communications for the Editor should not be sent with business letters, unless on a separate sheet. Send money by registered letter, postal order, or express. All business letters should be addressed simply KIND WORDS, Macon, Georgia. MACON, GEORGIA, JULY 15, 1877. Communications for the Editor only should be di rected to S. Boykin, Macon, Ga. All letters enclosing money and subscriptions for Kind Words and Lesson Papers, should be addressed to Kind Words, Macon, Ga. —— —» • ♦—— ■— BOOK NOTICES. Mell’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice. —New and thoroughly revised edition, by P. H. Mell, D. D., LL.D., Prof, of Ethics and Metaphysics in the University of Georgia. 1 vol., i6mo. Price 75 cents. This is a work of great merit, and gives, in a com pact and convenient form, all the rules necessary for transacting business in legislative bodies. Published by Sheldvn Sc Co., e -Mur ray street, New York. Restriction of the Lord’s Supper; What it is not, and what it is. By Rev. H. F. Colby. Christianity Susceptible of Legal Proof. By Dr. J. M. Pen dleton. The Fatherhood of God in its Relation to the Atonement of Christ. By Dr. J. M. Pendleton. These are three excellent tracts published by the American Bap tist Publication Society. “ lie Holds the Fort of Heaven,” and “ Touch me Gently, Father Time.” These are the names of two new and beautiful songs, with chorus, which have been sent to us. Price 40 cts. each. Published by F. XV. Helmick, 50 West 4th St., Cincinnati, O. HOME MISSION ITEMS. J. 11. Low, Esq., of Atlanta, Ga., has been appointed a voluntary agent of the Home Board. Would not this be a good collecting motto for him ? “ Man wants but little ” —here be Low. Rev. H. F. Buckner, our missionary to the Creek Na tion, is fifty-eight years old, and has been among the Indians twenty-nine years, having gone there in 1848. In June of that year, he baptized twelve. In three years one single church contained four hundred members. Now the Baptists have, in the Creek Nation, thirty two native preachers, and thirty-two churches, with a membership of 2,000. See what has been done through our Domestic Board! Is it true ?—Rev. T. T. Eaton said, at the Conven tion in New Orleans, in behalf of home missions, that the 800,000 Baptists of the South have given less than three cents apiece to this interest. The following was adopted by the late Southern Bap tist Convention: Resolved, That our sisters in all our churches be and are hereby invited and urged to co-operate with us in the work of home missions, by such special methods of organization as they may judge wisest and most efficient. KIND WORDS. FROM A CHINA BOY. To the scholars of the Baptist Sunday Schools, respectful greeting ; For a number of years you have been contributing money to carry on this school for our gratuitous instruc tion. This benevolence is great, beyond the power of words to express. The progress we have made in these years is several steps if compared with the heathen arougd us, but when we reflect upon the labors of our teachers and our obligations to you for the means, we are ashamed of having done so little. We reproach ourselves because we resemble the Israelites that Moses led out of Egypt, who, unmindful of the mercies of God, were disobedient, with unclean consciences. Notwith standing this, I beseech that you will not be discouraged and cause the school to be disbanded, by stopping your contributions. Remember that the child in process of time becomes a man, and the grain sown with much toil will eventually reward the laborer with a rich harvest. So will this school, after years, accomplish its object; for God does not permit good deeds to fail of their results. Last year the crops in some parts of China were very bad, and many people have starved to death. We have been kept by your contributions—a kindness we can never forget. The sorrows arising from the persecutions and oppressions of the world are not light because there is no way of escaping from them, but that caused by the impossibility of ever repaying yo Ur goodness to us is still greater. Our words and our feelings of gratitude are all ineffectual—l can only play that God’s mercy may always follow you. Nothing more at present. Respectfully, Kxvo Yu Yoong. Tung Chow, 3d moon, yth day, 1877. This young man’s oldest sister, a woman of thirty, was baptized on yesterday. She seems a real child of God. She has learned to read a little since she began to feel an interest in the gospel. The people here are suffering dreadfully from the famine. M. F. C. INTERESTING LETTER. Americus, Ga., June Bth, 1877. Dear Mr. Boykin : We send you $ 1.00 for missions, which we have earned by reciting perfect spelling les 'sons in school. Our teacher gave us a small illuminated text for every perfect spelling lesson, and when we had received ten, she gave us a chromo card, for which our father paid us a nickel. Our Sunday School takes Kind Words, and uses its lessons. We all dearly love it, and would not be with out it for anything. We are very much interested in the story of Edward Morris. Mamma saves all of our pa pers to send to some of our little cousins in the country. Your friends, A Little Boy and Girl. Georgiana, Ala., June 4th, 1877. Brother Boykin: I enclose you herewith our mission collection for month of May, as follows: Foreign Board 35 cents, Home Board 45 cents —80 cts. Very truly, Isaac R. Eskew, for G. B. S. S. Received, also, from same school: Foreign missions 25 cents; home missions 25 cents —50 cts. .