The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 20, 1878, Image 3

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-> i SO S' §C - K 8|$untiy| ■li w ill prow r tit fit kill re- iii>w <« Almost any \ is provj$}^_ i ior animate sea but to raise stock profitable to breed, quires iwjv jitdgmyntlimn most pc r- Wpixf For instuupe; f f3l*K a l’orl ®»y My*!*®. J^sk«q.»ne or more litters of j>igs - -*< li year, but to produce tlicij^ojki uniformly high grade is not so msy, taking the pigs as a class. A fo.v may come finely formed, ;pk nay grow well and'profitably, but it is uniformly goiKl.iainb’rteL) wql'a'ret iftter; that is, Ave want all of each litter to be eipV&ity high degree of excellence. This can be acc'ony»lishqd, bqt ,c:qi t gy j lAj be done by experienced judgment in breeding and feeding. There are many points that ^b^o^gl|t^o vie^oij paper, but the miiiutiai or details cun only be learned by cxpduertpfi, - In swine breeding it is not advisable to breei^a Sfijlr ESifl^oiifig^Hot uEitiCs&e is at least six months old. If she proves If Before anil Alter Marriage. you usv H it fbr once. * M Oats are far'-as feed for Wi th an corn, and do not materially id,, . few-Wii l| the worRjhgot thireorrt 'dja/pf cpdjwqui'iit!;.- every farmer should row *' oat,-,. parlionlarlp if hods scant 'Akeoni. German millet is also a ln-ofiMuo and eas'dv crown crop, and »,wp'4citj ■ | A:; is'liTain to giimnicrmg of sijnse, that raising cotton to the neglect ofjbreadsfu'fl's. lias .drag "it 8pMiig“ven ami produces largo and •even litters, she should bo kept for a breeder just as ad 'site xeill' b r Ccd[ for every; subsequent litter will be al most improvcuieut,on the it suroTp beam ipu>rovcuieyt,on that pilpcd/cLi t^!f on® farmers one tnacpiif!C(iBCLic*^»omJD farmers ppr mit their sows to run about in the fields and woods farrow, Imt )it?WTdst in tfid pi from sudden exp^-^tg^d, and, rajuj?. weather. A better plan is to put the sow in 4il»aKaMlM&ttn a^efcS& ten* •days before tlio pigs are due, a.pprtjon '*of the pen to bo Avelf' 1 &lv(T’bd,''luid'Y'he .aa'uoIc bottom laid with plunk or noUa. •toprerent'the soav ^frrtni'ThmwTngT y\Peynust-live and practice tlio strict '"cst economy in order to become ^jm-, fortablo and indepeuikidi. y farmers, will, if fjollowed-by tlibnt, 'lie more beneficial tij> them than all the theories and liintfe of the bi'dykjsjip mors that figure in the agnenUiii'al pu- >01'^—Mcritllan- SJS Rqceipis.'k^;V, y; hi _//.