The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 20, 1867, Image 3

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DAILY opinion ..-p.v551* MORiJlXO:;:: = NOV.20. NOTICES. Tost Office Saloon not Closed T,,,: u a, 7*«nc.—Norfolk Oysters per dor. ** '• h (!„. ptdh. cooked to order. BO cento. Oysters Just arrived-50 cento. fine P"* 11 3 Gto Johnson. n*—d# _ — _ r vTK p—!Mman atBLT.—A large lot of T SJ ttr Plastering. Address Box 84, Post M, III—tf offie*- r XjOOALi affairs. Vethodist CoNFEKENCK.-The City Hall '.mtlergoing a thorough cleansing pre- * <torV to the assembling ot the Annual reference of the Methodist Episcopal h south—which body convenes in C , ' city on Wednesday the 27th inst. revival.—The revival of religion made mention of in the Opinion of yesterday, is nosing with increasing interest. Mon- ^nigltt'thcre was a very large audi- iij; atu-utlance, and great interest life sled on the part of tlie of the congregation.— the loved one- wit > while away tin* louy; ( POSTPONED ADMINLSTRA’U’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gordon county. Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door. In the town of Calhoun, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal houra of sale, lot of land No. 191 in the 14th district and 3d section, containing 140 acres, the widow’s dower to come out of it. Sold as the property of Stephen McGinnis, de ceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditots of said deceased. Terms of sale— half cash; balance six months credit with approved security. October 19,1867. G. M. THOMPSON, Adm’r. oct22-w40d Printer’s fee f 5 man c eat' r is irti «“ h Kcv. Mr.Spilman seems to be a zealous ' | , ^ . t ,„i is doing much good in this city u-half of his Master's cause. The ser- vs are being held every night at the .« hooi house near the crossing of the 11a- (on and Western lhdlroad. The Convention.—The mooted question a « to w here and when the Constitutional ( onvcntlon is to meet, as will be seen, is at I;,-: settled. Atlanta’s location, together with her facilities, has justly gained for her j.rtfermeut over all other places. This just as it should be. The old idea enter- t.iim-d by our forefathers, when Cherokee Georgia was one solid waste, that Milledge- N ;ile was the centre of the no long er to be considered as applicable. Atlan- u beyond a doubt the place for the Cap- j r „| of the State, and we apprehend the time is not far distant when the people will ««i pronounce. Personal.—Col. J. R. Parrott, one of the delegates to the Constitutional Conven tion from the 42d Senatorial District, is in the city. Col. Parrott is one of the -trongesf and most popular representative men in bis section of the State, and his , on-itituonts may rightfully expect to have n good report of him. Tie justly enjoys the confidence of his neighbors. Tin.» ity.—The United States authorities f this city are converting old Liberty Hull. Line street, into an immense govern ment woodwork and blacksmith shop. The front, on Line street, is to be used as a uoodahop, and in the rear furnaces are . eing erected for the use of the black smiths. On passing yesterday we observed that ■ ur friend Fit/gihboii, the ever attentive .ml faithful Jenitor of the City llall, was having the floor of the llall thoroughly scoured. Bully for Pat ! Smudiody shot at somebody in the c rtiiwestcrn portion of the city one night .ot week, and such running as was done. .* not otten seen in these parts. As no oinplaiuts have been rendered, it is rea- -oualde to infer that the person shot at was •• poking his nose” into business where he ha l "no business 1 n qin lit attempts have been made with in a short time, by burglars, to break into tin house of one of our most esteemed cit izens. but up to our latatest advices the t. tn< were defeated in their attempts. tin Holiday last, while a party of men w• re at work, breaking rock to macada- in P.roa 1 street, in front of the carriage I -e of A. T Finney, a small pebble i pane of glass in the front window', curious as it in iy seem, found its way la. i;_ i. I.leaking out a bit ot glass about • incites in diameter—almost perfectly i ‘—and almost as smooth as if it had 1- i it ■ ui w it!i a diamond. ‘ ' -I-w h,t have not paid their taxes to t > : u goyernnicnt will do well to call at i "i apt tin’s t.tU. c’’ immediately and set- *!'