The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 20, 1867, Image 4

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THE DAi jY OPINION. WRDNESDAY MORNING::::: NOV. JO. Financial.—During the wee*, ending U>-day, there has ueen received at the Trea- Blry Department from the Printing Divis ion. *45?,000 in fractional currency. Dur ing the same period the amount forwarded was as follows: To U. S. Depository at Pittsburg. >40,000; to the Assistant Treas urer at N ew York, flttMJOO; at Boston, 9100,000; at St. Louis. *75jOOO; to Nation al Banks *04.884.06. Total, 404.884.06. »• The securities held by the Treasurer of the United States in trust for National Banks, reported to-day. were: For circu lating notes *£10.682.750; for deposits of public moneys. *38,030.450. Total, $378.- riano. The amount of National Bank currency issued «lur ; ng the week was 8118.580, making the total amount issued up to date. S304.58&53L From this should be de ducted the eurrency returned, including worn out notes, amounting to *5,133,025, leaving in actual circulation at this date, *200353.526. The amount of fractional currency re deemed and destroyed at the Treasury De partment during the week was $407,600. The receipts from internal revenue to day were *286,778.79, making a total amount for the week ending to-day *2,050,046.62, slid the total since the beginning of the present fiscal year *79,802,547.54.— Wash ington Star. SnzrMKKTg of Army Stores.—A P.rge number of wagons sets of harness 1. Aoes Ac- are now being distri throughout the West from Lincoln !./<• • ilk this city, and for the past month .. i Jdge shipments have been made by w...» Sf the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Parkersburg, where the freight is trans ferred to steamers. A large quantity of haroe-s, horse-shoes. Ac., has been shipped to New Orleans; over GOO wagons nave been supplied to .Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; and a large shipment of wagons to Fort Leavenworth was commenced yesterday, when 108 were placed on a railroad train for the West.— Washington Star. Beauregard has returned to New Or- GEORGIA, Clayton county. AT the October Term of the Court of Ordinary of Mid county, comes John A. Nash, administra tor on the estate of Andrew N. Nash, deceased, and prays for letters of dismission Horn said estate: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of dismls4ion should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and otiicia signature, this October 7th, 1867. C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinary. octSO—w6m Printer’s fee $4.80 GEORGIA, Jaspkr county. W HEREAS, Charles T. Preston, administrator on the estate of Kirby D. Lowery, deceased, late of said county, makes application to the un dersigned for letters of dismission from said ad ministration: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested in said estate, to file their ob jections, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the first Monday in April next, why said ad ministrator shall not be dismissed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my and official signature, at office in Monticello, this 12th day of September, 1867. M. U. HUTCHISON, Ordinary. scp25—w6m [ Printer’s fee $4 SO] GEORGIA, DeKalb county. A S. FOWLER, administrator, and Mary S. . Cobb, administratrix, oil the estate of Robert W. Cobb, deceased, having made application to me for leave to sell the real estate of said intestate, consisting of 186 acres, more or less, of lot No. 84 in the 15th district of originally Henry, now De- Kalb county, Ga., (widow’s dower excepted;: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, If any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this 16th Ootober, 1867. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary. octSO—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, Thomas W. Sims and Samuel ation on the ohn Bowden, deSeased, late of said Aikin apply for letters of administration on the estate of Jc leans. GEORGIA, Greene county. WHEREAS, the estate of Thompson McGwler, deceased, is unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite and require all per sons concerned to show cause why the adminis tration de bonis non of said estate should not be vested In the Clerk of the Superior Court, or in some other fit and proper person, at the Court of Ordinary to be held In ana for said county on the first Monday In December next. Given under my hand, at office-'in Greeensboro, October 14th, 1867. EUGENICS L. KING, Ordinary. ocffiO—w5w Printer’s fee $3 SI,000,000 IN WATCHES! FOR SALK ON THE POPULAR PRICE P LA GIVING EVERY PATRON A Handsome and Reliable Watch, For the low Price of Ten Dollars! Without Regard to Value A XI) NOT TO BET AID FOR UNLESS TERIECTL F 8A TISFA CTOR T. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches..*250 to $1,000 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches 200 to BOO 100 1 Julies Watches, Enameled 100 to 300 aoo Gold Hunting Chronmeter Watches... 880 to 300 $•0 Gold Hunting English Levers.. 200 to 250 300 Gold Hunting Dnplex Watches ISO to 200 bOO Gold Hunting American Watches 100 to 280 MO Silver Hunting Levers 80 to 150 •00 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 BOO Gold Ladies Watches 50 to 250 ljOOO Goid Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 3,000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches.. 50 to 100 s)500 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 $,000 Assorted Watches, all kinds. . 10 to 75 tyEverv patron obtains a "Watch by this arrangement, costing but $10, while it may be worth *1,000. No partiality shown We wish to immediately dispose of the above magnificent Stock. Certificates, naming the arti- j eles, arc placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named tin their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $1,000 or one worth less. The return of any oi our certificates enti tle* you to the article named thereon upon pay ment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is Xo Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious'. A single certificate will be sent bv mail, post.,- .f,i *t.„ »t, paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five lor $1, eleven jawing hi 0 county: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, and show cause, if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 14th, 1867. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. oct20—w30d Printer’s fen $3 GEORGIA, Greene county. W1IEREA8. Samnel M. Findley applies for let ters of administration on the estate of Lucinda Findley, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and require all per sons concerned, to show cause why said letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hand, at office, in Greenesboro. October 14th, 1867. e KUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. oct20w5t Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Sumter county. WHEREAS, Joseph D. Glover, applies to mo for letters of administration on the estate of John W. Dupree, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why such letters should not be granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d day of October, 1867. L. P. DORMAN, Ordinary. oct2R—w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Baldwin county. WHEREAS, Tomlinson F. Newell has filed his petition for letters of administration on the estate of Isaac Newell, Sen., late of said county, de ceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections in my office, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in December next, why said administration should not be granted to the ap plicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 24th October. 1867. JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinary. oct2f>—w30d* Printer’s fee $3 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL he sold by an order from the Court of Or dinary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, before the Court’House door, in the town of Lawrenceville, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the leeal Injurs of sale, 96 acres of land, more or rare opportunity. It is a legt business, duly authorized liy the Government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. TRY US 1 WRIGHT, BRO-, & CO.. Importers, 161 BROADWAY, New York. sop 19—iltwCm OCt23—w-D Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, E. W. Holland, executor of the . last will and testament of M. E. Hargrave, deceased, and guardian of Flora Hargrave, de ceased, represents, in his petition duly filed, that he has fully discharged his said trusts and prays for letters of dismission; This is, therefore, to cite and admonistfall per sons concerned to show cause, v ithin the time allowed by law, if any exist, why l«J*SHf dis-c mission shall not be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature, this August 22d, 1867. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. aug23—w6m [Printer’s fee $4.50] GEORGIA, Fulton county. \17" HERE AS, John &. Wallace, administrator Jl debonis non, of the estate of J. B Badger, deceased, and guardian of the estate of Glaucus R. Badger, deceased, in his petition duly filed, repre sents that he has fully discharged said trusts and is entitled to letters of dismission: All persons concerned are cited and admonished to file their objections, if any exist, in terms of the law else letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. Witness mv official signature, this August23d, 1867. DANIEL 1’llTMAN, Ordinary. _aug2l—w6rn [Printer’s fee $4,501 GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, Thomas liambrick, guardian of Keron H. James, having applied to this Court for a discharge from his guardianship: This is, therrlore. to cite all persons concerned to show cause, by filing their objection, in my office why said Thomas Hambrick should not be dismissed irom his said guardianship and receive letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signature, this November 14,1867. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. novl6—w40d Printer’s (tee $3 96Tli SE»I-A.\.\L.U EXPOSE, TOTAL LOSSES RAID, •21,271,072 57! GEORGIA, IIknry county. WIIKRKA8, Wm. E. Tucker, administrator on the estate of Samnel Chubb, deceased, person of color, late of said county, applies to me for leave to sell the real estate of sala Samuel Chubb: All persons concerned are notified to me their objections if any they have with two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature, this November 14th, 1867. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. novl6—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Fayette county. M ILLIGAN B. D’Vaughn, executor of the will of John D’Vaughn, late of said county, de ceased, having made application to the Court ol Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors: A'l persons arc notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand, this 7th day of October, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, octll—w2m Printer’s lee $5 POSTPONED ADMINISTRATORS SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of Henry county, Ga., will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door, in the town of McDonough, in said county, the real estate of John W. Moseley, de ceased, late of said county, known as his planta tion, and being parts of lots Nos. 70,39. 88 and 40 in the 11th district of Henry county, 487 acres, more or less—less dower interest of the widow. Terms cash. October 15,1867. JOHN TREADWELL. Adm’r. I octl9—w40d Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Paulding county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Dallas, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following lots of land, to-wit: Numbers eleven hundred and eightv-fivo and eleven hundred and twenty. In the 2d district and 3d section. Sold as the property «>< John Jeffers, deceased. Sold for the benefit o! ;. e creditors aurl heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. October 9, 1867. J. H. McHRAYER. Administrator do bonis non. oct!2—wtds Printer’s fee $5 FORSYTH SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Camming, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit: One cow. about ten years old, and her calf, about six weeks old, taken up by B. G. Tallent of the 8;0th District, G. M.. of said county. Sold as an Estray. This 29th, October, 1807. J. A. SIMS, Deputy Sheriff. nov3—wtds Printer’s fee $2.50 SUMTER JANUARY SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January. 1808, before the Court House door, in the city of Araericus, Sumter county, Georgia, the following property, to-wit: The growing crop of cotton on the plantation of George E. Clark, in the 2Gth district of Sumter county, to satisfy one Mortgage li. fa. issued from the County Court of Sumter county, saiu 11. fa. be ing in favor of F. M. Coker vs. George E. Clark, and said property pointed out by plaintiff. This November Ctn, 1867. J. B. PILSBURY, Deputy Shariff. novlG—wtds Printer's fee $2.50 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the honorable Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dahlonega, Lumpkin county, Georgia, within i the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tueseay in De- I comber next, the following property, to-wit: Lot jof land No. 1272, in the 11th district and 1st section of Lumpkin county, Georgia. Sold as part of the real estate of George K. Smith, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms of sale cash. Oct 1,1867. GEORGE K. HAMILTON, Adm’r. oct2-wtds. [Printer’s Fee $5.00.] ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. WILL he sold by an order from the Court of Or a i-i- . _ , . , diuary of Gwinnett countv, Georgia, on the first Speak their own praise wherever planted. i Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours DAVID LANDRETH & SON. of sale, before the Court House door, in the town aeptG-dAw3m Philadelphia, Pa. , u f Cartcrsville, o- ; einally Cass, now llartow coun- ■! ty, 1G0 acres of Ian , in the 17th district and 13th C „. -_ * I section. No. 137. Sold as the property of Wiley W. i \ IX \ * Webb, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs V/ X-V /A . > of said deceased. Terms cash. October 19, 1867. J. \\. WEBB, | Administrators nr ilee IN E. M. BRAN I), ( Auminisirators. ] QC123-W4M Printer’s fee $5 A DM IN ISTR ATOI i'S SALE. B Y virtue ot an order from the Court or Ordinary of Paulding, county, Ga., will be sold before i the Court house door, in the town of Dallas, on the 1 first Tuesday in December next, lietwcen the legal i hours of sale, the following lots of land, to-wit: t No. 224 in the IStli district and 2d section of Cobb i countv; No. 121, 112,113, thirty acres of land, No. 1123, north part and one halfoi the apple orchard of ! lot No. 220. Sold as the property of Adolphus Mahaffv, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the ; heirs aiid creditors. Terms cash. October 8,1867. J. F. COOK, Administrator, i octl2—wtds Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold boforc the Court House door, at McDonough, Henry county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, by order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, as'the real estate of Wm. E. Lambert, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. 16*; acres of land, more ov less, being part of lot No. 20, in the 6th district of said coun ty, and known as the dower interest of the widow, now dead. Terms of sale cash. November 14th,1867. J. A. MAXWELL, Adm’r. novlft—w40d Printer’s fee $5 JULY 1st 18 6 7 ( A T ASSETS, MARKET VALUE Cash on hand and in Bank $ 815.888 39 Real Estate *4*93*11 Mortgage Bonds 695.530*00 Bank Stock 1,206,400 00 United States. State and City Stock, and other Public Securities 1,984,308386 $4,660,938 27 Less Liabilities, Claims not due and unadjusted 377,668 46 Net Assets $4,273,260 81 Fire & Inland Navigation Eisks. Agencies in all the principal cities and towns in the United States. Applications lor Insurance will he promptly at tended to. OFFiCE—With C. I. Brown, on east side White hall street, one door from Alabama augl—9m N I,. ANGIEIt, j\gcnt. A CO. EDWARD J. IIO COEN Successors to the late Sasukl D. Wii-lmutt, manufacturers of CAST STEEL SAWS AND FILES. Of all descriptions, No. 4 Liberty street New York. POSTPONED ADMINISTRA’R'S SALE. BY virtue ot an ordar of the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Georgia, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door, in the town >f Decatur, DeKalb county, between the legal hours of sale, part of lot of land No. 181, in the 16th district of De Kalb county, lying on the west side of said lot, adjoin ing lands of E. N. Center and W. H. Braswell, and others; about sixty acres cleared, the balance in the]woods; a small dwelling house, smoke house stables, &<••., on the place. Sold as the property of Jabcz 1$. Walker, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. Novem ber 5.18*>7 WILLIAM R. PENDLEY, Administrator. nor8—wtds Printer’s lee $10 AM Ell ICA X A XI) FRENCH) Confectionery and Fancy j Fine assortment of WINES. COGNAC BRANDIES, LIQUORS, BITTERS, CORDIALS. LIQUORS, SYRUPS CHAMPAGNE WINES. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of Henry count}-. Ga., will be sold on the first'Tuesday in December next, at the Court , House door in the town of McDonough, as a por- , —- t - t m . -v-T^ T,i,T>ornvr,a tion of the real estate of James E. ^ ATLRAL I RU IT AND I 1IEsER\ Es. ceased, late of said county, the east half of lot of | land known as the Brom’field place, three miles Select variety of TEAS SUGAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS. BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS. DRIED BEEF, RICE, EGGS GREEN FRUITS, HUTS, ALMONDS, RAISINS, Ac., Ac., Large assortment of PIPES, SEGAKS, SMOKING TOBAUCO. SNUFF, Ac.. Ac. PERFUMERY, TOYS, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac. Whitehall street, west side, Atlanta, Ga., t , »; . - - A few doors from Alabama street ot-tlO—dim In Bankruptcy P amphlet torn n »r the ltuo* and itc*u latiui.s in lianhr.ipW } . a. npte.l 1} trie Hi.-- udet Court of the United States lor U «-Nm then District of Georgia, »» be bail on applieatu n ui the C fork's Office, Atlanta, Ga. Price, 30 cents. »ng*7—dtf feast of McDonough, for the benefit of the credi tors. Terms cash. October 15, 1867. G. G. W EEMS, Administrator with will annexed. octl3—w40d Printer's fee $5 GEORGIA, Fulton county. * n<Jl’RT OF ORDINARY, OCTOBER TERM, j Vy 1S67.