•> ft/t r \r1 giving her JW(lJtll(JliJ^cr< jrell lyok)m vo (lie small porkers arrive. trip bbfor .... , A . _ ... fctest'jsijl f «4 te fflf?) '“”1 1 too high for a few days before farrow ing,; as over-fed sows ave-apb to-dostroy jiurfly on green food to keep the boAV- Is (rnen'TmTh^Athidil^hstijii^oVi' its ev Ai iioes. - rr { s jth# {>igs coino, tli moneo to auet, and tliep^hesow should liaA'C all the food she Avill eiit, flic great er the variety tii^biftifciy.rts it fvilf f^|A ; c to kcep hCr qniet ami healthy. When the pigs are a avcoIc or so old an. opeh- iug should bo miido at ono side and ilio bottom of kbc-:Den.-^,t.iiiil^l . felloAA’s can haye freOj^re^^^b^ako, us much exorcise nfe fhey please,, and a small tronalxplfflcEdatMlmi <fi&i^ifi&nt distance ip Avlfieh milk .should bo put th reo times ** a day. Th is tlio li tile porkers AVill ' sbon find and appropriate t.o themselves;. and, thus,* relievo tlio mother soav from the constant and heavy drain upon her by some ton or twelve little sqnoalors. This eourso of S PTC ED Bttad.—j-Tiiko a fine shad and onfc.if.yj> in four pieces; rub it Avith a dittlopo'Avdoved pilspice, clovo$jind<unid^| season Avifcli salt and poppor^to your Mfasto; put in an oarlhoiidish,cover wijh ( egur, iviql*)tand| ifc iih'h; qirctdy Jwiol pxmpQil fouii hom-fi. If too sour, add some Avator to the yiimgar. AllDflOh “ Pie-Plant Shoutca ke..—M-aloo tshprtoako in tlio usual A\'ay; equalquam stitibs Of buttermilk andcrcam, snlorntus iirproportion; Avhcn it is Iwkod, split it open and butter both sides avcII. Itavo Tt Avill make a nice dosserf,; • # j C. Aspatiaous Soup.—Pick oiijy young, ifoudor sprouts^ out them in pieces about as large as a bean—ivasli and boil in as much Avuter as yomvill wantsOup; when partly done, salt it; Avhen very tender, from tlio kitelipn,..rofusq.nptlv iron! \tho diary, cut cloA'cr, cte., until they are four or fi ve months old, Avhen thev may time to put up to-faftfleyfancT kiWJ k The sists in keeping the pig growing rapidly Avliile it is young, and ultOAViug- it no i b»at0fMstRgtedi|^ i Q 4 ‘Hog: ai^l Homily P. 4i>r tlio, South. • iii ordpr^^^, Jibe South, to become independent and prosperous it is absolutely essential that they should rlllS&"M\ Alioir ownTfarms their oAVii means of suljs^tSifcA| ’^1^^ thyy |mq^| easily do, s.fiicd iultlmt*" is necessary is the will und a small outlay,of. ol^cji-t^id attention. Few families require more than ^QPjQd’pundt Of meat Wdnuu and tm'nagH; properly nttemled, Avill Avitnout doubt, net> A 2>oppi poirqdsi.' .Gari’ not OA'ery farmer by commcncins now,' conf6ACAJHiaA«dtiiPAi|s li^limTroct winter? “Set your pegs” amV. ^xwsist- ’ eutly Avork up to them, is tlio sure way fihotes instead of liog.^. yw^up^grypi ^ hear some of our fanners exclaim, in a surly, deBi«^eut : yfi€r;M®ytt6#6jip?^ to their pluck and manhood. The old proverb'fliSF 4 ‘where ITicre i§ a \iiJL. thcreSsCp5'4SC coiKe*- feed them on vour into larj your liors^iot und feed them o;i your surplus vegetables/ iiiitif ^Mr J corn 3i conyptflfttij,-.iT .1 "o!» n %l ■ liaise more corn^pfeniJ;#^ imd-‘jirttiV toes, and les^<^tyn.