The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 20, 1909, Page 24, Image 24

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24 Jesus. Her life was beautiful and her death triumphant. Rhu m (*C ' n?PQr W R Kvmna foil O plnnn at his home in Pittsburg, Texas, December 27, 1908, at the age of thirty-eight years. He was a consistent member and a faithful officer in the Presbyterian church. The church, a widow, a number of relatives, and a host of devoted friends mourn his departure. Aiken: In Starkville, Miss., December 17, 1908, Mrs. Wm. B. Aiken, Jr., from Gulfport, while on a visit to Mr. Wm. B. Aiken, Sr. Russo: In New Orleans, Da., December 25, 1908, in her fifty-fourth year, Mrs. Lucy Disimone Russo, beloved wife of Rev. C. Russo, pastor of the First Italian cnurcn. sne was a native of Italy and came to this country in 1864. She leaves a large family, consisting of her husband and twelve children. She was a devoted assitant to her husband in his arduous work. Her funeral was conducted at the home and in the Memorial church by a number of the pastors, on Sunday afternoon after her death, and was attended by a great concourse of people. Flowers: At the home of her son-inlaw, in Jackson, Miss., December 16, 1908, Mrs. Jane Flowers. She was eighty-two years of age, a devout Christian, and had been nearly forty years a member of Hazlehurst church. "How blest the righteous!" S. C. C. Teese: In the Sanitarium, Lynchburg, Va., on December 28, 1908, Mrs. Margaret K. Teese, widow of the Rev. Davis Teese, for many years pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Amherst county, Va., ?na aaugnter or tne Kev. J. L. Pascoe, a Methodist minister of Alexandria, Va. Sixty-five years of age. Adams: In Cleburne, Texas, December 25, 1908, Judge Frank E. Adams. Born at Paulding, Jasper county, Miss., in November 25, 1847. Educated at Cooper Institute and University at Oxford. Early became a Christian and for thirty years was a member, eleven years was a deacon, and fifteen years an elder in the Presbyterian church at Cleburne, Texas. He was a great, able, loving child of God. *iie loss to church, community and family is great. Mrs. Adams and family have the sympathy of the church and community. . Emily Emersen. At TJtusville, Pa., December 15, 1908, Emily, infant daughter of Hon. John L. Emersen and Lilian Ellis Emersen. "Forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." LORENZO D. LORENZ. .'Resolutions of the Session of the Central Presbyterian Church. Whereas, God in His all wise Provi dence has taken to himself Mr. I^orenzo D. Lorenz, an elder for many years in the Central Presbyterian church of Washington, D. C., and Whereas, In his death the session and church have suffered a great loss, Now, Therefore, be it resolved, First, That we record our high esteem and affection for him as a man, as a citizen, as an elder, and as a Christian. Second, That we bear testimony to y THE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO his sterling Christian character, his constant courtesy, his generous friendship, and his simple faith. Third, That we witness to his fidelity in the office of elder, and to his faithful service as a member of the church. Fourth, That we thank God for the testimony of this noble life. Fifth, That we extend to the family the deep sympathy of the session and the congregation. Sixih, That these resolutions be spread upon the Minutes of the session, a conv be sent to his family, and a copy furnished to the Presbyterian of the South. For the session: James H. Taylor, Moderator. Selden M. Ely, Clk. of Sess. ROY BROWN ESTES. At Watkinsville, S. C. Died November 30, 1908, Roy Brown Estes, youngest child of T. J. and Sallie* B. Estes, aged fourteen months and nineteen days. "He gathers the lambs in His arms." Mother. DR. J. A. JAMES. Dr. J. A. James was reared in Williamsburg Countv from tinvhnnrt liavlnir been born at Statesburg, S. C., in 1829, and left an orphan while young. He connected himself with the Presbyterian church at an eany age. and was for many years a ruling elder in Indiautown church, which is one of . the oldest churches in eastern South Carolina. In 1884 he removed to Cheraw, S. C., and connected himself with the church tnere, and was elected and installed an elder in May, 1886, and for the rest of his life was one of the strong spiritual forces in the church. His devoted and skiiful service rendered to the sick of the community gave him an entrance into the hearts and homes of the community to a degree enjoyed by few. and his endiv walk and faithful preaching of the Word by both precept and example was the" means of giving him a striking influence in the community during the active years of his life here for the physical and spiritual good of the community. With faith strong and hope undimmed, after exceeding his "three score and ten,' he crossed quietly over the River, Novemuer 23, 1908, to join his beloved wife who nad preceeded him. His earnest and pious example, his child-like faith, and sunny character are missed by all his associates. Be it resolved, therefore, by the Session of Cberaw Presbyterian church: 1. That in the death of Dr. J. A. James, this church and this community and the church at large, have suffered a loss, which is keenly felt and which will not easily be repaired. 2. That his example of loving service to his fellow man and his God are commended to those who remain, as worthy of emulation. 3. That the sympathy of this Session is extended to the oereaved family. 4. That a page in the Minute book be inscribed to his memory. 5. That his memorial be published in the Presbyterian of the South and Cheraw Chronicle. By order of Session. - W. F. Stevenson, Clerk. UTH. January 20, 1909. A. B. 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