• ’• '.mie. Mr. Smith lias -waited long I'*' 1 *' w ailing »till—you’d surely treat no < • r :Vfil l mi ill." But Mr. Smith in form - * 1 ns that In* is now issuing tax ti. fas. against ail defaulters. i e work of macadamizing Whitehall f >*m Mitchell to Pete i’s street is progressing r.ipidi\. \\ . K. Harris & Co. are the con tra tors. and seem tol»* doing a good piece of work. Business in the city yesterday was much letter than the day previous. Transae- tions in cotton were made at a slight ad vance—prices ninging from 12j^a12^%—the l*est yesterday bringing the latter figures. t orn lias declined—selling by w holesale at from SO to S5 cents. Port is in fair demand at a decline of from Ik. to *2 cents on prices of last week, md from appearances we anticipate a fur- * *-r decline. W«* saw a large drove of fat *'i*-■•rkt-e-'* passing turoiigli the streets yes- terlay. Mr.-. mers. w ho was arrested a few ' 'i:.e«>. and charged with complicity * ■ ’ ‘ murder of Mrs. Bradshaw, failing to give nail, wx- lodged In jail to await her tr d-it tn»* next term of Fulton Superior and dreary days, and weeks, and years, in keeping faithful watch over that home. While we greatly admire the rose, the jonquil and the jessamine pale and sweet, as an ornament around the door and in the front yard, we confess a fondness for the native growth of the forest as the most ap propriate as an ornament for the sidewalk. In them there is a stateliness and grandeur which no other posses. By prudent se lections and careful transplanting, the oak, the willow, the poplar, the cedar, and the arborvitse, may, in a few years, be rendered not only ornamental, but very useful as a shade—through the foliage of which the passing breeze whispers, in broken accents, words of love and comfort to those around them. Let every citizen of Atlanta take an ac tive interest in this matter, and move as one man, and the work of beautifying our city will be done—rendering Atlanta an earthly paradise. tW Mr. Johnson, of the Post Office Res taurant, is winning the favorable opinion of the public, by bestowing favors upon that same public. The superintendent of this office is not alone in returning thanks for a superb dish of fresh Norfolk’s sent in last evening, for those w ho dropped a quar ter on ilr. J's. counter for a similar dish went away satisfied with the liberality of their host ‘"and all the rest of mankind.” George keeps none but the best, and serves them in the best manner. A Mitrdf.b Case.—We learn that there was a difficulty between two gentlemen in Marietta, over in the State of Cobb, which resulted in the death of a Mr. Barnum.— We did not learn the name of the other party, nor any of the particulars of the af fair. HARE AND BEAUTIFUL, GOODS FOR THE A GEORG LA, Bartow county. WHEREAS, A. M. Penn applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Alfred M. Hilburn, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and ofiicial signa ture, 26th October, 1S67. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, ocf29—w30d Printer’s fee $3* GEORGIA, Forsyth county. Forsyth Court of Ohmkahy. at Chambers, 1st November, 1867. WHEREAS, Mrs. Syntha W. McGinnis has made application to nit- in proper form for per manent letters of adininf-trition on the estate of 1 her eceaseil husband, William li. McGintiis, late of said con ntv, deceased : This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned both kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration should not be granted said applicant at the regular term of said Court in December next, on said deceased’s estate. WM. D. BENTLY, Ordinary. nov8—w30d Printer’s fee $3 At the China Emporium of IcBRIDE & CO. AND GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, CHINA TO MERCHANTS AT REGULAR IMPORTERS' Atlanta, Georgia, November 13, 1867—dim P R I C F, S A Fund for Gov. Andrew's Family.