£ jUnnCi|TcotiBrgt> eight and ienceiits will break the * farmerih tl^^atid: *" Manure vourland Aviili stable and cow \mx manure and £gd the SoutbaUAvn Ao pi) TWTTiersd’'o ohiu-iliis mod pol icy? We know it- rS siml 1lie?Att6 > lchli‘e nion too stupid to bo instihelbd’oVihi In experience—that sceohnastoVuOf fools, but avo trust tho majority pf fanttoi'S liavo sense enongji to,'quit; a system of husbandly that i? yearly imuuyei;i^ldny lljeyi. Let every farimnn^jiWml^iik and li crop, m a (1A- of crops—such as Corn, oats, pc;|S,pqta- taes, etc. j . / . *.i , Lemon PiES.-4-Thrcp Jottouis, .three, c»ps of sugar,- six Icggs^jijt^ afid yQlks beaten separately, Avliites added lust, a half of coi'nM;m^S w *t,liieMtft'hi Bake, Avith hottoni crust, tbrec^pi^s. ' I’OTA TO^lPrtrtTEpS. —Tuko SOVpll to Oil ^jMiSOfSiwd Mererr .gmto theni linely^vhcn all aip ■grVafcotl add--t>hrec 'm jr*^ T "V 14 **'' 1 “- 1 -* mtu i P £g$ fthvoo tublosj ooii:fuls|' mm one tablospoonfulpf salt; avcII, or butter^ amL.biib % .ttr!st\ves, after he has merged'iiito“ihe husband,, ouening by degrees to thefacb IhTiiOd'iU'dkot the eroatuvos of celestiiib nimild he bolidvod Us. Wo ‘h:iW> even iMsuredT i i in bofProha ml, that tie most C^ii'iffly Atimid awal^itj^mtruth af- tsuwhuYing lived; iir (lally eonihiuniou '\vlt*n us long enough to find out ( oitV' im-» . ,ed kisses, land^twiS-sdly r imide -tT)Throb exultantly wit^i ihp nMV ranep thi*h|yvh?ifc i’o miglit''in oui'i’iuml- ity- tfcrm failings, lie, in lus.-bvaiidlyss love; Avill coiisidel! A irtiies|M jfMf i\hfg merit.; . .. ; - Is ill any Avondpr, thou, that it is a pit i uni! shock to us to find ouTsi'lvos ih'j tiiuq virInidlyAjcpIlived alittlo^ss d% «sra% fhf of tmolri II i 11 j(f|il|ii.ipili?i rfT’' lljl liihlbriAfcts of courtesy ofyvory-duy lifo, than tm^of those by Wlidm Ave are stit- vounded. • . f ■/' hi it not a notorious .faiT, thivk u’beiL nn v <UQlpu.yy.oftists in deciding whether two •jHwso^-bf ^ ; ^m,oslt.& :, soxjy; fi^'umn audiv/,i IV;; pr only ibrora^fiti’icOLiic^ lion to ihejr dopoi’ttnjpAo other at-once settles t^"^ rto^d|*ifr^oho know, tliatstioultl 'the la uy Avish re-chiingo. her seat, inid the gen a^lrai^W.hbr, ^uT hiekTip lier handkoremef, if she drop to open’ the door for her IfjfiihoHiwlM lettAV flVcf'Toqmi’oj} to pertbnnvij.^|i!or ot her trrrtiiVg acts of attontion' liisignif- ieauthi, blit'.msbi vi s,HiSU. id ivihVi prenYpt jyitcnAioifcadjy tin lover, the voice of the ■world, Avith out tear of refufntioUi, natu is hintfto ho her luis- '.IduiA’c.