The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 27, 1909, Page 29, Image 29

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jcnuury 17, 1909. TH er for good to them that love God to them who are the called, according to His purpse"; therefore, we feel assured that these bereaved ones In their affliction etui hiok. up ana say, "His will be done, He doetli all things well." "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord .... that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Mrs. F. W. Culp, Mrs. Ellen L. Compton, Mrs. L. L. Sheiry, Mrs. James Trimble. MRS. N. K. GUTHRIE. At a called meeting of The Laides' Aid and the Woman's Missionary Societies of Village churca. Charlotte Court House, January 6, 1909, the following resolutions were adopted: In His providence, our Father has taken oui friend and co-worker, Mrs. N. K. Guthrie, to dwell with Him in his own "house rot made with hands " It is with bowed heads and saddened hearts that we submit to His will. We shall miss her prayers, her interest and her wise counsel, in our societies. We deeply deplore the loss of one so full of zeal, earnestness and helpfulness, in whose heart the cause of Missions ever held a foremost place, to whose soul a vision of a lost world was the incentive for noblest effort, and it will be lone- hofnro v.**, place is filled. But he who raised her up through grace to such a life of usefulness in his service is able, and will give us another helper in the work she laid down; therefore, be it, Resolved, That these two societies desire to place on record this mefhorial of Mrs. Guthrie; that we tender our sincere and loving sympathy to her bereaved children; that we point them to Him "who dceth all things well," even in His afflictive Providence, and that we commend them to His tender love and care. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the "Presbyterian of the South," and to the "Charlotte Gazette," with request that they publish them. Committee "Wnmon' i? vuiou o ifi 103luiiAI y J50C1C* ty": Mrs. C. M. Hutcheson, Chairman, Mrs. F. B. Watkins, Miss Lily P. Daniel. Committee "Ladles' Aid Society." Mrs. J .D. Shepperson, Chairman. Mrs. M. R. Puryear, Miss Bessie Daniel. "NEW YORK EXPRESS" ON ROOSE VELT. Really, when you come to think of a man's buying a costly outfit and Journeying five thousand miles in order to kill things which he doesn't need and Just for the joy he finds in tearing them to Pieces with bullets, it makes one wonder if. after all, man has got very far away from the savage from which he sprang. Last woek the German Emperor killed thirty deer because he loved the sport ?f k'li'ng tnem. and President Roosevelt is poing to Africa because it gives him i?y to match his man's intellect against 'hat of an animal, overcome him and put hl to an agonizing death. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. Grant 1 J\ lll/A MAKES BEA if CHRISTMAS n acceptabli EVERY PUR! PpT? THE GRANT I d/ 427-29-31 Cai Excursion Mobile, Pensacola and VIA.? Central of Georgi; Account Mardi Gras celebrations Feb. sold to Mobile, Pensacola, and New Orleans leave these points returning up to and inclu March 1, 1909, except that an extension to M of ticket and payment of extension fee of S1 for Turther information in regard to tc est ticket agent. IF IT IS USED IN AN OFFI Scbumert & XLXIl Printers ? Stationers BLANK BOOK MAKERS AND GENI Phone Main 4! 414 to 418 Camp Street. New and second Typewriters for cash ant Liverpool and Lon Insurance C< Agencies Throughout the World. IN SURA LIABILITY Phone 164 8TEAM BOILER GODCHAUX A Mil ACCIDENT *" 626-630 COMMON JAMES H. AITK HEATING, GAS AND ELEC Box 2 Contractors' 6 Dealers' Exc Tel. Main 3880. Wm. T. Hardle, Pres. Arthur A. Castanedo, Vic WILLI AMS-RICH AI Importers and Jot 209-211-213 and 2iS Magazine, 512 Cor New York Office, 5 Leonard St. P. O. Dra Stop Smoking! StopC You ought and can quit by using ROSE twenty years. Price, $1.00 per box. ROS DRUG CO. ? 29 rurniture I UTIFUL AND ARTISTIC GIFTS?NOTHING MORE E?P RICES TO SUIT 5E. FURNITURE COMPANY I mp St., New Orleans, La. Rates *.t rv new urieans, La. & Railway Co. 18-23, 1909. Excursion tickets will be on Feb. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, good to iding, but not later than midnight of arch 13th may be obtained by deposit .00. ital rates, service, etc., apply to nearOCT til r- ? wb y? c. n?vc II. ? arfielb, %tb. ? Lithographers ERAL OFFICE OUTFITTERS. 551. NEW ORLEANS, LA. I on monthly installment. rlnn on A n\~u~ uv/ii uiiu VJ1V/UC >mpany NCE 55 PLATE GLA88 DTON, Ltd. SURETY BOND8 STREET BURGLARY r\%T PI ITBRINA CtUJlBiAC _ ama " w?# ?wuiuf utniMVt JL*Flf DRAINING ? ? ? fr TRIC FIXTURE8. hang", New Orleans. La. 515 Carondelet St., near Poydraa. e-Pres. M. M. Hardie, Sec'y & Treas. tDSON CO., Ltd. bers of nmon and 515 Qravler Sts. wer 581. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ! hewin g Tobacco! TOBACCO CURE. On market for ,, Birmingham, Ala.