— Say what people will of Boston, she is not ungrateful to her <rreat men. The rich men there are raising for the late Governor An drew's family a fund that is sure to he $50,000. and may reach $100-000. Special Notice*. tyGEORGIA STATE LOTTKKi— FOX THB BENEFIT OF THE MASONIC ORPHANS’ HOME Combination Clans, Xo. 128. the following were the Drawn Not.. Nov. 19th, 19-35-69-36-29-6 i-59-71-75 -41-77-51 noV20—It BOYD, WILSON A GO.. Managers. [^-NOTICE.—THE PHYSICIANS OF the State of Georgia are requested to meet in On vent ion, in Atlanta, at the City IIall, on the 26th of November, 1967, at nine o’clocA in the morning, to organize tlie State Auxiliary Society of the National Medical Association ol the United States of America. By request of the Medical National ‘ ssociation. I J. M. GOSS, nov6-dtd Vice President for Georgia. KSr"ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Nio. 5 Granite Block, Broad street. I have at my Carriage Depository, No. 5 Granite Block, Broad street, Concord and Eliptic Spring Buggies, Rockaways. spring and Plantation Wagons Also, one of the FINEST PIT-ETONS. in style and durability in the S’ate of Georgia. The ladies of the cite are particularly requsted to eall and examine the latter. Motto—" Quick Sales and Small Profits—The N itable Sixpence is Better than the slow Shi.lii.g.” Remember the place, and do not hesitate to call, even if you do not desire to purchase. I will take pleasure in exhibiting my stock of vehicles. A. T. FINNEY. Atlanta, Ga., November 12. 1867—d2w GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, no proper application for letters of administration has iteen made tome on the estate ot Charles McCrary, late of said county, deceased: Tuese are, therelore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show ■ ause if any they can, within the time prescribed by law. why the Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court, or some other fit and proper person should not be appointed administrator on said estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 30th, 1867. Q, R. NOLAN, Ordinary. nov2—w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS* no proper application for letters of administration has been made to me on the estate of Roland Thompson, deceased, late of said coun ty : This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, w hy the Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court, or some other fit and proper person should not be appointed administrator on said estate. Given under my hand and official signature, inis October30th,i867. Q. B. NOLAN, Ordinary. nov2—w2Bt Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS. Vb. H. Strickland, guardianofC. W. btriokland, applies to this Court in proper form for letters of dUmitolon from his guardian ship: Tins is. therefore, to elteall persons concerned to show cause, it any they have, why letters ofdis- mission shall not be granted on the first Monday in December. 1867. oiven under iny hand and official signature, this October 31st, 1867. G. T. RAKE3TRAW, Ordinary. nov2—w33d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Butts county. WH EREAS. J. T. Castleltcrry applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Jeptha Castleberry, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed liy law, anti show cause, if any they can. w hy said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 26 18K7. WILEY' GOODMAN, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $3 PROPOSALS. Office Depot & Disbcrsino Quarteruaster, > Atlanta, Ga., November 14,1367. j SEALED PROPOSALS will ba received at this office until 12o’clock x.. WEDNESDAY, Novem ber 27th, 1867, at which time they will he opened, for supplying— 572,174 feet Pine Framing Timber, green; 168,160feet Sheeting, straightedge, 1 inch, green; 200,500 feet Weatherboarding. %xj£x7xl6; 93,960 feet Pine Boards (for finishing) dry; 152,333 feet Pine Flooring, 13^x7, tongned and grooved, dry, dressed on one side-; 9 500 linear feet Crown Molding O. Q n 6 Inches wide; 8,390 linear feet Crown Molding, O. G., 4X inches wide; 680.000 Sawed Shingles, not less than 4 Inches wide. 18 inches long; 4,000 pounds 3d. Fine Cat Nails: 46,000 pounds Cut Nails, 4d. to 30d; 467,600 Laths, inchesx4 feet; 5,497 bushels unslacked Lime; 23,976 “ clear, sharp Sand; 450 44 Hair; 892.000 Brick—% hard, 