^eeu girls avIio pant, ehpriciqus anjl exacting tq. lju> last■ degree,’''Wagingihbir, lovers fenpp, lives, tliiiti I have wondered at their! W'^iM lvno f iU1 | 1 morphosou into |is tmc'nit AlMVMvi nu iinnrT Tin* h'r put income butter and pepper, audmix a little •wheat Hour, Avitq A lititlo^ milk: boat ovary lump of Hour fine, then add about a pint of SAvcct milk, and stir all into the asparagus—yon can judge ay!i on -fails; To He-move a Tronx Jlrsre'.LtKingR are often left on the fingers until* : they arc hal f buried in a deep crease, and it fa Mri# rc Wt^W** v9®o. ftfin^lfifllWiMiW^ated |anil tho ll^|r soaked in ice water t||U 0 li tilwljiti pimnutes, then anoiiitcu -with glycerine, mA tjjie ring sli]i)ied off. If this the linger snould pod in stroll pWtn|j[li r«iorab<l,2fl3 end of!the silk should be a ied., beneath it Avith a blunt ciiij and then, ns tho Bering ds unwound, the ring Arid’ be forcefl down. HouuHijmes pvcii this docs not, succeed, and the ring has to be filed oif or Avtiat is far iTTYrtor, thoroughly cleans od n'itllotlier, and nibbed wi|li qaicksil ’VorVifi’TOinc minutos* Avlich'it Avill read* .■ snould ba very tightly Avrjip- trong, Avellj-A^ixed sc^i^ghsiilc .tij* upward; Avdieirfho ring is ily fall to pieces, and can be thiisren^o/ \;ed Avitliout pain, delay or-exertion’. ooia no -0 lasses.'—'Take r part of oitepaccording he gkjss. Fold it small, m»a dip it into a basin of clean, cold, water; Avhen tli<u - oiighly Avet, squeeze yoh would ii; sponge, ana theni rub it lull'd all over tlio face of the glass, taking care that it is not so wet as Lv^u^rlpwjrhr fslpe«rag>Jl&factplic papef must only bccoinplctely moistchied, or damped: all IhVougli. Aftor tli glass has boon well io: ces.anaitliqii'ffo* AvA’dt nibbed, wi th Ayo^»a^er4 let If i®5sl fi oul ifari Tiiis method; 'I«® n yy> MfMnftsa OT-afe^ IWplo .)is ; it i»j itirthq best and mosfc e.V- fokntl^ and slfcdci m^abo «uuiot»grmv pediUdus. foruelcaiFiii; ig mirroM, nd so on. ^/iiil-i-grAing a d polish .iibat can be pro- Sliced by no other process. It ise(|iial- yoiir corn Iy convcnieuL speedy and 1 effective.' '*'*'*[ '^’he iitsidb'Vif fnc A^indow frambs’ ! mm’ i % i(UiT‘i>dliV- ; no cleaned in this maimer to look hbair- —fho windows heingfirat AVasncafroin the. outside; as kf ifptf^liis, (/to. * Tlje of an astral lamp ntuv be cleaned with a liewsjmpcr m the above'mamier. Hi it. a. t. a. from av First of all, h aapsIi to ask AA’hy it is ’ * “ t haL Sweethearts cease to bo, apgols -as uoiAlt •!« I liiAvr liAiAntAiiA A.av’nay 1 ' V.T 1 !* lOrTiumiui Tiicy \iot omy iosq ail tlioiv angi>lic,attril.Hitris, biit lieebnie- thtf-moilft.' eomiuonphicp op mortals?* • ’ Wc iu'c (puto prepared, to find, our Ity Tor he li " ' ' •>* Jd: up from their v(jry source, m ox^aAft d&£ieAcc i aside and drinkid poHuicd- waier^lJ^eii lieving, ns she d4c8) that i b® ptn^tBirtpings' njr o* ’ ‘ ’ ’ nice drjvulc are nlvying jndot >6 ,-r cii .