The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, January 27, 1909, Page 31, Image 31

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January 27, 1909. THI Miss Fannie Eecles, L. Mis Soc. Lumberton, N. C 1.0(1 Miss Laura H. Norment, L. Mis. Soc., Lumberton. N. C 1.00 Miss Emma H. Norment, L. Mis. Soc., Lumberton. N. C 1.00 L. Aid Soc., Euharlee Pres. Ch. Cherokee Presby., Ga 5.00 West I^exington Presbyterial, Union. Ky. (Addi.) 155.29 L. Aid Soc., Stuart's Draft, Va. (Addi.) 1.50 W. Mis. Union, Atlanta Presby. Ga. (Addi.) 18.00 Total $12,195.11 MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 311 N. 25th Street, Richmond. PHONE 692. Work Guaranteed to I ^**!-*actory. TRY U?' RICHMOND, VA. Statesville Female College Able faculty; thorough courses; large attendance; modern equipment; a delightful Home School. Board and tuition and all Fees for the nine months, $152.00. Send for catalogue. REV. J. A. SCOTT, D.D., Statesville, N. C. HOME INSTITUTE 1440 TO 1446 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. YOUNG LADIES' DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL. Twenty-sixth term. Latest methods in all departments. Term commences OCTOBER 1, 1908. Complete course. Experienced teachers. Special Classes in Normal and Business Courses. For catalogue, address MISS S. B. WRIGHT, xrincipai. The law School SnTv""!?* NASHVILLE, TENN. ihree years' course leading to the degree of LL.B. For catalogue or special information, address ALLEN G. HALL, LL.D., Chairman of the Faculty. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR _ ocAaun'S SHOPPING. Whether you want STREET SUIT, EVENING or RECEPTION GOWNS, or WEDDING TROUSSEAUX, get my samples and estimates before you decide with whom you will place your order. With my knowledge of correct styles, combined I with taBte and good Judgment, and the | personal interest I take in every order, I H am sure I can please you. I guarantee l perfect fit and satisfaction. MRS. CHARLES ELLISON, Louisville, Ky. J *? ? PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUTI STORY CORNER. A street boy of diminutive stature was trying to sell some very young kittens to passers-by. One day he accosted the late Rev. Phillips Brooks, asking him to purchase, and recommending mem as good episcopal kittens. Dr. Brooks laughingly refused, thinking them too small to be taken from their mother. A few days later a Presbyterian minister who had witnessed this episode was asked by the same boy to buy the same kittens. This time the lad announced that thev were faithful Presbyterians. "Didn't you tell Dr. Brooks last week that they were Episcopal kittens?" the minister asked sternly. "Yessir," replied tne boy quickly, "but they's had their eyes opened since then, sir."?Everybody s. It is told of the youth of a young German prince, many years ago, and presumably the present emper of German}', that upon one occasion, his tutor having been changed, the new-comer in examining the young prince asked, "Can your highness tell me how much is nine times twelve?" "Seventy-two,* replied the prince, with royal promptness. The tutor paled, but soon * recovered his equanimity. "Permit me to state to your highness that your highness former tutor, which I have had the honor to succeed as an instructor to your royal highness, an pears to have been a person of rather limited capabilities," he said.?Harper s Weekly. An Irishman on board a man-of-war was ordered to haul in a tow line. After pulling in forty or fifty fathoms, he muttered to himself: "Surely it's as long as today and tomorrow. It's a good week's work for any five in the ship. Bad luck to the leg or the arm it'll leave at last. What, more of it yet? Och murder! The say's mighty deep, to be sure!' After continuing in a similar strain, he suddenly stopped short, and, addressing the officer, exclaimed, "Bad manners to me, sir, if I don't think somebody's cut uu me uiuci eua 01 11: lis missing. DEWBERRY SCHOOL AGENCY. This Agency was established in 1892 and for many years has served teachers and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers, or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. Clayton, Manager. Birmingham, Ala. BV OH MAM, with the POLDMQ SAWIMO MACHIMC. It Hjonliw. Frlds Uka a pockat knilc. Saws any Uod oi timber on any kind of ground. One man can saw mars timber with i t tban t meals any other way, and dolt aaalsr. Send fur ntck Illustrated catalog, showing latest impkovcmcmts FM.DINO SAWIMO MACHIN1 CO.. V llMtaam ^* - - Aklmmmm UIIMI^ W*1 V4 M IMR1NS ?wowlt University Virginia Summer School For High t chool Teachers, Principals. College Teachers, aud those preparing for Entrance Requirements. large faculty. Credits given. Mountain climate. Session Jane 18th?Ju'y 8'it. Write for announcement to Director Summer jchool. E. A. ALDERMAN, President. Un veriity, V?ginis. i. * 31 Secular News j Russia?Another Attempt on theCzar's Life: It is reported at St. Petersburg, that twenty arrests have been made, including several persons in the emperor's palace at Tsarskoe-Selo, for alleged connection with the bomb exnlnainn in thp Cnfo Ppntrnl in St Potpra burg recently. The bomb was left oa a table by a man in the uniform of a student and a waiter was killed and the cafe badly damaged by the explosion. It is said that the bomb outrage and the arrests were the outcome of a vast terroriest plot against the imperial family. India?Riots Over Religion: The prohibition by the police, in deference toHindu feelings, of Mohammedan sacrifices of cows led to serious riots at TStteghum, just outside of Calcutta. Troopswere summoned from Barrack Pur to quell the trouble, and were compelled to fire upon the rioters, several of whom* were killed and sixty seriously injured. Two hundred arrests were made. China?The Grand Chancellor Dismiss ed: Following the dismissal from office of Yuan Shi Kai, grand chancellor and commander in chief of the forces, ana the appointment of Na Tung as grand chancellor, an edict was issued appointing Liang-Tung-Yen customs toatai, to the position thus made vacant on the foreign board. The British and American ministers have reached an agreement that the dismissal of Yuan Shi Kai should not pass unnoticed. The American, British, German and Japanese ministers met again at the American legation, Sir John N. Jordan, the British minister, joining with Mr. Rockhlll, the American ministers, in# submitting an outline of representations which should be made to the foreign board. The min lsiers disagree on me question as 10 whether the welfare of foreign interestsIs technically Involved by the regents action, but they agree that peace is endangered. The representatives of Great Britain, the United States and Germanyview the regent's action as tantamount to an affront to the powers on account of Yuan Shi Kai's position abroad, hebeing recognized as a medium of fair and equitable treatment toward the nations. The dissenting ministers are of the opinion that unless other serious events occur, interferences would not be justified. Japan concurs in the opinion that the dismissal is certain to- result in inter national injury, but that representations to China would be difficult. There is a marked lack of unanimity among thediplomats in the present situation. The Court's Action a fortnight ago in increasing the palace troops und forbidding the entrance to the palace, even of the highest officials without passes, was taken as an indication at that time nf the alarm fait In ronrt rtn>leo anA It is now bel'eved that there was fear alsoof an anti-dynastic plot. Today the government intimated its intention of making public the impeachment, giving details of Yuan Shi Kal's alleged intrigue upon which his dismissal was based. According to reliable information th? impeachment is framed on charges