The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 17, 1909, Page 36, Image 44

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36 CHURCH AT LARGE. The Rev. Alfred Harding, D.D., rectrr of St. Paul's parish, Washington, D. C., was consecrated Bishop of Washington with appropriate ceremonies in Trinity P. E. church on Monday, January 25. The Cumberland Church Case: The question of the validity of the union between the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., and the former Cumberland Presb>terian Church, which has been pending in the courts of Kentucky, was settled by a decision handed down by the presiding ,ius: tice of the court of appeals for Kentucky, January 21. The validity of the union is sustained at every point by KontucKy's highest court. This decision reverses the circuit court, which declared for The rights of the Cumberland contestants. The matter is final for Kentucky. The case is stiH pending in Tennessee, where it has been argued, but as yet the decision has not been handed down.?The Westu.mster. Chicago: In the Westminster, of January 30, Rambler tells of a Sunday in Chicago. At night in Orchestra Hall he * -? aticuucu tt pupuiar meeting under the artspices of the Sunday Evening Church Club, and reports as follows: "The crowds are composed of all sorts and conditions of men, the hotel folk being the most distinctive class. It was the Rambler's good fortune to be one of the twelve hundred nersons who heard a Chicago Presbyterian pastor, Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Vance, preach unon Tho noiii?inn <~?i ?VV.ID>VU UL uuua VyilCtJr." It was an ideal sermon for that occasion.. Doubtless, also, it led many persons to seek out Dr. Vance in his own church to hear more of the same sort, (t was a wholesome, vital, satisfactory gospel, the sort that helps men and women to live.' Brotherhood Meetings in Pittsburgh: Plans are being perfected for the third annual convention of the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America, to be held in the First Presbyterian Church, February 2226. A choir of 500 male voices from Pittsburgh and vicinity will lead the singing at the evening sessions. A communInn aorulnA "*uu ~ *? " Yfiin a devotional address, at the opening session on Tuesday afternoon will be a feature of the convention. Rev. Or. Maitland Alexander, pastor-host of the convention, will conduct this service. Some of the speakers who have accepted .-.he invitation of the program committee are:, Hugh ti. Hanna, Indianapolis; John Timothy Stone, D. D., Baltimore; Robert Johnston, D. D., Montreal; John Douglas *dam, D. D., East Orange, N. J.; Presi-. dent Geo. B. Stewart, Auburn, N. Y.; Robert E. Speor, New York; Associate Secretary Warren H. Wilson, Ph. D., New 7ork; John Balcom Shaw, D.D., Chicago; John McDowell, D. D., Newark, N. J.; Chas. S. Holt, Chicago, and a dozen or more 'others. Gipsy Smith had a very powerful meeting in Pittsburgu, and held the center of Donular int*?rr>ot *? ??-~ _ . ? iucic lur iLie in ree weeks he remained in the city. He is now in St. Liouis speaking in the Coliseum, which admits audiences of 12,000. After concluding there, he will visit Kansas City. A thorough union of the evangelical churches has been effected under his leadership wherever he has conducted his missions. y THE PRESBYTERIAN OF THE J 8 More Tk ^ Soda Gra When you e ? you taste som< ditierent from crackers. N The differem ter baking of I the greatest, cl the world, built Uneeda Biscuit. H The differen preserved for Sk package in the tively retains || eludes all dust Silliman Coll CLINTON An endowed school for girls, under Fresbyte Handsome, roomy buildings, beautiful, well-s necessary equipment. Scientific and Classical lfuslc, Art, Expression, Physical Culture. Be students for $146.00. Next session begins Sept For catalogues and Information, address t SOUTH. February 17, igog. ckers Ira at Uneeda Biscuit ^thing delightlully common soda j?jf ce begins with bet- vH best materials, in eanest bakeries in expressly to bake M ce is protected and you by the only I wnr lrt lli of oil DP ft v/i tu UlUl \j1LVj\j~~ tllVi freshness and exand moisture. I SCUIT COMPANY . ittM Cj V f><riatf> Institute , LOUISIANA rlan control. Healthful location in the hilt country, haded grounds. Electric lights. Steam Heat. All I courses leading to degrees. Special adrantagea la >ard and tuition for entire session given twenty-flva tember 16, 1908. :he President. U. H. BROWNLEE, Clinton, Louisiana.