The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 20, 1909, Page 34, Image 34

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34 THI THIRTY-NINTII ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Mechanics' & Traders' Ins. Co. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Dec. 31, 190S. Received for fire premiums.$9S7,092 30 River und marine premiums 8,920 59 $ 996,018 89 Deduct for return premiums, fire <161,677 06 Reinsurances Are 228,703 04 River and marine 5.720 09 396,100 79 3 599,91S 10 Add unearned premiums. Dee. 31, 1907 350,609 S3 $ 950,587 93 Deduct unearned premiums Dee. 31, 1908 402,523 82 $ 548,064 11 Add balance interest and dividends and profit and loss 22,523 91 3 570,588 02 Deduct for losses paid? Fire 32S3.864 49 Itiver 1,396 18 285,260 67 Unpaid losses 42.3S5 22 Commissions ..... 111,441 13 Taxes, licenses and fees 23,051 94 Aironcy, office and other Expenses 76,295 09 538,434 05 Net proOt $ 32,153 97 ASSETS. Louisiana State Ronds 3232,435 00 New Orleans premium bonds 9,360 00 New Orleans city 4 per cent bonds 53.S20 00 New Orleans new consolidated 7 per cent bonds 7,500 00 New Orleans public Improvement bonds 220.500 00 noara commissioners Port Now Orlenns bonds 60,000 00 Lafonrebe I-a. Levoe District bonds ... 27,375 00 Atcliafnlaya Bnsin Levee District bonds 92,225 00 Rod Rtvor. Atchnfnlnyn and Bnyon Boouf Levee District bonds 46,440 00 Flftb La. Levee District bonds 32.100 00 Railroad bonds 51.950 00 Rnnk and other stocks 105,636 00 Real estate 23,50# 00 Bills receivable 700 00 Premiums in course of collection 65.427 75 Cash In banks 13.592 95 >1,042,561 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock >300,000 00 Reserved for unearned premiums 402,523 82 TTnpnld losses 42,385 22 State, county nnd municipal taxes 10,000 00 "r" .............. ioi.oo- on $1,042,561 70 SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS $587,652.66. The above Is n true nnd correet transcript from the books of the company. T. L. MACON. Vice-President. It. L. EMERY, Secretary. Sworn to nnd subscribed before me, this 12th day of January. 1009. J. MAXINE QUEYROTJZE. Notary Public. Office, Company's Building, No. 144 Carondelet Street. EMERY & NORTON, General Agents. "Captain, wait just a minute," said a passenger on the Pacific Mail Diner China, to Captain Dan Frlele. "I've crossed the Atlantic a dozen times in weather often worse than this, but I was never seasick before. Can you account for it?" "Yes. sir," replied the captain. "What do you think it is. CaDtain?" "Bad memory, sir!" First Magazine Editor: "I believe my youngster is cut out for an editor." Second Editor: ' Why so?" "Everything he gets his hands on he runs and throws into the waste-basket."?IJppincott's. S PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI Prayer Meeting THE AUTHORITY OF CHRIST. Our theme for this evening is the second Psalm,?the latter part of it,?in which we read "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion." "Ask of me, and 1 will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for a possession." That all authority belongs to Christ is too plain to be discussed. But a very interesting ieaiure comes to the front when we consider the basis or ground of that authority. 1. His own position as God. As God he has full authority over all created beings. 2. As Creator of men. In the economy of the world, God the Father chose to appoint the Son of God as Creator of heaven and earth. To his right as God is added that power and authority which conies from his position as our Creator. This is no light matter. 3. As Redeemer. All me men on earth have sold themselves to Satan. Christ the Redeemer has come and bought them back. The price was infinite. The cost was that of the life of the Son of God. x?ierefore, by purchase we are Christ's and under his authority. And gratitude compels us to obedience far beyond any claims of right. 4. In the second chanter of Philinninna we read that the occasion or reason causing the Father to give to Christ "a name" that is authority "which is above every name" is that "he humbled himself and became obedient even unto death." The Father was "well pleased" because he so loved poor miserable sinners as to give more than life, to give reputation, for them. And in this second chapter of Philippians, we read that "therefore" God also hath highly exalted him. 5. As Giver of all heavenly blessings. All the rewards of the last great day are in his hands. When Christ shall sit upon the throne of his glory, then shall he, tjnnsi, Destow tne awards of life. This is new authority. In the last chapter of Timothy, Paul tells us that "the Lord, the righteous judgo" shall give the crowns. And in ihis he refers to Christ He who has the right of bestowing the rewards must surely be recognized as possessed of the highest authority. 6. The claims of love. When we recognize that a man has loved us, and with an infinite love, our hearts cannot fail to respond with love to him. And there can be no higher basis of authority than love. "His people shall be willing," that is, shall be freewill offerings "in the day of his power." PERSONALS. Rev. Rudolph Miller's address is changed from Searcv. Ark. to MnrcnnfloM Rev. F. D. Viehe's address Is changea from Washington, N. C., to Benaetts- . vllle.S. C. Rev. Dr. Elwang, paster cf the church at Columbia, Mo., is spending a short vacation in Florida. Rev. Dr. S. P. Fulton, who is still at Oakland, Cal., is reported to be rapidly i. January 20, 1909. recovering his strength. He will probably remain in the West for several weeks in order to get the benefit of theclimate of California.?The Missionary. Rev. Margarito Rodriguez, a licentiate of the Texas-Mexican Presbytery, died in San Antonio on December 1. He was a most useful man, much blessed in Christian work, and will be sorely missed in many circles. Rev. John D. Keith's street address is. changed from 133 West Fair St., Atlanta,. Ga., to 141 Nelson street. Miss Janet H. Houston, who has been doing such efficient service as a member of our Cuba Mission, has been again compelled to return home on account of ill health. She is now at Lexington, Va., visiting in the home of her brother. Judge William Houston, of that city.? The Missionary. Rev. J. Edmunds Brown, pastor of the First church, Johnson City, Tenn., hasbeen called by the Central church, Kansas City, Mo., to become the assistant pastor of that church. Taste Is Sure Stomach Guide A Barometer Which Never Fails, Though 5eiaom Believed. "Taste is the direct guide to the stomach; and the taste buds are connected by the nerves with the stomach itself, so that they represent its health or disorder. If the stomach or its juices are out of tone, the blood is fermented by a change in the alkaline or acid condition, and these reach the moufh both directly and indirectly. "The taste buds are in the tongue, and are mounted by hairlike projections called papillae; they cover the surface of the tongue." "When you taste these buds rise up ana aosom tne liquid; inform the nerves; the nerves tell the stomach, and the food is acceptable or not, just as the stomach feels." The above remarks on taste comes from an eminent authority and simply explains why when one smells cooking or sees food one thinks he can eat, but when he tastes he learns the stomach is out of business. To the person who can not taste aright, who relishes no food and simply forces himself to eat, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets hold the secret of enjoyable eating, perfect digestion and renewed general health. Most men wait until tholr - .. M.v MMVS1 (uvii OlUlliaV/UO are completely sickened before they think seriously of assisting nature. When your taste for food is lost it is a certain sign the stomach needs attention. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure such stomachs. They restore sweetness of breath, renew gastric juices, enrich the blood and give the stomach the strength and rest necessary to general duty. Forty thousand physicians use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and every druggist carries them in stock; price 60c per box. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package free by mail. Address, F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich.