The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 17, 1909, Page 20, Image 23

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- ?? THE PRI I lake pleasure in laying before you ami the Committee a few laels connected with tlx' organization and inaintainance of one .Mission sabbath school in the mountains of this (Irani country. \V. Va., nisMo" 5u/ MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOL IN to which it was the privilege o! myself and a brother elder, to travel live miles ..V..I-V - - , . ^ U.1UUIMI1 .UICIIIUUU Ul .> U CIOI'K lO meet from sixty to seventy-five people tlittle children, young ladies and youths in their "teens," mothers with babies in their arms, grand-mothers and grayheaden men), and teach them, with the help and by the grace of the Presbyterian Committee of Publication, the profound truths of the gospel as they "are most surely believed by us" who are of the Presbyterian faith. Now then what had the Committee of Publication to do with this school? They sent us promptly on request, absolutely free of cost to us, and the school, abundant literature to conduct this school efficiently in all its branches. Earnest ..orker, leaflets, and Pearls l'or the Little Ones; twenty-two Earnest Workers went into as many homes every month, and each one of these homes, doubtless now has a Commentary on the CHOCTAW PRESBYTER IN Bible which is being studied from time to time with good results. Has it borne perceptible fruit? One bright young girl of fourteen has made profession of her faith in Christ and has been received into ihe church. Hor mother seemed much interested in her own soul's salvation and I think will eventually find the light. Her father who did not attend the Sahbath school yet, is interested in arranging to have sSBYTERI AN OF THE SOUTH. us.rosutne in the spring. Another mother with a family of small children seemed interested, learning the catechism and leaching it to her children. A class of fifteen young girls, from fourteen to seventeen years of age perhaps, learning tile Shorter Catechism, ami apparently !2AY school MOUNTAINS 1 THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. interested in spiritual tilings. These are some of the fruits of the work of the Committee in this school, and I think is largely due to the fact that they have enjoyed all these good things absolutely tree of cost to them. If one soul is of more value than the whole world, then has the church made a good investment in my little Sabbath school last summer? E A HARNESS Petersburg. \V. Vra. A WORD FROM THE WEST To In* abl?; to speak a word of encouragement to our Committee of Publication affords me pleasure. At many times during the years I have been engaged in Home Mission work I have been able to see some of the good results of aid they have granted to .Mission Sunday schools. The church of which I am pastor had its beginning in a mission Sunday school aided by generous donations from our Publication Committee. IAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL ur\L?nuivia. This church now has a growing Sunday school of its own, which during last year had an average attendance of eighty-one. It contributes to our Sabbath school Mission work. Hut for the liberality of our Publication Committee, this and many other churches would have no existence. Let this good work continue with increasing liberality. J. Z. HANEY. Texarkana, Tex. February 17, 1909. Your help in giving us half price on Sunday school supplies has been a great help in our work. We have a large .ix i?vfx/i inn iiiv mi V.UUV i?> inn i<n i;i', 711111 your help by donating one-half lias boon greatly appreciated. This year we air going lo buy and pay for throe-quarters of our supplies. Our enrollment is always between 1 !n and ir.O and the altendanee from eighty-live 10 one hundred, which is considered very good foi a mill town, and there are three oilier smaller Sunday schools in the place. Thanking you for your favors to us. JKSSIK M. iinrsi<:. W. Ilunisvill'- Ala. It has been demonstrated that the Gospel, wheu preached in its purity, can reach and will convert the Mexicans; that the polity and worship of our Church is adapted to them; that when converted the Mexicans will propagate the evan gelical faith, and can !??' trusted, as oliicers or as members, to look sifter their church and to sustain its particular work. Most of the members of the Hondo Church live from live to sixtten mill's from town, yet they are rarely absent on Sabbath. One of its elders caine in sixteen miles on horseback, for over a year, nearly every Sabbath, to conduct the Sabbath school and Sabbatli worship. 1 have seen many instances ol their attachment to their church and their love and devotion to the cause of Christ. They are giving of their means to the limit of their ability. The membership of the Hondo Church y%,v* -% *jg*~g(U&pmS.~ * ^*^Kirn~-~Bn MFXir. AM DDCQDVTCDI a m s*t i * r>^.. ... . 1 uninn ununi,n AND SABBATH SCHOOL. IN SOUTH TEXAS. is t>4. The average attendance at Sanbath school is f>2. WALTER S. SCOTT. Sail Antonio, Texas. "The Sabbath school papers you are sending are read with keenest interest by the young people who can read