•« WITH OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Rebecca R.—We pray that God will give you all needed blessing, comfort, strength and guidance. Mrs. Kate Chron.—We shall always be glad to hear from you. Annie Stroud, Atlanta.—Some of your answers were correct. W. H. Sturgis.—We sympathise with you most heartily. Thanks ! —Many thanks to our friends who are help ing us extend the circulation of Kind Words so rapidly, for subscriptions are flowing in. A good friend writes to us as follows : “Kind Words is worthy the patronage of every Bap tist church in the land. I recommend it to every school I organize, or to any that I have an opportunity of so doing. Yours fraternally, B. F. S.” WHAT A LITTLE GIRL CAN DO. A little girl six years old was desirous of putting her pennies into the missionary box with others. When saying her evening prayers at her papa’s knees, she hesitated a moment, and then added, “ Lord, bless my two pennies, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.” “ Oh, what has Jesus done for me ? He pitied me—my Saviour! My sins were great, His love was free: He died for me—my Saviour ! Exalted by the Father’s side, He pleads for me—my Saviour! A heavenly mansion He’ll provide For all who love the Saviour 1” CATECHISM. “ Wish you would recommend the publication or issu ing of a doctrinal catechism, wherein our practices may be better taught at the fireside and in Sunday Schools to our children in short forms. T. M. Bryan, Supt.” We heartily make the recommendation, and think such a catechism desirable. The one we are publishing will answer the purpose for small children. After it is finished, we shall issue a larger one in Kind WORDS. AUNT SUKEY’S MISSIONARY CHICKEN. Old Aunt Sukey, a poor colored woman, wanted to help send the good news about Jesus to the heathen. “ What can me do ?” she said. On her way to her cabin she found something to do. She had a few chick ens; and, taking one of the finest and fattest of them, she tied a piece of red flannel to its leg, and gave it to the Lord. “ Sissy,” she said to the chicken, “dis is de missionary mark. Now you’s a missionary chicken : ’member dat. All your eggs, dey’s missionary; all your pullets, dey s missionary too. Now go ’bout your busi ness. ’ And Aunt Sukey went about her business too, with an air that said, “ Ebery O ne of dat chicken’s pul lets is going to be born with apiece of red flannel round its leg.” Sunday School teachers should -rupulously avoid all slang and vulgar language of every j n t h e p res . ence of their scholars, and before children an j y Oun g people. They are sharp critics, and will drav conc ] u . sions unfavorable to truth and piety’ from all unL- com _ ing talk of what you may be guilty. Moreover, a, o avoid censorious and evil speaking of others, which is only too prevalent. The impression made and the in fluence exerted in such cases are bad in tendency and effect. If you cannot truthfully speak well of others, you had better keep silent. ITEMS. There are 250 Protestant churches in Palestine. The Church Missionary Society of England has re- k ceived an anonymous donation of SI,OOO, with which to commence a mission in Central Asia. The seventy-third annual meeting of the English S. S. Union, recently held at London, reported 300,000 teachers and 3,000,000 scholars. The China Inland Mission, formed in 1865, has fifty eight missionaries, whose object is to carry the gospel into every province in China. Dr. Jessup, of Beirut, writes that the sea has recently thrown up a whale sixty feet long near Tyre, at about the same spot where the whale threw up Jonah 2,700 years ago! No less than 40,000 children of the Fiji Islanders are now in Sunday Schools, and thousands of the people are consistent Christians. Yet it is but forty years since these people were cannibals. The South Australian Baptist Association held its annual meeting in Adelaide at the close of September. During the year the sum of $4,135 had been raised, and several new churches had been formed. In one of the Micronesian Islands, where only three years ago some native teachers commenced work, the result is truly wonderful. Seven churches have been organized with nearly 300 members. 3