The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 03, 1909, Page 32, Image 32

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32 TH1 m mjr Under 10 w -A Strain ? H The muscles always be- H I come sore and stiff. De- H Ivghtful and lotting relief H is immediately had by H Dr. Tichenor's I Antiseptic I Its htaling effect is truly wonderful. Y?o H can t well be without it. Take a bottle home today. H An dratfists 25 and 50 eta. FOR SALE, One, Addresaograph Machine, complete, and in first-class condition. Manufactured by the Addresaograph Company of Chicago, 111. Address or call on CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN, 920 E. Main St. Richmond, Va. E. A. CATLIN Real Estate in all its branches. LOANS A 8PECIALTY. Your Patronage is Solicited. 6 N. Eleventh St. Richmond, Va. Charles K. Bryant AHUni I bCT, Rooms 6-7-8-9 and 10, Third Floor, 1014 East Main 8treet, RICHMOND, - - - VIRGINIA. E. C. Cheatwood. D. P. Edwards. Che&twood Cf Edwards, Lumber Dealers, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, LATHS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, HARDWARE AND INTERIOR TRIM. 1211 EA8T BROAD STREET. Phone 1963 RICHMOND, VA. E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOUT] Buy Your Groceries and Table Delicacies from FEAHNEY'S RAMPART & POYDRAS The Largest Retail Grocery in the South NEW ORLEANS, LA. me safest 8 Quickest Way TO Transfer Money IS BY Long Distance T elephone For Rates Apply to Local Manager. Cumberland Telephone 6 Telegraph Company (incorporated) NEW ORLEANS, LA. If you want to secure a $60 Life Scholarship, by copying a chapter in the Bible, write to HARRIS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Jackson, Miss. | m rw i J- i~. I Bank 12 North Ninth 8treet, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. CAPITAL - - $200,000.00 4 Per Cent ON 8AVING8. WHY DO YOU SCRATCH? Royaline Tetter Ointment will stop that itching or your money back. 50 cents. Druggists or by mail. Royaline Medicine Co., Ltd., Dept. A, New Orleans. ) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I OF MEDICINE,"^Sr.? MEDICINE ? DENTISTRY?FH API MAO Y TUAIIT bdoOUHIK, M.D., Pml<-i Kirct-claas Id Standard mad Facilities. Individual Instruction. Seventy Teacben. Number of Student? Limited to Fifty In each Clam. Three free cat?loguo?-Spodfy DeptrtatBt H. February 3, 1909. Educational UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Richmond Hall, which is the gift of the Presbyterians of Richmond to the Centennial Fund of Union Seminary, is now about ready for occupancy, and stepsare being taken to furnish it. It contain* fnrfv.fnnr ilnrmllnrloo o?... -y uv/i imivia ir.o, IIIC of which have been 3et aside for the use of alumni of the Seminary whenever they are in Richmond, and a movement is already on foot among some of the classes that have graduated recently from the Seminary to furnish these rooms. Certinly nothing could be more appropriate, and it is at the same time a valuable and helpful service to the Seminary. An expression of love for their Alina Mater and of appreciation for her inestimable benefit to them such as this would be very pleasing to the management of the institution, and it is confidently believed that there will be a cheerful response by all to whom such an appeal for this purpose may be presented. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. The latest of the Davidson College Bulletins is the "Endorsement Number." The pamphlet gives an account of the endorsements that have been given by the several synods and presbyteries controlling the College of the movement now being made to secure the hearty and systematic help of all the churches throughout this extensive territory in the work of increas his uaviusuu s euuuwuieni, ana 01 exciting a greater interest in everything that concerns the advancement of the institution financially and otherwise. The Bulletin contains papers adopted by the synods of North and South Carolina, and Georgia and also by many of their presbyteries individually. In North Carolina the following committees have been appointed to co-operate with the president and field represertative of Davidson: Albemarle?Revs. R. C. Deal, W. McC White, D. D., and Elder George Howard. Asheville?Revs. R. P. Smith, R. B. Grinnan, D.D., Elder W. S. Terrell. Concord?Revs. D. P. McGeachy, W. M. Walsh. Elder B. E. Harris. Fayetteville?Revs. W. M. Falrley, W. C. Brown, Elders J. M. McQueen, J. W. McLauchlin, Hector McLean. King's Mountain? Mecklenburg?Rev. A. A. McGeachy, D.D., Elders Chase Breuizer, Jamet* Pharr. Orange?Revs. Neal L. Anderson, D.D.. Eugene L. Slier, Elder M. W. Norfleet. Wilmington?Rev. W. M. Shaw, Elder W. H. Sprunt. I DAVIS AND ELKINS COLLEGE. A great future for the Davis and Elkins College at Elklns, Is predicted by Rev. H. G. Stoetzer, of Fairmont, chairman of the committee on Christian Education of the Synod of West Virginia of the Presbyterian church. By arrangements recently made the half ownership of the college as well as the joint control of It comes under the direction of the West Virg'nia Synod, arid from now on the college will be the representative Presbyterian school of West Virginia.