-A. Have I nfto- VKW as need bo; K-et straugo ineonsis- t.fineypI'C-Cc'IVing, avhon at tlieir worlt, fur/aiore deforeneb apd^ outiuixd. nuui-, festatibns of IoaIo, tljiSipflifi^JloMtol^fti taring-dJhaitgo baa been Avrouglit uii , Our liusbautls nijay toll us tliat avo are dealer todihcju; tli il tLok fovilYls^ nYoro Truly and fondly a liter marriage than Ijq- y^o^v hourly cry out unceasin Avliy arc kisses .and cm smpw and I tch liiglid’ a iiveiuiurn, ^ilipo'nvagc to i •o ■marriage than .tl(dy ••••II sou , aud t! truly fl |9 rossos at so. mncla willi them' be foro ever arc alto#'' Why are they thoh lifP isheil upon us, if Aye v poruiii; evpiv to tho extent somelUjfies annoying us, and nojv doled (JifiTas parsiniduiously ;as though ,ciu;h one were Avorth its Avelght iii gold? If such thkigs are all ‘‘non# ^eiise” jWjtvi;Cff2thiiik it Avould go hal'd with .opr “liego lords” to .prove tliat ’•o anything olso'then, It may ho iV pVoof of Aveakness in us to ad m it ,tlpit those Things are much- very much to us, und the Avitli holding of them keenly felt, but I for one make »io attempLtp A'acato the position assign* ‘0(T me by Providence—that of. the “Aveakor vessel^, mid confess Avitliout iiwdUuey,. that in my opinion doeds of kiudticss; * loving Avords and tendor smiles go very far indeed toAvardmakiug up the “Bum of human ImppiiioBS.” ’ )\Yei Jive -taken from- our homes^it may bo from.tlio midst of sisters find hj*m■.hers;' ana Tender, cle^’ol od parpn^i, 1 liieir AViiys. ‘dWiL'll L 1 may net li view of' life) ,IVi 'fiHH fall t):oin ill io nrisTiipitVsl^ Avifo avIio is get ('Itfly nie'A'^i f yh-ftiri u mil t ' ViaUmiVr Ann uul' theifiM JM Why We l)i jui-sMelWV TJhMt/ntffor w Hit*r t the d ■worn* ' YXnrttt \ JanVl ..iH icfn n ;>f ei.rf «j rr> '• •mxJOT har TiVtick t^astanddf two «<it o) ainooto#- m Massachusetts lust cousumptit mrTTtre huJn'lirndstroVefVhS dVb'- iWfi oiltevy, common) ^'iilflibfl “*mohdV llhx Gonsumptiqp (jff sOitthd th thW'luligS- odi'ilhOut'lhiit'pPiTli * .wU'iu l inlT ,0‘al* at—alsr<w j>-st H uirofolifftMy stomach, (-ougli %'tbo ! nvdc?t AfiliVtM^iil- ty dMffvcd synq Kate umoqW nptivo disease is -swK i '**’M ; « ift‘ ! M nptno ulnges in tl o:tMuporaiinrpi’ : 0f >'dihc ' from a heat AVhait-is hntnhil* ii tfflaMMHiel»w- <i'IHiomost uiii«vef*< • sitl cauyys of (yseniery afoi breatili ing bad t mr,*cmin^btujW^vUivds tkimk Tfi^Tiurboveijigoi Wdr^eyo uV practiolw lagiAvl ad go, b f- .tlta^ #4lg| mid a pos^i bm, .jiiid Y.yvi.'SfLi rjijvoitl- "7! ■ i to oiAuH^&nd^ i ozen can 1»q imlu broath- »tmoi Hinst or t*o avoid tho right side. T lc'tHmes niuy ho Inivt^! btTt, it Avill make t. lorn no easier hi wear' a gbuww amUjul eon iitVftiili'^il. HirVi ©tiiaWlilftfliad not; cb^ideWmtQnailteki thi\lh>Aver. Then is idwjiys t|tulihof6Vo muNiretmd us avIi <;b fjhoukl; ehoqri amb fill thovJioart.AvU^i fc1JnSs’wvTi(li'(f it is hlaolc once. Cull on IU 1 a.