—Whereas, Mrs. Jane A. Welch applies to me for letters of guardianship of the person ; and property of Thomas Fleming, minor under fourteen years of age, orphan of James Fleming, deceased; . All persons concerned arc notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before tie first 1 Mondav in November next, else letters will be , granted according to the prayer of applicant. Witness my official signature alii seal oilhe, Xo- : vemlx-r 6,1867. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. I novfi—vtM l Till ter’- tee $3 ^ |GEORGIA. Gordon county. TWO MONTHS alter date application will be * made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for J leave to sell the land belonging to the estate <>l i Elias Putman, late of said county, deceased. Tills ! November 4th. 1S67 ARLETTIA PUTMAN, Executrix. nov6—w2m Printer's fee $3 A DMINISTRATRI X’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court ofOruina- ’ Which wc offer i v of Fayette county, Georgia, will be sold before tne Court House in Fayetteville, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, between the legal hours of sale, the land belonging to the estate of Richard Eason, deceased, late of said being the southeast corner of lot No. 216 in the 5th district of originally Henry, now Favette county, containing 89 acres, more or less. Sol'd for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. November 12th, 1867. RACHEL EASON, Administratrix. novl5—wtds Printer’s fee $5 OPECIAL attention given to the manufacture of O our PATENT GROUND CIRCULAR SAWS; also. Shingle, Mill, Mulay, Gang, Cross-Cut, Tenon, Hand, Panel, Rip, and Butchers’ Bow Saws; also, Turning and Felloe Webs. We also continue the manufacture of our well known brand of FILES, made of the best English Cast Steel ; cut by hand and fully war ranted to be equal in quality to the best English. We respectfully solicit orders, which we are prepared to fill promptly, at the lowest rates and figures. aug3l—dly McN AUGHT, ORMOND & CO. Whitehall street, (OLD STAND,) ATLANTA GEORGIA, Importers of, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, ‘IRON, STEEL, NAILS, IIOES, Etc., Manufacturers 9 Agents for Brown’s U. S. Standard Platform and Counter Scales, Old Dominion Nail Works Company, Vulcan IronWorks’s Bar and Plantation Iron, Wheeler, Madden & Clemson’s Circular, Mill, and Cross-Cut Saws, Clifton Alill Company’s Carriage and Tire Bolts, Brinlcy’s Celebrated Kentucky Plows, Calhoun’s Standard Kentucky Plows Collins' Casteel Plows, Gibson’s 1’atcnt Cultivator PI# A'S, Dupont's Rifle ami Blasting Powder. The attention of Dealers is respect!' '>v «.yi to our large and well assorted stock of HEAVY AND SHELF G t LOW PRICES, for ea-h. augl5—(13tn AIoNAUGlIT, ORMOND & CO. jDZEAOD. CEMETERY,) JASPER SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesdny in December next, before the Court House door, in the town of Monticello. Jasper county. Georgia, between the usual hours of Sheriff's sales, the following property to-wit: Four hundred and forty-two acres of l^nd, situated in said county, on Fallin creek, adjoining the lands of James H. Robert and others, it being the place whereon Lewis L. Lane formerly resided. Levied on as the property of Lewis L. Lane, to satisfy two n. fas. issued from Jasper Superior Court, one in favor of Hurd, Hungeriord A Co. vs. Lewis L. Lane; the other in favor of Hunl Hun- gerford vs. Lewis L. Lane. Property point ed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same time anti |>laee will be sold six hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, in said comity, known as the jciyade place, the Buchanan place, the Harwell place, and fifty acres a part .of the j Osborn place, on the smith of me Social 11 ircle road, adjoining the lands ot .1. < an- | non and Win. H. Thompson. Levied onus I (he property of Hilliard M. Gray, to satisfy a li. la. isstied from Jasper County Court of Jasper county, in favor of Jackson Graham, survivor, vs. Hilliard M. Gray. Property pointed out in attachment. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the undivided half of five hundred and ninety-four acres of land in said county, numbers unknown, but known as the James H. Johnson place, adioining the lands of John W. Edwards, Brown San ders and others, at present occupied by Nathan Carr. Levied on as the property of Elijah H. McMichael, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Jasper Superior Court in favor of John D. Butt A Hro- vs. Clark W. McMichael, executoi M Elijah McMichael, deceased, principal, and Pollard B. Mc Michael, security. Property pointed out by Pollard B. McMichael. security. Also, at the same time and place will he sold one hundred and one and one-fourth acres of land situated near Hillsboro in said county, adjoining lands of C. H. Greir. Thomas McKessan and others, it being the place whereon Wiley W. Peddy formerly lived. Levied on as tin* property of Wiley W. Roddy, to satisfy the cost on a fi. fa. from Jasper Superior Court in favor of Mary Bell vs. Wiley W. Peddy. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at the same time and place will be sold one dark hay mare mule. Levied on as the projierty of the estate of Seaborn J. Shy, to satisfy the costs on a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jasper county, in favor of Matthew Whitfield vs. Samuel Shy, executor of Seaborn J. Shy. deceased, and divers other fi. fas. issued from the Superior and County Courts ef said coun ty. Property pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place will be sold one bay horse mule. Levied on as the property of Thomas J. Akin, to satisfy the cost on all. fa. issued from the Superior and County Courts of said county vs. Thomas J. Akin. Property pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place will be sold two cows, one calf and one yearling. Levied on as the property of Sarah W. Allen, to satisfy the cost on a fi. fa. from Newton Superior Court in favor of George W. Allen vs. John W. Davis, principal, and Sarah W. Allen, security, and Thomas O. Osburn, endorser. Property pointed out by S. W. Allen. October 2(>. 1807. B. T. D1GBY, Sheriff' of Jasper county. oet'29—wtds Printer's fees $17.50 Across the Sierra Nevad & THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILBOAD. THE WESTERN HALF or THB Great National Trunk Line ACROSS TIIE CONTINENT Being constructed with the AID \Nb<j [sl< )Y nV Tilt’ ITV OT • VTMMN OK TIIK ITNITKD S*T tTF** M ENT, is <1estin»>l to one of th«- Govt.e* ""T I**.*, ANT lines of cotnnmnientioo in the »..rM the sole link IkIhwd the Fie ilie uo a >t at t • Great Interior R.i-in, over whi. h ti« imarr . Overland travel tnunt pass, an<! the Principal Portion of (he Vlatn Line between the Two Oceana Its line extends from Sx-.:rameato, on the u i waters of the Pacific, eastward arrow the rich.-!; and most populous parts CaHforai*. and Utah, eontlnguous to all the grim itegiou. of the Far West, and will meet sadco** neet with the road* now U«U44ng e«K of Rocky Mountains. About 160 ^ nn% built, equipped ead in running tgnrtMua to samrnit o.' • Sierra Sereda. Witnia a few a... 3<* tnll«-». » Jredod, will he added, nod tteetrari carried.*;. - Heroes the mmiaMa toapo,,, Id the <.r- sir Lake Valley, whence fhr. rher> will he easy and rapM i r ,»r ma;e* tills and equipments are ready at head iw 300 miles or road, and 10,000 men arcet.ip. ed in the construe Mon. The local bussb ess upon the completed porti-> surpasses all previous etaimate. The figure, the quarter tiding August 31. are as follow GOLD; G *088 EaKMNOS, $487,579 64 Or*KR ATI NO kArcSsU, $86,548 47 FAYETTE SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the tow n of Fayetteville. Fayette, county, Georgia, on the lirst Tuesday in December. 1807. within the legal hours ot ; gale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land number fifty-nine, and fifty i acres in the northeast corner of lot mini- | her forty in the 9tli district of Fayette county. Sold under a decree of the Court in the case of M. M. Tidwell, John Favor and others against Wright Martin and Joseph G. Yates, as the property of Jacksou it Wright Martin. The said Yates being the admiuistrator of Jackson Martin, de ceased. Also, at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. (165) one hundred and sixty-five in the sixth district of said county-. Levied on as the property of William Glass, to satisfy ten Justices’ Court fi. fas. in favorot M. W. Westmore land vs. Wm, Glass. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place will be sold (350) three hundred and fifty acres of land in the ofurtli district of Fayette county, knonw as the Bagwell or Sams place, hound ed on the south by- William Malone.)west by Janies Spurlln, northeast by Allen Reeves. Levied on as the property of Charles S. Jordan by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from Favette Superior Court in fa- I vor of .Tames M. Couch vs. Charles S. Jor- ’ dan. Property pointed out in said li. fa.! October *2(jth, lSt;>7 THUS. ,J. EDMONDSON. Sheriff. oct2!>—wtds Printer's fees $7.50 The Company offer tor sale, through u*. tor FIRST MORTGAGE THIRTY YEA! SIX PER CENT. COUPON ROM*** Principal an<l Interest Pajabir Gold Coin, In New York city. They are in umi, each, with semi-annual goltt coupon, Jaml are «clling for the : roser.t at liy per >, and ^accrued interest from July Kt currency, at which rate they ylrhl n«-a.