5-3 merchantable. All to be delivered at the “Swift Race Track,” Atlanta, Ga., where the material will be in spected. Bids will be made for each article separately. Delivery of one-fourth the amount of Framing Timber, Brick, Sand and Lime will be required to commence within ten (10) days alter contract is awarded, and all articles mentioned herein mnst be delivered by the 31st day of December proximo. Proposals will be in triplicate, and endorsed by sureties, as usual. The Government reserves the right to reicct any or all bids, ok select such parts of bids as may BE FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF THE 8ERVICE. Proposals should be addressed to the under signed and and endorsed on the envelope: “Pro posals for the delivery of Lumber, green or dry, Nails or Brick,” as the case may be. By order of Brev. Brig. Gen. R. Saxton, Chief Q. M. H. J. FARNSWORTH, 1st Lieut. 34th Infantry, A. A. Q M., novl5—d6t In charge of Depot. 1867. THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. . ALT MRS. J . FRANK’S 186 The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Atlanta andtfea surrounding country, that she has just returned from the North with a large ana weB selected stock of rov5—w30-l ATLANTA CONCERT SALOON Mr. F. Keller, of this favorite rc««rt. has recently GEORGIA, Butts county. WHEREAS. Henry B. Fletcher applies tome l<»r lettfci> of administration on the estate of Jas. M. 4ia = gram, late of said county, deceased: I h.*se are. therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my otlice within the time prescribed by law. ami show cause, if any tliev cau m Ity said letters should not be granted tiic applicant Given tinder mv hand and official sigD&tnre, litis October 26, 1867. WILEY GOODMAN, Ordinary. nova— w30d Printer’s fee $3 Assignee’s Notice of Appointment. IN tli** District Court of the United States. Xortlierr District of Georgia: added new attractions, preparatory to rendering j yfiJ'/j’",J V ^ K hi» guest* comfortable during the winter season. In Bankruptcy, . , , , Bankrupt. ) At Atlanta, in said Among other improved features, it may be men- 1)i<tl .j, October30tll, 1867. tiened that *ds musical addition cannot fail to in- I terest his patrons. It is intended to make the I L Wi,OJ1 1T MAY CONCERN. PROPOSALS. Office Depot & Disbursing quartermaster,i Atlanta, Ga., November 16,1867. ) SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 M., Monday, November 25th, 1907, for supplying the Quartermaster’s Department with— 50,000 pounds SUelledl Corn, To be free from flirt, perfectly sound, and put np in good strong sacks of not less than two or more than three bushels per sack: to be delivered at the Depot Quartermaster’s Store house, Forsyth street, Atlanta, tvithin3U days from date of con tract. Proposals will be in triplicate, and endorsed by sureties, as usual. ’The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals should l>c addressed to the under signed and endorsed upon the envelope, “Propo sals for the delivery of Com.” By order of Brev. Brig. Gen. It Saxton, Chief Q. M. II. J. FARNSWORTH. 1st Lieut. 31th Infantry, A. A. Q. M., novl6— d6t In charge of Depot. “GARDEN” a place of pleasant resort through- : out the >eason. G >0 i order will he preserved, at all times, and every attention afforded to visitors. octl3—<13 11 j3Ti»OST OFFICE. ATLANTA, GA.. October 2, 1 -»G7.— From and after this date, until further notice, this office will beopened and closed as follows: Notice is hereby given once a week for three weeks that i have been appointed Assignee of tlie estate of William E. Jack, of Atlanta in the County of Fulton, in said State and District. avIio*has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of tin* United States for said District. JOHN It. PARKS. oet.31—w3w • Assignee. ■>pen at 8 o’clock, A M Close at 18.30 o’clock, P M Open at o’clock, p x idosc at 6 o’clock, P li SUNDAYS. Open ut 8 o’clock, A m Close at 10 o’clock, A M 0|K-n at 5 o'clock, P li (.'lose at 5.30 o’clock,;p;« ocl3—dtf TTIOS. G. SIMMS, P. M. IST MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY', »sn vat happinbss op ran* manhood.—An r.