The Athenaeum. (Atlanta, GA) 1898-1925, March 01, 1917, Image 6

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y THE AT* J EN/EUM THE ATHEN/EUM l-MT iti.isil HI n \|ON I'lll.Y l»Y T I IK ATHKNiEUM PUBLISHING COMPANY Official organ of the Alumni ami Alumnae and Students of Morehouse College and Spelman Seminary. K,mi-reel as second clas< matter ai tiie Post-Office at Atlanta. Georgia EDITORIAL STAFF EDITORS IN CHIEF \V. II. Hnbjri, " i 7 Miss. E. W right. T. F. C. f ’17 ASSOCIATE EDITORS [ Q_. Ail;ims ) ' 1 7 Miss A. S. Blocker, ’18 AlAJMNI EDITORS I’ro:. I > (j. Bra wle v o t Mrs. H. W al son ’06 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS W S. Burru-s. ’19 Miss U M Vaughn, H. S. ’17 A thletic editors W H VLKm nev, ’jo Miss A. A. Heard. ’18 BUSINESS MANAGERS VV. E. Anderson, ’ 2 1 Miss J. E. Neui, T. F. C. ’17 assistant business managers \V. C. Smith, j 1 Miss E. Hutchins, H. S. ’17 RECORDING SECRETARIES A. H. Lane. ’19 Miss S. L. Brown. H. S. ’17 TREASURER G, Williams. 18 TERRIS Subscription per rear, in advance. 50 cts. All subscriptions are considered permanent until ordered discontinued and charges paid. Address all business communications, and remit all monev to the Business Managers. For advertising rates, apply to Business Managers. Contributions, in prose and verse, from students and ex-students of both schools are ahvavs welcomed. We especially desire information from all in the field. Address all such communications to Alumni Editors. The staff re serves the right to reject such articles as are not of general interest and will not return rejected MSS.