- Nine percent, upon the Investm.ui These Bonds, authorized by Art of« nngre-* .- issued only as the work prognoses, and t »t same amount only as the Bonds granted by t Government; and represent, in all rases, the lien upon a completed, equipped, and i- railroad. In which have been invested t;„v. r ment subsidies, stock subscriptions, donati surplus earnings, etc., and which is worth n - than three times the amount rf First M»rt< . Bonds which can be issued upin it The Central Pacific First Mortgage Bond. all the assurances, sanctions and guarantu-. . the Pacific Railroad [Art of C«<ngre**. ate I u in addition several noticeable advantages all other classes of railroad l>onds first—They are the superior claim u(m i . gclher the most \ it a l and valuable ; •: ot the through line. Second— Besides the fullest benefit the > went sudsidily, 'which i> lien j the road receives the tx.-i.lil oi donations Horn California. EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January, 1868, between the legal hours of sale, east half of lot of land No. 149, on the road from Fayetteville to Palmetto, lot No. 25, on said road two miles west of Bennett’s Mills, lot'No. 86 and lot No. 107, all in the 7th district of Favette county, good frame house on the place and outbuildings, containing in the aggreate 798,v acres, more or less. Sold as the real estate belonging to the estate of John D’Vaughn, de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms cash. Novem ber 12th, 1867. M. B. I)’VAUGHN, Executor, novlo—wtds Printer’s fee $10 OFFICE NATIONAL Marietta. Ga.. Sept. '25.1867 P ERSONS knowing the locality of graves of Federal Dead are respectfully requested to notify the subscriber, giving Count}-, town amf to whom to apply for full particulars. A. W. CORLISS, 1st Lieut. 33d Inf.. In charge of National Cemetery. sep27—d'2m Marietta, Ga. T OFARMEKS. As New Or'eans is a large HIDE MARKET and as a through frdgh ^ali. kail; lias bee ar ranged from that city to Atlanta via < 'hattanoogn at (IMS AN D A ll.\JLF ( BN 1 o ILK I'lA NDon HIDES in hales, the Tnd. r*i-ne l your or ders and promise strict attcin.oo oi li t:: execu tion. WOOD, LOW A BFDW1G.- EN, Commission Merchant*, New Orleans. Refer to A. K. Seago, P. A G. T. l odd. ar.u others, Atlanta, Ga. jy42—«m BARTOW MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Cartersville, Bartow county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in January, 1868, the following property, to-wit: The settlement of land, eight hundred and fifty acres (i-oo; more or less, on which Dr. l». G. Bov aud Others now reside, in the fourth district and third section of Bartow county. Levied on as the property of Gui-tavus II. Bates, to satisfy one Bartow Superior Court Mortgage fi. fa. in fa vor of Mocao* J. Bates vs. Gustavus II. Bates. Property pointed out bv defendant November 7th. 18*57'. W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff. nov9—wtds Priutcr’s fee $3 Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, STRIPES, OSNABURGS, YARNS, Ac- By Wholesale at Factory Prices, FOR SALE BY HEBKING & LEYDEN, FACTORY AGJJNTS, street Atlanta Whitehall oct20—d3m Ga. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Rev. C. F. P. BANCROFT, Principal F IR*T CLASS BOARDING SCHOOLS for both sexes; $100.09 in advance. Next session, twen ty weeks, begins November 13.1867. For circulars, w ith full particulars, address the Priueinal. or O. C. CARPENTER. Supt., seplj—tl2m Lookout Mountain, Tcnn. DKESS MAKING, GEORGIA. Butts county. S i . made to the honorable Coifrt of Ordinary of Butts county, lor leave to sell the real estate of j Mathew Bail er, late ol'said countv, deceased. G. W. BARBER, i Administrator de bonis non com test a meat, i Scpteniherl2.1867—w2m f Printer’s fee $5] ! NOTICE, T WO M*»N r nf> after date application w ill be 1:1 ole t.> i in- Honorable Court of ordinary ol OivenctoiH.n Georgia, fur leave to sell all the j teal • -t ite of J. >-e ill van. deecastd, for purposes ot distribution. WILLIAM BRYAN, .