„:i_v for Young Men on the Crime of Solitude and the Phy<do*ogical Error*, Abtties and D r»»e~ which cre*M Impediments to MARRIAGE, *r:h snre means tut Relief. Sent In sealed letter envelope*, fvaa of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKIL LIN’ HOUGHTON. Moward Association, Phila delphia, Pa. «epM—<13m I’u vNi Tm:::-.—The season has now ap- 1 r- .< ..«-d wii 11« very one who desires to un. an i adorn their premises with of the - of evergreen and the native: liTMus. wmsLolrs soothing HY Bi;r. tore Miinw ino, greatly facili tate* *a« preraa* af aaeUhiag. by soft ning the gums, reducing all ♦**g«tom«H»>n—will allay All Pain and snaemodir action, and Is ant> is sure vo B>:aut.A*a *«a aww»La. Depend upon it, mother*, it win give rest to your selves, and RE- LIEF AND HEALTH To YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for years, lind VAN 8AY IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH Of It w hat we have never been able to say of any other oiedbdne—Nkvbr a*a it Failed in a Single In- stant* to Eftbct a Cmr.. when timely used.— Never did we mow au instance of dissatisfaction by any one who nsed it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operatian, and speak in terms of .vow men Lilian of Its matical effects and medi cal virtues. We speak in this matter “WHAT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY' virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, Ga., will bo sold before the Court House door, in the town of Ilahlonega, Lumpkin county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the lirs’t Tuesday in December next, 40 acres of land in the 13th district and 1st section of originallyCherokce, now Lumpkin county.known by No. 166. Sold as the property of Jesse R. Hun- nirutt, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. This October 90th, 1867. WM. P. HUNNICUTT. Administrator. oct33—wtds Printer’s tee g5 AUCTION. Office Depot & Disbursing Qcartehmaster,! Atlanta, Ga., November 11, 1867. j I WILL sell at public auction, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., THURSDAY, November21st, 1867, the following public property, to-wit: 27 Horses, 10 Mules, 5 Ambulances, 2 Single Sets Ambulance Harness, 22 Single Sets Mule Harness. Sale to take place in front of U. S. stables, (late Whitaker’s) corner .Line and Pryor streets, At lanta. Terms—Gash in Treasury Notes before property is removed, which must be done on day of sale By order of Brev. Brig. Gen. Rufus Saxton, Chief Q. M. H. J. FARNSWORTH. 1st Lieut. 34th Infantry, A. A. Q. M., novl3—d6t In charge of Depot. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold by an order from the Court of Or dinary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, before the Court House door, in the town of Lawrenceville, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, 249 acres of land, No. 838 in the 5th district of said county, and 3') Horcs of a frac tion, number not known, adjoining the above. Sold as the property of Shepherd Etheridge, do- ceased. Sola for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. October 19.1867. B. A. BLAKEY. Admini-trntor. oet23—w40d Printer’s fee DeKALB SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: Town lot No. (55) fifty-five, in tne town of Stone Mountain, DeKalb county, Georgia, said lot be ing forty-nine (49) feet front on Main street, and running back two hundred (200) feet. Levied on as the property of George P. Bradlev, to satisly seven Justice*’Court 11. fas. in favor of W. II Brotherton vs. G. P. Bradley, and one Justices’ Court fl. fa. in favor of McKeon.v Godfrey vs. G. P. Bradley, and one Justices’ Court fl. fa. in favor of Smith & Richmond vs. G. P. Bradley. Said levies made and returned to me by W. M. White, L. C. Property pointed out by the defendant This November 7th, 1867. JAMES O. POWELL, Sheriff nov&—wtds Printer’s fee $2.50 \\ WE DO KNOW." after years of experience, and - a til 1 commence the good work. 1 fttwu or* Reputation for thk fulfilment of '.iy “.tod V »rk. for bevond a doubt it is TnAT WE HERK declare. In almost every iu- . I „ ,, , a I ' ’“nrc where the Infant is suffering from pain ■ - ‘‘si w orb ili:.t every citizen should , ... and exhat^tation, relief will be found in fifteen Hi commencing it. and then ] or twenty minute* after the syrup is admlnis- >' -u.! not, by any means, fail to j tcred. • n; ibe v.'