The Presbyterian of the South : [combining the] Southwestern Presbyterian, Central Presbyterian, Southern Presbyterian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1909-1931, February 17, 1909, Page 39, Image 47

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1 February 17, igog. TE Books and Periodicals "How to Talk With God," by a veteran pastor, 16 mo., pp. 97, cloth, 50 cents, net; Philadelphia, The Sunday School Times Company, 1908. A very dainty little book is this in white and gold, with about one-third of its space giving the author's experiences in listening to those who were most effective in prayer and presenting the features which should characterize earn- . est and helnful Dravers. The rest r.t the book is devoted to prayers suitable i to special occasions and conditions. .. Princeton Theological Seminary's Cata- I Ilogue for 1908-1909 is at hand, it shows I an unchanged faculty and a student roll of one hundred and fifty-three, eight of whom are "fellows," seventeen graduate students and six partial students. The Junior Class numbers thirty-two, being smaller than the Middle and Senior Classes. - The number of young men from 1 . the South is much smaller than last year. ".Tesus Is Coming," by W. E. B.; presen- ; tation edition, 12 mo., pp. 252; Chicago. New York, Toronto; Fleming H. Revell i Company. ? Twenty years or more of wide circulation and the issuance of several editions of this little book have thoroughly established its place in the literature oftht pre-niillennial view of the second advent of Christ. The present edition is i prepared as a presentation edition and is dedicated to theological students, missionaries and Christian workers. An added feature is the giving, in the footnotes, most of the Scripture passages cited in the text. "Boy's-Eve View of the Sunday School," by Pucker; 16 mo., pp. viii, 110, cloth, 60 cents, net; Philadelphia, The Sunday School Times Company. This little book contains a good I many practical ideas as to Sunday school OrftalllZntiotl ana nnn^../.t ?* *? * _ vuuuuwi, pui in ruugu I style, ungrammatlcal, and affecting hu mor. A book of the kind that will amuse a little, perhaps, while it really contains some good thoughts and imparts some B| wholesome suggestions. "The Maid of Honor," by Richard S. I Holmes; 12 mo., pp. 374, cloth. $1.50; i New York, Chicago and Toronto; FlemI ing H. Revell Company. I The more carefully we read and exI amine this tale of ministerial life the more we find of power and depth in its pages. As first it appeared somewhat over-strained in its details, and its style did nol at once prove attractive to every reader, being of that kind which leaves much to the reader to fill in, to compl?t6 thp otoi*" ? AX- - - ' ? -.v., iur ,me picture. But as one studies its delineation of character and reads the great principles which furnish the motive of the story, one comes to see the real worth of the hook and its Btrength as well. The true aim of the ministry, the tact it must use to win the erring, the adaptation of Christ's ro 1 [E PRESBYTERIAN OF THE SOL ligion to the condition of the most abject and hopeless, the peculiar characters which it encounters and moulds even while leaving them in all their originality, are strongly and vividly portrayed, and all are hung upon a thread of story which is most interesting in its development, albeit it circles around an impossible girl and a minister who was altogether too perfect to be represented as his own biographer. "The Panorama of Creation as Presented in Genesis Considered in its Relation with the Autographic Record as Deciphered by Scientists, by David L. Holbrook; 12 mo., pp. vill, 87, cloth, 50 After using Dr. Tichenc > It promptly and effectively miff Tired, Aching feet. Wff The soothing coolness felt W application is indeed grateful?if and "feels good on the feet." Use it tonight ? you will I Druflists 25 and 50 cts. Excursion Central of Georj To WASHINGTON, D. C.?Account Pr Tickets on sale February 28, March 1, 2 a: 1909. Passengers must leave Washingb 1909. To BIRMINGHAM, ALA?Account La rian Church in the U. S., February 16-1 and for trains scheduled to arrive in Bir 1909. Final return limit leaving Blrmin, To I^OTTTSVTT .1.17! KV?A CA..ik April 12-24, 1909. Tickets on sale April 1 Louisville returning not later than April For full information in regard to tota ticket agent. J. C. HAILE, Gen BETHANY HOM 1643 N. Claiborne Ave New ( Has large, airy rooms. Operating rooi and instruments. Under Presbyterian m Influences. Offering every convenience an Phone Hemlock 421. . 4 Chenet lnstitu 3507 M XG \ZINE S TREI New Orleans Louisie rTH. 39 cents, net; Philadelphia, The Sunday School Times Company. This little volume is an attempt to establish a common viewpoint for Genesis and geology by tracing the parallel between them when looked at as it were by a human observer on the surface of the enrth during the successive stages of the creation panorama. "Let the panels of the biblical panorama be regarded as so many paintings of geological landscapes, such as may be seen on the walls of a college museum, and it will then appear whether they afford suitable illustrations to insert at intervals in the geological history of the world." Tired r's Antiseptic rjS'/ Fares via. E>ia Railway Co. esidential Inauguration, March 4, 1909. ud 3, 1909. Final return limit March 10, on not later than midnight of March 8, ymen's Miss.onary Movement, Presbyte8, 1909. Tickets on sale February 14-15, mingham before 1:00 p.m. February 16, gham not later than February 20, 1909. ern Electrical and Industrial Exposition, 1, 12, 19 and 20, 1909, good to leave 26, It j. 1 rates, schedules, etc., apply to nearest eral Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. [E SANITARIUM, nue. Cor. Allon street, Irleans, n furnished with all the modern appliance! anagement and surrounded with religious A OTPplloni nnralnv fnr t.rme onnlw FERDINAND KOELLE, Secretary. te Sound Practical Education to Young Men. Prepare* for Universities and ?T Professional Schools. Thorough Bookkeeping and 8horthand Courses at Moderate Rates.