The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 15, 1887, Image 2

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f IP ^THE POST. WEDNESDAY JUNK t . IKST." J. A. PEACOCK Editor. . V8S*T,: -Jg-y 3 --rrr=:~- -anr— v Cj»UlUITT ANI) I11COWN. ^Qnth'K P«n Pictimen «»f (Icorgiu’H Henator*. Prom Cincinnati Enquirer* “Lei us now. como to tlio State of .Georgia.-’' “Georgia^ttB a man of rather quick, sHvcry temperament and win ning address on the stump in Semv- •tor Odqtiit. Uo ia ouo of tho few Senator* on either side who mfher •4?gur0 among Ohrietian (statements. In any church, North or South, ho in a popular card to mako a speech. Ia conversation ho exert him- *clf-to please, and hardly over fails to do so. lie somewhat resembles a Methodist Bishop or Presiding Elder with intellectual attachments. He likes to reconnt remimscenscs and anecdotes, and brightens to new ac quaintances and enlargo his lino, showy parts as his audience increases. But in the .Senate, which is no* a working body,-oratory of the ferri'd sort seldom has a chance. Dick r Oglesby, of Illinois, tried it on sev- ( oral times, and found that lie whs , talking to an audienco which did , iiot. niagnotizo. Mr. Oolqnitt is a ,-man of good sense, quite satisfied . witfi his promotion in tho United . Sialos.Scijato, and- ho. can mako his way into any cjiclo, religious, or ,inoral orsooiul. „'jloe. Brown, of Georgio, ia get- ( t»ijg.,lo,be an old man, and to feel Tho ? Stato is ^probably at Abe'nead of Southern States, Both : SuYiinnuh.and Atlanta have had a development sinco tho war in things . purely commercial and now. Brown • is regarded as the rich man of tho ,8ou t 4h, acquainted with , corporate , management,- knowing whore a giv- en amount of labor will produce v ii00,OOO^s well ns ♦1,000. His .grasp of large affairs makes lum 'hornogonous to the,commercial ten dency of tho ogo, but in his desiro to advance Goorgia—for which ho , ought to- have u good deal of credit jr-ho stopped upon tho toes of tho Hmubons.apfi thoy woro afraid that jho migljt .not ho coming through tho same wicket that thoy did to , iiHofalnoss and prominence. Ncver- tho loss fow things take plaoo in Georgia about which ho is not con- Htiltud, and it is understood that he and his colleague uro a sort of par- nerihip towards advancing Georgia’s .interests. Blown is u philosopliio man, and took his seat, when Ingalls raged away at him, and in the end it did Inin uo harm, but rather cred it, for the custom has been that* when anybody in the South got in to u oonfab to yell louder than the .othor man. Old Joe Brown jnst sat MARSHAL 8A VA ANA II, tt-tt-tt i .... xM-'-ei, J DiH|l ll.. v V' v ! Itch. Praiic Mange, and Scratches of -vt-rv kind cured In 30 ininutcs by Wool- ford's Sanitary- Lotion. Use no other, rids never fails. Sold by II. Hick* & Co. Druggist Dublin, Or. Year's Support. GEO. D. HODGES, Proprietor, for merly of the Metropolitan Hotel, Nett York, and the Grand Union Saratogi Springs. LODTION CENTRAL. All pai-ts of the city and places of Ipteresi accessible by street cars constantly passing the doors. Special inducements to; thorn visiting the city on businesi or pleasure, feb 28-tf. ] . • GEORGIA, Laurens Couhty— Ordinary’s office, April 25th, a887i Whereas appraisers appointed to set ipart a year's support to Mrs. Nancy E. SV'arren’nnd children, out of her late hus- >aud, B. F. Warren’s estate, have filed • heir award in this office in terms of the aw; These arc. therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to show cause, if .my they have, on or before the first Mon day in June next, why said award should .uotqc made the judgment of this court and recorded. 