« rk to such a degree of per- I directions for udng will accompany each n T ‘*at it would not only beautify ’*° tt,e ’ . _ „ .. , , J | Le sure and call for “Mrs. Winsi.ow’8 Sooth- . « the city, but make each m»n- , tK0 strut,” having the fac-slmileoi “CURTIS A • « Cottage and each tenement eo I PERKINS” on the out side wrapper- All others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. PRICE, ONLY' 35 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES—*5 Fulton street. New Y'ork; »0 High Holborn, London, England; 4fiJ fit. Pnu streak, Montreal, Canada. ft and beautiful a* t > render them • desirable i.-’ine f..r i;> occupant. If wc would make !u*un- happy we certainly should expect to devote a |»ortion of our time and metns in * ’ arranging our front yards and sidewalks ** Ul tender their appearance pleasant to GEORGIA, DeKalb county. M RS. SABAH J. ANDERSON, administratrix on the estate of William B. Anderson, de ceased, having made application to me lor leave to sellt he real estate of said intestate (widow’s dower excepted) consisting of 140 acres, more or less, of lot, number not known, in the 16th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county, Georgia: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any thev have, within two months from the first pnblication of this notice, else leave will he granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this September 25,’1867. JONATHAN B. WILSON,Ordinary. sep97—wlm [Printer’s fee $51 GEORGIA, Bartow county. W HEREAS, Thomas J. Wofford, executor of William B. Wofford, deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and enter ed on record, that he has fully administered Wil liam B. Wofford’*estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dis mission. This 2d 'Mondavi Sentember, ls67. -J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. sept4—w6m “ (Printer's fee $4.50) GEORGIA- Newton county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the real estate of Jesse M. liaralson, deceased, late of said county. E. ELLIoTT, Administrator. September 26.1867—w2m [Prs fee $5] GEORGIA, Paulding county. TWO months after date I will apply to the Court ol Ortiinsry of Paulding county, Georgia, for leave to tell the real estate belonging to the estate •f E. Griffin, deceased. October SO, 1887. THOMA8 GRLFFDCAfiminUtralor. I re Pi !»*•»*• fire $0 I ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of Forsyth county, Georgia, I will offer for sale before the Court House door, in the town of Gum ming, Georgia, on the first Tuei-day in January, 1868, one hundred and 6cventy-two acres of land, more or less, being the place on which Harriet Bonds died, nine miles north of Gumming, Ga. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Harriet Ronds, deceased. Terms cash. This 5th day of Novemltcr. 1807. WM. C. JACKSON. Admini'trator. nov8-wtds N Printer s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold by an order of the Court of Or dinarv of Gwinnett countv, Georgia, on the fir Tuesday in January, 1868,'before the Court llous door, in the town of Lawrenceville. Gwinnet county, the following lands, to wit: 250 acres o land, known as lot No. 335, and 50 acres of lot No 336, all in the 6ch district of Gwinnett courty lying near the Walton line. Sold as the property of Benjamin P. Weaver, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs anil creditors of said deceased Terms cash. This November 5th, 1867. JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Administrator. nov8—w30d Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1863, at the Court House door, in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, >e tween the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 264 containing 197)^ acres, more or less, ih the 18.h district of DeKalb county (with the exception oi tne widow’r dower.) Sold as the property of Thomas Henderson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. Novciu ber 4th, 1867. ELIJAH M. HENDERSON, Adminstrator. dov8—wtds Printer’s fee $5 SPECIAL