The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, March 01, 1917, Image 18

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THE ATHEN/EUM 12 M. C. 2-A. U. 15 I'lie first game of tlie season between Morehouse College and Atlanta University was played on the 1'igers’ diamond on Sal 111 day, March 18 The crimson and gray waved triumphant - ]v over the Vloreh ms: nine There was some spectacular placing, however; the excellent work of A U.s’ mheld was es pecially noticeable. 1 he usual drive of the Tigers was lacking. The final score was 15 and 2 in favor of Atlanta University. Batteries: Morehouse. Maddox, Goodloe and Jones A. U. Jefferson and Maxwell. SPK.I.MAN Athletics at Spelnnin Seminaly are awakening with spring. A new tennis outfit has been placed in the hands of the girls. This del i gilt fill sport has charmed many from their sequestered nooks out into the balmy air that breathes the essence of file into one’s being. Regular practices will be held in order to train and select material for Field Day. The athletic committee of the V. W C. A. is very diligent and sees to it that every girl who desires it has a chance, to develop herself along the fine <>l sports. Basketball has created sucii an enthusiasm and interest among the girls, that many of them spend their entire recreation time at this sport The court out of doors will he in readiness as soon as the weather permits. Under the insiruction of Misses Berry and Jones t he lively young folk display real spoitsman- ship and skill. Two teams have been organized and are : 11 train ing They are the Seniors and Juniors, who will let the pub lic judge them on Field Day as to their ability. Mr. C. H. Tobias and Mr G W. Moore. Y. M. C. A. Sec retaries. spent some days with us recently, and held some iinpor tant meetings with theY.M. C. A, cabinet. 'Some of our other visitors were Mr. J. D, Aveni, Prof. Roberts of Tuskegee and Mrs Townsend and four otner representatives of Roger Williams University. Rev. D. iriorton, who sailed for Libera, has recent ly written to some of his Atlanta friends, lie had just arrived at Liverpool We wish for him and and his bride a safe arrival at Monrovia