^±rtex‘s 3 ««ob l -' -h ..*-«#a i MveHfjiiiFyMtMi*) dhwTiavi lOtlid S', to t‘Jtlwvm<i fl>j !«UI .aval «i ,»t «ken In exchange for' goods. W s *\ null'iirbfif^VlWt>Mby- WL... la aia-tlsiw ynaiv ai tn wuxom id HP treat you well. jair-Mril' m *. ?! if »r . s 1 • V* lhi?fjusny'fieIo!ii'a^d'i!^ f * util cl TMtlO ou L i > At ‘i f» *■ - U'x’iexT.d- aiit) a'lT nwtf^.r't 1«1 J W •* H iff •■•in oiui |!) M !fl| ■t ,f « sai’j ^wvo .'"these [ , TTT r i T)Ty~l'i»'TTp ' sooogd i ‘og'i ,i ^ j • ‘ ----- ' but ,'Wi av# jH!ie A98)?V. v» „ i okU* thT ’ tew- liUKuailTA rr»rs v\W'fl oO iM'orLi, yfiit ■ ^ o• m MWWtuMw* mj**^*p< dl fit*. •■•*#< :A./)#{.•. ’o-a. lily'n xrJnn' «i wrl <i-" 3 • • ■ ,biiMv.s aifi ol ifcwsj attl ramt HA hut musk Wj l mi i_ .IWlljtil ■ tin. I I, i n hie .fix yt* l j?»tm i'iww f.n-'r..' wii'i a'1ow*'w Y, ja * Mi K ' , '' w iT |#l 'kKW fU .Z' J.n»r>t Oil • (i Vvi ,i dd’# liwmi-' nri'ifiO ‘cli v V.'' s r-'s-'s T*til n/ro) id wwf fc«« iLlkyj ri*> ; ykfitibift i ypkr'tfir* ii ^qeilftifter exoreis i, JdMby.ifwdf fiidbct* numra* p. ■ <-»» • -ii~i 3 _, « aud 4 fhl« Mw iBowin^iof tfllpbop^* oCOfi©! C3-,, ^ J solids and tluids. fPho?jm\W!>o¥*tms#- 1 .-iM __ * i«)raiieO'»fid' fi l ifttt‘nttii)n,liflat,lra<rt,lio iiT-'f w M “ "* f 1 ’**'*"’* 1 orago ofliumun li ’odnltbeiiihst dh'tllH- tlio Unwm, iwiththo thrlf- llost;, (loos not TiKCCied- tiVonl v-'dlgjfii lyears, Ay.hpiMittfWgl't to exceed ‘“three ■"•yWi m\ J attorn tutllh.— >f.< a ha v.'rcj t t> *. i:, Art Tl! > "o.ltSfelSSS’S#'' -..-r«<4r *»■»* "»«>« roW ■; oirtq-fe r-* w * «i'* if 1 m," dVilO t«' ’*■ * wnf ’*»* ft * idT tn y’ 1 ' |p • > *'iiw»» 1m vtoMt wit (ils ,v pi . *' d-.h> M *■* ^lwns i'f«9lo J .*> .iH . ViSiAflLfJlSi- ■.* A5»i'M , 5 t*t 'H wiT ‘ ku^rfh t’w mo «»y $0 ’ •0^ You Jvnvh troubles by; sw-^lmvoi 1 pikers; n|io w fi ao freiS %£».,- They d tho sailor would, ncyoy, skill, AA’hoi S tli'ero was nothing to iliatarb-tho.wain. It .is tll9,%ty of ovovy mail tivlipo all the enjoyment ho can Avithin lvim; inul, 'above .iulY. Jp, should look on tho bright sido ofjtUiuigfl., What tlioiigh tJiiilgs do j(f()Tv ,> it aitthT dark; tlio ImiQ Avill tttni, and'the iii&li" will.end in broad; day. In' t'he ! long rmy tho great bulailco.wrights itsdlr. Wlial. is ill bcfcqhibjiswelljflvhatis Avrdn'g; right,Meu alio not imido to hU%‘ iloivn their heads.orilipa,-aud tlio^o Who do,'only shoAv.tlililrthoy are dejmrting from flic paths of’ tm® cotniuoi) bense tind right. There js-moro virtu a; iuone sunbeam tban a Whole hemisphere of olornl und'gjonm, Therefore, M repent; look oW'the i:! '''.if* ilJ, “ -• — / '*“ 1 tivuto Avluit *?>*• ,i »iwdl For Gins mid. Vanlalions, and all other AfucUrkbri/: ■ •nr wl'.l *' ;, Vt'*•,"'‘W* 4 1I( W,in-|4» i)Vmw9itl(0ri DO i^y piwUes;,^eslring to p'nfbase tllls ltne, <> !