BAILIFF'S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta. FuPon county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hoars of sale, the following property, to-wit One one horse wagon. Levied on as the prop eatv of Hiram Province, to satisfy a fl. to. Issued from the Coonty Court of Fulton County, in fa vorofK. E. Elliott Thin Nov 4th. l«n. WM. fl. MDIAJOMBB. Sfoetol Bailiff. FrUturtire$M9 Decatur street, •••••• FOUR DOORS RE LOW : : : : : Atlanta, Georgia, OLD MASONIC HALL. M I LLINERY GOODS, unequalled in choice variety and cheapness, comprising THE LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTIES* Also, Black and Colored Velvet Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Crapes Laces Illusion. 1 Rouches Blondes, Nets, Embroideries Ornaments and Fringes French Flower* Ostrich and Fancy Feathers in great varity, Nailheads Bonnet and Trimming Rib bons Dress Buttons &c~, &e. Also, a complete stock of :d:r,:ess G-ocras, goods, The Latest Styles Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, A large stock cf WOOLEN GOODS, a most superb stock ot CLOAKS, in all the fashionable designs. Especially would I call the attention of the ladles to my most beautifnl selection of HUMAN HAIR, Curls, Switch'es, Waterfalls, &c. THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. FURS, FURS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Also, a most magnificent selection of SHAWLS of every description, together with a large stock of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOAKING, MELTONS AND ASTRA- CANS, COATINGS, CLOTHS, <fcc„ &c n and many other goods too numerous to men tion. Having bought my stock of goods exclusively for CASH, (and since the recent decline,) lam confident that I cau offer great inducements, and request you to ex amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the Place, mrs. j. frank. oct20-d3m Decatur street, Four doors below Old Masonic Hall. AXHYIOMS V AHulVrilllV ZBjATTO-IEi’S Raw Bone Super-Phosphate. The following testimon}’ in reference to the above fertilizer, by one well known in this community and State, will be read with interest: TESTIMONY OFCIIAS. W. TIIUMAS, Rector St. Philip's Church, Atlhnta, Ga., A. K. Seago, Esq.. Sir—In answer to your question respecting Baugh’s Raw Bone Super-Phosphate I semi you the fol lowing facts: I prepared in my garden, at West End. three squares for Irish potatoes; on the first I put nothing; on the second. Guano at the rate of two hundred and fifty pounds per acre; on the third, your Bone Dust at the rate of three hundred pounds per acre. As you are not interested In the quality, I give no particulars of soil or mode of cul ture, further than to say that in these re- THROUCH RATES OiT OOTTOM T C >ii)» i ORK O TH E li EA S T E li X CITt ES, VIA NORFOLK. ON an<l after November 4th. the rates •• Cotton from Atlanta, per bale, will in-, ( iimprp.'1-il Nat I nmnrfni4 To New Y'ork #*.v. $$-«* To Baltimore .. . 4 75 5 4* To Philadelphia 555 6^7 To Boston 6.05 697 To Norfolk 4 15 4 68 Through Bill, of Lading will !>.’ given at point ol shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will be prompil v-eltbul at point of Uelivcry. Marine Insurance reqnireil lietween Norfolk ami New York ami Holton No invtran e re- quire>l to Baltimore or Fhito'lelpbi*. Any further information will !» • furnish*! on appln-ition to JOHN 11. i’K' ti, M T., ntvS—J3in W(•.'■’ni .4 M'lMlr l{il!mvl asr otice Assignee’s Baie ’of Real Estates WILL be sobl in Hie city of Atlanta, on the preinl«es, totur<Uy. November 16th. w.7, at ll o’clock, a li., sue valuable lot, ami itsIMiiii there- oo, situated on the cast of t\ hueh ill -.treet. near IHxM's corner s«ii| lot IVout« 22 feet o« Whitehall ssreet, extending hark too feet Th4 building is of rick, two stories high, and base- men’. The lower story is finish' d off for a store room, the upper story as a residence, with six tv. >ms lathed and plastered, and neatly fini«h«l I’he oaseinent i* dry. in which is a magnificent Bakery aud all the fixtures. Entrance up stairs from side-walk. Hold as the property of E. E Winn, Bankrupt. Sale positive. Term's vash. NOAH It. FOWLER, oct23— d20t As.ign, spects, and in time