4t. Join* T. Duhcan, Ordinary. mom Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of urity, strength and wholcsoincncss. loro economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Paid, only in mho. RoyAi, Baking Powder Co.. 100 Wall St.'N. Y. New Militia District. Notice'!* hereby given that a new Mili tia District has been laid off and established in Laurens county, from the 1809th and 1888th District G. M. as follows: Tho lino to commenced whore IheC. W. Stewart’s road crosses the Johnson coun ty Use, thence faking said county line to the old'Savannah road at Pendleton’s Creek, thence West up the said road to Pugh’s Creek, thence North up the main North prong of said creek to tho Per simmon Pond, thence North about one mile ns now marked out to the beginning corner. Said district to he known as Carter’s No. 14I2’h. district G. M. John T. Duncan, JunOl, 1887. Ordinary. Commercial College lexInqton,!y. Cheapest & Best BusinessiCollege in tho World. {town and looked wiso and sleepy alternately, and that was the cud of it,’! 'I'ljo report of tlm Board of visitors ( to tho Gqvornqr, concerning tho condition of tho State University and tho degree of ’profloionoy exhi bited by thostudenta of that uiati- ^'Ition, is vorv favorable indeed, nnd is additional evidence that this time —honpred institution, so long the ^pride of tho.Stnto, is .increasing in ’popularity and usefulness. President Cleveland’s visit (o Gov. Mill, of Now York, will doubtless .cause the Republican organs to ..... organs grieva.for at least a month. They , have been insisting for quite a while that the President »*'d’tho Governor were not on poml terms with each ‘other. The visithxtdofiwth# MUU.M. IU X.WID.7R .wpiejca. tm Orjr.U HIUK. -ant.Inct.JloK Tullhm, mailooery and Board. Mont AIM ihart-Hand, Typo-Wrttlng ft Trlr(r.,hr, i-yatlaHh-a, No Vacation. KnKrNow. Ormaaataa (JuirrnlmpuH.... Wot olrculare, addrwa Ephraim w. Smith, ■ WUb.rU. Smith, rr.il4.ut, Loxlogtoa, Ky. ltmnemVcr you cun got ITubfin Post and the .Savannah Weekly News ouo year for only $2.135. filet lioillst VlliVmli Direct my. BotiriNQ Braikos 1st 8' Sunday aud Sat urday before at 11 o’clock n. m. Dunum, 2nd Sunday in cnch month nt 11 a. m. and 7-80 p. m. and Saturday bo fore util o’lock a. m. Also tho 4th Sun day night nt 7-80 p. in. Marvin 8rd Sunday and Suturday ho- foro at 11 o’clock a. m. Gktiisbmane 4tli Sunday and Saturday before at 11 o’clock a. m. Religious services will ho conducted reg- ulurlv by tho pustor according to tho above directory. All are invited to attend. G. O. THOMPSON, Pastor. —CALL OUST— I). A. Smith -FOR YOUR- 1 ce,l/o mons, Leinoiuule AND SODA WATER. THE RICHEST HUMOROUS BOOK ot’tlu* AGE Is all last mason atnld the whirl ot futhion at Saratoga, nnd lakes off its follies, flir tations. Uiw ucck dressing, png dogs, &c., in her inimitable, mirth orevoking stylo- Tho hook is pivftuk'ly illitxhnkd by Or. i-KK, the renovm-d artist of Puck. Will sell Mraansely. Price, $2.50. BkUHIY Aorxts Wanti:d. Address HUBRAHD BROS., Pahs., Philadelphia, Pa. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED With or without Fftlrmt ludaz. ttt fcN'IRm’fT'KriM’A.niid paint, von have a printed euflianb-o uu’ 1 evrry noUie of ShllohV Vitnlirer. ,lt fncvevnUs to cmt\ H. HUks & Co. f mppralve Nocoessiy. What i>nw air is to an unhealthy locali ty, what spring cleaning is to tho neat house-keeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla to ovary body, at tills season, The in sly owls to lv- thoroughly renovated, Ihe blood par illctl Hint vRaltod. tho germs of dist-ase itesi r>'\-e t ^ rofUl«. Bah Rhoum, and sit other blood dtsordora arc cured bv Hood's Sar-eipHrilla, the moat popular aud Success ful spring tm<Uclne. Your Attentlnn Is Invttod to tho fno*. that la fo^ i ohMiLi, It,-.' lau-st .ssiso of il^wurk, you ftt., } A Dictionary eontftlutnRSOiO more words snd nrarlv mor« (llusU«Uous tluto any ollu-r Ameriosn Dlotionury. A Gazetteer of the World •ootftlntna orvr -JS.lVX)Tittos, with t)>olrprODUDeS- •Uoa ftud • vftst ftmount of olhor iuforiuftitoD. (recoutty ftddedj and ’ A Biographical Dictionary ^nlp. virtue of an wlct from Ihe court of tar,- of 1 eircn* county. Will Ik* hefr.rv th® court htmv* doer in tit® giving re'nun. uuion of namos »nd hriof fs.'ta «>3nosMimii noftrty N»l«4 lVrftODs; *ls® . Tftflous l«ble* sivii.g TftluftUc mfuriuftUon. . All in One Book. Vridfttsr'. .>vl!i<> h(»'„ K, *11 -nsrv l» rooornmond- • :>ts of School* In 48 so nwlfiaa of tho tmtw co u\y next iviiiT. on me ; , itic nndl- UnuV«l >fA»r*fi l' venUM&t iVluUny (• fmcH niml U\* of u *mV! |«v«rv -V pWhfr*?! m *rt¥, Ko 14T i btmnm t f 1 i iViil\ I-Ill i! lull* n.s.ii. k 1.1 v « .>n II I INC! Adas i - .. tn.o l*up-li*re« l* Uta piell. u- Get Ilia 1 Ti'ert iind Best. COUNTRY MERCHANTS w „„ 0 ™ 7 T „U tiicy arc anxious to hold, can have no better medium than our . Fashionable Clothing. Having all our Suits madoupder Personal Supervision, and con- salting always tho prevailing Requirements as to Fabrics and Cut, we are able to offer superior indlK^monls to the trade in the way of Job Lots and extra drives, always tine Infest Metropolitan Fashions. Spe cial sizes in suits to .fit iat, thiti, ah o or tall men. OUR C.O.D. SYSTEM has our most careful attention; rules for self measurement sent free .on reqncst. ; ‘ Suits sent to responsible parties with privilege of examination before paying. Money refunded in every case where satisfaction is not given. OUR SPRING & SUMMER SUITS, HATS—Soft, Stiff and Straw, Underwear, Neckwear, Fur nishing's &c., Excel an^ similar Stock South. Prices always the lowest, consult us before Buying. - 161 CONGRESS STREET - SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. B. II. LEVY & BRO. Discovered At Last! II—(oOo)--fi C. €. C. €. CERTAIN CHICHEN OHOX,- EIEmA OTTE.B. EfcO' Eight years of careful experiment pud painstaking research have resulted in the discovery of an infallible specific for the cure and prevention of the most fatal and dreaded enemy of the feathered tribe—Cholera. After tho fullest and fairest tests possible, in which every claim for tho remcily was fully substantiated, the remedy WOS placed upon Hie murket, and everywhere a single trial has been all that Was re quired to prove it a complete success. Tho directions for its use are plain aud sim ple, and tlic cost of the remedy so small that the saving of a single fowl will repay tho cxbense. Its effect is almost magical. If the remedy is given ns directed, the course of the disease E stopped at once. Given occasiounlly as a preventive, thore need be no fear of ^Cholera, which annually kills more fowls than all other diseases combined. It is true to name, a Certain Cure for Chicken Cholera. No poultry raiser or farmcr-cau afford to ho without it. It will do ah that is-olaimcd for it. For 8ule By II lllClvS & CO., J. T. SMITH and W. F. LINDER, may 4 tf. DUBLIN, - GEORGIA. A WORD TO THE BUY p^-iai(o)§«§ GOODS E^OITQ Y0UI5. WlYW, AND