•')* W,I"V ) ■ * «r>T ’>a tl ■ ■■■ . L«i. ..itw K« -P> at .-.totuM'.n X5a3LT3S3i3ii±L^ ...iirsw*. .n?: Z-A 'V he liirglit side of things. Gnb nit is AVarm ipul gonfal—not dilioreyld'. mid repU^VO, th? durlw Wild in J - tfN PrNCTTAT/PjJoYM'kt—'^llllt upon the untried existence with* IfeliVfs overfioAving Avith love for Irith AVlidso 'voicp,Vou|d lurcustotho fuH , #fchest gm^Ltluljourfcli; Avftli wlidmi/^i 11 ‘Sincerity, AVf AMoav eurselvps.yrUliiig dinre the Ibi/l|ost of cots, and do oscidonil^rt/ Avo are desirous of (min* istcring.Avith tho hast of-out abilities: but avo expect our labors to be,lightened by love, and when, avo tjnd oursehosuf* tor avvhile'dopviied, not wil y of homo affection, but also of those Tender dem onstrations erst so freely besfcowod, and now,"as then, dour to our hearts, things dijig heavily, and our Avliole Av.orld Aveurs ' ’ fed. tc a stid-eoldrod. look. Wb have but jone now to make our happiness, huvng for saken all toclouvo to liilu. , v ■/Men cqmjdiijuin alter years that tho inffpdiotiS' df Ineiriwives are transferred from them to their children, ‘find tliiili ufthr ?tb 61 jid yen t of 111 esc don jest jc treas- ures, they- occupy only a secondary pkioo in tile hoartwbnee entirely devotou to tliemsolvos; and Avhilo I am far from grunting this, for i know' of no : .tj'itc Wifd avIio does not alway^ pliico her hus band first, even if it Avpreso, avJiosofault AVonlil it lie, pray? • -( i " Wo mts/ . liave. something to lavish our affections upota, many p| us—^1 nuight saw^ilig lnost rtf iis^ l)y #oulnviml signs aiia ‘caresses, and Avlion avo hoc Itllilt our husbands have no longer time or inclination for such things, it is a Vrtpjfdfcr tldit' Wdtufn to our innocent lit- fre clfiMren; Svlio pay us back so freely hryo foi* ^vp. t ».. ^ JfJcticr a tfjousand-i^'ea, a million times hotter to tnrn 'to tlicm, than to seek iri ! . the Ayorhl the jSfTteitcjinent Avhicli Avitli boniffjHtl a.nm/et' f<# htippniess.' I Jliay be Avivuig; 1mt from my heart believe that irmiiy an. erring .wife Avouhknave roiriajrtttdjpiirc and spotless until her lust hour, hut for tlio growing * W$mmm *•» Of orderly,, ,s,\ tematiomoiLOf bus ncssl^^wrsqii ndto is faiithless todiifl'iiT ]»ointiiVti)fe nlav not ifoh'd tp SwiWdlbS epjmiJUt JiaYdocs... 'tplaW'wiihgbpovety hour 1ms an. oum% .einblo'iwouniroiy val * * - 7 —— -T »riT 1 vywpu'l Srtie turdYitimepI r.!9 A are 1 wc aluerniinpte.B.'kvb^ m ’ap'lece. lie who y iiisi. is peuiy'jinceny, or gr v, aoeijrding trt"th(ri amomvE yompelsyou to, )\'iisto,’nh'(l<tb(J* value rtf ft,‘iit\ ji ( iair appmislfl, to yotirself or !