The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 17, 1909, Page 22, Image 26

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22 THE PRES1 i~*w> DEPOSITARY OF PRESBYTERIAN CO At Texarkai tiNUOURAGING GROWTH IN OUR SABBATH .SCHOOL WORK. In 1902 the Southern Presbyterian Church organized a department of Sabbath school extension work under the direction of the Publication Committee at Richmond. The special duties of this department are to promote the organization of new Sabbath schools and encourage the workers to equip themselves for more efficient service. The development of the Sabbath school interests of our church during the past six years has been extraordinary and the blessing of God has rested richly upon tne enorts of those in charge of this work. The table below gives the increase in enrollment in the schools of our church but no statement can present the uplift that has come to the workers in our schools, and the blessing the schools have brought to the quarter of a million now under their influence. SIX YEARS' GAIN IN SABBATH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT IN THE SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1902. 1908. Alabama 10,545 12,214 Arkansas 4,794 7,644 Florida 2,539 4,642 (Jeortria is 939 icono w ........ ?U,OiO Kentucky 13,117 15,354 Ixniisiana 4,771 7,084 Mississippi 6,769 . 10,155 Missouri 9,317 11,635 North Carolina 25,397 30,997 South Carolina 12,986 16,395 Tennessee 13,847 16,298 Texas 15,888 25,131 Virginia 37,064 50,969 Grand Total .... 170,256 224,336 Total gain in enrollment 54,070 y 3YTERIAN OF THE SOUTH. MMITTEE OF PUBLICATION ia, Ark.-Texas. ENLARGED HELPFULNESS OF OUR SABBATH SCHOOL LITERATURE. In no department of Its work has the Publication Committee rendered greater aid to the church than in the improved quality and increased circulation of the literature it publishes for use in our Sabbath schools. The enlarged use our schools are making of the literature is shown by the table below which gives the single copies puuusneu eacn year during the past six years. j | A PUBLICATION BUILDING $ February 17, igog. Year. Single Copies Printed. 1902 3,6i6r000 1903 4,619,850 1904 5,333,100 1905 7,378,100 1906 7,572,294 1907 7,731,204 laws ; 8,462.177 This is seen still more clearly when we look at the subscription lists by the year: In January 1905, we had 28,000 subscriptions to the Earnest Worker, in January 1909?3 <,500; in 1905?60,000 subscriptions to tlu* Quarterly, in 1909? 69,000; in 1905?15,000 subscriptions to the Home Department Quarterly, in 1909?21,000; in 1905?15,000 subscriptions to the Junior Quarterly, in 1909? 34,500. This shows in the most practical way the appreciation of our people for the lesson helps published by our Committee. We publish also a few expressions of commendation which 'show how our readers appreciate the improvement in the aualitv Of Olir Partndinolo "I can and do most sincerely congratulate you on the excellence and completeness of the helps you are publishing. I am sure our people will and do appreciate the efforts you and your coworkers of the Committee are making to improve our Sunday school helps." CLIFFORD P. BOLES. Fayetteville, Ark. "I have been looking forward with mticfpated gratification to the appear* . My AT RICHMOND, VA. ' -I