BEMADE HAPPY. tt(o)tS Ya\-- • yr'ATZ'AlpM* Rut I WiH Prove tl », •-! ... • • 1 -1W7-.I. n III . uryi h.'J, .U l «l . .. > ! P'1, .in. II »nJ u .. lit 11. tv. \ ...» li By f+u 4r#r.Q sSisy roirs —§iiil(°)fill§—r-— At MY Grocery Doparlment is always being replenished with Fresh Stock: my Sluu* Department is all Solid Goods and not PAPNR BOT TOMS. I want your patronage by merits. My Dry Goods Deportment is wqil selected and no SHELF-WORN ; ./yu GOODS to oiler you. They are NEW and of the Latestf Styles nnd Colors. Honest goods i«ui Low prices my Motto. f 8§(o)§i TO LIVE HJyJ; LET LIVE IS MY CREED! j—i§(°)£l— t ./Ia 4 * 1 1 - Remember I expect yon to 4>e pleased when you;«3buy. I-have no Cot Prices or Joch.-yiiu to get your money. I am a stranger to yon but you will s um become acquainted with me and my pri«-<w. Mankind ait ays seek? their best interoat when their jn.i-kt'ts are involvta . My fueiiEs be wise and spend your 11.1 m y to amuge with me. I defy eompot"ion. MyM • lbiios will i .'iojmi 1 with 1 .»o lowtsl. My cost mark is Cash; my sellmt pi iw is Cheap. I Yours very truly, 1 SMI. ~X~. H. WTNN. T. C. HENDRIX. O. P. WILUNOHAN HENDRIX A WILLINGHAM, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN D00P, BLINDS, ITQOULDIP, 2& JY TT T E X. S Newels, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sliinglt AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. LIME, PIASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, LAJHS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And Builders’ Hardware. MACON, GA. DIXIE WORKS, Foot of Cherry Street, feblfl-Sm. A CAR LOAD 0FENR1HVS JUST ARRIVED! WILL SELL EXTIiA CHEAP TO CLOSE THEM OUT. GEC^iR. XOMBARD CO, Augusta, and Large stock Engines. Gin and Presses, Belting, Packing, Oil Findings, Injectors, Electors, Inspirators, for immediate delivery. Engine, Mill and Boiler Repairs Pomptly done. Cast Iron and Brass Every day working 100 hands. H. IilCKS&CO., v HEADQUARTERS FOR Drugs, Medicines and Books. ■CAflW v ; /r'-g^—^—ALso ! Paints (all colors), linseed oil, varnishes, window glass, putty, white lead, sash too whitewash brushes, pamt brushes, marking brushes, glue (white and browhj, Drop black, Lamp black, aualines, machinists oil, lamps, lamp fixtures, lanterns, kerosene - oil, matches, starch, marbles, cream tartar, trusses, syringes, eye goggles, nipple shields, supporters, shce brushes, blacking, .carbolic soap, castile soap, rubber nipples shoulder braces, sal soda, alum, salt pelre, sulphur, bi-carb soda, bluing, fixed oils sssential oils, mustard, ginger, cloves, nutmegs, blue stone, copperas, flavoring ftYf.rnPtfl tnnrirlr.v Iisiiitvt mini ononloli liwniirn k«..nnt i»^i. • -A *«-« -v axtracts, madder, .ndigo mud, Spanish brown, breast pumps,'fishing tackle razor hones. Hereford’s Bread Powders, Patupsco powders, potash, sulphur lOndensed milk. Liehur’s-'extnint. of limf j erap3, razor hones, .T*. v 7“ * U,,UU ‘ D « x «>-»p«>eu powuers, poiasn, suipnur oep, mace, condensed milk, Liebig’s extract of beef, imperial granum, plain and eincy candies, fruit jars, corks, oilcans, all sizes, from gill oilers up to 5-gallon jack its, the celebrated runnel-lipped measures, aud a full line of the mom popular Patent Medicines. HSIHjllHH - - ■ — Such as— Hostettcr’s Bitters, McLean’s Mlengthening Cordial, Brailfield’s Fema A.Vfir’u ( '.linvi'V Oiivn.muMtli.i .mrL \ V.IU..; ti i. . V A » ujj). • y „—.-- a —trimj Godfrey’s Pryor's Pile Ointment. