The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 20, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 FOR SALE, One, Addressograph Machine, complete, and in first-class condition. Manufactured by the Addressograph Company of Chicago, 111. Address or call on CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN, 920 E. Main St. Richmond, Va. I UNIVFRSITV i cisc I .... . ...VI I WUhkLUL OF MEDICINE,rv?rg"nI;?' MEDICINE ? DENTISTRY?PHARMACY STUART MoCUIRE, M.D., Rrea Haul First-class in Standard and Facilities. Individual Instruction. Serenly Teachers. Number of Students Limited to Fifty In each Class. Three free catalogues?Specify Department. E. A CATLIN Real Estate in all its branches. LOANS A SPECIALTY. Your Patronage is Solicited. 6 N. Eleventh St. Richmond, Va. Charles K. Bryant ARCHITECT, Rooms 6-7-8-9 and 10, Third Floor, 1014 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. E. C. Cheatwood. D. P. Edwards. Che&.twood Cs Edwards, Lumber Dealers, GASH, BLINDS, DOORS, LATHS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, HARDWARE AND INTERIOR TRIM. 1211 EAST BROAD STREET. Phone 1963 KltMMOIMD, VA. T H P a ? ?w wnutnDcnn I A Luscious Berry Ripening in Three Months from Seed .other Bur bank's firpnteit Creation. pKUir blue-black like an enormous rich blueberry * In looks and taste. Unsurpassed for eating raw, cooked, canned or preserved In any form. The greatest garden fruit ever Introduced and equally valuable In bot. dry, cold or wet climates, Easiest plant in the world to grow succeeding anywhere and yielding great masses of rich fruit all summer and fall - and all winter In pots ? (As a pot plant It Is both ornamental and useful.! The greatest boon to the family garden ever kn- wn. Everybody can and ar II grow It. We are the sole Introducers In all parts of the world and offer thousands of dollars In cash prizes for which see Catalogue. Heed aoe. per packet. S packets for SOe., Alsoour Brent Catalogue of Seeds, Bulbs, Plants vd Sew Fruits for 19u9, free. . OH* LEWIS CHILD8, Floral Park, N. Y. r THE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SO I I Books and Periodicals THE NEW TEACHER TRAINING COURSE. By Rev. C. O'N. Martindale. The Westminster Standard Teacher Training Course, First Year of Standard First Course, (Presb'n Com. of Publ'n, ! 25 cts.)?This is the First Year's hnnU I revised, under the editorship of Rev. A. ! L. Phillips, D. D., and it is such a thorough revision as to utterly eclipse the ' first one issued several years ago for its remarkable clearness, simplified thought, analytical keenness, well-balanced exI pression; and is up to the latest stani dards of International Sunday School ' Teacher Training requirement. Pedagogically it will rank high. There are forty-one lessons, including five reviews, and at the close of each | icosuii arc iiiuruugn, apt, ana thought? eliciting questions. It is a "book tor an average as well as a superior teacher, striking a happy medium in its collocaI tion of material and adaptation to the student. The first term deals with THE BIBDE , (its Name, Origin, Authority), Bible Geography, and Old Testament History (five periods); while the second term takes up New Testament History (four lessons), Bible Worship and Customs, Chief Bible Doctrines. This part of the book is written so smoothly and interestingly, it reads like a real story, as it is indeed. Thp lhir/1 ?***-?> ? . vu*tu i?iui vuiioiucis uareiuuy THE PUPIL?Why Studied, and the several periods of Infancy, Childhood, Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence. Some fine expert work has been executed here; we could wish the little details of explication were less numerous and more crystallized, however. The fourth term examines THE TEACHER AND TEACHING?the Person Teaching, Preparation of the Lesson, the Laws and Methods of Teaching, Illustrations, and Questions. Here is much that is forceful and elucidative; but there is also a wordiness of detail that is capable of finer reduction and less of the fanciful. The fifth term treats of THE SUNDAY SCHOOL as an Institution of the Church?its Control, Organization, Equipment, and Instruction, Worship and Discipline, Special Departments and Methods of Work, the Organized Adult Class, Spiritual Life, the Sunday School Movement. Here again is improved work, but too multiplied and unnecessary details. What is done is well done; but this section is notably lacking in historical data, even of the pivotal kind, save of very recent years. The book is well bound in heavv na- I per, leaded print, the main points of each paragraph being summed up in a word or words along the margin. We wish there had not been such arbitrary emphasis by type here and there through- , out, as it spoils the artistic effect and lessens the appreciation of the emphasis where really necessary. It would seem but fair, too, that the various authors' names be attached to their respective productions as well as~ the editor's own. Whatever has been said, in the way of UTH. January 20, 1909. cirticism, however, does not militate x against its intrinsic worth as a fitting and necessary course for every Sunday School officer and teacher in fact or in prospect. It belongs in the forefront of the many courses of various denominations for the betterment of the work of the Sunday School teacher and trainer of teachers. We commend it to the attention of every progressive minister, superintendent, teacher, and parent. If more consideration were given such in our churches, there would be less complaint of infifficipnr?V wnrlr o rwl ? 1 ? (twin uliu a lawiv of workers in our Sunday Bible Schools. Brownsville, Tennessee. I see not a step before me As I tread on another year, But the past is still in God's keeping, The future His mercy shall clear, And what looks dark in the distance May brighten as I draw near. ?Mary G. Brainard. The Safest 6 Quickest Way TO Transfer Money IS BY Long Distance Telephone For Rates Apply to Local Manager. r< HlftAflonil c. * vuuuubiiauu icicpuuuo u teiegrapn Company (Incorporated) NEW ORLEANS, LA. If you want to secure a $60 Life Scholarship, by copying a chapter in the Bible, write to HARRIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Jackson, Miss. Buy Your Groceries and Table Delicacies from FEAHNEY'S RAMPART 6 POYDRAS The Largest Retail Grocery in the South NEW ORLEANS, LA. Commonwealth Bank 12 North Ninth Street, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $200,000.00 4 Per Cent ON SAVINGS.