of planting the squares j ordered, that the above he puhti-hed mi j Opinion and New Era. 0«*Ud.er24. U4.7 were equal. The equare manured with ( Guano yielded forty per cent, over the uu- manured equare; and that manured with Baugh's Raw Bone Super-Phosphate seventy-five per cent, over the unmanured square. It may be that the Guano wa6 not a pure article. I bought it, however, for Peruvian, and from a reliable house, and at the same rate per pound as the Bone Dust. CHAS. W. THOMAS. oct30—dtf r. AWUON It I U K tire Rmrlsl^r. DeKALB POST PC )\ F.l) SHE RIFF SALK. WILL be sold before the Court House door, at Decatur, in DeKalb county, Georg t. on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the lollowing property, to wit: Lotoflaml noiu’icr one hundred Rod eighty- one. also, t:ie we*t halfof lot minioer one hundred and eighty-two, all l> ing in the fifteenth district of DeKalb county, Georgia, and being the prop erty on which Robert A Alston now resides and in his poi-es-kni Levied on as the property of said Koln-rt A. Alston to sati-iv a Mortgage J. fa. vs. said uobert A. Alston in favor of lj M. iiran- nor sa d ll fa. having oeen issued upon a judg ment of foreclosure obtained at the April Term of the Superior Court of said i-ountv. caul lands were bid off atNovemlicr sheriff s Sale b> Tyrus T Smith, and terms of sale not complied with, tliis sale to be made ut risk of said purchaser, T. T. smith. Novein!>er 1,1367. JaME-s O. I’OWELL, Sheriff. n0 v7— wtds Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Paulding county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding countv. Georgia, tor leave to sell the real estate of F. M. Pickett, deceased. October 4, 18C7. JAS. T. READ, Administrator. octl2—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be reade to the Onsrt ot Ordfcrery of Gwinnett county, Georgia- for leave to tell the real estate of Alexander Hnll, Intojif redd oowstj^lneenhed. September 80,1888—l ■. T AEfal frnflfc ' Assignee’:* oaic* BY virtue of auHmrity i ■ me vested l<> Ho*. Lawson Black !t* in Bankruptcy, I wills,-!! to th--highest iiidd. r on Sill It l> v Y. th*- 30th instant, the following dov -ribed propcrti City lit- Nos. 2: and 22, earn containing ono acnv more or !•••», ' -on' ing M. Donough onrios ihc west. I'll cse pie n :m*s are in fin,: nn prove- m^nt, having a large two story f-amod duelling, with eight ir hitiis and well ffrmlu-d throughout; ul-o, good kitchen, smoke house, stable,, tc_ ’• he premises are at present occupied by Mayor fl. F. Edwards. Also, a on*- half intrre-t in one vacant lot. con taining two acre*. more or !e„ ironting Petrre street on the west, Macon and We.tern Railroad on the east. W. B Lowe's lot - a the north, aiwl Joiner’s lot on t e south. Also, a one half iuieres*. in twenty a -res «,f : md and lieirg in the t4th di-'ri t of originally lieniy, now Fuiton count-- These twenty .--re* Heiustootsi :.*o. ihecity Units, at WEST END, on the new Gree-.’*, Ferry I and within a few hundred vards ol Mr. nVinxi, Alexan ler’a n**l« • lence. Filtoeii ar: c . ire verv he ivily timbered, lor turtaer iiarticulars apply to It IV YORK. A-signec. Atlanta fii V ~ - ” ~ “ * 1ST O-L'ICJ-Ha wn, l be sold at Soring Place Murray countr, Georgia, on Wfiffuc-'lay Nov, inher 2dth.' I>*r7. at 1 o’clock P m . t$* fellow ing prqierty, to-wit: T»i lots of land. R« 851 and 80S in the tith district and 3<l section Of taH -oiinry, andcnntaiuing3S0acre*, more orlerejtohhated three miles east fro-n 3pring Place, on tHI Federal Road, where it enretea Holly Creek, and bnown as the “George Terry Place.’’ Sold as the property of K. E Winn, Bankrupt, and snbje-t to .ill encumbrances. N. It. FOWLER, Assignec- NovemberS. 1867—dtd AD.MI NISTR A TO K’S 8 A LE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of Henry oouuty, Ga, will be Mild on th# first’Tuesday In Deormber next, at the Court House door, in the town of McDonough. 75 acre* of lant. saore or I ere, known re the late rcr-Ienoa of D. J. treaey. dorereed. Into of —id ouuntv. near Tareahaw creek. Teriua oaab. October 15.18*7. D. L. DUFFEY. Adm’r. oetlk *8M Printer’* To Rent STOBB-ROOM No. 8 la the Grwnito Bread half id half tire breareral of i