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, null’s Hair Ke- .Flower llathairou Tncophers, riunmons’ Liver Regulator' -/ wer Ouiv, DeWee’e CiumusUive, Bale kidney Lure, Ague m Oil, Garliug Oil, Mincng Liniment, Volcauic — b . Wdriment, ParKer-’s Bunto Vv orm Lozenges, Liuenzme, Bpaldiu^’s Prred Glue, Tutt’s Pills, P- vVlight’s Pills, Liiyer’s Pills, Ayer's Puls, Gilder's Pills,ua Apple Pills, Jayne’s Pill's J’eifecleu Live. Pills Indian Root Pill Baley’s Chill A Fever Pironlls. Bitters, ' ; , :r ; : ; bi'E Curatine, Tyler's Syrup of Gum. Arabic, Peruvian Club eiia, Cuban Cuili Tonic, Holman's Liver Pads; Bvew- cr’s Lung Restorer, Marsha!; & , repared Cubeb CiliaioUL’S. xjhUIOlKiliLlilU.-h. Ai-AS. 1 Hhr*r»n^ . FAHCY Go j jJS. Rare and elegant Colognes, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts, Magnolia bom Hair Dye, Beauului T hlci soups, Pomade, Plain and Fancy Powders Ghnibartnl L'itrlnL’I 'iht/tfU l-li'iiulii.L. \ i-:i*ii.iliiin / ' 1,. > . .. * 1 styles) Tooth Brushes, Nujl brushes, Clolf.^ oi 1 u'. l . i u,u.ue.», counJ Brushes, LadiCb’ knives, MaieU uoXes, inuelihie ink, Pdcaei i-*Ouiv.^ t'dyws Cu.l Huir brusues, Hair Oil. Bath Bpouges, BhuA*^ Creui... du. is n o /r.v A \rnAs w/T/iivc n Y - Legal searing books pens, -ink entsers, i.M.n.1,.nu.uo l .uiv«u, ^ t . protectors, pou holders. Arndiu’s-W uting Fluid. A“ lull line of the school bookr »../>niit1tr n/lAntA/1 InV tlm UaKd/.I llnotul -F/vh flin U. t■»-. - 1* E.>*. j?£&■ furnish he orerr 1 feb 18-tf H. HICKS & CO., DULLik. Gh-vyilGlA. PT-TW MAGA25Urai IMi n rUJAAl Best In THe World Forlftrpeor inull game—3S calibre, 40 grains powderv38 cftl.Mgr.; 40 cat. 60 gr.; 4S cal. 70 and 80 gr. The strongest shooting rlllc made Perfect accuracy gneranteed and the only absolutely safe rifle on tne redBALLARD SsfA^^.4 •hooting, hunting, and shooting galleries. All calibres from 23 to 4t. Made In fourteen different styles, prices from *18.00 up. Send for Illustrated cat*k>ftM. MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., - New Haven, Conn. Two targets made with one of our 9 calibre rifles, twenty oonasenttra shots it sixty feet, after flftyehots bad already been fired and no cleaning daring tho — 1 j *- -—*y -r r"rr iMiiuiiimiTnliM Iwaye aeenrale and reltabla entire sere: becanne (bay are always ... ^ 2 <*> STARKEY AND FALEN have the liberty .-ctsr (in proof o ttiiidiog st Phyticians) lo the follat-mg-rumed well k.own pereom who have tried their Trestment: Hon. William D. Kelley, Member of Connre,, Phib.: Rev. Victor L. Conrad, Klitor Lutheran Observer, Phib.; Rev. Chas. W. Cushing, ^ l/ockport, N. Y, j Hon. William Penn Nixou, Ed it r Inter-Ocean, Cni-a*.*. HI. j Judge H. P. Vroentan, mm immm FOR CON8l , ''PT!r>N, ASTItVTA. DYSPE.S1A. CA TARRH, HAY FEVER, HEADACHE. DE it LIVY, RHEUMATISM. NEUPAL-OIA, a.I LJki.xk^ am! Ntrveut iiiijt atrt. FREi ’CO.VrOUNO OXYGEN " >>tnf ineo ihc the Hrai:*^ Ni yi*m» Aild iSc **hc '. juui iiLtOe more uc.Uyc* '1 hu* iv vuantain Head of *H a«»vi*r* both rucutahi«n«i phyasiMi, u more ! to a state of *nte*riiy, and the Dervous •y«lcsn f _ ^ ihe orgaoft, *ud the QihtnemOjKin., It thoowniUo^othsps in «vcry part of tiw woftti. all act COMPOUND OXYC5N—ITS MODE Ol ACTION^\ \w AND BESULT*" 11 the mle of a liooh of two hundred pages, y Ol I \ pubsikhed by Dm. Starkey anti Pa Ion, vbick gnrea to a., inquirer* v n ^e N® -81 ** ftill iofotTnatioa a* to tlii* iwmVablt curative Agent and a record of rurpmin* _ <uf«* ia n wide range of chronic cam*—many etahein after being abaikioued U die by ertker i. U will be mailed ftec to any addro* on application. 0r»: STARKEY & PALEN,1527-1529 Arch Si, Phifat, Pa