Frequently Asked Questions

I am having trouble searching. Where can I get help?

We have searching and browsing assistance available.

How can I get technical assistance?

You can submit a help form through GALILEO by clicking this Contact Us link.

How can I save/print newspaper pages for personal use?

To save a portion of a newspaper page, zoom in and adjust to the portion newspaper page that you would like to save. Click the "Clip Visible Area" button in the upper right corner above the image to open a new page with your zoomed-in selection for saving and printing. The clipped image will have a persistent url at the bottom that you can use to access the article in the future. You can also print that article for personal use by clicking the "Print This Page" button above the image. The printed article will include information on the title, date, persistent link and funding. For more information, see the Clipping/Printing Help page.

Can I still access the older newspaper archive websites?

The older newspaper archive websites will continue to be available until the titles are added to the Georgia Historic Newspapers site. At that point the urls will redirect to this new site. To view the currently available newspaper archive websites, please visit the Digital Library of Georgia’s list of newspaper archives.

How do I cite newspaper pages accessed on this website?

Please use the following form for citation:

"[article title]", [newspaper title], [issue date], p.[page number], [url]. Presented online by the Digital Library of Georgia.

For example: "Melon Growers to Elect Marketing Committee, Houston Home Journal, March 9, 1939, p. 1, Presented online by the Digital Library of Georgia.

Do I need to download anything to view the newspaper pages?

No, the Georgia Historic Newspapers website is presented on the Web using images that can be viewed in any Javascript enabled web browser. No plug-ins are required to view newspaper page images.

Why are some newspaper titles/dates not included?

The Digital Library of Georgia selects newspaper titles for inclusion based on historical significance, user demand, availability, copyright restrictions, geographical representation, and available funding. If you are interested in suggesting a title for inclusion, you can visit our participation page.

How do I save a set of search results for future use?

The URL for a set of search results is persistent and if you save it, the URL will direct you to those search results again in the future.

How do I bookmark a page for future use?

You can use the bookmark button on your browser to save a page for future access.

How can I keep up to date on newspapers added to the archive?

You receive notifications about Digital Library of Georgiaís latest releases by following us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also visit our blog for release announcements.

When I click the text button above the image, why does the resulting text on the screen have mistakes?

Full text searching is made possible through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This is an automated process that converts words in an image into machine-readable text. The technology isnít 100 percent accurate and may contain mistakes due to a number of factors, including deterioration of the original newspaper page. Hand-correcting the text for hundreds of thousands of newspaper pages would be cost prohibitive, so the OCR text is left uncorrected. This will hopefully have minimal effect on your searches, as keywords are often repeated in an article and may only be misspelled once.

What constitutes a paper of record?

The Digital Library of Georgia classifies a newspaper as a "paper of record" based on guidelines established by the Library of Congress. These papers "contain published legal notices, news of state and regional governmental affairs, and announcements of community news and events, including births, deaths, and marriages." Historical papers often identified themselves as a "paper of record," "official newspaper," or "legal organ" in the masthead or publisher's block. The Digital Library of Georgia also references a list of current legal public notice publications when deciding what newspapers to classify as a "paper of record."