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AUG. 4-10,2016
Back to school celebrated in Redan
Boys & G/r/s Club and local businesses
partner for school supplies drive
by R. Scott Belzer
F or most of the day on July
26, Redan Recreation Center
was a scene of celebration.
The center, located at
1869 Phillips Road in Lithonia,
hosted a Back to School 2016
event featuring a school supplies
giveaway, food and drinks, games,
dancing, guest speakers and
performances from local artists.
More than 200 backpacks filled
with school supplies were given to
students in need courtesy of Colour
U Cosmetics, Walmart and Ladies
With Vision.
Brandon Riley, executive
director of East DeKalb Boys &
Girls Club, said the event was a
culmination of the center’s summer
camp. He also said it was an
overall celebration of the end of the
summer season for 165 students
heading back to school.
“I’m from the neighborhood—I
actually grew up a block away—and
it meant the world to me to bring
something back to the community,”
Riley said. “This is a great sendoff
for all of our parents. It’s not a lot,
but this is a start. We’re preparing
our kids for the next level.”
Karen Stallings, CEO of Colour
U Cosmetics at Stonecrest Mall and
other locations, said she wanted
to work with Boys & Girls Club
because her now 31-year-old son is
a proud product of the organization.
“I was a single mom and he was
at the Boys & Girls Club. They kept
him in a safe environment. He was
able to enjoy different activities and
learn social skills,” Stallings said.
“When I come to Georgia I see a lot
of children who need things. I’m just
glad Colour U could be a part of this
and give back.”
Stallings’ workers have been
fundraising every day since May
to ensure the backpacks were
purchased and filled. She said the
Boys & Girls Clubs has worked
A backpack giveaway took place at Redan Recreation Center benefitting the East DeKalb Boys & Girls Club, coinciding with a
back-to-school celebration.
wonders in her own life and she
was happy to return the favor.
“You don’t need to wait until
Boys & Girls Club has a giveaway
event to contribute,” Stallings
said. “You can make a donation
any time and they are more than
Riley said the giveaway
coincided with the summer camp’s
theme of “My Life Matters,” where
attending children were encouraged
that their life is important to
the future. A choir and dance
performance from Encore and
Unison, respectively, carried the
same theme.
“Right now, we’re in a tough
situation with a lot of African-
See Redan on Page 5A
Boys & Girls Club at Redan Recreation Center celebrated the end of summer camp
with a back-to-school celebration featuring performances and games.