• fmnily.t. T, ho only capital rtf a tbo udocasiif-tdK oflifa; an hiYolfcstb f iiidiffei’ciico of .him avIio h promised to loVe, ’ mV who hwUifllpinyljfe , houor aim cfierts/i he? oth wjiouhl liA'b. ' * '* as Jong us they bo 1 - Not that I mako his error a: tron for her irreparable one; bItH,' with' this jiafogdlrd of his affection no longer surrounding her, and her heart thirst ing for love, she is more apt to turn or t a,jb£frt, ) : or'k^jjj4^tk er article urgent^ Jy p'cedqdj£l btn’ii?/ 4 Nobody places any confidonceiiijiei’soim avIio arelrabjtHjji', ly boliind*time!, Tl oy seavcclysuccced iii .f?akcs as well ajf,fqi; t KiAijk9 5 Qf.piiu!rsr- bp.juinetiud.r he tun 11 ^tr Ji* JL W w9» N“Ni 5 S"K'E.A;:'rv:Y -iliUyi&fi t’Aviadihdr h'M n.'h.vV h; ull » • Grocciles, Tliu'ilwaW fflBUrara, Crot-l^iyUvixw, 'flu vhiro, ■ ' ^ llntH, Bools, Shoes, Boliool Bootes, Sliifionl^, • •• ■ ja-a; ; ,fe4ws WfU Audother articles too nuniorous Irt-menllon; all 'ot which will bp sold at tho Lowest Price for OASII oi' PBODUOK. >PV ‘i".d urp. syre* to . ru'eitthsV et(ll wit »W •V4 .anti 8mithhn*b,Gamier IhthUnufynapeAu , .o.UlAH Whrk4doi: lot oA at j Assortment of IMoWWy .tic V> Alt':;, ' • julMssfit ftrd'jwi CELEBRATED MNAU SWEEP, a a'xiraiti ilrgo portioiwbf tlio c'ondntwiityhs tihirtf thed' cotnpbijMttTbiV S^meitRUivrtitwhiy IjIoc/c,, ts of Avhioh pBrthu MHhttlmfrtlm past a vers, wcsoiidi tho cootiBitoftee ^the.ttimqi. tsWireakp^ rtbptd.t;l em may represent je?o ly, ... r'vr . VW * A ■ jh&v f-ijdi' >V3C JOEL E. PERKY, r*rr .nfiOfxM w uam»ti)netiAs mv ^ fmtin VZWQJ1WF t tfMRMMi niXL j out; wm m ms bflfi "■ -i- tafi-MluIi *e*M V* V-JTcL I nd. til lie said oral, peioro.Ave gp yitjo action, Avould it liotbe avcII to ongagq* ih.pi’ttjBMigl, - ‘,‘Gwh thinly,* 1‘roplicdpui^ he and- Ids staff retired • into' a little bn i Id ing by the roudsido, and I and- ^llo'lh li^t the (tKA y Btaff lifoparod r : eHtipr#rbt m lather who was | w^, sojgp aftij- fery aTittlo Avay doAvin tho ronii^ and tjiinkjng to have him; join. HjJ, Ii (tilled out to linn by panic,] said I pointing toTn6 building avo Avero just pointing toThrt building avo Avero just entering. “No thank you” ho ansAver- cd, “1 have just hud one.” Haw.) tiaayiin ?aj r« By lxiyiiigi'.hlgli jirStis fo'rWtrift resusdtatod and all. others mved fijo It.-i-vtllM flI ft Hfitatumm fa'- - iiww «■ tolfliflq «<A *1*9**^ “JU8T I ra i) Oxj ’Wilhe follrtwing -m fp'Mi. Ifiiriy TFetffi^ OfiW ay uon. (now Semi (tfj YfoV'drtit^fi'd ‘1 ^wcrc ordered to att ick Gen. Grant’ lijnjs^iaar.^ctwsbiii'g mid wo according- ly moycd jpi^tpAvard i the .front, (join yonJcnpAV, is a f\ mail'of pious dovotn nal habils <M _ A Lual t U .Bfislyskaitarket nrlcc )aid./er Wool, Uidcs,'-Tallow, J-Uc. -juiie^lOtu. -tandem* imU»aA ft rtf- Mt mmrji «U m*n *' Vit * ON T rf’l EleVexL Dollars. Work uneqiuilkxl l» style and floMl by any eountry sh.m. June aO-tf