Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2003
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The Houston Home Journal is YOUR news
paper, and we want your news! For too long,
truly local news has been left out of the pages
of “local newspapers” in favor of wire service
articles. We want you to know that if it’s
important to you, we think it’s worth putting
in Houston County’s only locally-owned, local
ly-operated daily newspaper.
This is a call for submissions - in the form of
photos, articles or both - from every club,
school, church or charitable organization in
Houston County.
And don’t forget: We don’t charge you a
dime to announce your wedding, engagement,
anniversary, reunion or birthday. If you have
something to celebrate, share it with us, and
we’ll share it with all of Houston County. It’s
all part of life in our community, and we want
to reflect “the real Houston County.” All we
ask is that you continue to read The Houston
Home Journal, and encourage your friends to
support your hometown newspaper.
How to get news in the paper
A prepared press release, preferably typed
in Microsoft Word, is the best way to get news
in The Home Journal in a timely manner. The
name of the person and/or organization must
be included in the release. A contact’s name
and phone number will assist our editors and
reporters, in case they have a question or need
more information. Please submit information
about upcoming events as soon as possible.
For more information, contact Managing
Editor Rex Gambill by phone, fax, e-mail or in
What about photos?
The Journal welcomes requests for photos
The Houston Home Journal
Main Office and Printing Plant
P.O. Box 1910
1210 Washington St.
Perry, GA 31069
(478) 987-1823
FAX: (478) 988-1181
from our readers. We cannot be everywhere at
once, but we try to take as many photos as
possible. We prefer to take photos of people
participating in an activity, rather than people
standing in a group or handing out a check or
plaque. We also accept quality submitted pho
We encourage our readers to discuss photo
possibilities with the newsroom. Please notify
us about upcoming photo opportunities as
soon as possible, so we can plan our coverage.
How to place a birth notice
Most birth announcements are provided to
The Home Journal by the Houston Medical
Center and the Perry Hospital. However, out
of-town births may be submitted to us by local
family members. Also, adoption notices are
routinely submitted by family members.
There are four ways to submit notices: e-mail,
fax, postal mail, or drop it off at one of our two
The Houston Home Journal does not charge
for the publication of obituaries. They cannot
be accepted from individuals.
The Houston Home Journal does not charge
for the publication of engagement, wedding
and anniversary announcements. What’s
cause for celebration in your life is cause for
celebration in your newspaper! That includes
births, birthdays, reunions, multi-generation
photos, etc. These typically appear in Friday
Forms are available at either location of The
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Houston Home Journal. Both color and black
and-white photographs of the couple are also
accepted for publication with your announce
How to submit letters
We encourage readers to submit letters to
the editor. Letters should not exceed 250
words and must include the writer’s name,
address and telephone number. All letters
printed in The Home Journal will appear with
the writer’s name and hometown - we do not
publish anonymous letters. The newspaper
reserves the right to edit or reject letters for
reasons of grammar, punctuation, taste and
brevity. Letter writers are asked to submit no
more than one letter per person per week. We
cannot guarantee that a letter will be printed
on a specific date.
The Home Journal prefers that letters be
typed. Letters to the editor are published in
the order, they are received as space permits. A
Home Journal employee may call to verify the
author of each letter.
There are four ways to submit letters to the
editor: e-mail, fax, postal mail, or drop it off at
one of our two locations.
To correct or clarify news
Contact the Managing Editor Rex Gambill
by e-mail or by phone with complaints about
coverage or inaccuracies in reports.
Corrections and clarifications are routinely
published on page 2A.
Sports and recreation news
Snagged a big fish? How about that big buck
you just shot? Send us your pictures.
Coaches, tell us how your team did. We want
to print your news too, whether you’re the
losingest team in the church league or the top
team at the Recreation Department. Call our
sports editor and tell us about it.
Religion listings
The Home Journal publishes listings of reli
gious or church-related events each Saturday.
Contact a Lifestyle Reporter Judy Hall by
phone, e-mail or fax.
Business news
We want your business news. Who’s joining
your firm? Who’s been promoted? Who just
retired? Where’s that new location going to
be? Send us articles and photos.
The Houston Home Journal routinely pub
lishes business pages on Tuesdays. It includes
information on area job promotions, new busi
nesses, new owners, etc. We encourage you to
submit “mug shots” to accompany reports of
job promotions. Send news releases to us
either by e-mail, fax, postal mail, or drop them
by one of our two offices.
The Journal publishes arts and entertain
ment news in Thursday editions. We welcome
your ideas and information for newsworthy
items to be included in each week’s report.
Please call the Lifestyles Editor Charlotte
Perkins to report upcoming entertainment
events. Area businesses are also welcome to
submit news releases about upcoming events.
Warner Robins Office
2060 Watson Blvd.
Warner Robins, GA 31093
(478) 329-9900