\*minjstrntor.qf Jc-ise Bryan, deceased, mbe September 27,1867—u2ra (l*r9 fee $5j By Mrs. M. NORR1TT. j Rooms—Over IIaslett & Jones’ Store, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. I oot20—dim GEORGIA, Paulding county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding i county, Georgia, for leave to sell the real estate of J. u. N. Foote, deceased. October 4,1867. G. \V. FOOTE. Administrator. \ octl2—w2m Printer’s fee $5. FAYETTE SPECIAL BAILIFF'S SALE j WILL be sold before the Court House door, in Fayetteville. Fayeete county. Ga.. on the first Tuesday in December' next. I within the legal hours of sale, the follow- I proj>erty, to-wit: One hundred acres of lot of land No. (231) i two hundred and thirty-one in the fifth j district of originally Henry, now Fayette j comity, the southwest fifty acres and north- I east fifty acres, as the property of the estate j of W. G. Norton, deceased, to satisfy a cost fi. fa. issued from Fayette County Court in favor of otticers of Court vs. William Shad rick, administrator of said estate. This October 2Gth. 1867. ISAAC B. AVREA. S. B. C. C. oct29—wtds Printer’s fee $2.50 i « POSTPONED ADMINISTRA’R'S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Calhoun, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal houis ot sale, lot of land No. 154 in the 14th district and 3d section. Sold as the property of L. D. Marchnian. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, (with the widow’s dower to come out.) Terms—credit to August, 1868. next, small notes with good security. October 19. 1867. OSBORN REYES. Adm'r. oct22-w40d Printer's fee $5 Thitd—Fully hull' the . liuU-s caaiwatu oi »«u coutrat.hi uja.n tue ISO mil. - i completed. fourt/i— A local bu)-in<-«> already vieWr._* t fold the annual intercut liahilun*.- advantage!) rates payable in coin Fi/iK—The principal as well as the inter,- UomU being payable in eoiu, u.hui a - ly binding agreement. Having carefully investigated the re-", progress, and prospect* of the road, and the ageinent of the Company's affairs, w c ccr. - recommend these Bonds to Trustees. Euo Institutions, and others as an eminently ..hi • liable and remunerative '_for~m. \of ment. Conversions of Government Secnriut* CENTRAL PACIFIC FIRST MORTCACE BONDS now realise for Uu holders from Twelve to Eighteen per Cent- .** vantage. WITH THE SAME BATE OF I.NTKKEST. The following are the current grates S,-i't* c 8th, subject, of course, to slight variation* - day to day. We receive in exchange: GEORGIA, Bartow county. WHEREAS, C. P. Anthony applies to me for letters of administration on the j estate of Abel H. Anthony, late of said j county, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admon- ! ish all and singular the next of kin and ! creditors of said deceased, to he and appear i at my office within the time prescribed l»v law and show cause, if any they can, why saitl letters thould not he granted. Witness my hand and official signature, October 26th. 1j>67. J. A. HOWARD. Ordinary. oct29—w lod Printer's fee *3. A D M IN 1ST R A TOR'S SALE." B Y virtue of au order from the Court ol Onlinarv .•I Henry county, Ga., will be soidon the first Tuesday iu December tiuvt, ui.tbe tuuii House door in tlie tow n ..! Mcltoiiuugh. as the real estate of I liouias l>i. key. d. eea.-ed, l. te of sai l county, 100 acres, more or less, part of lot So. 58, in the 12th district of said county, t erms c .sli. Octo ber 15. 1867. G. G. WKEM**, Adm'r* oetl9—\v40d I’ihU-r's fee $3 U.S. Five-Twenties, 1865 ;ucw j, couj»oa. U. S. Five-Tw euties, 1367 ;uow; coupon. . •• U. 8. Ten-Forties, coupon, and pay difta u*»' U.S. Seven-Thirties, tad series;, do ■ :'. U. S. Seven Thirties ,3d teriw), uo do For sale by Banks and Bankers goners whom descriptive 1’an.ptueU and M*|>» ''•» • taiued, aud by FISK A HATCH, Bankers aud Dealers in Government Sect"- ANP I'lnancla I Agentsmt ike C' H.K NO. 5 NASSAU STREET, N. V ASP BY CLAUIIOHN, UKUUIM6 A ArorsT.i. exoatiiA. keplS—C ‘at.**. Ntt Eaimmm, $401,031 i: or at the rate of two millions |>er annum, ofwbjc: more than three fourths are not profit on less 100 mites w-orked. This is upon 'he actual, legit mate traffic of the road, with its terminus in Uh mountains, and with oaly the normal ratio f government transportaSkm. and is exclusive the materials for the furkkar cilmdoD of the row The Company’s Interm* UaMUMea during t» utm* period were less than $iA.flM. Add to this aa evar-expaedtag through traS- sad th* proportions of the future bualnem beostt immense. Th* Company are authorized to continue their line eastward until It shMl meet an: connect with the roads sow building raM of the Rocky Mountain ranges. Auumipr that they will bniid and control half the et- tire distance between San Francisco and i.*.« Missouri River, as now seems probable, tt* United States will have invested in the oomph- tion of $63 miles $28,599,000, or at the aver- age rate of $35,000 per mile-not Includins »r. absolute grant of 10,000,000 acre* oi O. Public Lands. By becoming a joint investor the magnificent enterprise, and by waiving tie first lien in favor of the First Mortgage Boa !• holders, the General Government, in epfact. INVITES THE CO-OPERATION OF PKIVAE CAPIT V I STS. and has carefully guarded their inter.-:* against all ordinary coutiugencie!,. 1